What concerns will you have caring for Marjorie and how will you address those concerns?

You have taken care of 43-year-old Marjorie for over 5 years in the Layton Nursing Center. You are t Show more You have taken care of 43-year-old Marjorie for over 5 years in the Layton Nursing Center. You are the same age and have a lot in common. You have therefore grown very fond of Marjorie and spend time visiting and caring for her. Recently her health status has declined and she has been told she is terminally ill. You know Marjorie will go through the grieving process and youare very anxious to be supportive of her. What concerns will you have caring for Marjorie and how will you address those

You are t Show more You have taken care of 43-year-old Marjorie for over 5 years in the Layton Nursing Center. You are the same age and have a lot in common. You have therefore grown very fond of Marjorie and spend time visiting and caring for her. Recently her health status has declined and she has been told she is terminally ill. You know Marjorie will go through the grieving process and youare very anxious to be supportive of her. How will you help youWhat concerns will you have caring for Marjorie and how will you address those concerns? rself deal with Marjories dying process and eventual death? Show less