Week 7Simulation Experiences
The purpose of this discussion is for you to explore the expanding role of simulation—whether low-fidelity, high-fidelity, or virtual—in nursing within both the academic and healthcare environments.
Simulation in Healthcare
We are confronting a new generation ofnursing students and experiencednurses raised in the digital age.They expect technology integration intothe academic settingand the healthcare setting.After providing the foundational knowledgefor a specific patient condition,the nurse educator canutilize simulation to emulatethe clinical experience anda safe environment without harm.The nurse educator guidesthe learning experience by identifying roles,clarifying expectations,and adapting the simulation experiencebased upon student response.This adaptive learning component fromhigh fidelity and virtual-reality simulationsindividualizes the learning experiencein a non-risk, non-threatening environment.Other technologies, such aslow fidelity simulators,gaming and mobile devices can alsoengage tech savvynursing students and nurses.As the DNP-prepared nurse,you have the flexibilityto create case scenarios tostrengthen learning outcomes inan educational environment withlimited and inconsistent healthcareclinical opportunities orin the health care settingto reinforce skill sets.With simulation, you can evaluateclinical competencies before any interactionwith an actual patient,ensuring a safer,higher-quality level of care.
Reflect on the value of simulation to engage and to promote skill acquisition in your work environment whether in academia or the healthcare setting. Address the following in your initial post:
1. Evaluate the benefits of the integration of simulation in nursing education or clinical practice to improve nursing skill sets.
2. Analyze your work environment for knowledge gaps where the use of simulation would be a viable option to improve competencies. Justify the type of simulation selected, elaborating on your vision of implementation and evaluation plans for the simulation experience.
Please click on the following link to review the DNP Discussion Guidelines on the Student Resource Center program page:
· Link (webpage): Graduate Discussion Grading Guidelines and Rubric (Links to an external site.)
Course Outcomes
This discussion enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:
1. Assess the impact of informatics and information technology on organizational systems, change, and improvement. (PO 6)
2. Use information technology to collect and analyze data to generate evidence-based nursing practice across healthcare settings. (PO 7)