domestic violence agaient women
Order Description
The aim of the study is:
To explore the perception and understanding of Saudi nurses toward DV against Women.
2/. Research Q; nurses student will answer the following Q
1. What is your perception/understanding of domestic violence?
2) How do you see domestic violence impact in on womens health?
3) How the domestic violence topic can be integrated or developed in your curriculum?
I will attach example to see how you will do
First steps
I need the following steps:
1. Pleas do .. Search and selection process and write Search Outcome ; from databases ( EBCOHOST MEDLINE CINAHL Science Direct and ProQuest.)
2. Write the key words used. The keywords in each major topic were connected with the Boolean terms OR and with AND. The inclusion and exclusion criteria for the studies explain search outcome
inclusion criteria.
Peer-reviewed published articles
Articles written in English
Articles that are not older than a certain date 2006 -2016
Articles that include qualitative or quantitative and mixed methods.
Articles that include professional nurses or nursing students only.
Articles that include perception understanding knowledge attitude practice wariness of DV against women only; not men
Articles that include impact domestic violence on women health.
1. Nurses perception udnerstanding of DV?
I need articles addressing how nurses in general see DV.
I need a articles adderssing how nurses in Arabic countries see DV.
2. What is the impact on womens health?
I need articles addressing what is the impact of DV in womenshealth.
I need A articles addressing what nurses in general and in Arabic countries perceive the impact of DV to be in womens health. Physical gynaecological. Psychological
3How can it be intergrated in nurses curriculum
I need articles addressing what is the nursing education courses curriculum related to DV.
Please arrange the above into table: and PRISMA 2009 Flow Diagram
Author/ year Study Purpose-Aim and
Research question Design Sample size and setting Methods
And Analysis findings/ implications Weakness and strength . Theoretical/
Second steps:
3. A critical appraisal of qualitative studies and quantitative study ?
A. A critical appraisal of qualitative studies was undertaken using 10 questions from the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) evaluation tool
Table . Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) Qualitative Research Checklist May 31 2013 (Public Health Resource Unit England 2006)
Screening Question 1. Author of 2.
B. Quantitative studies were subjected to 12 questions from the CASP40 Cohort Study Checklist
Table . Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) Cohort Study Checklist October 14 2010 (Public Health Resource Unit England 2006).
How the domestic violence topic can be integrated or developed in your curriculum?
What You Will Learn