IRB Prescreening Process
The purpose of this discussion is to identify the IRB prescreening process and how this process works to gain IRB prescreening determination for the DNP practice change project.(Prescreening Process Discussion Essay for Nursing Students)

Review this week’s readings and provide your response in 150 words or less:
1. State your practice question in PICOT format.(Prescreening Process Discussion Essay for Nursing Students)
2. Describe your process for completing the IRB Prescreening Supplement Form and provide all the required information about the project for IRB determination.
3. Provide an update on your project status.(Prescreening Process Discussion Essay for Nursing Students)
Use Grammarly and the current APA format for the posts. Do not repeat the prompts in the post. Provide respectful and thought-provoking feedback to your student colleagues. Ask for clarification and elaboration if needed.
Please click on the following link to review the DNP Discussion Guidelines on the Student Resource Center program page:
· Link (webpage): DNP Discussion GuidelinesLinks to an external site.
Course Outcomes
This discussion enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:
1. Exhibit adherence to ethical principles in the delivery of healthcare, program planning, and financial management. (POs 1, 4)
2. Demonstrate effective project management strategies. (POs 2, 3, 6, 7, 8)(Prescreening Process Discussion Essay for Nursing Students)
5. Demonstrate knowledge and skills in support for and dissemination of scholarship. (POs 2, 3)
Prescreening Process Discussion Essay for Nursing Students
Practice Question

The following practice question will serve as the basis of the DNP project: For adults with a history of Schizophrenia (P) in the inpatient setting, does the implementation of technology with motivational interviewing (I), compared with current practice (C), impact medication nonadherence (O) in 8-10 weeks (T)?(Prescreening Process Discussion Essay for Nursing Students)
Process of Completing IRB Prescreening Supplement Form
Any project involving human participants requires IRB approval (Rooney et al., 2019). Chamberlain’s Institutional Review Board’s permission is needed to collect and or implement the DNP project, which involves schizophrenia patients, at the practicum site. The approval requires the filling of the IRB Prescreening Supplement. To complete the form, personal details are required, including student name, email, ID, project working title, practicum site name, preceptor’s name and contact, and key decision-makers’ contact details. The form is completed in various sections. Section I requires a description of the practice problem and the need for the project. Section II requires the provision of the practice question and the definition of the population. In section III, the student should provide a weekly implementation plan or protocol, generally, what will be done each week of the project implementation phase and the resources needed. Section IV requires describing a plan for educational offerings. Section V is the IRB completion that requires the student to thoroughly explain the data collection plan, measurable outcome identified in the practice question, names of tools and instruments used and their validity and reliability. In this section, the student should also elaborate a data analysis plan, identify statistical tests, plan to ensure participant’s confidentiality and safeguard data over time, and results dissemination plan. The steps for the IRB prescreening review form include determining whether the project is “Research” as defined by the IRB, whether the project involves human subjects, whether the practice setting requires IRB review, and whether the project interacts with a vulnerable population. The last section of the IRB Prescreening Supplement Form involves confirmation of the various project aspects after completion. (Prescreening Process Discussion Essay for Nursing Students)
Data Collection Plan
Data will be collected pre-and post-intervention. A baseline measurement will be taken to determine the current state of medication nonadherence among schizophrenia patients. The Adherence Self-Report Questionnaire (ASRQ) will be used to collect this data. After the intervention has been fully implemented, a second measurement will be taken to determine medication adherence behavior changes among schizophrenia patients. The Adherence Self-Report Questionnaire (ASRQ) will collect post-intervention data for comparison with post-intervention data.(Prescreening Process Discussion Essay for Nursing Students)
Zeller et al. (2008) Adherence Self-Report Questionnaire (ASRQ) is a tool used to collect information on medication adherence behavior. It has six levels, from level 1 = perfect adherence to level 6 = nonadherence, that determine an individual’s medication-taking behavior. It has six descriptions, and an individual is required to choose one of them: 1) “I always take all my tablets at the same time of the day;” 2) “I manage to take all my tablets – but not always at the same time of the day;” 3) “I sometimes do not take all my tablets, knowingly or unknowingly, but never omit more than one dose at a time;” 4) “I miss many tablets and about three to four times a year I miss my tablets, knowingly or unknowingly, for two or more days;” 5) “I miss many tablets, knowingly or unknowingly, and at least once a month I miss my tablets for two or more days;” 6) “I take hardly any of my schizophrenia tablets.” The authors of the ASRQ reported an 88.3% timing adherence. The tool registered a specificity between 90-93% and negative predictive value of 66-96% on those who comparatively had high adherence. However, the detection of true nonadherence had a poor to moderate sensitivity and positive predictive value, ranging between 22-66%. Conclusively, the ASRQ could be used to gather data on medication adherence behavior among schizophrenia patients. The tool is in the public domain.(Prescreening Process Discussion Essay for Nursing Students)
Project Status
The project is still in the approval stage, but the research team is working with participants towards data collection, which will only be completed after IRB approval. However, the preparation is necessary, including explaining to participants what is expected of them, the method, instruments and duration of data collection. Generally, the team is in the initial stages of the implementation, and the organization I am working with is already aware of the project implementation, the intervention, and the involvement of schizophrenia patients in the study.(Prescreening Process Discussion Essay for Nursing Students)

Rooney, L., Covington, L., Dedier, A., & Samuel, B. (2019). Measuring IRB Regulatory Compliance: Development, Testing, and Use of the National Cancer Institute StART Tool. Journal of empirical research on human research ethics: JERHRE, 14(2), 95–106. Process Discussion Essay for Nursing Students)
Zeller, A., Schroeder, K., & Peters, T. J. (2008). An adherence self-report questionnaire facilitated the differentiation between nonadherence and nonresponse to antihypertensive treatment. Journal of clinical epidemiology, 61(3), 282–288. Process Discussion Essay for Nursing Students)