NR723 Week 6 Discussion Accreditation Across Settings

Explain why, in your role as a nurse educator (in an academic setting or clinical setting), it is important to be aware of accreditation standards.(Accreditation Across Settings Example Comprehensive Essay for Nursing Students)
Are you looking for answers to a similar assignment? has the top and most qualified writers to help with any of your assignments. All you need to do is place an order with us(Accreditation Across Settings Example Comprehensive Essay for Nursing Students)
Accreditation Across Settings Example Comprehensive Essay for Nursing Students-Example 1
As a nurse educator in the academic setting, it is essential that I am aware of the accreditation standards to ensure that the set of quality standards is always followed. In my academic setting, we are accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education [CCNE]. The CCNE is a nationally accredited agency recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education to ensure that the baccalaureate and graduate programs in nursing are of an expected standard for quality and integrity. These standards must be met to ensure continued operations, federal and state funding, and confidence from other private and academic entities. Orban et al., (2020) explain that health professional education accreditation standards influence institutional practice and policy to ensure high quality for those they serve. Achieving the highest standards by prohibiting academic corruption such as plagiarism is essential. Academic integrity is a key factor in accreditation (Mattar, 2021). As an educator, upholding this integrity is a crucial part of my role.(Accreditation Across Settings Example Comprehensive Essay for Nursing Students)
These accreditations are also in place in healthcare settings. The Joint Commission is an organization that performs site visits to the health care setting, assessing compliance with standards and practice improvement activities. Being accredited demonstrates that an organization meets the most stringent safety and care standards and shows the community the organization’s commitment to high-quality care (Joint Commission, 2022). (Accreditation Across Settings Example Comprehensive Essay for Nursing Students)
The Joint Commission. (2022). Accreditation and certification. to an external site.
Mattar. (2021). Combating Academic Corruption and Enhancing Academic Integrity through International Accreditation Standards: The Model of Qatar University. Journal of Academic Ethics, 20(2), 119–146. to an external site. to an external site.(Accreditation Across Settings Example Comprehensive Essay for Nursing Students)
Orban, Xue, C., Raichur, S., Misak, M., Nobles, A., Casimir, J., & Batra, S. (2022). The Scope of Social Mission Content in Health Professions Education Accreditation Standards. Academic Medicine, 97(1), 111–120. to an external site.
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NR723 Week 6 Discussion Accreditation Across Settings Example
NR723 Week 6 Discussion Accreditation Across Settings examples. . Explain why, in your role as a nurse educator (in an academic setting or clinical setting), it is important to be aware of accreditation standards(Accreditation Across Settings Example Comprehensive Essay for Nursing Students)
Accreditation in nursing education sets the standards that academic institutions must meet to be recognized for adequately preparing nurses for practice. This includes curriculum, mission, evaluation and continual improvement (Shellenbarger, 2022). Program outcomes and curriculum design must be aligned with accreditation standards to ensure that the institution can receive federal funds, and appropriately prepare their graduates for practice.(Accreditation Across Settings Example Comprehensive Essay for Nursing Students)
It is important for nurse educators to understand the accreditation process and work to ensure that they are maintaining the necessary standards to meet this goal. Nurse educators can also participate in institutional review panels to incrementally review program objective for alignment with the institution’s accrediting body. Staying abreast of new changes in accreditation standards ensures that institutions can make the necessary program revisions to meet compliance.(Accreditation Across Settings Example Comprehensive Essay for Nursing Students)
Halstead (2020) stated that accreditation can be a roadblock for innovation in academia. However, the pandemic demanded that significant changes be made to ensure the quality of nursing education. With limited experiential learning opportunities related to the pandemic, nurse educators had to pivot and use simulations and online formats for didactic learning. Accreditation bodies recognized the need for traditional institutions to pivot to a distance learning format, thus requiring intuitions to meet new standards conducive to providing online learning (Ard et al., 2021). This required faculty to be trained in distance learning modalities and have the necessary resources to support student learning and engagement to meet accreditation standards. (Accreditation Across Settings Example Comprehensive Essay for Nursing Students)
Ard, N., Beasley, S. F., Nunn-Ellison, K., & Farmer, S. (2021). Responding to the pandemic: Nursing education and the ACEN. Teaching and Learning in Nursing, 16(4), 292–295.
