Exploring Concerns in Youth Mental Health: Focus on Pediatrics and Adolescents

NU 674 Unit 11 Assignment – Suicidality in Pediatrics and Adolescents


Complete a SOAP Note as if you were the psychotherapist in the video from this week’s resources. To view the video again click here.

Then write a one-page summary highlighting the warning signs of suicidality in Pediatrics and adolescent patients and why you chose the treatment plan you choose in your SOAP Note.(Comprehensive Essay Example on Suicidality in Pediatrics and Adolescents for Nursing Students)

Unit 11 Required Resources


Required Reading

Sadock, B.J., Sadock, V.A. & Ruiz, P. (2014). Synopsis of psychiatry (11th ed.). London, England: Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins.

·         Chapter 6: Classification in Psychiatry

·         Chapter 23: Emergency Psychiatric Medicine

o    23.1: Suicide

o    23.3: Psychiatric Emergencies in Children

·         Chapter 28: Psychotherapies

Watch: Simulation Scenario – Adolescent Risk Assessment

Use the SOAP Note rubric to guide you.


NU674 Unit 11 Assignment – Suicidality in Pediatrics and Adolescents Rubric

NU674 Unit 11 Assignment – Suicidality in Pediatrics and Adolescents Rubric




This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSubjective Information

9 pts

Level 5

Complete and concise summary of pertinent information.

6 pts

Level 3

Well organized; partial but accurate summary of pertinent information (>80%).

3 pts

Level 1

Poorly organized and/or limited summary of pertinent information (50%-80%); information other than “S” provided.

0 pts

Level 0

Less than 50% of pertinent information is addressed; or is grossly incomplete and/or inaccurate.

9 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeObjective Information

9 pts

Level 5

Complete and concise summary of pertinent information.

6 pts

Level 3

Partial but accurate summary of pertinent information (>80%).

3 pts

Level 1

Poorly organized and/or limited summary of pertinent information (50%-80%); information other than “O” provided.

0 pts

Level 0

Less than 50% of pertinent information is addressed, or is grossly incomplete and/or inaccurate.

9 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAssessment: Problem Identification and Prioritization

9 pts

Level 5

Complete problem list generated and rationally prioritized; no extraneous information or issues listed.

6 pts

Level 3

Most problems are identified and rationally prioritized, including the “main” problem for the case (>80%).

3 pts

Level 1

Some problems are identified (50%-80%); incomplete or inappropriate problem prioritization; includes nonexistent problems or extraneous information included.(Comprehensive Essay Example on Suicidality in Pediatrics and Adolescents for Nursing Students)

0 pts

Level 0

Less than 50% of problems are listed; or main problem missed; or problems not prioritized and/or identified nonexistent problems.(Comprehensive Essay Example on Suicidality in Pediatrics and Adolescents for Nursing Students)

9 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAssessment: Assessment of Current Psychiatric & Medical Condition(s) or Drug Therapy-related Problem(Comprehensive Essay Example on Suicidality in Pediatrics and Adolescents for Nursing Students)

9 pts

Level 5

An optimal and thorough assessment is present for each problem.

6 pts

Level 3

An assessment is present for each problem listed but not optimal.

3 pts

Level 1

Assessment is present for 50-80% of problems

0 pts

Level 0

Less than 50% of problems include an appropriate assessment.

9 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAssessment: Treatment Goals

9 pts

Level 5

Appropriate and relevant therapeutic goals for each identified problem.

6 pts

Level 3

Appropriate therapeutic goals for most identified problems (>80%).

3 pts

Level 1

Appropriate therapeutic goals for a few identified problems (50%-80%).

0 pts

Level 0

Less than 50% of problems have appropriate therapeutic goals.

9 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePlan: Treatment Plan

9 pts

Level 5

Specific, appropriate and justified recommendations (including drug name, strength, route, frequency, and duration of therapy) for each identified problem.

6 pts

Level 3

Mostly complete and appropriate for each identified problem (>80%).

3 pts

Level 1

Partially complete and/or inappropriate for a few identified problems (50%-80%); information other than “P” provided.

0 pts

Level 0

Less than 50% of problems have an appropriate and complete treatment plan.

9 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePlan: Counseling, Referral, Monitoring & Follow-up

6 pts

Level 5

Specific patient education points, monitoring parameters, follow-up plan and (where applicable) referral plan for each identified problem.(Comprehensive Essay Example on Suicidality in Pediatrics and Adolescents for Nursing Students)

3 pts

Level 3

Patient education points, monitoring parameters, follow-up plan and referral plan (where applicable) for >80% of identified problems.

