Project Manager Roles and Responsibilities

The purpose of this discussion is to explore the responsibilities of a project manager.(Comprehensive Essay on Project Manager Roles and Responsibilities for DNP Nursing Students)
Reflect upon your readings and professional experience and address the following:
- Detail your implementation plan for your DNP project. Include milestones for a timeframe of 8-12 weeks.
- Explicate how you will gauge the success of your project.
- What is your role in managing your project budget and resources in the planning and implementation phases?(Comprehensive Essay on Project Manager Roles and Responsibilities for DNP Nursing Students)
Please click on the following link to review the DNP Discussion Guidelines on the Student Resource Center program page:
- Link (webpage): DNP Discussion Guidelines
Course Outcomes
This discussion enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:
- Examine the role of the DNP-prepared nurse in leading financial planning and management across healthcare settings. (POs 2, 4, 9)(Comprehensive Essay on Project Manager Roles and Responsibilities for DNP Nursing Students)
- Develop strategies to lead project planning, implementation, management, and evaluation to promote high-value healthcare. (POs 3, 5, 7)
Comprehensive Essay on Project Manager Roles and Responsibilities for DNP Nursing Students

Implementation Plan
The project will be implemented in phases across ten weeks as follows:
Week 1 – 2
- Obtain written and verbal informed consent from the participants; brief the participants of the project procedures and their roles.(Comprehensive Essay on Project Manager Roles and Responsibilities for DNP Nursing Students)
- Administer a self-reported questionnaire to obtain patients’ demographic information, including age, gender, family status, household number, and clinical history, i.e., medication period and the number of hospitalizations.
- Help the participants install the Mango Health App (with the help of the staff information technologist) through which medication reminders will be provided; train them how to use the app, including input of medication name, dosage, frequency, refill time, and setting a signal reminder.
- Administer a baseline questionnaire using the medication adherence questionnaire (MAQ) scale. The baseline MAQ questionnaire assesses medication adherence status before implementing the proposed intervention (Kriska et al., 2021).
Week 3 – 8
- Take all the participants through five sessions of motivational interviewing (experimental intervention) based on the OAR model.
- Record the participant’s perception of medication, weekly telephone calls on medication-related issues, number of admissions, and emergency needs every week.(Comprehensive Essay on Project Manager Roles and Responsibilities for DNP Nursing Students)
Week 9 – 10
- Administer an online questionnaire using the medication adherence questionnaire (MAQ) scale.
- Data analysis
- Documentation, write-up, & publication.
Gauging the Project Success
During the project, I will review the scope, requirements, budget, and participants’ satisfaction to evaluate whether the project is proceeding successfully. Moreover, I will determine the impact of motivational interviewing on medication adherence using the MAQ scale among participants. MAQ is a gold standard for measuring medication adherence to medication (Culig et al., 2014; Thomann et al., 2022). Data on the rate of hospitalization, need for emergency services, and rates of refills will also be evaluated to determine the project’s success.(Comprehensive Essay on Project Manager Roles and Responsibilities for DNP Nursing Students)
Role of the DNP project leader
During the project, I (the DNP project leader) will outline the project and describe the details, including the costs, number of items, and application. I will also determine the available and needed resources for implementing the project. In this regard, I will be solely responsible for the budgetary allocation of the resources available and those provided by external sources.(Comprehensive Essay on Project Manager Roles and Responsibilities for DNP Nursing Students)
Culig, J., & Leppee, M. (2014). From Morisky to Hill-bone; self-reports scales for measuring medication adherence. Collegium Antropologicum, 38(1), 55-62.
Kriska, A. M., Rockette-Wagner, B., Edelstein, S. L., Bray, G. A., Delahanty, L. M., Hoskin, M. A., … & Knowler, W. C. (2021). The impact of physical activity on the prevention of type 2 diabetes: evidence and lessons learned from the diabetes prevention program, a long-standing clinical trial incorporating subjective and objective activity measures. Diabetes Care, 44(1), 43-49.
Thomann, S., Gleichner, G., Hahn, S., & Zwakhalen, S. (2022). Attitudes of nursing staff in hospitals towards restraint use: a cross-sectional study. International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(12), 7144.