Global Health Issues

Performance Task Scenario: Tuberculosis Outbreak


You are an administrator at Worcester General Hospital, in Worcester, Massachusetts, faced with an outbreak of tuberculosis (TB) in your community. It is your job to work with the local health department (LHD) to investigate, monitor, control, and contain the disease.


The index case, Rosa Cruz, is a recent undocumented immigrant to Worcester from El Salvador. When she and her family arrived in Worcester, they lived in a homeless shelter temporarily until they found permanent housing. She now works part time at a local daycare center and is a devout member of her church. She lives with her husband, three children, and four other members of her extended family.


A nurse who attends Mrs. Cruz’s church noticed that Mrs. Cruz was coughing a lot and had lost weight and advised her to seek testing and treatment. Not having health insurance, Mrs. Cruz went to the emergency room at Worcester General Hospital. The laboratory at Worcester General Hospital confirmed that Mrs. Cruz has active TB. In the days following Mrs. Cruz’s diagnosis, 13 other members of the community, including several members of her family, were also diagnosed with TB.


Complete 1 half-page culturally competent script for a phone call to reach out to the contacts of infected persons that encourages them to get tested for tuberculosis (TB). In addition, submit an appendix to your script that explains which National Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Healthcare (CLAS) Standards were applied and your rationale for selecting the cultural demographic upon which your script is based.