A Comprehensive Community Health Plan Essay Example

NOTE: Feel free to use family assessment attached to make up information needed for powerpoint.
Part I (Clinical Action Plan: Community Health Plan)
Using the data from your family and community assessments, create a plan in which you:
- Analyze the role of community/public health nursing and community partnerships as they apply to the participating family’s community.(A Comprehensive Community Health Plan Essay Example)
- Analyze the influence of social determinants of health, such as culture and access to resources, in the participating family’s community.
- Compare epidemiological data for the participating family’s community to state-level data.
- Select 1 Healthy People 2020 Leading Health Indicator (LHI) topic that relates to your participating family’s community and the identified problem that you developed in Week 2. Based on your selected LHI topic:
- Identify at least 3 nursing interventions for the identified problem.
- List health partnerships that assist in implementing the interventions to support improved health outcomes for the family.
Format your assignment as one of the following:
- 700- to 1,050-word paper (Clinical Action Plan: Community Health Plan)
Part II
Create a Health Education Action Plan. The plan will identify community health resources that support improved health outcomes for your selected family/community. Include:
- Goal(s)
- Planned action (interventions)
- Needed resources (community resources)
- Timeframe for evaluation (projected expectation for evaluating initial outcomes of action plan)
Implement the Health Education Action Plan with your selected family.
Write a 250- to 500-word summary of the implementation/teaching process, family response to action plan, and expectation for family compliance and improved health outcomes. (USE INFO FROM FAMILY ASSESSMENT ATTACHED. ACTION PLAN CAN BE MADE UP ACCORDING TO FAMILY NEEDS AND LOCAL RESOURCES IN RICHMOND, VA)(A Comprehensive Community Health Plan Essay Example)
Cite at least 1 peer-reviewed and 1 evidence-based reference.
Include APA-formatted citations and a references page.
Exception for presentations: Include a slide with APA-formatted references.
Note: Remove all personally identifying information such as the family members’ names. Refer to family members by initials only.
Format Part II of your assignment as one of the following:
- 8- to 10-slide presentation
NSG 482 / Promoting Healthy Communities Clinical Action Plan: Family Assessment
A clinical action plan is an important tool that is used to engage patients in various forums, including behavior change. A family assessment is an important part of a clinical action plan that offers an opportunity to gather information on various dynamics of the family that surrounds an individual. We shall compile a family assessment as part of a clinical action plan for a family of two that live in a low-income community of Miami, Florida.(A Comprehensive Community Health Plan Essay Example)
Demographic Data
The family under study consists of two members: Jose and Carlina Lopez, and they live in Miami, Florida. The husband is 40 years old, and the wife is 37 years old. They have no children. The couple has no stable source of income and relies on the man’s casual job in construction sites. Both members of the family have a high school education as their highest level of education. The couple is of the Hispanic race, which makes up over 74% of the population in Miami (Data USA, 2019). (Clinical Action Plan: Community Health Plan (Health Education Action Plan), Using the data from your family and community assessments, create a plan in which you)
Developmental stage and history of family
Both family members are in their middle adulthood development stage. The couple got married in their early youth. They have no children and have no intention of raising children.The family presents a history of alcoholism for both partners. This is an issue that is also present in the extended family, with the parents of both partners having died from alcohol-related circumstances. The couple also reports having distant cousins suffering from Type-II diabetes. There is an uncle suffering from arthritis. All other known close family members are of sound health.(A Comprehensive Community Health Plan Essay Example)
Environmental Data
This section looks at the surroundings of the family. The family lives in a low-income community. There is limited open-air space, and a dumpsite is visible in the distance. The household environment is crowded with signs of unhealthy mold. The level of cleanliness in the household can be ranked as below average.
Family Structure
The family structure can be described as a childless family. The household is composed of Jose and Carlina. The family is connected to the Jose’s sister’s family, which has three children. The couple owns property jointly, which includes household belongings.
Family Functions
The instrumental role of providing for the basic amenities is shared by the couple. However, Jose is majorly responsible for food, shelter, and clothing. They make decisions jointly but it’s more biased towards the needs of the Jose. Carlina is responsible for providing affection in the house in the form of encouragement. She is also responsible for the cleaning of utensils, clothes, and the general household. There is no clear role in life skills development, such as education and career advancement. (Clinical Action Plan: Community Health Plan (Health Education Action Plan), Using the data from your family and community assessments, create a plan in which you)(A Comprehensive Community Health Plan Essay Example)
Family Stress and Coping
The major source of stress in the family is financial stability and emotional problems. The lack of a steady income often creates lots of disturbance in the house as there is a lack of some needs. Some of the needs that are problematic include on-time payment of utility bills such as rent and electricity. Also, medical expenses are problematic as the couple have no medical insurance. The emotional problems that affect the family include depression, anxiety, and anger. They often engage in fights, while the financial state of the family creates lots of anxiety.
This family uses the following coping mechanisms to deal with stress. Carlina states that she sleeps, and also talks to her best friend often. Jose mainly takes time for himself by watching sports. Both partners engage in destructive behavior, which is majorly indulging in alcohol.(A Comprehensive Community Health Plan Essay Example)
Family Composition
The family is composed of only two people, Jose and Carlina. Once in a while, they have their nephews and nieces visiting. They both have no parents but do have distant uncles and aunts that they don’t have close relationships with. They have no pets but state to be close to a neighbor’s child who often spends nights at their place when the parents are away working.(A Comprehensive Community Health Plan Essay Example)
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From the ecomap, we can see that the family has a tight positive connection between themselves. The center circle is the family unit. The family has most of the resources directed towards alcohol. The family has a weak relationship with the extended family. However, the family has a close relationship with the Jose’s sister’s children. The family also has a close connection with the neighbor’s child. There is a weak connection with friends. Clinical Action Plan: Community Health Plan (Health Education Action Plan), Using the data from your family and community assessments, create a plan in which you(A Comprehensive Community Health Plan Essay Example)
A genogram is a representation of the relationships within a family. The family that was assessed is composed of two people. The tree represents a married couple with no children.
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In conclusion, the family assessed is composed of a childless couple who live in a low-income community of Miami, Florida. The husband, (Jose) is the major income earner and takes care of the majority of the household necessities, including paying utilities and basic needs. The wife, (Carlina) is responsible for cleaning, cooking, and providing affective care. They are close to a neighbor’s child and the children to the Jose’s sister. They have a lot of their resources going to alcohol consumption. There is a weak relationship with the extended family. With this information, a clinical action can successfully be implemented.(A Comprehensive Community Health Plan Essay Example)
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Data USA (2019). Miami, Florida. Retrieved from https://datausa.io/profile/geo/miami-fl/#about