Select one of the following four concepts for your paper: trust, hope, suffering, uncertainty. Once you’ve chosen your concept, complete the following:Determine the aim or purpose of your analysis

Select one of the following four concepts for your paper: trust, hope, suffering, uncertainty. Once you’ve chosen your concept, complete the following:Determine the aim or purpose of your analysis; what do you want to accomplish by conducting this concept analysis? Answer the questions “Why am I doing this?” and “Why is this relevant to nursing knowledge and nursing science?” Conduct your literature review by identifying all uses of the term that you can discover. Answer “what are the known conceptualizations?     Locate and use a minimum of: 3 dictionary definitions; 1 thesaurus entry; and 5 scholarly references from the nursing literature (you may use non-nursing literature, if necessary). Combined, these references will be the basis for identifying and defining attributes of your selected concept.Determine the critical or defining attributes of the concept by identifying what each instance or use of the term has in common with the other uses. The more scholarly references you locate and use, the easier it is to determine critical attributes of a concept.Define the 4 cases using the critical attributes:     Construct a model case, or a real-life scenario that uses the concept and includes all critical attributes of the concept. Explain how you use each critical attribute. This case should be an accurate representation or model of your concept.Construct a contrary case, or one that is opposite of the concept. Support the claims you make by explaining how and why the contrary case does not contain any of the critical attributes of your concept.Construct a borderline case, or one that is related to the concept but is not actually an example of the concept. Support the claims you make by explaining how and why the borderline case differs from the model and contrary cases (i.e., does not contain all of the critical attributes of your concept, etc.)Construct an invented case, or fictitious scenario that uses the concept and includes all of the critical attributes. Explain how you use each of the critical attributes

Instructions:Complete a working draft of steps 1-4 of your assignment “Paper: Concept Analysis.” As a “check-in” opportunity, selected components of steps 1-4 must be provided in your post. If you have had insights that have developed since beginning your assignment, post them in your initial post. If you are unsure about how to do something, ask in your initial post. In short, this is your space to use to your advantage in order to revise and refine your work thus far and progress towards a final product. You should include the following:Why are you doing a concept analysis (besides earning course credit)? Why are concepts significant to the discipline? How do concept analyses contribute to nursing knowledge and nursing science? These questions should be answered in your introduction paragraph where you describe your aim/purpose.Of the 4 concepts (trust, hope, suffering, uncertainty), which one did you select?Post your reference list thus far; include 3 dictionaries,1 thesaurus, and a minimum of 5 scholarly references from the literature (nursing and non-nursing literature).What are the defining attributes of your concept you’ve identified? Of the 4 cases (model, contrary, borderline, invented) using the critical attributes, select and describe 1 case in your initial post.