3 SOAP Notes Objective Examples | Guide & Outline

The OBJECTIVE section of a SOAP note plays is a critical component as it helps assess, evaluate and document the correct and accurate data on a patient a PMHNP or APRN. This short guide includes 3 SOAP note objective examples you can use when writing. Alternatively, since most have to do these SOAP notes every other week, let our nursing writers do it for you this week as you do other important things.(SOAP Notes objective examples)

(SOAP Notes objective examples)

SOAP Notes objective examples 1

Objective                Vitals: Height: 5’10”    Weight: 170    BMI: 24.4    BP: 128/24    HR: 78    RR: 16    T: 98.6F  
Labs: Unavailable at this time.   (SOAP Notes objective examples)
Mental Status Exam: Observation: Appearance: Clothing soiled, but appropriately dressed for age and season
Speech: Spontaneous, appropriate rate, appropriate tone, and low volume without pressured speech, with some problems expressing self
Eye contact: Intermittent
Motor Activity: Normal(SOAP Notes objective examples)
Affect: Full, even, and congruent with mood
Mood: “Good”
Cognition: Orientation: Alert, oriented to person, place, time, and situation
Memory: Intact
Attention/Concentration: Limited Perception: Reports auditory and visual hallucinations Thought Content: Suicidality: None
Homicidality: None
Delusions: None
Thought Process: Disorganized with a flight of ideas
Behavior: Cooperative and conversant, appears without acute distress
Insight: Poor
Judgment: Poor  
Schizophrenia Assessment Tool: PANSS positive scale score: 24 PANSS negative scale score: 12 PANSS general psychopathology scale score: 33 Total PANSS score= 69  
Alcohol Use Assessment Tool: AUDIT score= 36  
and Cocaine Use Assessment Tool: DAST-10 score= 8  
Physical Exam: Not applicable(SOAP Notes objective examples)
This short guide includes 3 SOAP note objective examples you can use when writing. Alternatively, since most have to do these SOAP notes every other week, let our nursing writers do it for you this week as you do other important things.(SOAP Notes objective examples)

This short guide includes 3 SOAP note objective examples you can use when writing. Alternatively, since most have to do these SOAP notes every other week, let our nursing writers do it for you this week as you do other important things.(SOAP Notes objective examples)

SOAP Notes objective example 2

Objective Vital Signs: Stable
BMI Range:

Lab findings WNL
Tox screen: Negative
Alcohol: Negative

Physical Exam:
Patient is cooperative and conversant, appears without acute distress, and fully oriented x 4.

Patient is dressed appropriately for age and season. Psychomotor activity appears within normal.
Presents with appropriate eye contact, euthymic affect – full, even, congruent with reported mood of “x”. Speech: spontaneous, normal rate, appropriate volume/tone with no problems expressing self.(SOAP Notes objective examples)
TC: no abnormal content elicited, denies suicidal ideation, and denies homicidal ideation. Process appears linear, coherent, and goal-directed. (SOAP notes objective examples)
Cognition appears grossly intact with appropriate attention span & concentration and average fund of knowledge.
The judgment appears fair. Insight appears fair

The patient is able to articulate needs, and is motivated for compliance and adherence to a medication regimen. The patient is willing and able to participate in treatment, disposition, and discharge planning.(SOAP Notes objective examples)

This is where the “facts” are located.
**Physical Exam (if performed, will not be performed every visit in every setting)
Include relevant labs, and test results, and Include MSE, risk assessment here, and psychiatric screening measure results.

This short guide includes 3 SOAP note objective examples you can use when writing. Alternatively, since most have to do these SOAP notes every other week, let our nursing writers do it for you this week as you do other important things.(SOAP Notes objective examples)

SOAP Notes objective example 3

Objective              Vital Signs: BP 151/97, HR 90, Temp 97.5, RR 19, O2 97%
Lab tests results CBC:  currently unavailable. TSH- 1.9mU/L BUN levels- 12 mg/dL Serum creatinine levels 0.64mg/dL
Physical Exam: None Contributory.
MSE: Appearance: Well groomed, dressed for the occasion and appears the stated age
Behavior: Composed, focused with intermittent eye contact
Attitude: Cooperative, easy to establish a discussion
Level of consciousness: Awake, Alert
Orientation: A*4
Speech and Language: Soft clear, coherent
Mood: context appropriate
Affect: Mood congruent, moderately restricted
Thought process/form: organized, goal directed, logical
Thought content: Depressed, suicidal ideations
Suicidality and homicidally: Has history of suicide attempts denies homicidal thoughts
Insight and judgement: Insight considered to be good, judgement moderate
Attention span: adequate to the needs of an outpatient program, age appropriate
Memory: Both recent and remote deemed intact
Intellectual functionality: Intellectually capable
Relevant Screening Tools GAD-7: Was used to screen for generalized anxiety and her score was 13 –moderate anxiety
Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) -12 moderate depression
Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C- SSRS): Moderate risk Appearance: Good hygiene, neat appearance, looks stated age
This short guide includes 3 SOAP note objective examples you can use when writing. Alternatively, since most have to do these SOAP notes every other week, let our nursing writers do it for you this week as you do other important things.

What to learn more about soap notes? You might find these interesting (SOAP notes objective examples)

This short guide includes 3 SOAP note objective examples you can use when writing. Alternatively, since most have to do these SOAP notes every other week, let our nursing writers do it for you this week as you do other important things.

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This short guide includes 3 SOAP note objective examples you can use when writing. Alternatively, since most have to do these SOAP notes every other week, let our nursing writers do it for you this week as you do other important things.

This short guide includes 3 SOAP note objective examples you can use when writing. Alternatively, since most have to do these SOAP notes every other week, let our nursing writers do it for you this week as you do other important things.