Discuss concepts of mental health and mental illness

Essay Rubric for NUR2107 : Mental Health Essay

Assessment Title:

Assessment 1 

Discuss concepts of mental health and mental illness 2. describe services available for consumers with mental illness 3. identify the impact of stigma on consumers and their carers 4. identify and respond to consumer specific issues such as culture, age and gender to optimise therapeutic communication 5. describe and discuss Mental Status Examination (MSE) and risk assessments conducted with clients who are experiencing disturbances in thought, mood,behaviour and perception 6. discuss the utilisation of the legal and ethical issues related to the care of clients when admitted under the Victorian Mental Health Act (2014) 8. describe a range of therapeutic modalities utilised in the care and treatment of people with mental health issues and disorders.

Details of task:

Summary: For a client to experience positive mental health outcomes, care from the Mental Health Nurse (MHN), will include therapeutic engagement & therapeutic treatment modalities. Angelina Parker is an 18 year old single woman who has commenced her first year of nursing at a Melbourne university. She moved from Warrnambool at the start of the year and lives with two other female university students. Angelina has both parents that she is close to and a younger sister who is in year 9. There is no family history of mental illness or substance misuse and Angelina’s close to and a younger sister who is in year 9. There is no family history of mental illness or substance misuse and Angelina’s developmental milestones are all normal. She was a high achieving student and enjoyed sports with a good social networks of friends. Over the last two weeks, Angelina’s roommates have been concerned with her mental state as Angelina has been displaying the following symptoms of depression: depressed mood most of the day & everyday., feelings of hopelessness, helplessness and worthlessness., decreased interest in her nursing subjects and missing classes, weight loss of ~8kgs., insomnia, psychomotor retardation, fatigue, reduced concentration & attention with all the above symptoms leading to thoughts of suicide without suicidal intent or plan. As a result, Angelina has not paid her rent and did not attend her nursing examinations earlier today. Her parents were contacted by the roommates and once they arrived, drove Angelina to the emergency department for a mental health review. The MHN arranged for admission in the acute inpatient ward due to her symptoms of depression.

Essay Questions:

Using sources relevant to Mental Health Nursing (MHN);

[1]  discuss how the MHN will use therapeutic engagement skills with Angelina.
[2]  discuss what therapeutic treatment modalities  can be used for Angelina on the ward.