This article provides a sample solution essay about 68-Year-Old Black Female Case Study Analysis.
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EB is a 68-year-old black female who comes in for follow-up of hypertension. She has glaucoma and her vision has been worsening during the past few years. She lives alone and is prescribed four hypertension medications (Hydralazine 50 mg PO Q8H, Metoprolol XL 200 mg PO Q12H, Lisinopril 40 mg PO daily, and HCTZ 25mg PO daily ). She brings in her medication bottles and she has some medication bottles from the previous year full of medications. She is missing one medication she had been prescribed and says she may have forgotten it at home. Her BP in clinic today is 182/99 with HR of 84.(68-Year-Old Black Female Case Study Analysis) …
What You Will Learn
68-Year-Old Black Female Case Study Analysis
Patient assessments and interviewing should factor in the needs and specific characteristics of the patient. The interaction with Ms. EB has to account for her age, gender, previous diagnosis, and ethnicity due to the high risk of hypertension among African Americans. In assessing the patient, I will be sensitive to her age and elderly status from the onset. This will help establish a rapport that will allow the patient to openly communicate on her physical and emotional well-being (Alsan, Garrick, & Graziani, 2019). Secondly, I will be sensitive to the fact that the patient does have a caregiver and lives alone. Considering these social issues will allow me to understand the perspectives of the patient to her well-being and on critical health issues such as medication adherence and compliance.(68-Year-Old Black Female Case Study Analysis) Social support is an essential aspect of the well-being of an older adult. Hence the interaction will involve verbal acknowledgment and legitimization of the patient’s feelings and reassurance on availability to help. I will also try to understand the barriers to care and compliance. This will be established through open-ended questions that attempt to have the patient elaborate on her situation and provide an emotional and social context of the symptoms (Whittle et al., 2017). I will also try to understand the patient’s view on the medication regimes and how ethnic or cultural stereotypes might influence this. This includes the patient’s understanding of side effects, the usefulness of medications, and the specific factors contributing to non-compliance.(68-Year-Old Black Female Case Study Analysis) As you continue, has the top and most qualified writers to help with any of your assignments. All you need to do is place an order with us. (68-Year-Old Black Female Case Study Analysis) The targeted questions to ask the patient include- Could you tell me a bit about how yourself and how you are feeling?
- What do you think caused the problem?(68-Year-Old Black Female Case Study Analysis)
- How bad is the illness?(68-Year-Old Black Female Case Study Analysis)
- What do you fear most about your health and well-being?
- Do you think treatment and management will help?