1.5 pts

Level 1

Patient education points, monitoring parameters, follow-up plan and referral plan (where applicable) for a few identified problems (50%-80%).(Comprehensive Essay Example on Suicidality in Pediatrics and Adolescents for Nursing Students)

0 pts

Level 0

Less than 50% of problems include appropriate counseling, monitoring, referral and/or follow-up plan.

6 pts

Total Points: 60 (NU674 Unit 11 Assignment – Suicidality in Pediatrics and Adolescents)


Comprehensive Essay Example on Suicidality in Pediatrics and Adolescents for Nursing Students

(Comprehensive Essay Example on Suicidality in Pediatrics and Adolescents for Nursing Students)


Addressing mental health challenges among young individuals is a critical aspect of healthcare, with suicidality presenting a concerning issue in pediatrics and adolescents. Nursing students hold a vital role in identifying, assessing, and intervening in instances of suicidality within this susceptible demographic. This essay delves into the intricate landscape of suicidality, considering risk factors, evaluation techniques, and evidence-based nursing interventions tailored to the unique requirements of young individuals.(Comprehensive Essay Example on Suicidality in Pediatrics and Adolescents for Nursing Students)

Understanding Suicidality:

Suicidal tendencies, encompassing thoughts, ideation, or actual attempts, are distressing indicators of mental strain in children and adolescents. These age groups may lack the emotional maturity to effectively manage stressors, rendering them more prone to experiencing thoughts of suicide. Elements such as cognitive development, peer interactions, family dynamics, academic pressures, and hormonal shifts contribute to the intricate nature of suicidality in this population.(Comprehensive Essay Example on Suicidality in Pediatrics and Adolescents for Nursing Students)

Risk Factors:

  1. Mental Health Disorders: Conditions like depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and borderline personality disorder significantly raise the risk of suicidal tendencies.
  2. History of Trauma or Abuse: A background of physical, emotional, or sexual abuse amplifies vulnerability to suicidal thoughts.(Comprehensive Essay Example on Suicidality in Pediatrics and Adolescents for Nursing Students)
  3. Family Environment: Dysfunctional families, inadequate communication, neglect, and domestic violence can contribute to thoughts of suicide.
  4. Bullying and Peer Pressure: Negative peer interactions, including cyberbullying, can worsen feelings of isolation and exclusion.
  5. Substance Abuse: Substance misuse can impair judgment and exacerbate emotional distress, elevating the risk of suicidal behaviors.(Comprehensive Essay Example on Suicidality in Pediatrics and Adolescents for Nursing Students)
  6. Access to Lethal Means: Easy access to firearms or medications increases the likelihood of successful suicide attempts.
  7. Cultural and Societal Factors: Stigmatization of mental health and limited access to care can discourage seeking help.


Nursing students must be skilled in identifying signs of suicidality through thorough assessments. Utilizing reputable assessment tools like the Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS) and employing direct, empathetic communication is crucial. Key evaluation points encompass gauging the presence of suicidal ideation, the intensity and frequency of these thoughts, self-harm plans, and the availability of means.(Comprehensive Essay Example on Suicidality in Pediatrics and Adolescents for Nursing Students)

Nursing Interventions:

  1. Building Therapeutic Bonds: Establishing trust and rapport with the young patient is essential for effective intervention.
  2. Safety Planning: Collaborating with the patient, family, and mental health professionals to formulate a safety plan outlining coping strategies and emergency contacts.
  3. Educating on Mental Health: Offering age-appropriate insights about mental health, coping mechanisms, and available support services.(Comprehensive Essay Example on Suicidality in Pediatrics and Adolescents for Nursing Students)
  4. Managing Crisis Situations: In instances of acute risk, maintaining composure, assessing immediate danger, and involving appropriate healthcare personnel.
  5. Involving Family: Engaging family members in treatment planning, addressing family dynamics contributing to stressors.
  6. Collaborating with Experts: Consulting psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers for a comprehensive treatment approach.(Comprehensive Essay Example on Suicidality in Pediatrics and Adolescents for Nursing Students)
  7. Encouraging Resilience: Promoting the development of healthy coping mechanisms like mindfulness, exercise, and creative pursuits.(Comprehensive Essay Example on Suicidality in Pediatrics and Adolescents for Nursing Students)
  8. Ongoing Monitoring: Regularly assessing the patient’s progress, adapting interventions based on their response.


Addressing suicidality in pediatric and adolescent populations necessitates a holistic approach from nursing students. By comprehending distinctive risk factors, utilizing effective evaluation strategies, and implementing evidence-based interventions, nursing students can contribute significantly to preserving lives and nurturing the mental well-being of the younger generation. As frontline caregivers, nurses are equipped to provide crucial support, guidance, and care to those grappling with suicidality during their developmental years.(Comprehensive Essay Example on Suicidality in Pediatrics and Adolescents for Nursing Students)

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