Halstead, J. A. (2020). Fostering innovation in nursing education: The role of accreditation. Teaching and Learning in Nursing, 15(1), A4–A5.
Shellenbarger, T. (2022). The NLN Commission for Nursing Education Accreditation: What a difference a year makes. Nursing Education Perspectives, 43(4), 265–266.
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NR723 Week 6 Discussion Accreditation Across Settings Example
NR723 Week 6 Discussion Accreditation Across Settings examples. . Explain why, in your role as a nurse educator (in an academic setting or clinical setting), it is important to be aware of accreditation standards(Accreditation Across Settings Example Comprehensive Essay for Nursing Students)
Hi Dr.and class,
Describe activities that you might complete during your Project & Practicum courses and identify the associated DNP Essential.
Date of Activity
Anticipated Activity
DNP Essential Selected
Identifying and meeting with relevant stakeholders
DNP Essential II: Organizational and Systems Leadership for Quality Improvement and Systems Thinking
Gap analysis of practice setting
DNP Essential VII: Clinical Prevention and Population Health for Improving the Nation’s Health
Reviewing and evaluating EBP material
DNP Essential I: Scientific Underpinnings for Practice
Refining PICOT question
DNP Essential I: Scientific Underpinnings for Practice
Presenting the PICOT question
DNP Essential I: Scientific Underpinnings for Practice
Completing the DNP Practicum Form (Section 1 and 2A)
DNP Essential I: Scientific Underpinnings for Practice
DNP Essential II: Organizational and Systems Leadership for Quality Improvement and Systems Thinking
Constructing and refining literature search
DNP Essential I: Scientific Underpinnings for Practice
Identifying published literature for inclusion
DNP Essential I: Scientific Underpinnings for Practice
Synthesizing and reviewing relevant literature
DNP Essential I: Scientific Underpinnings for Practice
Compiling the DNP project proposal
DNP Essential III: Clinical Scholarship and Analytical Methods for Evidence-Based Practice
Completing and submitting IRB application in NR702.
DNP Essential III: Clinical Scholarship and Analytical Methods for Evidence-Based Practice
Completing IRB prescreening
DNP Essential III: Clinical Scholarship and Analytical Methods for Evidence-Based Practice
Completing CITI Human Subjects Training
DNP Essential III: Clinical Scholarship and Analytical Methods for Evidence-Based Practice
Meeting with the preceptor/mentor to discuss DNP change project implementation will be crucial. There is evidence that DNP students face fewer difficulties navigating their practicum sites when their projects are faculty-led (VanderKooi et al., 2018).(Accreditation Across Settings Example Comprehensive Essay for Nursing Students)
DNP Essential VI: Interprofessional Collaboration for Improving Patient and Population Health Outcomes
Consulting with intervention experts in person or via phone
DNP Essential VI: Interprofessional Collaboration for Improving Patient and Population Health Outcomes
DNP Essential VIII: Advanced Nursing Practice
Extracting data from the practicum site’s electronic health records to evaluate patients who meet inclusion criteria
DNP Essential IV: Information Systems/Technology and Patient Care Technology for the Improvement and Transformation of Healthcare
Implementing DNP project
DNP Essential III: Clinical Scholarship and Analytical Methods for Evidence-Based Practice
DNP Essential VII: Clinical Prevention and Population Health for Improving the Nation’s Health
DNP Essential VIII: Advanced Nursing Practice
Project and practicum courses will require one to serve as a team leader/member in the quality improvement project. The DNP project provides the first opportunity for learners to manage and participate in large-scale projects (Wright et al., 2022).
