Individuals with personality disorders often find it difficult to overcome the enduring patterns of thought and behavior that they have thus far experienced and functioned with in daily life. Even when patients are aware that personality-related issues are causing significant distress and functional impairment and are open to counseling, treatment can be challenging for both the patient and the therapist. For this Assignment, you examine specific personality disorders and consider therapeutic approaches you might use with clients.(Therapy for Clients with Antisocial Personality Disorder Nursing Essay)

To prepare:
· Review this week’s Learning Resources and reflect on the insights they provide about treating clients with personality disorders.
· Select one of the personality disorders from the DSM-5-TR (e.g., paranoid, antisocial, narcissistic). Then, select a therapy modality (individual, family, or group) that you might use to treat a client with the disorder you selected.(Therapy for Clients with Antisocial Personality Disorder Nursing Essay)
Succinctly, in 1–2 pages, address the following:
· Briefly describe the personality disorder you selected, including the DSM-5-TR diagnostic criteria.
· Explain a therapeutic approach and a modality you might use to treat a client presenting with this disorder. Explain why you selected the approach and modality, justifying their appropriateness.(Therapy for Clients with Antisocial Personality Disorder Nursing Essay)
· Next, briefly explain what a therapeutic relationship is in psychiatry. Explain how you would share your diagnosis of this disorder with the client in order to avoid damaging the therapeutic relationship. Compare the differences in how you would share your diagnosis with an individual, a family, and in a group session.
Support your response with specific examples from this week’s Learning Resources and at least three peer-reviewed, evidence-based sources. Explain why each of your supporting sources is considered scholarly. Attach the PDFs of your sources.(Therapy for Clients with Antisocial Personality Disorder Nursing Essay)
· Symptom Media. (2020). Antisocial personality disorder ASPD online CNE CEU courses for nursesLinks to an external site.[Video]. YouTube.
· Symptom Media. (2020). Histrionic disorder NP mental health continuing educationLinks to an external site.[Video]. YouTube.
· Symptom Media. (2020). Narcissistic personality disorder online LPN CE credit CEU unit classesLinks to an external site.[Video]. YouTube.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSuccinctly, in 1–2 pages, address the following: • Briefly describe the personality disorder you selected, including the DSM-5-TR diagnostic criteria.(Therapy for Clients with Antisocial Personality Disorder Nursing Essay)
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise description of the personality disorder, including the DSM-5-TR diagnostic criteria.(Therapy for Clients with Antisocial Personality Disorder Nursing Essay)
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate description of the personality disorder, including the DSM-5-TR diagnostic criteria.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or inaccurate description of the personality disorder, including the DSM-5-TR diagnostic criteria.(Therapy for Clients with Antisocial Personality Disorder Nursing Essay)
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate description of the personality disorder, including the DSM-5-TR diagnostic criteria.
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain a therapeutic approach and a modality you might use to treat a client presenting with this disorder. Explain why you selected the approach and modality, justifying their appropriateness.
