DNP Project Education Plan
Assignment 1
The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate competency in defining an education plan for the implementation process of your DNP project.(Nursing Project Education Plan Essay Example)

Follow the guidelines when completing each component of the assignment. Contact your course faculty if you have questions.
You have the option to complete a concept map, a storyboard, or a short PowerPoint presentation of your education plan. The page limit and rubric requirements are the same for all options—the concept map, storyboard, and PowerPoint.(Nursing Project Education Plan Essay Example)
- Education Plan
- Introduction
- Create a title for the educational offering
- State the practice problem
- State the primary aim of this education
- Briefly describe the learners and the learner outcomes for this education
- Evidence-Based Intervention
- Provide a summary of the evidence-based intervention
- Content
- Provide a summary of the content that will be taught.
- Identify the teaching methods to convey the content.
- Evaluation
- Describe how the learner outcomes will be evaluated (utilizing observational formative evaluation)
- Introduction
- References
- Provide references along with in-text citations sufficient to support the content
- References are in the current APA format.(Nursing Project Education Plan Essay Example)
- Scholarly Writing Criteria
- Use the current APA style and format throughout the assignment.
- Use the Chamberlain Guidelines for Writing a Professional Paper (located in Student Resources) to complete this assignment.(Nursing Project Education Plan Essay Example)
- Turn on Grammarly to check the grammar, sentence structure, and punctuation as you write (Note: if you have not already done so, please download the free version at before construction of the assignment.)
Writing Requirements (APA format)
- Selection of assignment format can be concept map, storyboard, or PowerPoint presentation
- Length: Paper Length: 3-5 pages (not including title page or references page)
- PowerPoint Length: 3-5 slides (not including title slide or references slide)
- 1-inch margins(Nursing Project Education Plan Essay Example)
- Double-spaced pages
- 12-point Times New Roman or 11-point Arial font
- Headings & subheadings
- In-text citations
- Title page
- References page
- Standard English usage and mechanics
- Organized presentation of ideas
Course Outcomes
This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:
- Exhibit adherence to ethical principles in the delivery of healthcare, program planning, and financial management. (POs 1, 4)
- Demonstrate effective project management strategies. (POs 2, 3, 6, 7, 8)
- Explore the contribution of the DNP within collaborative teams across diverse healthcare systems. (PO 1)
- Apply theory and evidence from management, policy, and clinical perspectives to support quality improvement and patient safety in healthcare systems. (POs 3, 4, 5, 6)(Nursing Project Education Plan Essay Example)
- Demonstrate knowledge and skills in support for and dissemination of scholarship. (POs 2, 3)
Week 6 Assignment 1 Grading Rubric
Week 6 Assignment 1 Grading Rubric
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction
Requirements:1. Create a title for the educational offering.2. State the practice problem.3. State the primary aim of this education.4. Briefly describe the learners and the learner outcomes for this education.(Nursing Project Education Plan Essay Example)
20 pts
Includes all requirements and provides an in-depth introduction.
18 pts
Includes all requirements and provides a sufficient introduction.
16 pts
Includes fewer than all requirements and/or provides a partial introduction.
0 pts
Includes fewer than all requirements and/or provides an undeveloped introduction.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvidence-Based Intervention
Requirement:1. Provide a summary of the evidence-based intervention.
20 pts
Includes all requirements and provides an in-depth summary of the evidence-based intervention.
18 pts
Includes all requirements and provides a sufficient summary of the evidence-based intervention.
16 pts
Includes fewer than all requirements and/or provides a partial summary of the evidence-based intervention.
0 pts
Includes fewer than all requirements and/or provides a undeveloped summary of the evidence-based intervention.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent(Nursing Project Education Plan Essay Example)
Requirements:1. Provide a summary of the content that will be taught.2. Identify the teaching methods to convey the content.
20 pts
Includes all requirements and provides an in-depth summary of the content and teaching methods.
18 pts
Includes all requirements and provides a sufficient summary of the content and teaching methods.
16 pts
Includes fewer than all requirements and/or provides a partial summary of the content and teaching methods.
