Scientific Merit Paper Components u02a1: Study Selection Study Selection Scoring Guide. Study Selection Choose a study that is either quantitative or qualitative. The study should meet the following criteria: It does not use mixed methodology. It is a primary research study. Studies detailing meta-analyses, theoretical proposals, or opinion papers are not appropriate for this project. It must report on original research conducted using human participants. It must be reported in an article that is part of the research literature of your field. It must have been published in the last 5–7 years. Your instructor must approve the study you select to make sure it is appropriate for the remaining assignments in the course project. You are required to provide the following to complete this assignment: The article reference in APA format. The persistent link to the article. A short paragraph explaining your reasons for indicating the study is part of the research literature of your field. A short paragraph explaining your reasons for identifying the research as qualitative or quantitative. Compose your assignment in a Microsoft Word document. Submit your file in the assignment area. Rubric 1st paper: 1) Offers a thorough, clear explanation as to why the selected research article is appropriate for an identified field of study, substantiated with citations from similar research. 2) Thoroughly explains why the research in the selected article is qualitative or quantitative and supports the explanation with appropriate references. 3) Communicates in a manner that is completely scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of the identified field of style, and uses APA style and formatting with few or no errors ————————– u04a1: Research Topic and Methodology Description In this assignment, you will complete the Research Topic and Methodology Form linked in the Resources. You must use the research study that you selected in the Unit 2 assignment, and your instructor must have approved the study. Fill out all sections of the form with the information requested. You are expected to use professional, academic writing skills and proper APA citations and references. You should state information in your own words. However, if you find it necessary to use material verbatim from another source, it must be quoted with an appropriate citation for quotes. Refer to the project description and the assignment scoring guide to make sure you meet the requirements of this assignment. Submit your completed form in the assignment area. Rubric 2nd paper: 1) Identifies the main research topic of the chosen research and provides a clear paragraph elaborating on the topic. 2) Identifies the research problem in the chosen research, and includes a rationale. 3) Identifies the research question or questions in the chosen research, and states the questions in such a way that the questions logically connect to the methodology. 4) Identifies the methodology and design used in the chosen research, and provides a summary description of the method and design used. 5) Describes the findings in the literature review that are closely related to the research problem in the chosen research and elaborates on how these help define the boundaries of the research problem. 6) Explains and evaluates how the answers to the research question or questions will help the researchers solve the research problem in the chosen research by including any shortcomings concerning aspects of the research problem not addressed by the research questions. 7) Explains and evaluates how the methodology and approach will help the researchers answer the research question or questions in the chosen research by including any limitations the methodology and approach will have in answering the research questions. 8) Communicates in a manner that is completely scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of the identified field of study, and uses APA style and formatting with few or no errors. ————————————– Retsearch Topic and Methodology Description Scoring Guide. u07a1: Scientific Knowledge, Contributions and Methodology Scientific Knowledge, Contributions and Methodology Resources • In this assignment, you will complete the Scientific Knowledge, Contributions and Methodology Form located in the Resources, using the research study you selected in the Unit 2 assignment. Review the Scientific Merit Presentation multimedia piece from Unit 1. To complete the assignment, fill out all sections of the form with the information requested. You are expected to use professional, academic writing skills, and proper APA citations and references. You should state information in your own words. However, if you find it necessary to use material verbatim from another source, it must be quoted with an appropriate citation for quotes. Refer to the project description and the assignment scoring guide to make sure you meet the requirements of this assignment. Submit your completed form in the assignment area. Rubric 3rd paper: 1) Describes the new knowledge the chosen research contributed to the identified field of study, and explains how the knowledge is meaningful and how it could be applied in real-world settings. The descriptions and explanations are well-developed with supporting sources. 2) Describes the theoretical implications the study could have for the specified field of study, providing full details and supporting evidence. 3) Provides a well-developed description of the population and sample, a well-developed description of the sampling procedures, as well as a thorough evaluation as to the appropriateness for the methodology and approach that includes details and supporting evidence. 4) Provides a comprehensive description of the data collection procedures and a thorough evaluation as to the appropriateness for the methodology and approach that includes details and supporting evidence. 5) Produces a well-developed description of the data analysis procedures and evaluation of whether they are appropriate for the methodology and approach. The description and evaluation include supporting sources. 6) Communicates in a manner that is completely scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of the identified field of study, using APA style and formatting with few or no errors. Scientific Knowledge, Contributions and Methodology Scoring Guide. u10a1: Scientific Merit Paper Scientific Merit Paper Resources Using the research study you selected in the Unit 2 assignment, along with the course assignments for which you deconstructed your research study, write a scientific merit paper. In your paper, address the following: • Evaluate how a research study advances the scientific knowledge base of an identified field of study. • Evaluate how a specific research study contributes to research theory and the field of study. • Evaluate how the scientific methods of inquiry are applied to a specific research study. • Evaluate the validity and reliability of a selected research study. • Assess strategies for addressing ethical concerns in the design of a research study. • Apply the terminology of research. • Demonstrate both the depth and the breadth of your understanding of scientific research and scientific merit by including relevant examples and supporting evidence. Requirements • The paper should be 10–12 pages long, not counting references, block quotes, or title page. Neither an abstract nor table of content is required, and would not count in the paper length. • Minimum of seven scholarly resources. It is expected that one of these resources will be the study you selected for the Unit 2 assignment, and another will be the required textbook for the course, by Leedy and Ormrod. • Use APA style and formatting, including correct in-text citations, proper punctuation, double-spacing throughout, proper headings and subheadings, no skipped lines before headings and subheadings, proper paragraph and block indentation, no bolding, and no bullets. • Include the permalink to your article on the title page of your paper. Refer to the project description and the assignment scoring guide to make sure you meet the requirements of this assignment. Submit your file in the assignment area. Rubric for 4th paper: 1) Evaluates the scientific merit of the article by analyzing how the research advances the scientific knowledge base. 2) Evaluates the scientific merit of the article by analyzing how the research contributes to research theory and the field of study. 3) Evaluates the scientific merit of the article by analyzing the scientific methods. 4) Analyzes the validity and reliability of a selected research study and elaborates on how it contributes to scientific merit. 5) Analyzes the effectiveness of strategies selected for addressing ethical concerns in the design of a research study. 6) Communicates in a manner that is completely scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of the identified field of study, and uses APA style and formatting with few or no errors.