Hematology/Cardiac Handout -Neurology/AntiInfective Handout ( LOOK AT ASSIGNMENT AND ATTACHMEMT BEFORE ACCEPTING)

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Anti-infective Medications

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Answer in 25 words or less if possible.

Use your own words only.

1) What is the mechanism of action for prednisone?

2) What are two side effects of taking prednisone?

3) What type of nursing care should you provide to patients taking prednisone?

4) Name one contraindication of taking prednisone.

5) What explanation could you offer to your patient to explain the safety of a “7-day tapering course of prednisone” order?

6) What would be an indication for blood cultures?

7) Describe the process for obtaining blood cultures.

8) Discuss the difference between viral infection and bacterial infection.

9) Give an example of a viral infection and how it is treated.

10) Give an example of a bacterial infection and how it is treated.

11) What is a nursing diagnosis and associated intervention for a patient with an infectious disease?

12) What is a gram-negative bacterium and name a medication that is used for treatment?

13) What is a gram-positive bacterium and name a medication that is used for treatment?

14) Describe the mechanism of action for each type of penicillin (Remember in your own words). Provide an example.

Penicillin Mechanism of Action Example

15) What nursing education would you provide to a patient who is prescribed penicillin?

Respiratory Case Study

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List at least one reference to support your answers.

Use your own words only.

1) Winter is a 4-year-old girl with a history of asthma. Her mother has brought her in an “asthma attack”. Winter is sitting in her mother’s lap and breathing rapidly through an open mouth. She has a cough that sounds congested and wheezy. The physician has already ordered a nebulized treatment containing albuterol (Proventil) and ipratropium bromide (Atrovent).

2) Mr. Chung is a 68-year-old man complaining of cough, sore throat, fatigue, and weakness. His BP is 166/82, pulse is 90, respirations are 26, and temperature is 100.4 degrees.

3) Jackson is a 19-year-old man who has had a sudden onset of right-sided chest pain and shortness of breath. His chest x-ray film revealed a right pneumothorax, and he is currently receiving 35% oxygen by face mask while waiting for an ambulance to transport him to the hospital for further evaluation.

4) Ms. Summers is a 45-year-old homemaker. She says she has been extremely tired, easily becomes short of breath, and is unable to complete her chores without frequent rest breaks. She is pale and seems tired. Her vital signs are as follows: BP 136/78, pulse 86, respirations 24 and unlabored; temp 98.4 and pulse oximetry 98% on room air. She is now waiting for her lab results, which include a complete blood count (CBC).

Answer the following questions that pertain to the above patients.

a. Which patients are experiencing problems with ventilation? Explain your answer.

b. Which patient appears to be experiencing problems with hypoxia? Does the problem appear to be related to oxygenation or perfusion? Explain your answers.

c. Mr. Chung has smoked two packs of cigarettes per day for 50 years. ABGs reveal a low PO2 and a high PCO2 consistent with chronic lung disease. He is diagnosed with an acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis. He is placed on oral antibiotics and long acting bronchodilators by metered-dose inhaler (MDI). What teaching could you offer to help Mr. Chung mobilize and expectorate secretions?

d. Winter receives her nebulizer treatment and markedly improves. The physician has ordered a variety of take-home medications that you must teach her mother about. The treatment plan includes a protocol based on peak expiratory flow monitoring. Discuss how you might involve Mary in her own care.

e. Jackson’s chest x-ray film reveals a spontaneous pneumothorax. There is no apparent fluid in the pleural space. What chest tube systems can be used to treat his pneumothorax? Explain your thinking.

f. Ms. Summers is diagnosed with severe anemia. She is hospitalized because her hemoglobin is 5.9 g/dL. How will this affect her oxygenation? What interventions would improve her fatigue?

Cardiovascular Medications

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Answer in 25 words or less if possible.

Use your own words only.

1. Define the following terms in your own words.

Cardiac output
Refractory period.

2. What is Angina Pectoris? (In your own words please)

Fill in the table below

What is Angina?
What causes it?
Describe the symptoms

3. Angina can be a recurring problem or a sudden, acute health concern. There are different types of angina. Fill in the table below.