0 pts
Includes fewer than all requirements and/or provides an undeveloped summary of the content and teaching methods.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvaluation Requirement:
1. Describe how the learner outcomes will be evaluated (utilizing observational formative evaluation).
20 pts
Includes all requirements and provides an indepth evaluation discussion.
18 pts
Includes all requirements and provides a sufficient evaluation discussion.
16 pts
Includes fewer than all requirements and/or provides a partial evaluation discussion.
0 pts
Includes fewer than all requirements and/or provides an undeveloped evaluation discussion.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReferences
Requirements:1. Provide references along with in-text citations sufficient to support the content.2. References are in the current APA format.
10 pts
Includes all requirements and provides excellent references.
9 pts
Includes all requirements and provides sufficient references.
8 pts
Includes fewer than all requirements and/or provides partial references.
0 pts
Includes fewer than all requirements and/or provides poor references.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeScholarly Writing Criteria
Requirements:1. Use the current APA style and format throughout the DNP assignment.2. Length: Paper Length: 3-5 pages (not including title page or references page); PowerPoint Length: 3-5 slides (not including title slide or references slide)
5 pts
Includes all requirements and provides excellent scholarly writing.
4 pts
Includes all requirements and provides sufficient scholarly writing.
3 pts
Includes fewer than all requirements and/or provides partial scholarly writing.
0 pts
Includes fewer than all requirements and/or provides poor scholarly writing.
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClarity of Writing
Requirements:1. Standard English usage and mechanics2. No spelling or typographical errors3. Organized presentation of ideas
5 pts
Includes all requirements and demonstrates excellent clarity of writing.
4 pts
Includes all requirements and provides sufficient clarity of writing.
3 pts
Includes fewer than all requirements and/or provides basic partial of writing.
0 pts
Includes fewer than all requirements and/or provides poor clarity of writing.
5 pts
Total Points: 100
DNP Nursing Project Education Plan Essay Example
The educational title is improving medication adherence using motivational interviewing with Technology.
Practice Problem
Medication non-adherence among Schizophrenia patients is a significant population health issue that leads to poor health outcomes and increased healthcare costs. About 70% of schizophrenia patients are affected by medication non-adherence in the USA and globally (Desai & Nayak, 2019). Therefore, medication non-adherence among Schizophrenia patients cannot be ignored.(Nursing Project Education Plan Essay Example)
Primary Aim
This study aims to explore and determine the impact of motivational interviewing and Technology on medication adherence among schizophrenia patients. The study will evaluate the role of Technology on medication adherence and assess the impact of motivational interviewing on medication adherence among schizophrenia patients. Lastly, the study will compare the impact of Technology and motivational interviewing on medication adherence and the current interventions for enhancing medication adherence at the practicum site.(Nursing Project Education Plan Essay Example)
Learners and Learner Outcomes
The learners on this project include the participants and the nursing staff. The participants will be educated on the benefits and risks of the study and their roles in the project, while the nursing staff will be briefed on the study design and methodology. Informed consent and confidentiality would allow the participants to understand the project and their involvement and enhance their participation (Hoverd et al., 2021). Besides, confidentiality is vital in protecting participants’ privacy and upholding research standards (Tegegne et al., 2022). The learning outcomes for the education will include understanding the study’s purpose, benefits, risks, and perceived implications for clinical practice. The participants will be able to articulate the purpose of the study, the benefits, risks, and their roles in the study. The nursing staff can provide expert opinions and guidance regarding the project intervention.(Nursing Project Education Plan Essay Example)
Evidence-Based Intervention
