Comprehensive Essay on Learner-centric Assessment and Evaluation for Nursing Students

1. Examine the ways that formative and summative evaluation are different.
Formative assessment may be an essential part of the student’s educational experience (Leenknecht et al., 2021). It is projected on the student’s progress or strides in the learning encounter at an early stage and provides direction for change, continuation, or enhancement in the learning process. The formative assessment identifies the strengths and weaknesses of the learner and often points the learner in a direction wherein the strengths can be maintained, and the areas of weakness can be strengthened over a period(Comprehensive Essay on Learner-centric Assessment and Evaluation for Nursing Students). Formative assessment speaks with words such as making good progress, needs improvement, and demonstrates competency. Practical formative assessments generally lead to successful summative assessments. There can be multiple formative assessments that will lead to one summative assessment.(Comprehensive Essay on Learner-centric Assessment and Evaluation for Nursing Students)
Summative assessment is conclusive or final. It generally follows a formative assessment and is conducted towards the end of the educational experience. Summative assessment frequently speaks of what is achieved or not achieved in relation to set goals or required outcomes. A pass or fail is often the measure for summative assessments. Hilden et al., (2022) refer to summative assessment as a superior tool in teaching and learning practice.(Comprehensive Essay on Learner-centric Assessment and Evaluation for Nursing Students)
Interestingly, research conducted by Nieminen & Tuohilampi, (2020), noted that students had greater concern for the summative assessment over the formative assessment. Another important focus by these authors was students conducting self-formative and self-summative assessments to strengthen learning outcomes.(Comprehensive Essay on Learner-centric Assessment and Evaluation for Nursing Students)
1. Using an academic or clinical setting, describe how you would provide formative evaluation of the learner (examples: competency for a new nurse orientation, mentoring a new academic faculty member, simulation debrief, etc.).
As an educator in the clinical setting, providing a formative evaluation of the learner in a simulation debriefing would include: Asking open-ended questions to trigger critical thinking, giving time for the learner to provide feedback on their experience, identifying areas wherein the learner demonstrated competency, and commending the learner, identifying areas wherein the learner needs improvement and providing suggestions and guidance that will lead the learner to a better understanding of the simulation and making improvements. I would be very mindful of this statement by Schuler (2020), debriefing is a vital part of simulation in nursing practice, enabling students to review the learning experience and think about new interventions that would foster better outcomes.(Comprehensive Essay on Learner-centric Assessment and Evaluation for Nursing Students)
Hilden, Oscarson, A. D., Yildirim, A., & Fröjdendahl, B. (2022). Swedish and Finnish Pre-Service Teachers’ Perceptions of Summative Assessment Practices. Languages (Basel), 7(1), 10–. (Links to an external site.)(Comprehensive Essay on Learner-centric Assessment and Evaluation for Nursing Students)
Leenknecht, Wijnia, L., Köhlen, M., Fryer, L., Rikers, R., & Loyens, S. (2021). Formative assessment as practice: the role of students’ motivation. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 46(2), 236–255. (Links to an external site.)(Comprehensive Essay on Learner-centric Assessment and Evaluation for Nursing Students)
Nieminen, & Tuohilampi, L. (2020). “Finally studying for myself” – examining student agency in summative and formative self-assessment models. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 45(7), 1031–1045. (Links to an external site.)(Comprehensive Essay on Learner-centric Assessment and Evaluation for Nursing Students)
Schuler. (2020). Simulation Debriefing Using Kim’s Critical Reflective Inquiry Model. Nurse Educator, 45(5), 272–272. Essay on Learner-centric Assessment and Evaluation for Nursing Students)
Examine the ways that formative and summative evaluation are different.
Assessments can measure course outcomes, including affective learning, cognitive knowledge acquisition, and behavioral and psychomotor education. The nurse educator must recognize that, in its entirety, the course is intended to promote education and the realization of course outcomes (Billings & Halstead,2020). Assessment methods can come in various forms depending upon the stakes of the assessment. The formative and summative assessments are two widely used assessment types essential to any curriculum(Comprehensive Essay on Learner-centric Assessment and Evaluation for Nursing Students). The formative assessment is low stakes and usually carries no grade (Billings & Halstead,2020). The assessment focuses on the student’s growth and assesses the small steps. Formative assessments monitor student learning to provide ongoing feedback so educators can use it to promote teaching and student understanding. More purposely, formative assessments: help students recognize their strengths and weaknesses, so they concentrate on areas where they need improvement. Summative assessment signifies a broader scope and requires students to exhibit accountability for their learning by achieving the course outcomes. According to Mubayrik (2020), summative evaluations are reflective assessments carried out after the learner has completed the course or program. Summative evaluations confirm the educator’s accountability, display achievement, and assess the program’s value in its totality.(Comprehensive Essay on Learner-centric Assessment and Evaluation for Nursing Students)
Using an academic or clinical setting, describe how you would provide a formative evaluation of the learner (examples: competency for a new nurse orientation, mentoring a new academic faculty member, simulation debrief, etc.).
