Informed Consent for Participation in a DNP Project Essay Example
Project Title: A Nurse-Led Intervention in Schizophrenia Patients to Improve Medication Adherence Compliance
Project Manager: Mary Jane Evangelista PhD, APN, PMHNP-BC, RN
Project Location: Bryn Mawr Nursing Home

What is the purpose of this project?
The project aims to determine the impact of motivational interviewing and technology on medication adherence among schizophrenia patients.(Informed Consent for Participation in a DNP Project Essay Example)
What will I be asked to do if I choose to be in this project?
The project will take place over 10 weeks. You will also be asked to complete a self-reported questionnaire (Brief Medication Questionnaire) at the beginning of the project (week 1) and the end of the study (week 8). You will be asked to attend weekly in-person meetings with the project manager for motivational interviewing at the Bryn Mawr Nursing Home for eight weeks. You will be asked to journal your experiences and concerns each week. Lastly, you will be asked to communicate your experiences and concerns by taking weekly phone calls.(Informed Consent for Participation in a DNP Project Essay Example)
How much time will I be asked to devote to this project?
You will be asked to spend around an hour to complete the pre-implementation self-reported questionnaire (Brief Medication Questionnaire) and an hour to complete the post-implementation questionnaire (Brief Medication Questionnaire). You will be asked to participate in the motivational interviewing, in person sessions for an hour each week. You will be asked to spend 10 minutes each week on phone. Each phone call will take about 10 minutes, while the in-person meeting will take 1 hour. The researcher will spend 1 hour every week on journaling.(Informed Consent for Participation in a DNP Project Essay Example)
What are the possible risks or discomforts that I might experience?
There are no possible risks or discomforts you might experience with the project.
What are the possible benefits for me or others?
What alternatives are available?
There are no alternatives for this project.(Informed Consent for Participation in a DNP Project Essay Example)
Do I have to participate?
No, you do not have to participate, participation is voluntary.
What will happen if I do not participate?
There will be no consequences if you choose not to participate in the project.
What will happen if I leave the project?
There are no consequences if you leave the project.(Informed Consent for Participation in a DNP Project Essay Example)
Will it cost me anything to participate?
There is no cost for you to participate.
Will I get paid anything if I participate?
You will not be paid anything for participating in the project.
How will my confidentiality and privacy rights be protected?
Your confidentiality will be upheld. No participant-identifying information will be utilized on the questionnaires or for data collection.(Informed Consent for Participation in a DNP Project Essay Example)
In this project:
- Identifiable private information or specimens (private information or specimens that can be traced back to you) will be collected:(Informed Consent for Participation in a DNP Project Essay Example)
Yes No
If yes:
- Identifiable private information or specimens may be used for future quality improvement projects without gaining further permission:
Yes No
- Identifiable private information or specimens may be used for future quality improvement projects, but only with your permission:
Yes No
- Identifiable private information or specimens will not be used for future quality improvement projects:
Yes No
Who do I contact for any questions about this project?
Mary Jane Evangelista. My phone number is 312-912-3444, and my email address is
Is there anything else I need to know?
No, nothing at this time.
What are my rights?
- If you choose to be in this project, you have the right to be treated with respect, including respect for your decision to stop being in the project.(Informed Consent for Participation in a DNP Project Essay Example)
- You are free to stop being in the project at any time.
- Choosing not to be in this project or to stop being in this project will not result in any penalty to you or loss of benefits to which you are otherwise entitled.(Informed Consent for Participation in a DNP Project Essay Example)
- You will be given any information that either the project manager or the IRB reasonably believes is important to your choice about whether or not to be in this project.
- We will make every effort to keep the information obtained as part of this project confidential. However, information about abuse or neglect may be required to be reported to the appropriate local or state agency per applicable law.
- If you want to speak with someone not directly involved in this project or have questions about your rights as a participant, contact the DNP Program Dean at Consent for Participation in a DNP Project Essay Example)
The following project has been reviewed by the Chamberlain College of Nursing and prescreened as a practice-change/ quality improvement project in collaboration with the Chamberlain University Institutional Review Board.(Informed Consent for Participation in a DNP Project Essay Example)
(If Applicable)
I give permission for photographs or videotapes of me to be used in this project:
__________ (initials)
I DO NOT give permission for photographs or videotapes of me to be used in this project:
___________ (initials)
I have read this form, and the project has been explained to me. I have been given the opportunity to ask questions, and my questions have been answered. If I have additional questions, I have been told whom to contact. I agree to participate in the project described above and will receive a copy of this consent form after I sign it.(Informed Consent for Participation in a DNP Project Essay Example)
______________________ ___________________________
Signature of Participant Date
Revised 2/14/2022

Frequently Asked Questions
What is informed consent for participation?
Informed consent for participation is a crucial ethical principle in research and medical settings, ensuring that individuals possess a clear understanding of the purpose, procedures, risks, and benefits of their involvement before agreeing to participate in a study, treatment, or procedure. It emphasizes the right of individuals to make voluntary and informed decisions about their participation, while also highlighting the responsibility of researchers or healthcare providers to provide comprehensive and comprehensible information. Informed consent ensures that participants are empowered to make informed choices that align with their values and best interests.(Informed Consent for Participation in a DNP Project Essay Example)
What are some examples of informed consent?
Examples of informed consent include a patient agreeing to a medical procedure after receiving a detailed explanation of its risks, benefits, and alternatives from their doctor; a research participant giving permission to be part of a study after being informed about its purpose, procedures, and potential risks; and an individual providing consent before sharing personal information for online services, having been informed about how their data will be used and protected.(Informed Consent for Participation in a DNP Project Essay Example)
What is the consent for individuals participating in research programs can be?
Consent for individuals participating in research programs involves the voluntary and informed agreement of participants to take part in the study. It encompasses a clear explanation of the study’s purpose, procedures, potential risks, benefits, confidentiality measures, and their right to withdraw at any time without penalty. Participants must provide their consent freely, without coercion, ensuring their autonomy and understanding of their role in the research.(Informed Consent for Participation in a DNP Project Essay Example)
What is informed consent for nursing research?
In nursing research, informed consent is a crucial ethical principle that ensures participants are fully informed about the study’s purpose, procedures, potential risks, benefits, and their rights before they voluntarily agree to participate. It involves providing clear and comprehensible information, allowing participants to ask questions, and ensuring they understand the implications of their involvement. Informed consent empowers individuals to make informed decisions about their participation, upholds their autonomy, and safeguards their well-being and rights throughout the research process.(Informed Consent for Participation in a DNP Project Essay Example)