DNP 840 Topic 5 DQ 1
What is the reasoning behind the need for doctorally prepared advanced practice nurses to be politically active? How is this accomplished? What ethical or other considerations must be taken into account as a nurse becomes politically active?
DNP 840 Topic 5 DQ 2
Why is it meaningful to have doctorally prepared advanced practice nurses as members of health care boards? What is the role of the nurse on these boards?
DNP 840 Topic 6 DQ 1
How do servant leaders, as compared with leaders who follow the transformational model of leadership, manage organization dynamics and lead change to ensure the continued success of the stakeholders to be served? Is servant leadership or transformational leadership the best approach to these tasks?
DNP 840 Topic 6 DQ 2
Considering the various virtues or dimensions of character for a servant leader (e.g., virtue, credibility, trust), how might the application of servant leadership be appraised in a health care setting? Is servant leadership, versus transformational leadership, plausible in the health care setting that often depends on a hierarchy of command for the safety of patients?
DNP 840 Topic 7 DQ 1
Should all nurses be considered leaders? What characteristics of a nurse makes one a leader? How does the doctorally prepared advanced practice nurse collaborate with others for company resources? Explain.
DNP 840 Topic 7 DQ 2
Reflecting back on this and all previous courses, how has your thinking about your DPI Project changed? What will you take from this course and apply directly to your DPI Project?
DNP 840 Topic 8 DQ 1
How is ethical behavior an integral part of the doctorally prepared advanced practice nurse’s role? Why is the doctorally prepared advanced practice nurse considered a role model? How does one display the characteristics of a role model? Does a doctorally prepared advanced practice nurse have a legitimate right and/or ethical foundation to interject their ideas into business practice?
DNP 840 Topic 8 DQ 2
Locate the “Comprehensive Assessment Part One: Competency Matrix” assignment in this topic and identify any competency “blank spaces” that were left unmet by either programmatic or course-based assignment completion thus far. Also locate the instructor feedback notes you made while completing the matrix regarding both programmatic and course-based assignments to date. What program competencies were left unmet in your matrix? What content areas do you need to address and strengthen based on instructor feedback? Develop and post an action plan to address these two areas as you move forward into the practicum stage of the program.