Complete the following Assessment Coding

Student Name: Student ID:

Group: Date:

Assessment Coding

Assessment for this unit of competency is based on competency based grading. All assessment tasks, except Practical Observations and Clinical Placements are weighted and graded. Overall final grades applied to this unit of competency are:

Competency Not Achieved (CNA)0-49% Competency achieved – graded (CAG)50-59% Competent with Credit (CC)60-69% Competent with Distinction (CDI)70-79% Competent with High Distinction (CHD)80-100%


Any re-assessment is conducted as soon as practicable after you have been informed of the requirement to be re-assessed and have been given the opportunity to be re-trained and assimilate the training. You are re-assessed only in the areas your assessor deems that you have not met the required standard. It is at the assessor/s discretion to re-assess the entire assessment should it be demonstrated an overall understanding of this unit has not been achieved.

Reasonable Adjustment for this unit College Based Workplace Based
Assistance of a learning support teacher for LLN issues Choose an item. Choose an item.
Modifications to physical environment, e.g. wheelchair access Choose an item. Choose an item.
Changes to course design, e.g. instead of written assessment task – change to verbal questioning & assessor to write the answers Choose an item. Choose an item.
Changes in lecture schedules and arrangements, e.g. relocating classes to an accessible venue Choose an item. Choose an item.
I acknowledge the assessment process has been explained and agree to undertake assessment. I am aware of Careers Australia’s appeals process, should the need arise. I also understand that I must be assessed as ‘satisfactory’ in all parts of the assessment to gain a competent result for this unit of competency. I declare that the work contained in this assessment is my own, except where acknowledgement of sources is made. I understand that a person found responsible for academic misconduct will be subject to disciplinary action (refer to student handbook).
Student Signature:­ Date:
Assessor use only
Assessor Comment/Feedback: ­

Assessor Name: ____________________ Assessor Signature: ________________

Date: _________________ Result: _________%

Resubmission: YES / NO Due Date: ________________

Office use only:

Results entered by: Date: Skills Centre:

ASSESSMENT: Research Project


PASS RATE: Candidate must obtain 50% (CC) or greater to pass.

WORD LIMIT RANGE: 2,000 – 3,000 words (no more)

  • You MUST answer all the questions, except 2.1 as it is an optional task.
  • Use the templates provided.
  • Read the whole assessment at the end of the first class.
  • This assessment is to be done IN PAIRS. Educators will allocate the pairs.
  • You will be marked individually.
  • Do not wait until the last minute to complete the assessment as this is a time-consuming assessment – you should start as early as possible.
  • You may use the PowerPoints for this unit, your Tabbner’s textbook and the learning activities to help you complete the assessment.
  • You are required to communicate verbally and/or in writing with your educator throughout the assessment to ensure you understand the process and to clarify any areas of uncertainty.
  • You are required to apply your Professional Standards of Practice throughout the written and oral components of this assessment:
  • ANMC Code of Conduct
  • ANMC Code of Ethics
  • NMBA Enrolled nurse standards for practice
  • State/territory Nurse Regulatory Nurses Act
  • State/territory Nursing and Midwifery Regulatory Authority Standards of Practice
  • Scope of nursing practice decision making framework
  • You are also required to apply an appropriate research approach to nursing practice within the scope of the Enrolled/Division 2 Nurse and use nursing research methodologies and resources appropriately.
  • You will need to provide the exact number of words at the end of the proposal. Word count does NOT include:
  • Responses to tasks 2.1 & 4.2, and
  • The pre-existing templates, instructions and questions.

The research proposal must address the following topics:

1. Research topic
1.1 In order to complete this assessment, you will need to identify a research question/hypothesis related to a specific topic, such as:Infection control

You may choose a different topic, but your educator must agree with the topic you have chosen.

