Pro-Abortion Vs Abortion
Pro-Abortion Versus Abortion Comprehensive Essay Example

Abortion has been an important discussion topic in different cultures and across generations. Most arguments about abortion pertain to moral values or whether it is legal based on where different people originate. Different moral values, traditions, and laws have made abortion a controversial topic across the globe. Thus, abortion had become a severe and sensitive subject that had detrimental effects on the woman and the unborn child. Notably, abortion entails the deliberate termination of human pregnancy within the first 28 weeks, while pro-abortion favors women to have access to medically induced abortions. This essay is an argumentative essay on pro-abortion v. abortion.(Pro-Abortion Versus Abortion Comprehensive Essay Example)
Women should have the right to decide whether to have an abortion. Medically abortion is legal, yet many people will still criticize it even if it is performed for the woman’s health and well-being. Life-threatening conditions during pregnancy make women undergo abortion as their only option. For this reason, women’s rights should not be taken away if tis their only option. Women should have a right to undergo abortion or not.(Pro-Abortion Versus Abortion Comprehensive Essay Example)
Notably, abortion has been highly criticized by pro-lifers that have equated it to murder. Antiabortionists believe that even if the child is not physically out of the woman’s womb, abortion takes away the life of the unborn human being inside the womb. More anti-abortion claims state that killing the unborn child deprives the world of an asset that could be of great value. Ant-abortion claims state that a fetus’s life surpasses a woman’s right to privacy. Women have a chance to take contraception to prevent conceiving in any circumstance. For this reason, a woman’s mistake should not have anything to do with an innocent human being’s life. Even though women have control over the unborn child’s life to some extent, this does not give women the right to kill.(Pro-Abortion Versus Abortion Comprehensive Essay Example)
Subsequently, abortion raises concerns about whether human life is disposable. In this case, antiabortionists believe that abortion does not respect human life. Others believe abortion has detrimental effects on the woman compared to keeping the pregnancy. As such, abortion has been associated with physical and mental damage to women undertaking it. In this case, aborting women are likely to experience depression and are highly predisposed to suicide risks (Stotland & Shrestha, 2018). On issues concerning uncontrolled pregnancies, such as rape or unwanted pregnancies, antiabortionists claim that women can choose contraception to prevent pregnancy. In cases when a woman has been raped, two wrongs do not make a right. Therefore, women that conceive after being raped should consider adopting their unborn child to foster care immediately after birth instead of aborting the pregnancy.(Pro-Abortion Versus Abortion Comprehensive Essay Example)
On the contrary, pro-abortion allows the termination of pregnancies based on medical reasons. Some of the medical reasons that lead to medical abortions entail severe pregnancy complications such as ectopic pregnancy, risks of stillbirth, and pregnancy or delivery that put the woman’s health at risk (Skop, 2019). A woman might discover that the unborn child has a severe congenital abnormality during antenatal tests. As such, women should have a right to decide on whether to undertake an abortion based on the grounds financial and emotional cost of raising the unborn child, the effect on the woman’s ability to take care of other children, and the fact that the child might live in constant pain for years before succumbing from the congenital disability. Regardless, women should have a chance to choose what they want since abortion might be their only viable option. For instance, a woman might find out they are pregnant and but the doctor recommends terminating it as it would put their health and life at risk. In this case, it is not fair to judge women who undertake abortions to follow a doctor’s advice or even to save their lives.(Pro-Abortion Versus Abortion Comprehensive Essay Example)
Pro-abortion should be embraced as contraceptives are imperfect as people. Most women are blamed for their ignorance of not taking contraceptives. However, several women still get pregnant even after taking the contraceptive. Therefore, we should not blame women that choose to undergo an abortion after contraception has failed. Women are informed that pills are 99% effective but still get blamed or blame themselves after getting pregnant. According to the National Health Service (NHS) (2020), one in eleven women depending on pills and one in six couples depending on condoms will be expectant yearly. In this case, the failure of contraception technology makes abortion access an issue of compassion and justice.(Pro-Abortion Versus Abortion Comprehensive Essay Example)
Pro-abortion allows well-timed pregnancies that result in healthy pregnancies and children after birth. Women should have the right to conceive and give birth when are have the physical, mental and emotional ability to do so. For instance, when women are ready to conceive, they afford nutritious food that positively affects their health and that of their offspring. Rapid repeat pregnancies increase the risks of complications such as low birth weight. Of importance, pro-abortion allows women to limit and delay childbearing as a means of female equality and empowerment. Thus, a woman’s inability to control her fertility translates into an inability to manage her life.(Pro-Abortion Versus Abortion Comprehensive Essay Example)
In summary, varying arguments concerning whether abortion is moral or immoral, legal or not, has raised controversial discussion across the globe. Notably, abortion has been highly criticized by pro-lifers that have equated it to murder. Antiabortionists believe that even if the child is not physically out of the woman’s womb, abortion takes away the life of the unborn human being inside the womb. However, pro-abortion allows women to choose whether to keep their pregnancy based on medical and other reasons. I support pro-abortion as it safeguards women’s health in case of pregnancy complications and allows them to choose their families, protecting them from ill-conceived childbearing. I believe pro-abortion is a positive social good that society should embrace. (Pro-Abortion Versus Abortion Comprehensive Essay Example)

National Health Service (NHS0) (2020). How Effective is Contraception at Preventing Pregnancy? Retrieved from Versus Abortion Comprehensive Essay Example)
Skop, I. (2019). Medical Abortion: What Physicians Need to Know. Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, 24(4).
Scotland, N. L., & Shrestha, A. D. (2018). More evidence that abortion is not associated with an increased risk of mental illness. JAMA psychiatry, 75(8), 775-776.(Pro-Abortion Versus Abortion Comprehensive Essay Example)