Consider the definitions of “leader” and “manager.” What are the characteristics of a leader and a manager? Posted by Dr. Hector May 5, 2020 Leader versus Manager As a healthcare manager, being able to discern the difference between a…
Analyze the possible conditions from your colleagues’ differential diagnoses. Posted by Dr. Hector May 5, 2020 Assignment: Analyze the possible conditions from your colleagues' differential diagnoses. Determine which of the…
What are key opportunities related to advocacy and politics interventions that can be taken by advanced practice nurses to improve our current health system? Posted by Dr. Hector May 5, 2020 Review both resources provided below in addition to the assigned readings for this week. 1-…
Explore the basics of mixed methods research designs, calling upon your growing understanding of both quantitative and qualitative research. Posted by Dr. Hector May 5, 2020 This week’s readings provide an overview of various types of mixed methods research designs. As…
Describe your overall experience with the moral and ethical dialog exercise. Posted by Dr. Hector May 5, 2020 The following questions refer to your experience in this week's exercise as a Case Manager,…
What is the best explanation of the difference between evidence-based practice and best practices? Posted by Dr. Hector May 5, 2020 1) ***********1 full page**************************** (cover or reference page not included) 2)¨**********APA norms 3)********** It will be…
Post a brief description of your patient’s health needs from the patient case study you assigned. Be specific. Then, explain the type of treatment regimen you would recommend for treating your patient, including the choice or pharmacotherapeutics you would recommend and explain why. Be sure to justify your response. Explain a patient education strategy you might recommend for assisting your patient with the management of their health needs. Be specific and provide examples. Posted by Dr. Hector May 5, 2020 Infectious Disease And Hematologic Disorder A 46-year-old, 230lb woman with a family history of…
Describe the nurse’s role and responsibility as health educator. Posted by Dr. Hector May 5, 2020 250 WORDS CITATION, REFERENCE, USE THOSE WEBSITES FOR ANSWER THE DISCUSSION. Smith, J.A. PhD, Zsohar,…
Provide three differential diagnoses based on Janet’s subjective and objective data and discuss your reasoning for each. Posted by Dr. Hector May 5, 2020 1. Provide three differential diagnoses based on Janet’s subjective and objective data and discuss your…
Go to the NINR website: and identify the four current priorities for nursing research under NURSING RESEARCH DEVELOPS KNOWLEDGE TO…. Do you agree with the priorities or would you recommend addition or elimination of some of the priorities? Describe how these research initiatives can be translated into evidence-based practice in your work environment. Posted by Dr. Hector May 5, 2020 PLEASE ANSWER EACH ONE SEPARATELY WITH ITS OWN REFERENCES. 400 WORDS EACH, APA FORMAT 1)…