Essay on The History and Evolution of Nursing in Puerto Rico and the United States and its Influence on the Advances of the Nursing Profession Today.


General instructions: Select three or more research articles on The History and Evolution of Nursing in Puerto Rico and the United States. (You must include them when submitting the Essay) Conducts an Essay on The History and Evolution of Nursing in Puerto Rico and the United States and its Influence on the Advances of the Nursing Profession Today. You must present your writing in double space, in a font Times New Roman, Arial or Courier New, with a font size 12. Presents 3 pages or more of content. (Does not include cover page and / or references) Pay attention to grammatical rules (spelling and syntax). Must be original and should not contain material copied from books or the Internet. When citing the work of other authors, he presents citations and references using the APA style in order to respect his intellectual property and not incur plagiarism.