Understanding the strengths of each type of therapy and which type of therapy is most appropriate for each patient is an essential skill of the psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioner. In this Assignment, you will compare humanistic-existential therapy to another psychotherapeutic approach. You will identify the strengths and challenges of each approach and describe expected potential outcomes.(Humanistic Existential Psychotherapy Comprehensive Essay Example)

To prepare:
· Review the humanistic-existential psychotherapy videos in this week’s Learning Resources.
· Reflect on humanistic-existential psychotherapeutic approaches.
· Then, select another psychotherapeutic approach to compare with humanistic-existential psychotherapy. The approach you choose may be one you previously explored in the course or one you are familiar with and especially interested in.
- Grande, T. (2019, January 9). Theories of counseling – Existential therapyLinks to an external site.[Video]. YouTube. Existential Psychotherapy Comprehensive Essay Example)
- PsychotherapyNet. (2009, June 29). James Bugental live case consultation psychotherapy videoLinks to an external site.[Video]. YouTube.
- ThinkingallowedTV. (2010, September 20). James Bugental: Humanistic psychotherapy (excerpt) – A thinking allowed DVD w/ Jeffrey MishloveLinks to an external site.[Video]. YouTube.
In a 2- to 3-page paper, address the following:
· Briefly describe humanistic-existential psychotherapy and the second approach you selected.
· Explain at least three differences between these therapies. Include how these differences might impact your practice as a PMHNP.
· Focusing on one video you viewed, explain why humanistic-existential psychotherapy was utilized with the patient in the video and why it was the treatment of choice. Describe the expected potential outcome if the second approach had been used with the patient. (Humanistic Existential Psychotherapy Comprehensive Essay Example)
· Support your response with specific examples from this week’s media and at least three peer-reviewed, evidence-based sources. Explain why each of your supporting sources is considered scholarly. Attach the PDFs of your sources.(Humanistic Existential Psychotherapy Comprehensive Essay Example)
NRNP_ _Assignment_Rubric
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDevelop a 2- to 3-page paper comparing humanistic-existential therapy to another psychotherapeutic approach of your choice. Be sure to address the following: · Briefly describe humanistic-existential psychotherapy and the second approach you selected.(Humanistic Existential Psychotherapy Comprehensive Essay Example)
25 to >22.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise description of humanistic-existential psychotherapy and your selected approach.
22 to >19.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes a description of humanistic-existential psychotherapy and your selected approach.
19 to >17.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or inaccurate description of humanistic-existential psychotherapy and your selected approach.(Humanistic Existential Psychotherapy Comprehensive Essay Example)
17 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague and inaccurate description of humanistic-existential psychotherapy and your selected approach, or is missing.(Humanistic Existential Psychotherapy Comprehensive Essay Example)
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome· Explain at least three differences between humanistic-existential psychotherapy and the approach you selected. · Include how these differences might impact your practice as a PMHNP.
25 to >22.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and clear explanation of three differences between humanistic-existential psychotherapy and your selected approach. The response includes a thoughtful and throrough explanation of how the differences between humanistic-existential psychotherapy and your selected approach might impact your practice as a PMHNP.(Humanistic Existential Psychotherapy Comprehensive Essay Example)
22 to >19.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of three differences between humanistic-existential psychotherapy and your selected approach…. The response includes an explanation of how the differences between humanistic-existential psychotherapy and your selected approach might impact your practice as a PMHNP.(Humanistic Existential Psychotherapy Comprehensive Essay Example)
19 to >17.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somehwat vague or inaccurate explanation of three differences between humanistic-existential psychotherapy and your selected approach…. The response includes a somewhat vague or inaccurate explanation of how the differences between humanistic-existential psychotherapy and your selected approach might impact your practice as a PMHNP.(Humanistic Existential Psychotherapy Comprehensive Essay Example)
17 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague and inaccurate explanation of three differences between humanistic-existential psychotherapy and your selected approach, or is missing…. The response includes a vague and inaccurate explanation of how the differences between humanistic-existential psychotherapy and your selected approach might impact your practice as a PMHNP, or is missing.(Humanistic Existential Psychotherapy Comprehensive Essay Example)
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome· Explain why humanistic-existential psychotherapy was utilized with the client in the video and why it was the treatment of choice. · Describe the expected potential outcome if the second approach had been used with the client. · Support your response with at least three peer-reviewed, evidence-based sources from the literature. PDFs are attached.(Humanistic Existential Psychotherapy Comprehensive Essay Example)
35 to >31.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes a thorough and accurate explanation of why humanistic-existential psychotherapy was utilized with the client and why it was the treatment of choice. The response includes a thorough and accurate description of the expected potential outcome had the second approach been used with the client. The response is supported by at least three peer-reviewed, evidence-based sources from the literature that provide strong support for the rationale provided. PDFs are attached.(Humanistic Existential Psychotherapy Comprehensive Essay Example)