A formative assessment is tool teachers provide feedback to students and direct their instruction. This assessment type is considered an essential part of teaching and learning. The assumption behind formative assessment is that it positively impacts student learning (Weurlander et al., 2020). The ways that I would provide a formative evaluation in the clinical lab setting I do weekly quizzes and competency-based assessments on learned skills. I would also include simulation exercises with debriefing.(Comprehensive Essay on Learner-centric Assessment and Evaluation for Nursing Students)
Billings, D., & Halstead, J. (2020). Teaching in nursing: A guide for faculty (6th ed.). Elsevier.(Comprehensive Essay on Learner-centric Assessment and Evaluation for Nursing Students)
Bin Mubayrik, H. F. (2020). New Trends in Formative-Summative Evaluations for Adult Education. SAGE Open. Essay on Learner-centric Assessment and Evaluation for Nursing Students)
Weurlander, Söderberg, M., Scheja, M., Hult, H., & Wernerson, A. (2012). Exploring formative assessment as a tool for learning: students’ experiences of different methods of formative assessment. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 37(6), 747–760. Essay on Learner-centric Assessment and Evaluation for Nursing Students)

Why is learner Centred evaluation and assessment important?
Putting students at the center of evaluation and assessment is vital due to its focus on individualized learning experiences. This method adapts teaching and assessment techniques to suit various learning styles, encouraging active participation, self-drive, and critical thought. This approach empowers learners to be accountable for their education, leading to holistic growth. Ultimately, learner-centered evaluation and assessment yield more accurate insights into students’ genuine abilities.(Comprehensive Essay on Learner-centric Assessment and Evaluation for Nursing Students)
What is the purpose of assessment in learner-centered teaching?
The goal of evaluation within a student-centric teaching framework is to measure and enrich comprehension, aptitude, and advancement while operating within an academic paradigm that centers around students’ requirements and preferences. Evaluative measures under this approach seek to offer understanding into personal learning advancement, enabling instructors to adjust their teaching methods accordingly. By concentrating on student-centered evaluations, educators can cultivate a more profound comprehension of the subject matter, encourage analytical thinking, and facilitate dynamic participation. This, in turn, empowers students to assume control over their educational progression.(Comprehensive Essay on Learner-centric Assessment and Evaluation for Nursing Students)
How can you implement assessment so that it enhances student-centered learning?
To establish evaluation methods that bolster student-centric learning, consider these guidelines:
- Varied Assessment Techniques: Apply a range of evaluation approaches such as interactive projects, live presentations, self-evaluations, and peer reviews. This caters to diverse learning preferences and stimulates active participation.
- Explicit Learning Goals: Match assessments with well-defined learning objectives that encourage analytical thinking, effective issue resolution, and hands-on application of knowledge. This ensures evaluations are relevant and linked to practical skills.(Comprehensive Essay on Learner-centric Assessment and Evaluation for Nursing Students)
- Active Student Participation: Engage students in the assessment process by prompting them to formulate personal targets, contemplate their learning journey, and partake in self-evaluation. This fosters a sense of accountability and commitment to their learning process.
- Timely and Constructive Input: Offer punctual feedback that acknowledges achievements, pinpoints areas for enhancement, and recommends strategies for advancement. This nurtures a mindset of growth and empowers students to progressively enhance their learning strategies.(Comprehensive Essay on Learner-centric Assessment and Evaluation for Nursing Students)
By integrating these factors, assessments become a mechanism for nurturing student independence, motivation, and a more profound grasp of the subject matter within an environment centered around their learning needs.(Comprehensive Essay on Learner-centric Assessment and Evaluation for Nursing Students)
What is assessment in learner Centred approach?
In a student-centric paradigm, evaluation involves a flexible and all-encompassing procedure centered on comprehending and bolstering each student’s advancement, requirements, and proficiencies. It transcends conventional examinations and scoring by embracing diverse approaches like self-evaluation, peer appraisal, and ongoing assessment. The main objective is to immerse students in their personalized learning expedition, cultivating introspection, discerning analysis, and dynamic engagement, ultimately enabling them to assume responsibility for their own learning odyssey.(Comprehensive Essay on Learner-centric Assessment and Evaluation for Nursing Students)