development of a proper PICOT question and a review of the literature utilizing the 3 databases.

pico Question/Database Comparison Chart
Order Description
NURS-330-948 WI 16-17
module 4
PICOT Question/Database Comparison Chart (20%) Due Module 4 Week 8
Students will utilize three major health care databases commonly used by nurses in order to help answer a relevant nursing practice question. Upon completion of this assignment the student will be able to demonstrate skills in accessing relevant bibliographic databases conducting a keyword search related to a nursing issue in clinical practice and selecting a variety of evidenced-based research studies to answer a clinical/profession question.
This assignment includes development of a proper PICOT question and a review of the literature utilizing the 3 databases.
Once the PICOT question has been chosen the student will access the 3 of the 4 different databases and choose 3 different studies from nursing/inter-disciplinary research. The student should locate one study in CINAHL; a different nursing/inter-disciplinary study in PubMed or Medline/OVID and 1 systematic review or RCT from Cochrane. You may choose Qualitative Quantitative Mixed Methods or Systematic Review Studies for this assignment.
The student will then complete the article comparison chart filling in all of the information concisely and correctly.
Rubric for PICOT Question/Database Comparison Chart Assignment
CATEGORY 100-90 (A)
20-18 points 89-82 (B)
17.8 16.4 points 81-74 (C)
16.2 14.8 points 73-0 pts. (D-F)
14.6 0 points Earned pts.
PICO Question PICO question is clear and contains all of the components. The purpose is clear. PICO statement is somewhat vague and missing one component.
Has some minor grammatical and spelling errors The PICO statement is difficult to identify. Has major grammatical and spelling errors There is no clear main topic or structure of the question or No PICO statement
Databases: includes 3 of the 4 different databases: (CINAHL PubMed Ovid Cochrane) Research Studies: Selected 3 out of 4: (Qualitative Quantitative Mixed and Systemic Review) Clearly displays 3 different databases and 3 different studies:
Example 1 nursing/inter-disciplinary research study in CINAHL; a different nursing/inter-disciplinary study in PubMed and 1 systematic review or RCT from Cochrane.
Articles are cited and referenced in APA Studies only obtained utilizing 2 variations of the 3 requested articles or 2 of the three required databases.
Articles are cited referenced in APA Studies only obtained utilizing 1 of the 3 variations requested or uses only 1 of the required databases.
Articles are not referenced in APA Chart does not contain any research articles or uses the assigned databases.
Content entered appropriately all areas completed maintained format. Areas are filled out concisely and with correct information.
Design/methodology clear and accurate. Purpose or aim clearly stated. Most areas completed. Some corrections regarding information provided is needed minor alignment & formatting issues. Missing some information. One major section not completed Somewhat formatted multiple corrections needed. Missing major components. 2-3 major sections not completed. Mostly incomplete. More than 3 major sections not completed. Majority of information is incorrect.
Data Collection/
Tools/Level of
Limitations Content entered appropriately all areas completed maintained format. Areas are filled out concisely and with correct information.
Sample and sampling strategy clearly provided. Data collection methods clear. IV and DV correct and tools to measure variables accurate.
Level of evidence given and correct. Most areas completed. Some corrections regarding information provided is needed minor alignment & formatting issues. Missing some information. One major section not completed Somewhat formatted multiple corrections needed. Missing major components. 2-3 major sections not completed. Mostly incomplete. More than 3 major sections not completed. Majority of information is incorrect.
Overall APA Format Including References and Citations
Citations are in good APA format .May have up to a total of 3 major APA errors.
All articles used are from Scholarly peer-reviewed journals within last 5 years. Writer makes 4 6 major APA errors. All articles used are from current peer-reviewed journals. Scholarly journals are mainly within last 5 years. Writer makes 7-8 APA errors.
Some of sources are scholarly and current; 2 -3 resources maybe non-scholarly Writer makes
> 9 APA errors.
Little/no current or scholarly resources utilize.
Final grade = total points calculated