Your nursing research question or hypothesis may include:

½ Nursing interventions applicable to the topic

½ Client perceptions of the provision of this topic

½ Models of nursing care that utilise the topic

½ Political issues confronting nursing practice and health care provision in relation to the topic

An example of a question (the student can NOT use this example), would be:

Does hand washing among healthcare workers reduce hospital acquired infections?

An example of a hypothesis (the student can NOT use this example), would be:

It is the hypothesis of this experiment that bacteria will be best cleaned off when they are washed with chemicals like soap or hydrogen peroxide and the hands are then drying on a sanitary object like clean paper towels.

It is necessary to apply critical thinking skills to formulate a research question/hypothesis. In order to do this:

½ Have a sound understanding of what best practice is

½ Consider if best practice is being applied. If not, identify the specific areas where best practice standards are not being met

½ Drawing upon your knowledge, identify the impact of these gaps on healthcare outcomes for the client

½ Formulate a question/hypothesis based on your considered approach to minimise the impact on the client and improve knowledge/skills of the healthcare professionals.

2. Definition of key terms
2.1 THIS IS AN OPTIONAL STEP INTENTED TO HELP YOU RESEARCH YOUR ARTICLES. NO MARK ALLOCATED TO THIS TASK. Identify the key terms of your research topic. Give a synonym or variation of the term and provide a definition for each using the table below.
Key term Variations or synonyms Definition
e.g.High blood pressure e.g.HTN, hypertension, elevated blood pressure e.g.BP > 139/89 mmHg
3. Research question/hypothesis and its purpose
3.1 Write a clear statement highlighting your research question or hypothesis, e.g. “is there a difference between hand washing protocols and actual practice”.
3.2 Identify the role and the six (6) steps of the evidence based process. You may refer to
3.3 Explain whether or not the future results of your study might contribute to evidence based practice.
3.4 Briefly explain how your research will contribute to nursing practice and continuous improvement programs, e.g. better enforcement of hand washing protocols leading to decreased number of nosocomial infections.
3.5 Identify ONE (1) member of the multidisciplinary healthcare team who would contribute to your research. Briefly explain his/her participation in the study.
3.6 Contact your educator and discuss your Research Topic and verbally gain confirmation that you and your partner are on track.
4. Literature review
4.1 You are now to conduct a literature review.½ The aim of your literature review is to ‘demonstrate in a rigorous way the background of the subject under discussion, and in many cases establish a justification for the need to research the particular topic.’ (Richardson-Tench et al. 2014, p. 46)

½ Include three (3) articles in your literature review.

½ Articles must be published in professional journals. Please find below the pyramid of evidence – this is a guide that may help you throughout your project. You may also refer to your learning activity (session 2, activity 5).

½ Hierarchy of nursing research evidence:

1. Systematic reviews and meta-analysis

2. Randomised controlled trials

3. Cohort studies

4. Case-control studies

5. Cross-sectional surveys

6. Case reports

½ To determine the quality of a research article:

1. Ensure authors/researchers are credible

2. The methodology or study design must be appropriate for the study

3. Clear data collection and data analysis processes

4. The findings should be effective and feasible

5. No breech of ethical guidelines

6. Limited/no financial or commercial bias

½ You may use the suggested articles found in your learning activities.

½ You may access the JBI and EBSCO databases from your Blackboard page.

