Tf gc rdgfg

Tf gc rdgfg.

Hi Everyone,

Please read the following information very  carefully.

This assignment is due on Tuesday, November 10th at 11:59 p.m. EST

It is worth 30% of your final grade.

I am giving you lots of time to work on this so there should be no excuse for it being late. There will be a 10% deduction for each day that it is late. If there is a medical reason for your paper being submitted after the due date you must supply me with proper documentation as per university policy.

I will be sending you instructions in the next couple of weeks as to whom you need to submit your assignment to.  I will be grading a certain percentage of the papers as will Bailey Trotti and another T.A. that will come on board shortly. 

The paper should be four full pages in length, double-spaced, size 12 font. You must use APA formatting. Additionally, you must include a title page and a reference pages(s). You must use Canadian references that do not pre-date 2010. Spelling and grammar are also important. I will also be posting a grading rubric on this site shortly.


The criminal justice system in our country has come under increased scrutiny in recent years by  academics, the media and the general public. Many of the criticisms deal with the way in which minority group members have been treated by the three branches of the criminal justice system, namely, the police, the courts and the correctional system.

This assignment asks you to select one group of Canadians that has experienced racism, discrimination, prejudice or some other form of mistreatment at the hands of one of the the branches of our justice system. Examples of groups that have experienced these problems include, but are not limited to visible minority groups, Indigenous peoples, and members of  the LBTG community. Your paper should document recent problems/complaints against the particular branch of the CJS that you have chosen. Also, please document what, if anything is being done or has been done to rectify these issues. 

Please take pride in your work. Following these directions is extremely important. Your grade will be based on the quality of your work and not your effort.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me via e-mail.

Best of luck to all of you.

Tf gc rdgfg