Adherence & Compliance
The purpose of this discussion is to share your plan for adherence and compliance during the project implementation. The primary emphasis of this discussion is to focus on the formative evaluation and methods of sharing this feedback to ensure the practice change project remains on track.(Adherence and Compliance During Nursing Project Implementation Essay)

Review this week’s readings and provide your response in 150 words or less:
- State your practice question in PICOT format.(Adherence and Compliance During Nursing Project Implementation Essay)
- Propose your plan for monitoring adherence and compliance to the project intervention that includes observational formative evaluation with relevant feedback.(Adherence and Compliance During Nursing Project Implementation Essay)
Use Grammarly and current APA format for the posts. Do not repeat the prompts in the post. Provide respectful and thought-provoking feedback to your student colleagues and ask for clarification and elaboration if needed.
Please click on the following link to review the DNP Discussion Guidelines on the Student Resource Center program page:
- Link (webpage): DNP Discussion GuidelinesLinks to an external site.
Course Outcomes
This discussion enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:
- Apply theory and evidence from management, policy, and clinical perspectives to support quality improvement and patient safety in healthcare systems. (POs 3, 4, 5, 6)(Adherence and Compliance During Nursing Project Implementation Essay)
- Demonstrate knowledge and skills in support for and dissemination of scholarship. (POs 2, 3)
Adherence and Compliance During Nursing Project Implementation Essay
State your practice question in PICOT format.
For adults with a history of schizophrenia in the outpatient setting (P), does the implementation of technology with motivational interviewing (I), compared with current practice (C), impact medication nonadherence (O) in 8-10 weeks (T)?(Adherence and Compliance During Nursing Project Implementation Essay)
Propose your plan for monitoring adherence and compliance to the project intervention, including the observational formative evaluation and relevant feedback.
The plan for monitoring adherence and compliance to the project intervention is three-fold. First, the evaluation will involve observing the participants during the weekly in-person meetings and noting their engagement and participation in the motivational interviewing intervention. Participant engagement is crucial to research success (Wong et al., 2021). Therefore, I will journal changes in the participants’ behavior or attitude toward medication adherence over time. Besides, I will obtain feedback from participants on their ability to complete the BMQ and commitment to attending weekly motivational interviewing sessions. This determination will be crucial in determining the impact of motivational interviewing.(Adherence and Compliance During Nursing Project Implementation Essay)
Additionally, I will evaluate journals from my weekly phone calls to determine if they effectively identify any concerns or issues with medication adherence and address them appropriately. The transtheoretical model forms a basis for tailoring interventions based on an individual’s current behavioral decisions and guides change to achieve self-efficacy (Imeri et al., 2022). Providing individual support services to participants with different needs during the intervention will be crucial in helping the patient adopt healthy medication behavior. This could be done by reviewing the journals from the phone calls to gather their feedback on the effectiveness of the calls in helping the patients move from nonadherence to adherence.(Adherence and Compliance During Nursing Project Implementation Essay)

Imeri, H., Toth, J., Arnold, A., & Barnard, M. (2022). Use of the transtheoretical model in medication adherence: A systematic review. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 18(5), 2778-2785.
Wong, C. A., Song, W. B., Jiao, M., O’Brien, E., Ubel, P., Wang, G., & Scales, C. D. (2021). Strategies for research participant engagement: a synthetic review and conceptual framework. Clinical Trials, 18(4), 457-465.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is compliance and adherence?
Compliance refers to the act of following rules, regulations, or guidelines set by external authorities or organizations, often to ensure legal, ethical, or operational standards are met. Adherence, on the other hand, pertains to the consistent and deliberate commitment to a prescribed course of action, such as following medical advice or treatment plans. While compliance can sometimes be a passive response to external requirements, adherence implies a more active and engaged participation in maintaining a specific regimen or protocol.(Adherence and Compliance During Nursing Project Implementation Essay)
What are three strategies you can use to improve patient adherence?
Three strategies to improve patient adherence include:
- Effective communication: Clear and personalized communication between healthcare providers and patients, explaining the importance of treatment, potential benefits, and addressing concerns.
- Simplified regimen: Simplifying medication schedules and treatment plans to reduce complexity and make it easier for patients to follow.(Adherence and Compliance During Nursing Project Implementation Essay)
- Patient education: Providing comprehensive information about the condition, treatment, and potential outcomes, empowering patients to take an active role in managing their health(Adherence and Compliance During Nursing Project Implementation Essay)
What is treatment adherence and compliance?
Treatment adherence, also known as treatment compliance, refers to the extent to which a patient follows the recommended medical advice, prescribed medications, and therapeutic interventions as directed by their healthcare provider. It involves consistently and accurately following the prescribed treatment plan, including taking medications on time, attending medical appointments, and adhering to lifestyle and dietary recommendations. Adherence plays a crucial role in the effectiveness of medical treatments and the overall health outcomes of patients, as poor adherence can lead to reduced treatment efficacy and potential complications.(Adherence and Compliance During Nursing Project Implementation Essay)
What is included in the implementation phase of the nursing process?
The implementation phase of the nursing process involves putting the developed care plan into action. This includes administering medications, performing treatments, providing patient education, and carrying out interventions outlined in the plan. Nurses closely monitor the patient’s response to the interventions, document observations, and make necessary adjustments to the care plan based on the patient’s condition and progress. Effective communication and collaboration among the healthcare team members are crucial during this phase to ensure coordinated and comprehensive patient care.(Adherence and Compliance During Nursing Project Implementation Essay)