4.2 Provide the reference for each article following Harvard System of Referencing. The reference list must be at the end of your project. Use Appendix C.
4.3 For each article, highlight the main hypothesis or research question raised by the authors.
4.4 For each article, write a brief analysis of how your study will build on these results or further contribute to literature surrounding your topic.
4.5 Contact your educator and discuss your Research Topic and verbally gain confirmation that you and your partner are still on track.
5. Methodology, data collection and analysis method
5.1 Describe the data that will be collected, e.g. blood pressure, blood samples, etc.
5.2 Identify the most appropriate research method you would use to address your research topic. Indicate whether you choose to undertake a mostly quantitative or qualitative study. Explain your response.
5.3 Briefly describe the type and the size of your study population including inclusion and exclusion criteria, e.g. 200 women aged 60 or above (excluding men).
5.4 Identify the most appropriate method(s) of data collection for your research, e.g. survey, questionnaire, interview, etc.
5.5 In contribution to improving health promotion programs and best practice in nursing, your participation in this study is to identify THREE (3) questions you would include in the questionnaire or interview designed to gather the data required for your study.
5.6 Identify the method you will use to analyse your data, e.g. statistical analysis. Briefly explain why.
5.7 Identify TWO (2) potential uses of the data, e.g. updating hand washing guidelines in your workplace.
5.8 Name ONE (1) document you would study to ensure you are following the statutory requirements for data collection and documentation.
6. Validity of the research
6.1 Identify and list the dependant and independent variables of your study. Include social, personal, socio-economic, physiological, emotional or physical variables.
6.2 Identify TWO (2) obstacles to your study and provide ONE (1) solution for each.Obstacle 1:


Obstacle 2:


6.3 Identify ONE (1) strength of your research tools or methods in relation to validity, e.g. large sample size.
6.4 Identify ONE (1) weakness of your research tools or methods in relation to validity, e.g. lack of accuracy of measuring tools.
6.5 Identify and briefly outline ONE (1) strategy you could use to strengthen the validity of your study, e.g. applying for authorisation to access latest measuring tools.
6.6 List TWO (2) questions that can be used to help evaluate the quality of the study.
7. Ethical, cultural and religious considerations
7.1 Identify ONE (1) physical and ONE (1) emotional effect the study may have on the life of the participants’ relatives and loved ones. Provide ONE (1) solution for each of their need.· Physical need:

· Solution:

· Emotional need:

· Solution:

7.2 You are proposing to collect data from participants during the study. Discuss the potential cultural and/or religious considerations you need to anticipate to ensure you always follow ethical guidelines, e.g. special considerations for specific ethnicity.
7.3 While researching and participating in the study, it is absolutely necessary that you apply the Professional Standards of Practice. They include:? ANMC Code of Conduct

? ANMC Code of Ethics

? NMBA Enrolled nurse standards for practice

? State/territory Nurse Regulatory Nurses Act

? State/territory Nursing and Midwifery Regulatory Authority Standards of Practice

? Scope of nursing practice decision making framework

? All of the above

7.4 Identify (TWO) policies and/or procedures you need to be familiar with while applying for and conducting research according to: .
7.5 Obtaining ethic approval before you start your research is a compulsory step of the process. Identify the institution that would ensure your study has received ethical approval.
7.6 Briefly discuss how you would ensure all research staff apply their duty of care throughout the study.
7.7 Briefly discuss how you will maintain the confidentiality and privacy of the participants.
8. Schedule, funding and dissemination of research
8.1 Develop a summary of your study timeline. Use the table provided in Appendix A.
8.2 Elaborate a simplified budget for your research. Use the table provided in Appendix B. Explain where you would apply for funding.
8.3 As you are participating in research in order to work toward continuous improvement programs, you will need to share your findings within the workplace / industry. Briefly describe the method(s) of dissemination of your findings, e.g. articles, newsletters, conference, etc.
9. Reflection
9.1 You are now at the end of your research proposal. You have been working on this project with another person as a team. Discuss how you planned and executed equitable team work and collaboration.

TOTAL WORD COUNT: ___________

Time Research stage Actions taken
Week 1 E.g. Proposal developed E.g. Literature review, budget, filling out funding/grant forms, etc.
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6

Appendix A – Research timeline (you may need to add or remove weeks)

