erik is a young healthy 21 year old with dreams of being a professional football player with the nf Show more erik is a young healthy 21 year old with dreams of being a professional football player with the nfl. after a particularly close game with his colleges rival team erik got into a fight and the other player kneed him in the groin. erik collapsed in extreme pain and his fellows took him to the ER where he is treated for testicular torsion and a hydeocele (fluid filled sac in the tunica vaginalis). He returns to normal life and after college is drafted by the NFL where during his first year on the New York Giants he developes a ferocious cough with occasional bloody sputum dizziness blurred vision and headaches but fearful of loosing his place on the team he does not seek treatment with the team doctor. this continued until Erik fainted during practice one day and was forced to see the team medical staff. After being examined and running tests the doctor asked Erickson about the large mass on his right testicle and Erik replies that it was bothering him but only when he didnt have it cupped. The doctor ordered a CT scans of Eriks lungs head and grion. the next day Erik is diagnosed with metastatic testicular cancer with 7 minor tumors in his lungs and a larger tumor in his brain. Given the above information about Erik and what you know about male reproductive health answer the following questions : How does Eriks testicular cancer arise and then metasize so quickly? Why was the fluid swelling in his testicle a hydrocele and not a spermatocele or a varicocele? The doctor recommends that Erik gets a orchiectomy-why is this a logical treatment choice? Show less
How does Eriks testicular cancer arise and then metasize so quickly?
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