25 to >22.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of both a therapeutic approach and a modality that could be used to treat a client presenting with this disorder…. The response includes a concise explanation of why the approach and modality were selected, with strong justification for why they are appropriate for the disorder.(Therapy for Clients with Antisocial Personality Disorder Nursing Essay)
22 to >19.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of both a therapeutic approach and a modality that could be used to treat a client presenting with this disorder…. The response includes an explanation of why the approach and modality were selected, with adequate justification for why they are appropriate for the disorder.(Therapy for Clients with Antisocial Personality Disorder Nursing Essay)
19 to >17.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or inaccurate explanation of both a therapeutic approach and a modality that could be used to treat a client presenting with this disorder…. The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of why the approach and modality were selected, with a somewhat vague or inaccurate justification for why they are appropriate for the disorder.(Therapy for Clients with Antisocial Personality Disorder Nursing Essay)
17 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of a therapeutic approach and a modality that could be used to treat a client presenting with this disorder. Or, response is missing…. The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of why the approach and modality were selected, with poor justification for why they are appropriate for the disorder. Or, response is missing.(Therapy for Clients with Antisocial Personality Disorder Nursing Essay)
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Briefly explain what a therapeutic relationship is in psychiatry. Explain how you would share your diagnosis of this disorder with the client in order to avoid damaging the therapeutic relationship. Compare the differences in how you would share your diagnosis with an individual, a family, and in a group session.(Therapy for Clients with Antisocial Personality Disorder Nursing Essay)
30 to >26.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of the therapeutic relationship in psychiatry…. The response clearly and concisely explains an approach for sharing the disorder diagnosis to avoid damaging the therapeutic relationship, and how this approach would be similar or different in individual, family, and group sessions.(Therapy for Clients with Antisocial Personality Disorder Nursing Essay)
26 to >23.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of the therapeutic relationship in psychiatry…. The response adequately explains an approach for sharing the disorder diagnosis to avoid damaging the therapeutic relationship, and how this approach would be similar or different in individual, family, and group sessions.(Therapy for Clients with Antisocial Personality Disorder Nursing Essay)
23 to >20.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of the therapeutic relationship in psychiatry…. The response provides a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of an approach for sharing the disorder diagnosis to avoid damaging the therapeutic relationship, and how this approach would be similar or different in individual, family, and group sessions.(Therapy for Clients with Antisocial Personality Disorder Nursing Essay)
20 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague and inaccurate explanation of the therapeutic relationship in psychiatry. Or, response is missing…. The response provides a vague or incomplete explanation of an approach for sharing the disorder diagnosis to avoid damaging the therapeutic relationship, and how this approach would be similar or different in individual, family, and group sessions. Or, response is missing.(Therapy for Clients with Antisocial Personality Disorder Nursing Essay)
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome· Support your approach with specific examples from this week’s media and at least three peer-reviewed, evidence-based sources. PDFs are attached.
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response is supported by specific examples from this week’s media and at least three peer-reviewed, evidence-based sources from the literature that provide strong support for the rationale provided. PDFs are attached.
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response is supported by examples from this week’s media and three peer-reviewed, evidence-based sources from the literature that provide appropriate support for the rationale provided. PDFs are attached.(Therapy for Clients with Antisocial Personality Disorder Nursing Essay)
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response is supported by examples from this week’s media and two or three peer-reviewed, evidence-based sources from the literature. Examples and resources selected may provide only weak support for the rationale provided. PDFs may not be attached.(Therapy for Clients with Antisocial Personality Disorder Nursing Essay)
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response is supported by vague or inaccurate examples from the week’s media and/or evidence from the literature, or is missing.
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – Paragraph Development and Organization: Paragraphs make clear points that support well-developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully focused—neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement and introduction is provided which delineates all required criteria.(Therapy for Clients with Antisocial Personality Disorder Nursing Essay)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity…. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement, introduction, and conclusion are provided that delineates all required criteria.
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 80% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are stated, yet are brief and not descriptive.(Therapy for Clients with Antisocial Personality Disorder Nursing Essay)
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 60%–79% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are vague or off topic.
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity < 60% of the time…. No purpose statement, introduction, or conclusion were provided.(Therapy for Clients with Antisocial Personality Disorder Nursing Essay)
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – English writing standards: Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors.
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1 or 2 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3 or 4 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains many (≥ 5) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding.
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – The paper follows the correct APA format for the title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list.
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses the correct APA format with no errors.
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1 or 2 APA format errors.
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3 or 4 APA format errors.
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains many (≥ 5) APA format errors.