Appendix B- Research budget

Overheads(rent of office space, maintenance, etc.) ?? $500 – $ 2,000

? $2,000 – $5,000

? > $5,000

Research meeting expenses ?? $500 – $ 2,000

? $2,000 – $5,000

? > $5,000

Office equipment and supplies(printing & photocopying) ?? $500 – $ 2,000

? $2,000 – $5,000

? > $5,000

Communications costs(phone/fax/internet/postage) ?? $500 – $ 2,000

? $2,000 – $5,000

? > $5,000

Staff time(professional and support, including benefits) ?? $5,000 – $ 20,000

? $20,000 – $50,000

? > $50,000

Travel and transportation ?? $500 – $ 2,000

? $2,000 – $5,000

? > $5,000

Dissemination(how will it be published or distributed, e.g. rent for conference room) ?? $500 – $ 2,000

? $2,000 – $5,000

? > $5,000

TOTAL (approximate amount) $_____________

The research project will be assessed using the marking guide. This is an individual assessment.

Research Project marking guide
Criteria Percentage
Content· Information presented was relevant and accurate

· The student demonstrated a good understanding of the principles of nursing research

· All questions were answered

· Comprehensive & addresses all the requirements

· Research question/hypothesis clearly stated

Communication· The student communicated with the educator, both verbally and written, throughout the process

· The student followed educator’s recommendations

· The student proactively sought explanations and clarifications when necessary

· The student negotiated project organisation, ideas and research approach with project partner and educator when necessary

Time management· The student paced themselves throughout the assessment.

· The assessment was submitted on due date.

Sentence & Grammar· Clearly conveys concepts

· Spelling grammar, punctuation and logical structure

Overall Appearance & Layout of Material
  • The student used the provided templates
  • The students followed the project order
  • Appropriate Harvard style referencing
Total 100%

Marking guide Rubric for Research Project

Criteria Percentage Fail Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction
Content 60% Research Project did not include relevant or accurate information. No evidence of research. Appeared unprepared.No understanding of research concepts.

No research question.

Research Project included basic information. Evidence of minimum or no research. Appeared unprepared.Limited understanding of research concepts. Research question poorly formulated. Research Project included basic information. Evidence of some research. Appeared unprepared.Basic understanding of some research concepts.

Research question unclear.

Good Research Project of relevant and accurate information. Evidence of some research. Well prepared. Sound understanding of research concepts. Research clearly formulated. Excellent Research Project of relevant and accurate information. Strong evidence of extensive research and preparation. Very good understanding of research question. Research question very clearly formulated.
Communication 15% Demonstrates little to no evidence in communicating the purpose of the research project. Did not engage with educator and project partner nor verbally or in writing. Demonstrates basic understanding in communicating the purpose of the research project.Basic engagement with educator and project partner. Demonstrates an above average understanding in communicating the purpose of the research project.Good engagement with educator and research partner. Communicate verbally or in writing to obtain educator’s approval of research topic. Demonstrates a high level of understanding in communicating the purpose of the research project. High level of communication with educator and project partner. Communicate verbally and in writing with both educator and project partner. Demonstrates a very high level of understanding in communicating the purpose of the research project. Excellent level of engagement with educator and research partner. Is proactive to communicate verbally and in writing throughout the project with both educator and project partner.
Time management 10% Did not pace themselves appropriately and had multiple delays. Project not submitted on time. Submitted assessment on time. Did not pace themselves consistently throughout the project and had to rush. Submitted assessment on time. Mostly paced themselves appropriately throughout the project but had difficulties identifying the most time-consuming tasks. Submitted assessment on time. Mostly paced themselves appropriately throughout the project but had few difficulties identifying the most time-consuming tasks. Submitted assessment on time Paced themselves appropriately and consistently throughout the project.
Sentence & Grammar 10% Poor grammar with many spelling and punctuation errors. Grammatical errors including spelling and punctuation. Minor grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. Almost no grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. No grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors.
Overall Appearance & Layout of Material 5% Did not use the provided templates. Did not follow the project order. No referencing. Used some templates but not all. Did not follow the project orderInaccurate/incomplete referencing. Used provided templates. Changed order of some elements of the project. Sufficient referencing provided. Used provided templates and followed project order. Sufficient referencing provided Used provided templates and followed project order. Very well referenced.