Reflections on the Course Objectives Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example
The definitive history of mental illness treatments is laden with bizarre and inhumane practices executed on patients diagnosed with mental issues. These practices demand that contemporary healthcare embraces professional, social, and legal-ethical practices that remedy the shortcomings of traditional mental healthcare. In recognition of this noble goal, I enrolled in Herzing University Course titled Psychiatric Mental Healthcare. In my view, the course lives up to its billing of being a preparation hub for nurse practitioners. In contrast, students acquire skills and competencies to assess, diagnose, and manage mental health needs across an individual life continuum(Clarke et al., 2017). I can attest that the course highlights both acute and long-term chronic psychiatric/ mental health diagnoses by offering the enrolled PMHNPs to utilize concepts in different care settings with groups and families. This graduate nursing program’s five outcomes that range from demonstrating critical thinking and holistic caring, scientific literature analysis on contents that address selected diagnoses and treatment plans, to implementation of the PMHNP role across different settings, are adequately achieved through the seven-course learning objectives.(Reflections on the Course Objectives Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)

When PHMNPs apply the knowledge gained from mental health disorders through the current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders, the provider helps the patient relate one’s daily problems to one’s mental health. I believe that this objective forms the basic motif of almost all the 16-course topics, with Topic 1on social determinants of health being the only exception. Be that as it may, the second objective of incorporating a patient’s complete mental health assessment, interview, history, and physical exam data collection with the knowledge of pathophysiology and psychopathology of the presenting patient. Moreover, the introductory topic touched on the fourth objective of examining, evaluating, and demonstrating professional development in one’s role as a nurse practitioner in acute and chronic settings.(Reflections on the Course Objectives Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Through Topic 2 on Trauma and Building Resilience, I have identified the stigma associated with mental illness. Some communities treat these individuals as unfortunate or treat them as criminals who must be legally sanctioned instead of patients (Behavioral, & National Academies of Sciences, 2016). These only add to the patient’s traumatic experiences. Still, therapeutic interventions and rehabilitation would significantly achieve all the seven-course objectives except the third one of merging traditional and complementary pharmacological/nonpharmacological interventions using evidence-based treatment and management practices. Suffice it to say that subjecting mental health patients to involuntary treatment has to secure the patient’s formal consent if patient-focused care remains a top priority.(Reflections on the Course Objectives Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Topic 3 on psychiatric assessment, case formulation, and documentation and Topic 7 on ICD-10 Billing Coding are the only two other topics whose content is not designed to help the student achieve the program’s seven objectives. Both of these topics are pivotal in achieving Objectives 1, 2, and 4, but Topic 3 helps the student nurse analyze professional values and core ethical/legal standards into the practice of the PMHNP. Coming from a migrant community in California, mental health issues are underreported due to social stigma, social bias, and fear of rejection. I have also witnessed that people immigrants, whether living in the rural or urban irrespective of their class, still hold that mental illness is a result of either sin, evil eye, a curse from God, bar Karma, or evil spirit. Most importantly, Topic 7 helps the trained psychiatric nurse analyze professional values and core ethical/legal standards into the practice of the PMHNP. Inculcating these professional values amongst other ethics- legal values improve patient/staff safety, thus enhancing mental health care delivery.(Reflections on the Course Objectives Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
While Topics 1-3 and Topic 7 help achieve some of the program objects, the remaining topics are designed with activities that cover all the seven objectives of this program. The activities include assigned course readings, discussion board posts, assignments, and evaluation exercises. (Reflections on the Course Objectives Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)These learning activities have widened my knowledge, attitude, and thinking about mental health and illness, thus changing with time and experience. Besides the other six objectives contextually highlighted in the preceding topics, the seven objectives empower the student to identify the highest level of professionalism and accountability for the PMHNP on ICD -10 Billing Coding. Appropriate billing will help the PMHNP to help modify people’s perception of mental health issues and thus encourage them to seek appropriate treatment. Furthermore, I have resolved to devise strategies to curb social stigmatization and criminalizing of mentally ill patients, leading to discrimination in offering needed medical help (Moore et al., 2016). Successful completion of this course means that a PMHNP cannot ignore the mentally ill patient’s right to know about treatment, refuse treatment, and autonomy and confidentiality.(Reflections on the Course Objectives Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
In conclusion, I believe that my newfound knowledge and understanding of mental health and wellbeing together with illness is bound to impact my role as a nurse practitioner positively. I admit that there were mental–health–based issues that I either intentionally or unintentionally ignored in the past. The past will not be repeated. As a PMHNP, I will strive to treat patients fairly and appropriately. The envisaged care will entail offering patient-focused care based on the best available evidence-based treatment.(Reflections on the Course Objectives Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)

Clark, L. A., Cuthbert, B., Lewis-Fernández, R., Narrow, W. E., & Reed, G. M. (2017). There are three approaches to understanding and classifying mental disorders: ICD-11, DSM-5, and the National Institute of Mental Health’s Research Domain Criteria (RDoC). Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 18(2), 72-145.(Reflections on the Course Objectives Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Moore, K. E., Stuewig, J. B., & Tangney, J. P. (2016). The effect of stigma on criminal offenders’ functioning: A longitudinal mediational model. Deviant behavior, 37(2), 196-218.(Reflections on the Course Objectives Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
on Behavioral, B., & National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. (2016). Understanding Stigma of Mental and Substance Use Disorders. In Ending Discrimination Against People with Mental and Substance Use Disorders: The Evidence for Stigma Change. National Academies Press (US).(Reflections on the Course Objectives Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)