The evidence-based intervention for this project combines motivational interviewing and Technology (Mango Health App) to improve medication adherence. Motivational interviewing encourages behavioral change and is primarily used for individuals ambivalent about changing using social and cognitive psychology approaches (Boland & Verduin, 2021). The intervention will involve collaborative and goal-oriented interaction in which the interviewer identifies barriers to medication adherence and helps the interviewee adopt an intrinsic motivation towards the commitment to medication adherence considering the specific needs of the individual. Various studies have demonstrated the positive impact of motivational interviewing with and Technology is effective in enhancing medication adherence among patients with various chronic illnesses, including Schizophrenia (Harmanci & Budak (2022), Hogan et al. (2020), Ertem & Duman (2019), Papus et al. (2022), Chen et al. (2019), Palacio et al. (2019), Khadoura et al. (2021), Dobber et al. (2020), Aubeeluck et al. (2021), and Abughosh et al. (2019).(Nursing Project Education Plan Essay Example)
Motivational interviewing is flexible and can be used in various clinical settings, positively impacting medication adherence (Pupus et al., 2022; Ertem & Duman, 2019). Motivational interviewing creates hope and positive mental health among patients (Harmacnci & Budak, 2022). Moreover, motivational interviewing enhances medication adherence (Palacio et al., 2019; Dobber et al., 2020; Aubeeluck et al., 2021; Harmanci & Budak, 2022; Chen et al., 2019; Abughosh et al., 2019; Hogan et al., 2020; Khadoura et al., 2021; Papus et al., 2022). These findings show that motivational interviewing is evidence-based and is vital in enhancing medication adherence among Schizophrenia patients who is non-adherent.(Nursing Project Education Plan Essay Example)
The participants will be provided with informed consent and educated on the confidentiality measures that I, as the participants, will undergo a weekly in-person motivational interviewing session on a day pre-decided at the beginning of the project. I will help the participants set medication reminders and carry out weekly phone calls as a follow-up on medication adherence, journal patient concerns related to the project (medication adherence) and address these concerns during subsequent phone calls. The teaching methods will include demonstrations and interactive discussions, and Q&A sessions. A culturally, linguistically, and professionally appropriate language will be adopted for participants and nursing staff to outline the purpose of the study, participants’ roles, benefits, risks, study design, and methodology. This will sustain the consistency of educational provision.(Nursing Project Education Plan Essay Example)
The outcome of educational provisions will be based on the observational formative evaluation. I will develop an information fidelity checklist to verify the comprehensiveness of project delivery. According to Power et al. 2022, the information fidelity checklist is crucial in evaluating the effectiveness of project implementation. Ideally, the information fidelity checklist constitutes every aspect of project delivery from beginning to end. In this case, the information delivery checklist will contain the procedure for participant recruitment, participation, and intervention implementation.(Nursing Project Education Plan Essay Example)
I will make phone calls every week to the participants to discuss their concerns with the project implementation, including the use of the Mango Health App and journal, evaluate the concerns/responses against the intended intervention, and make the needed adjustments to ensure fidelity. I will evaluate the journals, identify the educational provisions’ limitations, and respond to them duly to ensure that the project implementation aligns with the predetermined procedures or alter them to ensure effective implementation.(Nursing Project Education Plan Essay Example)

Abughosh, S., Wang, X., Serna, O., Esse, T., Mann, A., Masilamani, S., Holstad, M. M., Essien, E. J., & Fleming, M. (2019). A Motivational Interviewing Intervention by Pharmacy Students to Improve Medication Adherence. Journal of Managed Care & Specialty Pharmacy, 23(5), 549–560. Project Education Plan Essay Example)
Aubeeluck, E., Al-Arkee, S., Finlay, K., & Jalal, Z. (2021). The impact of pharmacy care and motivational interviewing on improving medication adherence in patients with cardiovascular diseases: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials. International Journal of Clinical Practice, 75(11), e14457. Project Education Plan Essay Example)
Boland, R., & Verduin, M. (2021). Kaplan & Sadock’s Concise Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Desai, R., & Nayak, R. (2019). Effects of medication non-adherence and comorbidity on health resource utilization in Schizophrenia. Journal of Managed Care & Specialty Pharmacy, 25(1), 37-46.
