Explain the difference between goals and objectives.
Rate one of the required textbooks for this course using the Texas Textbook Evaluation Tool: Texas Textbook Evaluation
Using the sample teaching plan (Bastable, Appendix C. p. 661-665), develop a complete teaching plan based on a topic for instruction of your choosing.
Develop a learning contract for self-directed study
Professional Development:
Case Study: You are a community educator for a large health care system. You are preparing a series of two classes on smoking cessation that will be followed by a support group for people who want to quit smoking….
Setting the Stage, Planning and Conducting Classes
Competent clinical teachers and instructors should have extra knowledge and skills connected to pedagogy and have the requisite experience and a positive attitude. The novice clinical teacher tends to imitate the great educators one has had in their past. Being an integral part of nursing education, clinical educators are professionals with years of experience in patient care settings and a passion for mentoring and teaching healthcare students. These educators endeavor to integrate their professional commitments with teaching activities as they help students to use theory in practice and translate knowledge into skills (Austin, 2016). The teaching activities require the clinical educator to understand the utilization of goals and learning objectives as instruments to optimize learning. Consequently, this essay purposes of exploring the role of a clinical educator in setting the learning goals and objectives for students or trainees. The paper makes a distinction between goals and objectives while also rating one the required textbook for the current course. The critical thinking exercises conclude with a sample teaching plan and the development of a learning contract for a self-directed study. The professional development section presents a case study on a community educator for an extensive healthcare system set to prepare two classes on smoking cessation.(Conducting Nursing Classes)
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Part 1 Critical Thinking ExercisesDistinction between Goals and Objectives
Although the terms goal and objective have got different meanings, people use the terms interchangeably as synonyms. In the teaching fraternity, the term goals describe the broad endpoint outcomes over a relatively long period like the end of a course, which are generally not wholly attainable while objectives are more specific time-bound and achievable within a relatively short time, for example, the end of a lesson. Another distinction is that while objectives can be specified in quantitative and measurable terms, goals are usually immeasurable and can be personal or emotional. For example, a student may set setting a goal of improving patient care and the objectives of lowering medication administration errors by 50 or 60% within that goal.(Conducting Nursing Classes)
The Texas Text Book Evaluation Tool (T-TET)
The T-TET is applied in the evaluation of nursing textbooks. In this assignment, I will apply the principles of T-TET to evaluate the course textbook, which, in my considered opinion, avails the most appropriate approach to using this tool. The textbook in context is none other than Bastable, S.B. (2014). Nurse as educator: Principles of teaching and learning for nursing practice (4th ed). Boston: Jones & Bartlett. The book scores a total of forty-eight points in its organizational format displays the efficacy of categorizing information into various subsections with detailed and comprehensive chapter summaries. The textbook is visually appealing with concise indexing that serves the reader right while the information contained therein is current and up-to-date. The second category in which the textbook scores a 26 is on inclusion or diversity of the issues addressed. The authors of the text have done an excellent job of embracing and recognize diversity besides using the right images and language. The third and last category for the rating is content, in which the textbook scores 20. Some of the elements that were considered to generate this score are the book’s inclusion of various real-life applications and instances that expound on critical concepts in the text. Most importantly, the information content flows logically, is correctly formatted, and candidly explained. As Diaz (2017) avers, all the visuals within the text are integrated and have an interdisciplinary audience.(Conducting Nursing Classes)
The Selected Teaching Plan
The teaching plan selected by the author of this paper is teaching minors the care of their teeth.
Objectives:By the end of the lesson the learners should be able to;
Define and describe tooth decay and outline five of its causes.
Brush their teeth appropriately.(Conducting Nursing Classes)
Appreciate and resolve to practice proper nutrition that does not compromise dental health.
Teaching/ Learning Resources:
The clinical educator will use large posters, short videos, and hand out brochures on flossing and god oral and dental hygiene. Every child will get a sticker, toothpaste, toothbrush, and a carry home brochure.
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The Teaching Sequence:
The clinical educator will introduce the lesson whereby the learners will state the oral and care that they engage in. In a lesson slated to last seven minutes, the introduction will not exceed seven minutes. The second step will be to introduce the topic of the day, which is dental care. The educator will define what oral hygiene and dental or teeth care are. The learners will sort tested activities and explain when health or unhealthy practices. This stage will note exceed 13 minutes. The third step will entail content presentation that will comprise an interactive learning session with discussion, watching a cartoon video strip on dental care, and identifying both health and unhealthy practices. The session will last for 25 minutes. The fourth step will involve sessions and demonstrations, followed by practical activities where the learners will take part in teeth brushing and mouth washing activities. This will last for 15 minutes. The last ten minutes will be used to conclude the lesson with summary questions capturing the highlights of the lesson.(Conducting Nursing Classes)
Teacher feedback and Q& A sessions will be utilized to evaluate the extent of their learning.
A Learning Contract for Self- Directed Study
Learning Objectives
Learning resources and activities
Learning outcomes
Completion date
Standards of assessment and criteria
Explore four benefits of a learning contract.
Interview educators who have experience having used learning contracts.
Read Knowles Self –directed learning a guide for teachers and students(Conducting Nursing Classes)
Write a 600-word essay on the benefits of using a learning contract.
Sep 15th, 2020
The discourse is focused and flows logically.
Concise and complete ideas. Essay writing is accurate.(Conducting Nursing Classes)
Identify circumstances with the effective use of learning contracts.
Read Knowles Self –directed learning a guide for teachers and students
Outline a form list with characteristics compatible with contracts(Conducting Nursing Classes)
Sep 22nd, 2020.
The presented instructions for writing learning situations make 60% on the correct use of learning contracts.
