Comprehensive Discussion Essay on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Kyle’s Initial Post Week 5
Group, Individual, and Family Therapies
Group psychotherapy that utilizes cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) may differ in its application compared to individual or family-based therapy modalities only slightly. As the setting and name implies, this CBT is conducted with a group of individuals that may all be suffering from similar symptoms or illnesses that bring them together; as opposed to the individual or family type of therapies that are one-to-one or relationally observed. As Richard Pessagno illustrates in Wheeler’s Psychotherapy for the Advanced Practice Psychiatric Nurse, all of these modalities of CBT application have a group of core assumptions and therapeutic factors whether implemented in a group, individually, or with a family (Pessagno, 2022). In the realm of differences related among these modalities, family and individual therapies address concepts and issues that directly relate to each member of the targeted therapy. In contrast, group therapies discuss overarching issues and concepts that members may relate to but in ways that are not directly impactful on every person involved, which encourages positive social behaviors with input from alternative points of view (PsychExamReview, 2019).Additionally, study authors have found that in some instances group psychotherapy may provide an extra benefit of promoting a positive outcome for multiple comorbid conditions not specifically targeted in therapy when compared to individual intervention (Epstein, et al., 2018). Nevertheless, despite these differences and similarities, research has concluded that each form of psychotherapy can be as efficacious in the treatment of mental disorders as the other (Mayor, 2019).(Comprehensive Discussion Essay on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)
Group Challenges
There presents a wide variety of challenges that the clinician may face when conducting group psychotherapy. Two of these difficulties encountered when utilizing CBT techniques include fraction of the group and mutual antagonistic attitudes among members (Pessagno, 2022). These difficulties pose challenges that the clinician should be prepared to address and attempt to mitigate to provide successful psychotherapy to all members. Fraction in the group may lead to dissent, a breakdown of the group cohesion and the following antagonizing of members or the leader of the group, furthering the dissolution of any therapeutic alliance (Luong, Drummond, & Norton, 2022). By conducting a preference assessment, the leader may better understand how to support the members by presenting therapeutic interventions that enhance the process and outcomes of the group tailored to the members preferred style of leadership (Heinze, Weck, Hahn, & Kühne, 2022).(Comprehensive Discussion Essay on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)
Overall, the challenges and benefits of group therapy appear to be equally weighed against the modalities of individual and family therapies. The difficulties may present different challenges to maintain a therapeutic outcome, yet offer the clinician opportunities to develop a stronger and more focused group to explore meaningful treatment topics for discussion.(Comprehensive Discussion Essay on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)
Epstein, E. E., McCrady, B. S., Hallgren, K. A., Gaba, A., Cook, S., Jensen, N., . . . Litt, M. D. (2018). Individual versus group female-specific cognitive behavior therapy for alcohol use disorder. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 88, 27-43. Retrieved from Discussion Essay on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)
Heinze, P. E., Weck, F., Hahn, D., & Kühne, F. (2022). Differences in psychotherapy preferences between psychotherapy trainees and laypeople.Psychotherapy Research. Retrieved from
Luong, H. K., Drummond, S. P., & Norton, P. J. (2022). Can you see what I see? A comparison of client and observer perspectives of the alliance and group cohesion in CBT. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, 51(2), 100-113. Retrieved from Discussion Essay on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)
Mayor, S. (2019). Guided self led or group therapy as effective as individual CBT for acute depression, finds review. BMJ (Clinical Research Ed.), 365. Retrieved from
Pessagno, R. (2022). Group Therapy. In K. Wheeler,Psychotherapy for the Advanced Practice Psychiatric Nurse (3rd ed., p. 471). New York: Springer Publishing.
PsychExamReview (Director). (2019). Cognitive Therapy, CBT, & Group Approaches (Intro Psych Tutorial #241) [Motion Picture]. YouTube. Retrieved from Discussion Essay on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)
Comprehensive Discussion Essay on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy-Response

Response to Kyle
Hello, Kyle.
Thank you for an insightful and exciting discussion. I agree that group cognitive behavioral therapy differs slightly from family-based therapy, although family therapy can be categorized as a form of group CBT. Group therapy involves treating psychological issues in a setting with two or more members and a therapist who facilitates the group. Participants in group therapy converse with one another and express their issues. Participants can improve their interpersonal relationships, strengthen their sense of self-respect, and gain a better understanding of themselves in the therapist’s supportive, understanding environment (Guo et al., 2021). Typically, one or two therapists lead group sessions; however, in some unique circumstances, more therapists or assistants may be needed to lead particular types of groups. Several variables, including the therapy used, will influence the size of the group receiving treatment. Individual therapy is the one-on-one interaction between a therapist and a patient used to treat psychological issues personally. The strategy and procedure used in individual therapy are adapted to the patient’s particular requirements. Sessions concentrate on examining issues and figuring out how to alleviate symptoms. (Comprehensive Discussion Essay on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)
I concur that practitioners might face challenges when delivering CBT, including poor attitudes and a lack of mutual understanding among group members. Some patients get uncomfortable with the loss of privacy, and discussing their issues, feelings, thoughts, and opinions that are personal and sensitive becomes a challenge (Institute of Counseling, 2019). Therapists also face different personalities that might affect cohesion within the group or the application of different techniques that work differently for different people. Other challenges include loss of trust and reduced connection between a client and therapist due to having to share a therapist.(Comprehensive Discussion Essay on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)
Guo, T., Su, J., Hu, J., Aalberg, M., Zhu, Y., Teng, T., & Zhou, X. (2021). Individual vs. Group Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Anxiety Disorder in Children and Adolescents: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Frontiers in psychiatry, 12, 674267. Discussion Essay on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)
Institute of Counseling. (2019, April 6). Benefits and limitations of group therapy. Discussion Essay on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)