Project Evaluation

The purpose of this discussion is to explore the project evaluation phase of the project management process.(Comprehensive Essay Example on DNP Nursing Project Evaluation)
Reflect upon your readings and professional experience and address the following.
- Explain why it is critical that the project team define how the project will be evaluated during the design phase of the project.
- Propose measurable outcomes for your DNP project. Include outcome measure(s) and process measures in your discussion.
- Explicate how the outcome measures and process measures you proposed for your DNP project will be evaluated (e.g., survey tool, lab tests, chart audit, observation, checklist compliance, etc.)(Comprehensive Essay Example on DNP Nursing Project Evaluation)
Please click on the following link to review the DNP Discussion Guidelines on the Student Resource Center program page:
- Link (webpage): DNP Discussion Guidelines
Course Outcomes
This discussion enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:(Comprehensive Essay Example on DNP Nursing Project Evaluation)
Comprehensive Essay Example on DNP Nursing Project Evaluation

Project evaluation is a crucial element used to determine whether the project milestones are met, or project goals are achieved. A lack of standard DNP project evaluation criteria is a common challenge and is often compounded by poor project design and implementation challenges (Roush & Tesoro, 2018). A project evaluation criteria outline how a researcher will assess whether the intervention goals have been achieved. Besides, project evaluation criteria ensure that researchers utilize the limited resources appropriately to achieve optimal impact. (Comprehensive Essay Example on DNP Nursing Project Evaluation)
As a project team, a common project evaluation needs to be discussed during the project’s design phase. The evaluation criteria are mainly evidence-based and have been adopted successfully in similar studies (Wright et al., 2022). Ideally, defining a project evaluation criteria provide the project team with crucial information that guides project strategies towards achieving the desired objective and goals. For instance, project team members can identify early warning signs of project activities and processes that require corrective action. Project evaluation also provides an ideal opportunity for the project team to reflect critically on the project outcomes and enable continuous reporting. (Comprehensive Essay Example on DNP Nursing Project Evaluation)
For this project, the primary measurable outcome will be medication adherence. Medication adherence will be measured using the medication adherence questionnaire. The other measures to be recorded include the number of hospitalizations, emergency care needs, Pick-up/refill rates and perception of medication following the end of the intervention. The process measures for evaluating impact of intervention on medication adherence will involve filling out the MAQ questionnaire as a survey tool. MAQ is a gold standard for measuring medication adherence to medication (Culig et al., 2014). MAQ is a self-reported questionnaire the participants will fill out before and after the intervention. These measures will be assessed to determine the impact of the intervention on medication non-adherence among Schizophrenia patients. (Comprehensive Essay Example on DNP Nursing Project Evaluation)
Culig, J., & Leppee, M. (2014). From Morisky to Hill-bone; self-reports scales for measuring adherence to medication. Collegium antropologicum, 38(1), 55-62. Essay Example on DNP Nursing Project Evaluation)
Roush, K., & Tesoro, M. (2018). An examination of the rigour and value of final scholarly projects completed by DNP nursing students. Journal of Professional Nursing, 34(6), 437-443.
Wright, R., Lee, Y. J., Yoo, A., McIltrot, K., VanGraafeiland, B., Saylor, M. A., … & Han, H. R. (2022). Doctor of nursing practice project: Key challenges and possible solutions. Journal of Professional Nursing, 41, 53-57.