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Sustaining practice change can be difficult and requires many facets of teamwork. Intra-professional collaboration refers to teamwork between people in the same profession, such as nurses who work together on a project, whereas interprofessional collaboration is teamwork between various professions such as physicians, nurses, social workers, etc. Both are necessary to sustain practice change. I envision using transformational leadership qualities and an appropriate framework such as knowledge to action, which help to sustain change (Chamberlain University, 2022). Prior to implementation, I need to get “buy-in” from the organization, leaders, and staff. Having a supportive organization and leadership team, communicating efficiently, getting input from all members of the team, and performing loss assessments with the staff will help manage barriers and transitions to change (Dang & Dearholt, 2018; Karlsson et al., 2020). Finally, once implemented, I need to continue modeling the change, use change champions, and hold all team members accountable for sustaining our implemented change (Chamberlain University, 2022).

          Inadequate conflict management skills can completely derail a project and lead to dysfunction of the team, decreased job satisfaction, and poor patient outcomes (White et al., 2020). I wish I could say collaborating is my typical reactionary style of conflict management but avoiding and accommodating are probably more correct. White et al. (2020), also mentions these two conflict management styles are most common. I am very aware of my need to be more assertive to get to that collaborative conflict management style. Utilizing the American Association of Colleges of Nursing’s (AACN) collaboration model, I can use the competencies such as maintaining an environment of mutual respect, learning, and shared values, to collaborate when there is a conflict, rather than avoid (Chamberlain University, 2022).

          There are many barriers that can lead to an unsuccessful project implementation such as time constraints, lack of resources, support, and communication, and a lack of incentives (Dang & Dearholt, 2018). Using a professional practice model gives the project a standardized approach for the team to follow, which will improve time constraints, cost components, and outcomes (Dang & Dearholt, 2018). Many models, such as Kotter’s Change Model, include very clear steps to implementing practice change projects from the very beginning where one would create a sense of urgency and excitement among team members to the end where the change is affixed into the culture of the organization (Mork et al., 2018). Using a model gives the project the structure and support it needs to be successful.


Chamberlain University. (2022). Week 3: Leading Interprofessional Teams. [Online course resource]. Adtalem Global Education.

Dang, D. & Dearholt, S. (2018). Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice: Model and guidelines. Sigma Theta Tau International.

Karlsson, M., Garvare, R., Zingmark, K., & Nordstrom, B. (2020). Organizing for sustainable inter-organizational collaboration in health care processes. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 34(2), 241-250. (Links to an external site.)

Mork, A., Krupp, A., Hankwitz, J., & Malec, A. (2018). Using Kotter’s change framework to implement and sustain multiple complementary ICU initiatives. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 33(1), 38-45. (Links to an external site.)

White, B. A., White, H. D., Bledsoe, C., Hendricks, R., & Arroliga, A. C. (2020). Conflict management education in the intensive care unit. American Journal of Critical Care, 29(6), e135-e138.





Sustain Project improvements

The strategy I would use as a DNP-prepared nurse to sustain project improvements through intra and interprofessional collaboration would be to create an organizational culture that is supported. Invite input to create a vision and establish a need for change. Early buy-in is key. To sustain project improvements, it is important to not only establish an engagement and commitment through interprofessional collaboration. Communicating with a team that includes all stakeholders is pivotal to success. This includes management, who can adopt a servant-leadership style to demonstrate behaviors that lead to the trust of the change project (Miles & Vallish, 2020).

In a series of articles, Grady and Porche (2019), elaborated on how presentations disseminated information regarding priorities in science and policy research opportunities for leaders within nursing organizations and societies to demonstrate inter-and intra- professional collaborations that effectively improve healthcare outcomes. The interdisciplinary approach accelerates scientific findings that improve problems and find solutions (Grady & Porche, 2019).

Conflict Management

The Thomas Kilmann conflict mode model is a tool used to assist in conflict management. This model lists five main styles of conflict management: accommodating, avoiding, collaborating, competing, and compromising. There are reactive and proactive approaches to conflict. My goal is to always be proactive in my approach, however, I can be reactive when feeling attacked or demeaned. I find that this is more of a conflict with self, as I work to manage my reaction to a feeling or perceived conflict. My overall style is one of collaboration and compromise. I find that competing, avoiding, or accommodating all lead to leaning one way instead of mixing the great ideas that come from teamwork and team participation. Dealing with conflict in the collaborating mode it is key to get input from all, considering cultural differences as they can contribute to issues during project management if not acknowledged (Davis, 2020). When conflict management is done correctly and through collaboration, it can encourage healthy competition and recognize differences that increase motivation and engagement. When collaboration is effectively managed, there is heightened participation which can lead to project change sustainability (Piryani & Piryani, 2019)

Professional practice model

To overcome barriers in leading practice change projects professional practice models can be used to enhance professional understanding and practice. This is done by developing through collaboration ownership and empowerment. Within diverse practice settings and roles, this can create a common identity for nurses. This strong sense of shared governance is essential in promoting accountability and supports a strong work environment. The C.A.R.E Model provides a connection between the professional practice model and the theory. This model incorporates commitment, accountability recognition, and excellence. When this is achieved within the practice change project avoiding and overcoming barriers is realized (Keleekai-Brapoh & Toresco,  2020). 



Davis. (2020). The Influence of National Culture on Conflict in Project Management: How Organizations Manage Conflict. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing. (Links to an external site.)

Grady, & Porche, D. (2019). Promoting State‐of‐the‐Art Biobehavioral Approaches in Symptom Science Research Through Inter‐ and Intra‐Professional Collaborations. Journal of Nursing Scholarship51(1), 3–3. (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

Keleekai-Brapoh, & Toresco, D. (2020). Anchoring a professional practice model. Nurse Leader18(6), 552–556. (Links to an external site.)

Piryani, & Piryani, S. (2019). Conflict management in healthcare. Journal of Nepal Health Research Council16(41), 481–482. (Links to an external site.)