31 to >27.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of why humanistic-existential psychotherapy was utilized with the client and why it was the treatment of choice…. The response includes a description of the expected potential outcome had the second approach been used with the client…. The response is supported by three peer-reviewed, evidence-based sources from the literature that provide appropriate support for the rationale provided. PDFs are attached.(Humanistic Existential Psychotherapy Comprehensive Essay Example)
27 to >23.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of why humanistic-existential psychotherapy was utilized with the client and why it was the treatment of choice…. The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete description of the expected potential outcome had the second approach been used with the client…. The response is supported by two or three peer-reviewed, evidence-based sources from the literature. Resources selected may provide only weak support for the rationale provided. PDFs may not be attached.(Humanistic Existential Psychotherapy Comprehensive Essay Example)
23 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague and inaccurate explanation of why humanistic-existential psychotherapy was utilized with the client and why it was the treatment of choice, or is missing…. The response includes a vauge and incomplete description of the expected potential outcome had the second approach been used with the client, or is missing…. The response is supported by vague or inaccurate evidence from the literature, or is missing.(Humanistic Existential Psychotherapy Comprehensive Essay Example)
35 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – Paragraph Development and Organization: Paragraphs make clear points that support well-developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully focused—neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement and introduction is provided which delineates all required criteria.(Humanistic Existential Psychotherapy Comprehensive Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement, introduction, and conclusion are provided that delineates all required criteria.(Humanistic Existential Psychotherapy Comprehensive Essay Example)
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 80% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are stated, yet are brief and not descriptive.(Humanistic Existential Psychotherapy Comprehensive Essay Example)
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 60%–79% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are vague or off topic.(Humanistic Existential Psychotherapy Comprehensive Essay Example)
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity < 60% of the time…. No purpose statement, introduction, or conclusion were provided.(Humanistic Existential Psychotherapy Comprehensive Essay Example)
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – English writing standards: Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation(Humanistic Existential Psychotherapy Comprehensive Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors.
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 80% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are stated, yet are brief and not descriptive.(Humanistic Existential Psychotherapy Comprehensive Essay Example)
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3 or 4 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains many (≥ 5) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding.
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list.(Humanistic Existential Psychotherapy Comprehensive Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct APA format with no errors.
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1 or 2 APA format errors.
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3 or 4 APA format errors.
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains many (≥ 5) APA format errors.
5 pts
Total Points: 100
Humanistic Existential Psychotherapy Comprehensive Essay Example

Humanistic-Existential Psychotherapy
Psychotherapy modalities are crucial in the mental health care treatment continuum as they help clients cope with mental health conditions and improve symptoms to enhance personal, social, and community functioning. Psychiatric mental health practitioners are trained and supervised to gain proficiency and deepen their knowledge of psychotherapy modalities (Wheeler, 2020). The paper compares humanistic-existential and experiential family therapies, their strengths, challenges, and expected outcomes.(Humanistic Existential Psychotherapy Comprehensive Essay Example)
Humanistic-Existential Therapy
Humanistic-existential therapy is any psychotherapy that emphasizes the concepts of holism, self-actualization, facilitative communication, and therapeutic alliance between therapist and client (Wheeler, 2020). This type of therapy is founded on the need to help clients discover their uniqueness by being aware of themselves and the world around them. In this regard, the therapist’s role is to assist the client in having a meaningful existence. The therapy emphasizes the need to understand the client’s experiences and focuses on the client rather than the symptom. The central belief is that clients have a self-awareness capacity and choice, thus, are capable of making choices and decisions and experiencing moments of awe. In context, this approach to therapy emphasizes factors that facilitate therapeutic success, including the provision of meaning and hope, empathy, therapeutic alliances, and reaction to the client’s status. Presence is the central concept of therapy as therapists establish environments of here and now to help understand and accommodate the scope of a client’s experiences.(Humanistic Existential Psychotherapy Comprehensive Essay Example)
Experiential Family Therapy
