Working out what to do in your assignment: writing a reflection
First year nursing
Caroline Havery , Academic Language and Learning
Make sure you can answer the following questions about your assignment
WHY What am I learning by doing it?
What kind of assignment is it – e.g. what kind of text do you have to write? When is it due?
How long is it?
What kind of evidence do I need to use?
What questions do I need to make sure I answer in my assignment? – look at the marking criteria
What do I already know about this topic?
What do I need to find out more about?
What resources are provided to help me do this assignment – where are they located?
What am I going to read; how am I going to read?;
Assessment guidelines (in UTSonline)
• Reflection is an important skill in everyday nursing practice and contributes to improving professional practice and goal setting for career
• Choose 2 NMBA Registered Nurse Standards for Practice and reflect on a learning experience that has helped you meet your chosen standards or will help you meet the standards when you are on your next clinical placement.
• Choose 3 criteria from each Standard to demonstrate how you have/will meet the standard (not all criteria have to be met but you should plan how
you will meet them)
• The learning experience may be related to
• a clinical placement experience
• a practice lab / laboratory or tutorial session
• an experience in your current employment
• appropriate personal experience that you are willing to discuss
• In reflection, this may be something that:
• Has already strengthened your professional practice
• Needs to be strengthened for professional practice
• Use Tanner’s (2006) Clinical Judgement Model as your model of reflection.
• Weight: 40%
• Submit via Turnitin by 23.45 Friday 20 October 2017.
Reflection using Tanner’s model (In Assessment 3 folder, UTSonline)
Nielsen, A. et al. (2007). Guide for Reflection Using the Clinical Judgment Model. Journal of Nursing Education,
Vol.46, No.11
This is where you can bring in the
Possible structure
• Introduce the NMBA standards
• Explain which standards you are using
• Explain why these standards are important
• Describe the experience
• Break down the experience and reflect on it
• Notice
• Interpret
• Respond
• Reflection in action: what were you thinking at the time
• Reflection on action: link explicitly here to the standards. For each standard explain how the experience you described demonstrates that you did or did not achieve the standards • Which standards do you need to improve (and why)
• How are you going to improve?
• Take 5 minutes to think of an experience that you could use for your reflection assignment
• Pick two standards that you think are relevant to this experience • For each standard pick three criteria that are relevant
Or – try this way of practising
• Think about an experience you can reflect on
• What did you do well /were able to do • Find the standards that are relevant to what you were able to do well
• What could you not do so well/were not able to do • Find the standards that are relevant to what you were not able to do