case studies

case studies.


Identify a friend, peer, or family member you can interview to collect subjective data, as though they were a new patient in your office. 

Conduct an interview.

Document the subjective findings in a word document and submit to Canvas.  This will be evaluated by the clinical faculty. 

Estimated time to complete: 1 hour


NU610 Unit 2 Assignment – Case Studies Rubric

NU610 Unit 2 Assignment – Case Studies Rubric




This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSubjective Data

40 pts

Highly Proficient

Elements of subjective data (CC, HPI, PMH, Allergy identification, Medication Reconciliation, Social History, Family History, Health Promotion, and ROS) are adeptly documented and demonstrate consistent information across all aspects represented

32 pts


Elements of subjective data (CC, HPI, PMH, Allergy identification, Medication Reconciliation, Social History, Family History, Health Promotion, and ROS) are appropriately documented and demonstrate consistent information across all aspects represented

24 pts

Marginally Proficient

Elements of subjective data (CC, HPI, PMH, Allergy identification, Medication Reconciliation, Social History, Family History, Health Promotion, and ROS) are satisfactorily documented but do not demonstrate consistent information across all aspects represented

16 pts

Approaching Proficiency

Elements of subjective data (CC, HPI, PMH, Allergy identification, Medication Reconciliation, Social History, Family History, Health Promotion, and ROS) are either not satisfactorily documented or do not demonstrate consistent information across all aspects represented

8 pts

Not Proficient

Elements of subjective data (CC, HPI, PMH, Allergy identification, Medication Reconciliation, Social History, Family History, Health Promotion, and ROS) are not satisfactorily documented and do not demonstrate consistent information across all aspects represented

0 pts

Not Evident

There are elements of subjective data (CC, HPI, PMH, Allergy identification, Medication Reconciliation, Social History, Family History, Health Promotion, and ROS) that are not provided in assignment.

40 pts

Total Points: 40



case studies