This article provides a sample solution essay about Exodus Character: Moses and Pharaoh.
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Exodus Character Study
Read the Bible – Exodus chapters 1-15 and then choose ONE of the following prompts to write about.
Please ensure that your responses are based directly on what happens in the Bible story.
Quote specific examples and verses from the Bible to support your points.
You only have to write on ONE of the choices
Your responses should be a minimum of 500 words.
Exodus Character: Moses and Pharaoh
The story of Moses and Pharaoh is that of hero and villain founded on slavery and the eventual triumph of the enslaved. The book of Genesis portrays the story of Israelites in a foreign land, i.e., Egypt. Unlike the previous Pharaohs who treated Israelites well, the Pharaoh during Moses’ time did not know Joseph (Exodus 1:8). By the time Moses was born, Pharaoh had decreed that all male Hebrew children be cast into the Nile (1:22). Following an attempt by Moses’ mother to protect him from Pharaoh, he ended up living in the house of Pharaoh after he was picked by the river Nile where his mother hid him. Thus, both Pharaoh and Moses had a Royal upbringing, albeit under different circumstances and conditions.
However, the initial interaction between Moses and Pharaoh ended when he fled to Midian after killing an Egyptian he found beating a fellow Hebrew (Exodus 2:11). While at Midian, God appeared to him as he had been chosen to lead the quest against Pharaoh to let Israelites leave the land (Exodus 3: 7-8). Though he felt he could not lead the Israelites against Pharaoh, God promised to be by his sides, to guide him in mission through his brother Aron (Exodus 3:11, 19 & 4:1-13, 27). In this way, the Bible paints Moses as far from quiet or hesitant, but he is a pattern of the biblical hero whose grandeur comes not in self-assertion but devotion to God. Moses showed obedience when God asked him not to come closer to the burning bush and remove his sandals (Genesis 3:5). Moses also showed obedience by accepting God’s instructions to return to Egypt and ask Pharaoh to let Israelites leave for the Promised Land (Exodus 4: 20).
The interaction between Moses and Pharaoh was, however, not friendly. The Bible portrays the reigning Egyptian King (Ramses II) as cruel and disobedient. Pharaoh’s strength depended on his Magician, which he used to counter the miracles performed by Moses (Exodus 7:22). As Moses requested him to free the Israelites, Pharaoh made them labor harder, depriving them of straw and instead gather for themselves despite the King maintaining the regular quota they are to bring to him (Exodus 5:7-8). On several occasions and plagues, Pharaoh refused to heed God’s command through Moses to let the Israelites go and serve Him (Exodus 5:2, 7:3&13, 8:15&19, 9:7&35). Pharaoh’s weakness was his hardened heart with each plague that befell Egyptians (Exodus 7:22, 8:15). Ultimately, the hardness of his heart led to the death of Egyptian firstborns, including his son (12:29), and eventually drowning his entire army when he decided to pursue Israelites.
On the other hand, Moses’ strengths were his unwavering obedience to God despite predisposing himself to danger before Pharaoh and other overwhelming odds from within his kinsmen. Moses’ strongest indication of obedience to God was evident when he heeded God’s instructions to go back to Pharaoh each time and refused to let Israelites go (Exodus 7:6, 8:1, 9:13, 10:8). Moses also has strong faith in God, as exemplified by his intimacy with God and his persistent belief that God would deliver them when no one else had lost faith in God (Exodus 14: 10-15). Moses’ weaknesses were his fear and lack of self-worth. Moses told God that he was unskilled in a speech to go before Pharaoh (Exodus 6:30), but God said He would make him like a God before Pharaoh as an assurance of his guidance (Exodus 7:1). has the top and most qualified writers to help with any of your assignments. All you need to do is place an order with us.
Exodus Character: Moses and Pharaoh
Pharaoh was driven to enslave and how on to Israelites because he was threatened with Israelites number and might (Exodus 1:10). This threat motivated Pharaoh to deal with the Israelites harshly (hard labor) to limit their multiplication lest Israelites would increase in number and defeat them in war (Exodus 1:10). While Moses’ motivation is not entirely illustrated in this context, it is arguable that Moses was motivated by his desire to lead his people from slavery from the land of Egypt. Growing up, he witnessed the harshness Egyptians had on Hebrews. Besides, his obedience and faith in God made him strive to accomplish God’s will for his life.
New King James Bible Online. (1982). NKJV Online. Available at: [Accessed May 22, 2021]
Question – Exodus Character: Moses and Pharaoh
Exodus Character Study
Read the Bible – Exodus chapters 1-15 and then choose ONE of the following prompts to write about.
- Please ensure that your responses are based directly on what happens in the Bible story.
- Quote specific examples and verses from the Bible to support your points.
- You only have to write on ONE of the choices
- Your responses should be a minimum of 500 words.
- Make sure you write your document in Word, with the Assignment name and your name on a heading at the top of the essay and then attach your assignment to the page.
Compare and contrast the following Characters from the story of the Exodus. Describe their interactions with one another that are significant. Describe how and why they relate and respond to one another. Describe the weaknesses and/or strengths that they bring into the Exodus account. Finally, describe what motivates them to do what they do in the story.
Choose one of the following to write about:
- Option 1 – MOSES & PHARAOH
- Option 2 – PHAROAH AND GOD (they do interact but not directly…)
- Option 3 – GOD AND MOSES
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