Critical Review Essay

Critical Review Essay.

In a 1500 word essay This assignment requires you to write critical review essay using learning drawn from the course materials, that is, the assigned readings, excluding the Study Guide. It builds on the pedagogical approach developed in Part 1 of the course. The essay should cite several of the most important ideas from the assigned readings and bring additional support to bear that your research has identified.

The essay must make use of the course materials to answer the following question:

1. Discuss the Elizabethan Poor Law, Charity Organization Society, and Settlement Movement approaches to serving the poor and provide examples of how each are reflected in the system of outdoor and indoor relief that remain intact today. Provide insights on how this analysis has deepened your knowledge of current human service delivery models.

Because these topics are very broad your immediate first task will be to narrow down your chosen topic into a focused and detailed essay, being specific about which readings and which ideas have been influential in forming your conclusion and why.

Consult at least five scholarly articles or books (preferably, a combination of both). At least three of the sources for each essay must be from the textbook or assigned readings. Do not quote the Study Guide. Rather, go to the sources it identifies for further information. In the Digital Reading Room and in the “Supplementary Readings List” you will find additional sources that provide many excellent sources on these topics. Try to include at least two sources beyond those that have been assigned.In general, the assigned material, your own research, and your analysis of the topic will each form approximately one-third of the essay’s content in addition to an introduction and conclusion. The introduction must include a thesis statement.

Digital reading room:

Machan, T. R. (2006). Economics and human values. In Libertarianism defended (pp. 83-93). Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishing.

Harrison, K., & Boyd, T. (2003). Freedom. In Understanding political ideas and movements (pp. 83–102). Manchester, GBR: Manchester University Press.

Gerken, L. (2004). ‘Freedom’ and ‘equality’ as material claims against society? and Summary of part III. In J. Kinory and I. van Dam (Trans.), The constitution of liberty in the open economy (pp. 145-154). New York: Routledge.

Harrison, K., & Boyd, T. (2003). Conservatism. In Understanding political ideas and movements (pp. 182-194). Manchester, GBR: Manchester University Press.

Guest, D. (1997). Saving for a rainy day: Social security in late-nineteenth-century and early twentieth century Canada. In The emergence of social security in Canada (pp. 20-39). Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

Olansky, M. (2000). What is compassionate conservatism and can it transform America? The Heritage Foundation, Heritage Lecture.

Feulner, E. J. (1999, October 13). Welfare state turns compassion upside down. Washington: The Heritage Foundation.

Dubose, L. (1999, April 26). Running on empty: The truth about George W. Bush’s “compassionate conservatism.” The Nation.

Textbook Social Policy in Canada Ernie Lightman

Critical Review Essay