Dobber, J., Latour, C., van Meijel, B., Ter Riet, G., Barkhof, E., Peters, R., … & de Haan, L. (2020). Active ingredients and mechanisms of change in motivational interviewing for medication adherence. A mixed methods study of patient-therapist interaction in patients with Schizophrenia. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11, 78. Project Education Plan Essay Example)
Ertem, M. Y., & Duman, Z. Ç. (2019). The effect of motivational interviews on treatment adherence and insight levels of patients with Schizophrenia: A randomized controlled study. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, 55(1), 75-86. Project Education Plan Essay Example)
Harmanci, P., & Budak, F. K. (2022). The Effect of Psychoeducation Based on Motivational Interview Techniques on Medication Adherence, Hope, and Psychological Well-Being in Schizophrenia Patients. Clinical Nursing Research, 31(2), 202-216. Project Education Plan Essay Example)
Hogan, A., Catley, D., Goggin, K., & Evangeli, M. (2020). Mechanisms of Motivational Interviewing for Antiretroviral Medication Adherence in People with HIV. AIDS and Behavior, 24(10), 2956–2965.
Hoverd, E., Staniszewska, S., & Dale, J. (2021). The informed consent process in health research with under-served populations: a realist review protocol. Systematic Reviews, 10(1), 1-9.
Khadoura, K. J., Shakibazadeh, E., Mansournia, M. A., Aljeesh, Y., & Fotouhi, A. (2021). Effectiveness of motivational interviewing on medication adherence among Palestinian hypertensive patients: a clustered randomized controlled trial. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 20(5), 411–420.
Palacio, A., Garay, D., Langer, B., Taylor, J., Wood, B. A., & Tamariz, L. (2019). Motivational Interviewing Improves Medication Adherence: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 31(8), 929–940.
Papus, M., Dima, A. L., Viprey, M., Schott, A. M., Schneider, M. P., & Novais, T. (2022). Motivational interviewing to support medication adherence in adults with chronic conditions: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Patient Education and Counseling.(Nursing Project Education Plan Essay Example)
Powers, K., Clarke, S., Phillips, J., Holmes, J. A., Cripps, R., Craven, K., … & Radford, K. A. (2022). Developing an implementation fidelity checklist for a vocational rehabilitation intervention. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 8(1), 1-12. Project Education Plan Essay Example)
Tegegne, M. D., Melaku, M. S., Shimie, A. W., Hunegnaw, D. D., Legese, M. G., Ejigu, T. A., … & Chanie, A. F. (2022). Health professionals’ knowledge and attitude towards patient confidentiality and associated factors in a resource-limited setting: a cross-sectional study. BMC Medical Ethics, 23(1), 26.
Frequently Asked Questions
How can technology improve medication adherence?
Technology can improve medication adherence by sending automated reminders and notifications to patients’ devices, ensuring they take their medications on time. Smart pill dispensers and mobile apps can track doses, provide educational resources, and offer personalized insights into the importance of medication compliance. Additionally, telehealth platforms enable healthcare professionals to monitor patients remotely, offering support and adjustments to medication regimens as needed.(Nursing Project Education Plan Essay Example)
What is motivational interviewing medication adherence?
Motivational interviewing for medication adherence is a patient-centered communication technique aimed at enhancing an individual’s intrinsic motivation to consistently and correctly take their prescribed medications. It involves collaborative conversations between healthcare providers and patients, focusing on exploring and resolving ambivalence or barriers related to medication adherence, ultimately fostering a stronger commitment to following the recommended treatment plan. This approach aims to empower patients to make informed decisions and engage actively in their own health management.(Nursing Project Education Plan Essay Example)
What other strategies can be implemented when using motivational interviewing?
In addition to the core principles of motivational interviewing (MI) such as expressing empathy, developing discrepancy, rolling with resistance, and supporting self-efficacy, other effective strategies include using open-ended questions to elicit the client’s perspective, summarizing and reflecting on their statements to enhance understanding, and exploring their intrinsic motivations and values to amplify their commitment to change. Collaborative goal-setting and decision-making, as well as using affirmations to reinforce positive aspects of the client’s behavior and potential, are also valuable strategies within the MI framework.(Nursing Project Education Plan Essay Example)
Is the goal of motivational interviewing to resolve adherence?
The goal of motivational interviewing is to facilitate behavior change by helping individuals explore and resolve their ambivalence towards a specific behavior, such as medication adherence, rather than directly enforcing adherence. Through empathetic and collaborative conversations, motivational interviewing aims to strengthen an individual’s intrinsic motivation and commitment to positive changes in their behavior.(Nursing Project Education Plan Essay Example)