5 pts
Total Points: 100
The DSM-5-TR describes personality disorders as long-term behavioral patterns and experiences significantly different from what is expected of an average person (American Psychiatric Association, 2022). According to Paris (2015), personality disorders are generally caused by environmental and genetic factors, significantly varying depending on their manifestation. This paper describes the treatment of clients with antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) using psychotherapy.(Therapy for Clients with Antisocial Personality Disorder Nursing Essay)

ASPD is characterized by irresponsible, impulsive, and criminal behaviors (Wheeler, 2020). With reference to the explanations by American Psychiatric Association (2022), people with ASPD often have reckless, manipulative, and deceitful behaviors and are not concerned about others’ feelings. Similar to the other types of personality disorders, ASPD is on a spectrum, meaning that its severity can range from occasional destructive behaviors to recurrent committing of serious crimes (DeLisi et al., 2019). As Paris (2015) reported, the DSM-5-TR diagnostic criteria for ASPD include reckless disregard for one’s safety and that of others, inability to sustain consistent work behaviors, irresponsibility, and lack of remorse.(Therapy for Clients with Antisocial Personality Disorder Nursing Essay)
Furthermore, Azevedo et al. (2020) and Wheeler (2020) have established that people with ASPD often act impulsively or fail to plan, being aggressive and easily provoked. In this case, ASPD adversely affects a person’s social life by causing problems in relationships, school or work and may lead to social isolation in the long term. In line with Azevedo et al. (2020) and Bateman (2022), health practitioners should compassionately and calmly talk with ASPD clients during the psychotherapy session to effectively understand the feelings and thoughts of their clients caused by ASPD.(Therapy for Clients with Antisocial Personality Disorder Nursing Essay)
Therapeutic Approach and Modality
Selecting the most effective therapeutic approach for treating people with ASPD is essential for improved quality of life. In the context of this case study, psychotherapy (talk therapy) will be used for treating people with ASPD. With reference to the explanations by DeLisi et al. (2019), psychotherapy aims explicitly at people with ASPD to identify and modify their troubling thoughts, feelings, emotions, and behaviors. Adopting psychotherapy will allow for the effective management of anger and violent behaviors and the treatment of alcohol and drug abuse problems common among people with ASPD. Specifically, talk therapy is appropriate when treating clients with ASPD because it enables the nurse to better understand their emotions, correctly identify key challenges to optimal mental health, and allow them to cope with stress easily.(Therapy for Clients with Antisocial Personality Disorder Nursing Essay)
Therapeutic Relationship in Psychiatry
A positive therapeutic relationship between nurses and their clients helps realize improved quality of life among the health clients. When managing and treating clients with personality disorders, there is a need to develop a strong therapeutic relationship for improved health outcomes (Bateman, 2022; Paris, 2015). Therefore, I will share with the basic client information about the diagnosis to be undertaken, including the name personality disorder they are experiencing, its symptoms, and the most effective treatment options for their health problem. This approach will be appropriate in an individual session. However, I will not share more personal information about the client in a family or group session without the client’s consent. Some details, such as nature of their mental health should be confidential and only shared with the client.(Therapy for Clients with Antisocial Personality Disorder Nursing Essay)
ASPD is a personality disorder that interferes with the affected individuals’ behavioral patterns. Psychotherapy, specifically talk therapy, is a highly effective therapeutic approach for treating people with ASPD as it allows practitioners to comprehensively understand their clients’ emotions and thoughts about this disorder. Through talk therapy, I will teach the client with ASPD about the most appropriate ways of coping with distress and emotional breakdowns associated with this type of personality disorder. All of the sources included in this analysis are scholarly, as they have been written and reviewed by scholars and experts in the nursing field.(Therapy for Clients with Antisocial Personality Disorder Nursing Essay)
American Psychiatric Association. (2022). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. (5th ed., text rev.).
Azevedo, J., Vieira-Coelho, M., Castelo-Branco, M., Coelho, R., & Figueiredo-Braga, M. (2020). Impulsive and premeditated aggression in male offenders with antisocial personality disorder. Plos one, 15(3), 1-18.
Bateman, A. W. (2022). Mentalizing and group psychotherapy: a novel treatment for antisocial personality disorder. American journal of psychotherapy, 75(1), 32-37.
DeLisi, M., Drury, A. J., & Elbert, M. J. (2019). The etiology of antisocial personality disorder: The differential roles of adverse childhood experiences and childhood psychopathology. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 92, 1-6.
Paris, J. (2015). A concise guide to personality disorders. American Psychological Association, pp. 119–135.
Wheeler, K. (Ed.). (2020). Psychotherapy for the advanced practice psychiatric nurse: A how-to guide for evidence-based practice (3rd ed.). Springer Publishing.