Project Implementation Plan
The purpose of this discussion is to share a summary of your project implementation plan and changes you may have made to this plan during your time in NR705.(Nursing Project Implementation Plan Essay Example)

Review this week’s readings and provide your response in 150 words or less:
- State your practice question in PICOT format.
- Summarize your project implementation plan in Weeks 2-9 to include your activities as the DNP project leader (including observational formative evaluation).(Nursing Project Implementation Plan Essay Example)
- Explain any changes you have made to the implementation plan, with rationale for the changes, since your arrival in NR705.
Use Grammarly and current APA format for the posts. Do not repeat the prompts in the post. Provide respectful and thought-provoking feedback to your student colleagues and ask for clarification and elaboration if needed.(Nursing Project Implementation Plan Essay Example)
Please click on the following link to review the DNP Discussion Guidelines on the Student Resource Center program page:
- Link (webpage): DNP Discussion GuidelinesLinks to an external site.
Course Outcomes
This discussion enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:
- Demonstrate effective project management strategies. (POs 2, 3, 6, 7, 8)
- Explore the contribution of the DNP within collaborative teams across diverse healthcare systems. (PO 1)
- Apply theory and evidence from management, policy, and clinical perspectives to support quality improvement and patient safety in healthcare systems. (POs 3, 4, 5, 6)(Nursing Project Implementation Plan Essay Example)
Nursing Project Implementation Plan Essay Example
Practice Question
The following practice question will serve as the basis of the DNP project:
For adults with a history of Schizophrenia (P) in the inpatient setting, does the implementation of technology with motivational interviewing (I), compared with current practice (C), impact medication non-adherence (O) in 8-10 weeks (T)?(Nursing Project Implementation Plan Essay Example)
Project Implementation Plan Summary
Across weeks 2-3, the project implementation activities included project identification, determining whether the problem was a priority to the organization, developing the team, gathering and analyzing evidence, critiquing and synthesizing the research articles, and assessing evidence for adequacy. In weeks 4-9, the project team began implementing motivational interviewing.(Nursing Project Implementation Plan Essay Example)
The first step was assessing the practice fidelity among the selected practitioners to ensure the intervention was delivered. The next step was gathering input from practitioners regarding the implementation plan and any viewpoints they would like to share before beginning MI. Practitioner training and education followed to ensure necessary learning and integration of MI (MINT, 2019). The project team also assessed the leadership readiness to prioritize MI implantation and ensure consistent focus. After completing training, the project team prioritized practitioners showing the capacity to support integration. The team selected the right coaches, coding instruments, and competent internal coaches to evaluate the MI and offer feedback (MINT, 2019).(Nursing Project Implementation Plan Essay Example)
In the initial implementation, the project team ensured the data system was in place to ensure routine data gathering from identified measures. The selected practitioners and coaches engaged the patients in assessing their perceptions of risks and problems with their current behavior, weighing up the advantages and disadvantages of change, including exploring ambivalence and alternatives, identifying reasons for change, and enhancing the patient’s confidence in the capacity to change (Bischof et al., 2021). The practitioners also engaged patients to develop realistic plans make changes towards the next steps, and identify and use strategies of MI to avoid relapse. Currently, we are implementing relapse strategies to help patients contemplate and take action without being demoralized or getting stuck.(Nursing Project Implementation Plan Essay Example)
In weeks 2 and 3, the project team evaluated project development activities and successes using problem tree analysis, priority matrix, and stakeholder analysis. Across weeks 4-9, the project evaluated project implementation activities using a literature review, solution tree analysis, focus groups, discussions, semi-structured interviews, ORID, and project diary. The project team also evaluated implementation activities through schedule tracking, budget tracking, dartboard, questionnaire, huddles, and questionnaire and fidelity and review feedback of MI implementation. The only changes made to the implementation plan were introducing internal coaches, who according to MINT (2019), can regularly review MI practice and offer feedback on the implementation progress and success. This action was undertaken to ensure MI practice is delivered as intended through the implementation phase.(Nursing Project Implementation Plan Essay Example)

Bischof, G., Bischof, A., & Rumpf, H. J. (2021). Motivational Interviewing: An Evidence-Based Approach for Use in Medical Practice. Deutsches Arzteblatt international, 118(7), 109–115.
MINT. (2019). Implementing Motivational Interviewing. Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the 4 major components of an implementation plan?
The four major components of an implementation plan are:
- Goals and Objectives: Clearly defined goals and measurable objectives that outline what the implementation aims to achieve.(Nursing Project Implementation Plan Essay Example)
- Action Steps: Detailed tasks and activities required to execute the plan, including timelines, responsibilities, and resources allocation.(Nursing Project Implementation Plan Essay Example)
- Resource Allocation: Identification and allocation of necessary resources such as finances, personnel, technology, and materials to support the implementation.
- Monitoring and Evaluation: A system for tracking progress, assessing outcomes, and making necessary adjustments to ensure the successful execution of the plan(Nursing Project Implementation Plan Essay Example)
How do you write a project implementation plan?
A project implementation plan outlines the detailed steps, resources, and timelines required to execute a project successfully. It typically includes sections on project objectives, scope, stakeholders, tasks breakdown, resource allocation, scheduling, risk assessment, and monitoring mechanisms. The plan serves as a roadmap to guide the project team and stakeholders through the entire implementation process.
What are the five steps to implementation planning?
Implementation planning typically involves the following five steps:
- Define Objectives and Scope: Clearly outline the goals, objectives, and scope of the project to ensure a shared understanding among stakeholders.(Nursing Project Implementation Plan Essay Example)
- Resource Allocation: Identify and allocate the necessary resources, such as budget, personnel, and technology, to support the implementation process.
- Timeline and Milestones: Create a detailed timeline with specific milestones and deadlines to track progress and ensure the project stays on schedule.(Nursing Project Implementation Plan Essay Example)
- Risk Assessment and Mitigation: Identify potential risks and challenges that could arise during implementation, and develop strategies to mitigate these risks effectively.(Nursing Project Implementation Plan Essay Example)
- Communication and Stakeholder Engagement: Establish a robust communication plan to keep stakeholders informed, engaged, and aligned throughout the implementation process, fostering collaboration and support
What is an example of implementation?
An example of implementation is the process of developing and deploying a new software system for a company’s internal operations, including coding the software according to design specifications, testing it for functionality and bugs, and finally rolling it out to the company’s employees for everyday use. This involves translating a concept or plan into a tangible, functional reality to achieve a specific goal or solve a particular problem.(Nursing Project Implementation Plan Essay Example)