Experiential family therapy is an experimental approach for families usually adopted when using verbal-based and traditional approaches to family therapy is ineffective. Experiential family therapy incorporates multisensory and active techniques such as role-playing and drawings to increase a family’s expressions of affect and uncover new information during the therapy process (Mullings, 2017). These approaches elicit and explore reflective experiences during therapy sessions and use empathy as a curative factor to establish a therapeutic alliance. Clients engage themselves in a specific activity, allowing them to explore more psychologically in a therapy setting. As a result, the therapist can view a client’s actions and emotions while engaging in real-life activities. The information uncovered by the therapist during the therapeutic sessions helps stimulate the client’s change and growth within a family context.(Humanistic Existential Psychotherapy Comprehensive Essay Example)
Differences between Humanistic-Existential and Experiential Family Therapies
Humanistic-existential and experiential family therapies have significant differences. On one end, humanistic-existential therapy emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and choices among clients and their capacity to make decisions and choices and experiences moments of awe. On the other hand, experiential family therapy emphasizes the need to explore and elicit reflective experiences during therapy sessions and uses empathy as a curative factor to establish a therapeutic alliance. The second difference is that humanistic-existential therapy emphasizes facilitative communication and therapeutic partnership between the therapist and the client. In contrast, experimental family therapy emphasizes multisensory and active approaches during therapy, such as role-playing and drawing, to increase the family’s expressions of the effects and discover new information.(Humanistic Existential Psychotherapy Comprehensive Essay Example)
The third difference is that humanistic-existential therapy emphasizes holism and self-actualization, the need to understand human experiences, and focuses on the client rather than the symptom. In this regard, therapists emphasize family structure and promote coping strategies and inherent factors that support family recovery. Contrarily, experiential family therapy focuses on psychiatric diagnoses and measures for symptom relief of psychological issues among family members. In this regard, therapists analyze, explain, establish and implement treatment interventions to address the client’s symptoms.(Humanistic Existential Psychotherapy Comprehensive Essay Example)
Impact on PMNHP Roles
The outcomes associated with different therapy modalities determine their efficacy in addressing specific mental health issues. Significantly, competence in psychotherapy is crucial in providing the best, valid, and evidence-based psychological treatment (Koddebusch & Hermann, 2018). Therefore, a PHMNP competence in the concepts and foundation of humanistic-existential and experiential family therapies is crucial for appropriate adoption and use for specific clients. For instance, a PMHNP would adopt the experimental approach for families when verbal-based and traditional techniques for family therapy are ineffective. Moreover, using humanistic-existential therapy, the PMHNP would need to promote self-awareness and the capacity to make choices among the clients. However, when using the concepts of experiential therapy, the PMHNP has to explore and elicit reflective experiences during the therapy sessions while using empathy as a curative factor to maintain therapeutic alliances.(Humanistic Existential Psychotherapy Comprehensive Essay Example)
The Case Video
The humanistic-existential therapy was used in the video, considering its focus on the client’s present experiences. In the video, the client does not feel very alive, feels constricted, and at the same time, does not get a feeling of what he is feeling (Psychotherapy-Net, 2009). In this case, the psychiatric consultant tries to experience the client’s subjective experiences and focuses on the client rather than the symptom. The approach is crucial in understanding and accommodating the client’s experiences and finding ways to help them. Experiential family therapy would not have been effective in this case as it would have required the client to engage in a specific activity to allow them to explore more psychologically (Wheeler, 2020). This would not have been appropriate in identifying patterns of thoughts and experiences that hinder well-being and identifying appropriate interventions and resources.(Humanistic Existential Psychotherapy Comprehensive Essay Example)
Competencies in psychotherapy modalities are crucial in identifying and implementing appropriate psychotherapeutic interventions based on client cases. Therefore, PMHNPs can practice to the full extent of their knowledge and promote positive health outcomes among clients and their families. The humanistic-existential and experiential family therapies foster mental health well-being among individuals and families. The former supports therapeutic alliance, holism, self-actualization, and facilitative communication, while the latter elicits and explores reflective experiences among clients during therapy. Therefore, competency in these modalities is crucial in making an appropriate choice depending on the patient’s case to facilitate mental health treatment.(Humanistic Existential Psychotherapy Comprehensive Essay Example)
Correia, E. A., Cooper, M., Berdondini, L., & Correia, K. (2018). Existential Psychotherapies: Similarities and Differences Among the Main Branches. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 58(2), 119-143.
Koddebusch, C., & Hermann, C. (2018). A proposed conceptualization of therapeutic competence: the three-level model. Research in Psychotherapy: Psychopathology, Process, and Outcome, 21(1).
Mullings, B. (2017). A literature review of the evidence for the effectiveness of experiential psychotherapies. Melbourne: PACFA.
Psychotherapy-Net. (2009, June 29). James Bugental live case consultation psychotherapy video [Video]. YouTube.
Wheeler, K. (Ed.). (2020). Psychotherapy for the advanced practice psychiatric nurse: A how-to guide for evidence-based practice (3rd ed.). Springer Publishing.