DNP Essential II: Organizational and Systems Leadership for Quality Improvement and Systems Thinking
DNP Essential VI: Interprofessional Collaboration for Improving Patient and Population Health Outcomes
Collecting data from the practicum site based on the project methodology
DNP Essential III: Clinical Scholarship and Analytical Methods for Evidence-Based Practice
Analyzing results of the practice change project and consulting a methodologist or statistician in person or by phone as appropriate. Liaising with a statistician or methodologist can help overcome the statistical issues and fatal flaws inherent in the methodologies of some DNP projects (Jones et al., 2021).(Accreditation Across Settings Example Comprehensive Essay for Nursing Students)
DNP Essential III: Clinical Scholarship and Analytical Methods for Evidence-Based Practice
Preparing final DNP project manuscript/paper
DNP Essential III: Clinical Scholarship and Analytical Methods for Evidence-Based Practice
Disseminating project findings to internal and external stakeholders
DNP Essential III: Clinical Scholarship and Analytical Methods for Evidence-Based Practice
DNP Essential VIII: Advanced Nursing Practice
Attending and presenting at quality improvement meetings pertinent to the project
DNP Essential II: Organizational and Systems Leadership for Quality Improvement and Systems Thinking
DNP Essential III: Clinical Scholarship and Analytical Methods for Evidence-Based Practice
Note. DNP Essentials adapted from Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) practicum activities by Chamberlain University (2020)
Are you looking for answers to a similar assignment? has the top and most qualified writers to help with any of your assignments. All you need to do is place an order with us(Accreditation Across Settings Example Comprehensive Essay for Nursing Students)
Chamberlain University. (2020). Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) practicum activities. National Management Offices.
Jones, M., DeValpine, M., McDonald, M., & Schubert, C. (2021). Use of statistical tests in doctor of nursing practice projects. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 17(9), 1118-1121. to an external site.(Accreditation Across Settings Example Comprehensive Essay for Nursing Students)
VanderKooi, M. E., Conrad, D. M., & Spoelstra, S. L. (2018). An enhanced actualized DNP model to improve DNP project placements, rigor, and completion. Nursing Education Perspectives, 39(5), 299-301. Across Settings Example Comprehensive Essay for Nursing Students)
Wright, R., Lee, Y. J., Yoo, A., McIltrot, K., VanGraafeiland, B., Saylor, M. A., Taylor, J., & Han, H. R. (2022). Doctor of nursing practice project: Key challenges and possible solutions. Journal of Professional Nursing, 41, 53-57. Across Settings Example Comprehensive Essay for Nursing Students)
NR723 Week 6 Discussion Accreditation Across Settings Example 4

NR723 Week 6 Discussion Accreditation Across Settings examples. . Explain why, in your role as a nurse educator (in an academic setting or clinical setting), it is important to be aware of accreditation standards
As a nurse educator in the academic setting, it is essential that I am aware of the accreditation standards to ensure that the set of quality standards are always followed. In my academic setting, we are accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education [CCNE]. The CCNE is a nationally accredited agency recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education to ensure that the baccalaureate and graduate programs in nursing are of an expected standard for quality and integrity. These standards must be met to ensure continued operations, federal and state funding, and confidence from other private and academic entities. Orban et al., (2020) explain that health professional education accreditation standards influence institutional practice and policy to ensure high quality for those they serve. Achieving the highest standards by prohibiting academic corruption such as plagiarism is essential. Academic integrity is a key factor in accreditation (Mattar, 2021). As an educator, upholding this integrity is a crucial part of my role.(Accreditation Across Settings Example Comprehensive Essay for Nursing Students)
These accreditations are also in place in health care settings. The Joint Commission is an organization that performs site visits to the health care setting, assessing compliance with standards and practice improvement activities. Being accredited demonstrates that an organization meets the most stringent of safety and care standards and shows the community the organization’s commitment to high-quality care (Joint Commission, 2022).
NR723 Week 6 Discussion Accreditation Across Settings examples. . Explain why, in your role as a nurse educator (in an academic setting or clinical setting), it is important to be aware of accreditation standards(Accreditation Across Settings Example Comprehensive Essay for Nursing Students)
The Joint Commission. (2022). Accreditation and certification. to an external site.
Mattar. (2021). Combating Academic Corruption and Enhancing Academic Integrity through International Accreditation Standards: The Model of Qatar University. Journal of Academic Ethics, 20(2), 119–146. to an external site. to an external site.
Orban, Xue, C., Raichur, S., Misak, M., Nobles, A., Casimir, J., & Batra, S. (2022). The Scope of Social Mission Content in Health Professions Education Accreditation Standards. Academic Medicine, 97(1), 111–120. to an external site.
NR723 Week 6 Discussion Accreditation Across Settings examples. . Explain why, in your role as a nurse educator (in an academic setting or clinical setting), it is important to be aware of accreditation standards(Accreditation Across Settings Example Comprehensive Essay for Nursing Students)
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