Good Topics for Nursing Annotated Bibliography: A Comprehensive Review for Nursing Students
A nursing annotated bibliography is a list of sources (books, articles, websites, etc.) with brief descriptions of each one. This article introduces nursing Annotated Bibliography and provides Good Topics for Nursing Annotated Bibliography.(Good Topics for Nursing Annotated Bibliography)

Nursing Annotated Bibliography
These descriptions can include:
- The main argument or purpose of the source
- How the source is useful for your research(Good Topics for Nursing Annotated Bibliography)
- A summary of the main points in the source
- An evaluation of the quality of the source
The following are the parts of a nursing annotated bibliography:
1. Title page: This includes the title of your paper, your name, and other relevant information.
2. Abstract: An abstract is a brief summary of your paper. It should include the main points covered in your paper and your conclusions.(Good Topics for Nursing Annotated Bibliography)
3. Introduction: The introduction will give an overview of your topic and explain why you are conducting research on this topic. It will also introduce the sources you will be using in your paper.(Good Topics for Nursing Annotated Bibliography)
4. Body paragraphs: Each body paragraph will cover one of your sources in detail. You will discuss how it contributes to your research and what information it provides. You may also include a critical analysis of the quality of the source.(Good Topics for Nursing Annotated Bibliography)
5. Conclusion: The conclusion will summarize your findings and discuss any implications for further research.
Here’s a nursing annotated bibliography Example
Good Topics for Nursing Annotated Bibliography
- A Model of Self Care for an AIDS Patient
- A Study of Stress Levels In Patients With Elective Cholecystectomy
- Abuse and Neglect of Older Adults in Institutional Settings
- Accountability in Nursing: The Interrelationships of the Hierarchical Structure
- Activity in the Elderly: A Research Proposal
- Adaptation Nursing(Good Topics for Nursing Annotated Bibliography)
- Addicted Nurses: Opiate Addiction and Management of Nurses
- Adult Children Caring for Elderly Parents
- Advanced Nurse Practitioner
- Advanced Nursing Practice Issue: Alternative Therapies
- Advantages & Disadvantages of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation
- Advantages of Breastfeeding
- Aging in America Sociological & Psychological Aspects
- Altruism and Nursing(Good Topics for Nursing Annotated Bibliography)
- Alzheimer’s Disease Genetic vs. Environmental
- Alzheimer’s Disease, The Brain, & Memory Loss
- Ambulatory Care Facilities(Good Topics for Nursing Annotated Bibliography)
- An Exploratory Study of Recipients Perceptions of Bone Marrow Transplantation
- ANA Position Statement on Accepting Assignments
- Analysis of Systems Theory in Nursing
- Analysis of The Derived Theory of Smoking Relapse
- Article on Assessing Sensory Blockade With Alcohol & Pinprick After Subarachnoid Block
- Article on Heparin & Haematoma Does Ice Make A Difference?
- Betty Neuman: Nursing Theorist
- Breast Cancer(Good Topics for Nursing Annotated Bibliography)
- Breast Cancer & Coping Strategies
- Breast Cancer A Look At Family vs Group Therapy Options
- Breast Cancer in African American Women
- Breast Cancer in African American Women Environmental Impacts
- Breast Cancer Report
- Breast Cancer Treatment Lumpectomy vs. Mastectomy
- Breast Feeding Benefits, Misconceptions & Challenges To Public Health
- Budget Concerns and Nurse Managers
- Burnout In Nursing(Good Topics for Nursing Annotated Bibliography)
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More nursing annotated bibliography topics
- Cancer and Diet
- Cancer Patients and Music Therapy
- Care for the Elderly At Home vs. Nursing Home
- Caregiving And The Elderly
- Case Study of Elderly Patient Presenting With Confusion
- Case Study on Death and Dying
- Certified Nursing Aides
- Chemotherapy Pros & Cons
- Child Neglect and Abuse
- Cocaine Use, Pregnancy and Nursing
- Code Orange Alert – A Look At Nursing, Workplace Violence & OSHA Regulations
- Rosemarie Parse’s Theoretical Approach in Advanced Nursing Practices
- Secondhand Smoke & Nursing Intervention
- Sensory Changes and The Elderly
- Sex Education, Post-Myocardial Infarction
- Sexual Harassment
- Sleep Deprivation in Registered Nurses in Philadelphia
- Smoking Cessation
- Smoking Cessation With Post-Operative Head and Neck Cancer Patients
- Sociological Journal Article Analysis
- Sr. Callister Roy: Nursing Theory
- Stem Cell Therapy
- Steven Levenkron’s The Best Little Girl in the World
- Tetragens and Birth Defects
- The Benefits of MIDCAB Versus Standard Coronary Bypass
- The Benefits of Warming Treatment for Emergence From General Anesthesia
- The Best Choice; A Placebo or Traditional Treatment
- The Caring Philosophy in Nursing
- The Cesarean Procedure An Overview
- The Child Diabetic
- The Controversy of Euthanasia
- The Effect Of Pre-Operative Teaching in Outpatient Surgery
- The Effects of Aging
- The Effects Of Alzheimer’s Disease On Brain Structure
- The Emergency Room Today
- The Environmental Issue of Secondhand Smoke: The Implications for Pediatric Nursing
- The Family Nurse Practitioner
- The Fate of Social Security
- The Future Of Nursing Competency Based Orientation
- The Human – Canine Bond Animal Assisted Therapy
- The Impact of Agency Nurses on Quality Health Care
- The Impact of Chronic Illness on Marital Satisfaction
- The Importance of Education in the Nursing Profession
- The Importance Of Research In Nursing Practice
- The Individual, Society, & Health In Education
- The Interpretation and Assimilation of Nursing Articles
- The Kangaroo Method of Caring for Low Birth Weight Infants
- The Management of Certified Nursing Assistants as Unlicensed Personnel
- The NCLEX-RN Success And Utility For Associate Nursing Degree Graduates
- The Neuman Systems Model
- The Nursing Profession Providing for Those of Other Cultures
- The Nursing Shortage Safety Concerns
- The Physiological Concepts of Sleep Implications for Nursing
- The Process of Bereavement: An Outline
- The Question of Nursing Responsibility When It Comes to Cultural Diversity
- The Return Of Thalidomide
- The Role and Function of the Clinical Nurse Specialist
- The Role Of A Clinical Nurse Specialist
- The Role of Communication in Health Care
- The Role of the Nurse in Ambulatory Care
- The Role of the Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
- The Seasons of a Life
- The Servant Leadership Principle in Nursing
- The Short & Long Term Effects Of Eating Disorders
- The Shortage of Registered Nurses
- The Social Security Act Of 1935 Impact On The Nursing Home Industry
- The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down
- The Structural-Functionalist Perspective in Nursing
- The Value of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs in the Treatment of Patients
- Tinnitus and its Effects on Sleep
- Unionization of Nursing and It’s Impact on Patient Care
- Vaginal Birth After Ceasarean Section
- Virginia Henderson Key Name In Nursing
- Vitamin A and Birth Defects
- Women’s Health in the Western Modern Medical System
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Structure of a nursing annotated bibliography outline in APA