NR722-WEEK2-The Application of Prevailing Trends and How These Trends Influence Curricular Design

Week 2

The Application of Prevailing Trends and How These Trends Influence Curricular Design



The purpose of this discussion is to explore how prevailing trends in healthcare influence curricular design to assure relevant and contemporary practice.


Review this week’s lessons and readings. Consider the increasing healthcare needs and complexity of your practice problem idea and the connection to the Global Burden of Disease and social determinants of health. Then, respond to the following:

·     Propose steps the nurse educator can take to remain knowledgeable and responsive to prevailing healthcare trends when creating and revising a curriculum that is contemporary, relevant, and either prepares nursing students for practice or enhances nursing practice in the clinical setting.

Please click on the following link to review the DNP Discussion Guidelines on the Student Resource Center program page:

·     Link (webpage): DNP Discussion Guidelines (Links to an external site.)

Course Outcomes

This discussion enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

1. Analyze educational theories and their influence on teaching and learning strategies in nursing. (POs 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)

2. Design nursing curricula using a synthesis of educational theory, best evidence from the literature, and current and prevailing healthcare trends, accreditation, and regulatory standards. (POs 1, 2, 3, 5)

3. Design teaching and learning strategies using a synthesis of educational theory, best evidence from the literature, and prevailing trends in clinical and academic learning environments to facilitate learner development and socialization. (POs 1, 3, 4, 6, 8)