Wweek 6 case study-IL is my state


·         Please complete the questions listed below in the assignment. 


o    Provide supporting Documentation and Resource Links. 

o    This must be at least 2-3 pages paper, APA format. 

·         Submit to the dropbox by the due date.


1.    Determine if your practice state is an independent practice state for APRNs using the AANP map (Links to an external site.)

2.    Look up the APRN prescribing regulations in your state. 

3.    What are the safe prescribing recommendations for APRN’s in your state? This will vary depending on the level of practice authority. 

4.    Does your state have a Prescriptions Drug Monitoring Program? If so, explain. If not, please describe current legislation regarding this topic. 

5.    What are the barriers to APRN’s prescribing in your state? 

6.    What local or national organizations are available for you to join to support the cause for advancing practice/prescribing for APRN’s? 

Give a minimum of two (2) APA references to support your findings.  Be sure to follow APA format. 


NU670 Unit 6 Assignment – Prescribing Rubric

NU670 Unit 6 Assignment – Prescribing Rubric




This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent of Paper

15 pts

Level 5

Demonstrates a well-articulated understanding of the subject matter in a clear, complex, and informative manner Develops content and theories are well Links content to the paper requirements and practical experience Includes relevant material that fulfills all objectives of the paper Uses scholarly resources that were not provided in the course materials Completes all instruction requirements.

12 pts

Level 3

Demonstrates an understanding of the subject matter Explains and applies knowledge of evidence-based practice, ethics, theory, and/or role Uses a variety of scholarly resources from the course material and some that were not provided in the course materials Includes relevant material that fulfills all objectives of the paper. Completes all instruction requirements.

4 pts

Level 1

Demonstrates a moderate understanding of the subject matter Summarizes content with minimal application to evidence-based practice, theory, or role-development Presents content but is missing depth and or development Uses only scholarly resources that were provided in the course materials Completes most instruction requirements.

0 pts

Level 0

Does not meet the Section

15 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis and Synthesis of Paper Content and Meaning

15 pts

Level 5

Provides critical analysis in an accurate, clear, concise, and complete presentation of the required content Synthesizes information from scholarly resources Provides new information or insight related to the context of the assignment with both supportive and alternative information or viewpoints Completes all instruction requirements

7.6 pts

Level 3

Provides evidence of further synthesis of course content via scholarly resources Synthesizes information to help fulfill paper requirements Supports content with at least one viewpoint. Completes all instruction requirements.

4 pts

Level 1

Lacks clarification or new information Supports content with scholarly reference without adding any new information or insight Provides content that may be confusing or unclear, and the summary may be incomplete Completes most instruction requirements

0 pts

Level 0

Does not meet the Section

15 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeApplication of Knowledge

10 pts

Level 5

Offers a multidisciplinary approach via scholarly resources Applies practice that is accurate and plausible Supports practice with additional scholarly resources Answers all questions posed within the assignment in a well-developed manner with citations for validation Completes all instruction requirements.

5 pts

Level 3

Presents a summary of the paper’s content, findings, and knowledge gained Indicates how the information will be used within their professional practice Completes all instruction requirements.

2.5 pts

Level 1

Lacks objective Section Applies superficial bridge between the assignment and the broader course content Indicates how they will apply this new knowledge to their clinical practice in a vague manner Completes most instruction requirements.

0 pts

Level 0

Does not meet the Section

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization

5 pts

Level 5

Provides well-organized content with a clear and complex purpose statement and content argument. Provides concise writing with a logical flow of ideas.

3 pts

Level 3

Provides organized content with an informative purpose statement and supportive content and summary statement. Provides argument content with minimal issues in content flow.

1 pts

Level 1

Provides poor organization, and flow of ideas distract from content. Provides a purpose statement. Provides narrative that is difficult to follow and frequently causes reader to reread work.

0 pts

Level 0

Does not meet the Section

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCollege-level academic writing

5 pts

Level 5

Includes no more than three grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors that do not interfere with the readability. Meets the assignment length requirements.

3 pts

Level 3

Includes no more than four grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors that do not interfere with the readability. Meets the length requirements.

1 pts

Level 1

Includes five or more grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors makes understanding parts of assignment difficult, but does not interfere with readability. Meets the length requirements.

0 pts

Level 0

Does not meet the Section

5 pts

Total Points: 50