Stable angina
Unstable angina
Prinzmetal’s angina

4. Nitrate medications can be administered to patients by various routes. Fill in the table for each route.

Route Advantages Nursing Implications/Teaching
Oral Capsules
Topical Ointment

5. Name one medication that is contraindicated with nitrates. What effect does it have if given with a nitrate?

6. Name one medical condition that is contraindicated with nitrates. What effect does nitrates have on that particular medical condition?

7. How would you instruct a patient having an angina attack to take their sublingual nitro? Please list instructions in order.

8. How would you instruct a client on how to use their transdermal nitro?

9. How would you instruct a client on the storage of anti-angina medications?

10. Name a drug other than a nitrate that is used to treat angina?

Hypertension Medications

11. What is Hypertension?

12. What is Arterial Hypertension?

13. What is the relationship between hypertension and fluid volume?

14. Use the table below to describe the action of each class of blood pressure medications.

Class Action
ACE Inhibitors
Beta Blockers.

Answer the following critical thinking questions.

15. The nurse is preparing medication education for a patient who has been prescribed captopril (Capoten). Discuss the essential information that the patient should receive as part of this education.

16. State the nursing assessments needed to monitor therapeutic response and the development of common and serious adverse effects from beta-adrenergic blocking agents and calcium channel blockers. Differentiate the drugs according to indications of therapy.

17. What are two patient educational objectives for a patient receiving beta-adrenergic blocking agents for treatment of hypertension?

18. Lifestyle modifications are extremely important for the treatment of hypertension, but habits can be difficult to change for patients. Discuss education and referrals that the nurse will include.

Situation: A 64-year-old man comes to the emergency department with acute chest pain. He is holding his chest with his fist directly over the sternum. He is diaphoretic. He is in work clothes and has been mowing the lawn. It is 98º F outside.

19. What nursing actions would be appropriate immediately?

20. What drugs would likely be ordered if this were acute angina pectoris?

21. If a stat dose of nitroglycerin sublingual spray were ordered, what instructions would you give the patient for administering it?

Situation: When giving morning medications in the nursing home, the nurse comes to an order to apply a 2.5-mg Nitro-Dur patch to a patient. The medication administration record (MAR) indicates that the previous patch was applied to the right scapular area, but the patch is not there.

22. How would you proceed to execute the order?

23. Summarize the actions of each major classification of drugs used to treat angina pectoris.

24. Identify pre assessment data that should be obtained before initiating drug therapy for angina.

25. Lopressor Descriptions
Generic Name
Therapeutic Effect
Most frequent side effect
Nursing intervention

Neurology Medications

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Answer in 25 words or less if possible.

Use your own words only.

1. Define the below terms as it relates to the neurologic system.


2. What nursing interventions are appropriate for a postsurgical patient after receiving general anesthesia?

3. Describe the difference between selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and monoamine oxidase inhibitors?

a. Give an example of each.

b. Discuss the difference in nursing interventions.

4. Describe the difference between atypical antidepressants and mood stabilizers.

a. Give an example of each.

b. Discuss the difference in nursing interventions.

5. What are the drugs of choice for epilepsy in pregnant women?

a. What is the mechanism of action for those drugs?

b. What is one contraindication?

c. What is an appropriate nursing diagnosis?

6. What nursing interventions are appropriate for an epileptic pregnant woman?

7. What nursing education should you give to the patient and their family?

8. Name a medication used to treat ADHD.

a. What is that medication’s mechanism of action?

b. What is one contraindication?

c. What is an appropriate nursing intervention?

9. How could you differentiate between addiction and pseudo-addiction in patients who are taking medications for ADHD?

10. How could you differentiate between addiction and pseudo-addiction in patients who are taking opioids?

11. Describe the parasympathetic nervous system.

12. Describe the sympathetic nervous system.

13. For each generalized seizure state the medication used for treatment and a nursing intervention. Note: some seizures can be treated using the same medication, however you should list a different medication for each.

Seizure Medication Nursing Intervention
Absence seizures
Status epilepticus
Tonic clonic
Partial seizures

14. Describe Parkinson’s disease.

15. What two main classes of medications are used for treatment of Parkinson’s disease? Give an example of each class.