Expound on how learning contracts support and guide self- directed learning
Read Knowles Self –directed learning a guide for teachers and students
Write a 600-word essay examining ways in which learning contracts support and nurture self-directed learning.
Sep 27th, 2020.
Discussion is focused, and ideas follow logically.
Professional Development
To protect one’s lungs, quitting smoking is a significant step that the individual can do to protect their lungs. With the use of tobacco products led by cigarette smoking being attributed to the number one cause of cancer, preventable death, and disability the singular act of smoking cessation increases life expectancy up to 10 years if the quitting is realized in the 20s and 30s(Hersi et al., 2019). Consequently, the second part of this paper details the act of smoking cessation in the professional development section.(Conducting Nursing Classes)
Resources to Help with the Course Content
The resources to use include tips on quitting smoking, former smoking, and credible websites like the CDC. BeTobaccoFree.gov, the HHS website with one-stop access to information connected to tobacco at the community educator’s disposal.(Conducting Nursing Classes)
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Conducting Nursing ClassesObjectives of the Lesson
Based on Chatterjee & Corral (2017) recommendations, the first objective will be an introduction to how to quit smoking where it’s (the objective) measurement will include the students to demonstrate their understanding of the term smoking. The second objective will cover the identification and description of the adverse effects of smoking. In contrast, the third objective involves those who want to quit actively using alternative methods as a way of mouth gratification. The fourth and last object will be those intending to quit appreciate ad resolve to engage in no smoking habits (Gould, Bittoun & Clarkje, 2014).(Conducting Nursing Classes)
Objectives of the First Class
According to Bottorf et al. (2019), the value of judgment based on an assessment of smoking cessation before and after the act demonstrates the levels of cognitive competencies. The first level of cognitive domain with its objective has to list the side effects of tobacco uses well as listing the benefits of this act. Comprehension comes at number two and will be illustrated by the quitter having to describe, discuss, or explain the harmful effects of cigarette smoke on the lung. The goal of this domain is to demonstrate patient understanding. At number three, the application domain will be measure and demonstrate the practice of smoking cessation. Analysis whose objective is to compare and contrast the lungs and general health of the smoker before and after smoking cessation will beat number four. The fifth domain is the synthesis and has the objective of managing smoking cessation to form a new being while the sixth and last domain is evaluation. As noted in an earlier part of this subsection, it will involve the quitters making value judgment and prevent relapse into the smoking habits.(Conducting Nursing Classes)
Teaching Methods and Resources to Use
The first method to use will be a class discussion led by the educator and using resources like notebooks, whiteboards, and marker pens. The next method will comprise making a PowerPoint presentation where an interactive board and video will be used. The fourth and last of the teaching methods is question answer, which will involve the educator asking open-ended and structured, and the students responding appropriately.
In conclusion, this essay has established that letting of learning goals as well as objectives is a cardinal activity for clinical educators. This exercise is premised on the concepts of predetermined outcomes, which primarily inform all education activities from teaching to learning and lastly assessment. Adopting in the depth of lesson programming can help the educator maximize the teaching and learning opportunities that crop up in the learner’s life.(Conducting Nursing Classes)
As you continue, premiumacademicaffiates.com has the top and most qualified writers to help with any of your assignments. All you need to do is place an order with us. (Conducting Nursing Classes)
Austin, Z. (2016). How to design and use learning objectives in clinical teaching. Pharm. J. 296.(Conducting Nursing Classes)
Bottorff, J. L., Oliffe, J. L., Sarbit, G., Huisken, A., Caperchione, C., Anand, A., & Howay, K. (2019). Evaluating the feasibility of a gender-sensitized smoking cessation program for fathers. Psychology of Men & Masculinities, 20(2), 194–207. https://doi.org/10.1037/men0000190
Chatterjee, D., & Corral, J. (2017). How to write well-defined learning objectives. The journal of education in perioperative medicine: JEPM, 19(4).(Conducting Nursing Classes)
Diaz, C. (2017). Textbooks in Academic Libraries : Selection, Circulation, and Assessment. Chicago: ALA Editions.
Hersi, M., Traversy, G., Thombs, B. D., Beck, A., Skidmore, B., Groulx, S., & Selby, P. (2019). Effectiveness of stop smoking interventions among adults: protocol for an overview of systematic reviews and an updated systematic review. Systematic reviews, 8(1), 28.
Question – Conducting Nursing Classes
Critical Thinking Exercises:
Explain the difference between goals and objectives.
Rate one of the required textbooks for this course using the Texas Textbook Evaluation Tool: Texas Textbook Evaluation
Using the sample teaching plan (Bastable, Appendix C. p. 661-665), develop a complete teaching plan based on a topic for instruction of your choosing.(Conducting Nursing Classes)
Develop a learning contract for self-directed study
As you continue, premiumacademicaffiates.com has the top and most qualified writers to help with any of your assignments. All you need to do is place an order with us. (Conducting Nursing Classes)
Conducting Nursing ClassesProfessional Development:
Case Study: You are a community educator for a large health care system. You are preparing a series of two classes on smoking cessation that will be followed by a support group for people who want to quit smoking.(Conducting Nursing Classes)
a) What resources might you use to help you with the content of the course?
b) Write objectives for the course in all three learning domains. Indicate how you plan to measure each of them.
c) Write objectives for the first class, with one at each of the six levels of the cognitive domain.
d) What teaching methods would you use in these classes? What resources/materials would you need for these methods? (Conducting Nursing Classes)
Learning Materials:
Bastable, S. B. (2014). Nurse as educator: Principles of teaching and learning for nursing practice (4th ed.).
Chapter 10
DeYoung, S. (2015). Teaching strategies for nurse educators (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.