Substance Use Presentation Essay Example for Nursing Students
NU673-Unit 10 Assignment – Substance Use Presentation, Unit 10 Assignment – Substance Use Presentation

For this assignment, you will choose one substance or illegal drug that is prevalently being abused in our society to present to your classmates.(Substance Use Presentation Essay Example for Nursing Students)
The presentation should include the following:
- Title page
- Introduction to Substance
- History of Abuse(Substance Use Presentation Essay Example for Nursing Students)
- Prevalence and Epidemiology in the US
- Risk Factors/ vulnerable populations associated with abuse of this substance
- Short-term and Long-term side effects of the substance use
- Signs and symptoms of abuse upon assessment
- Potential for overdose or use as suicide weapon of choice
- Example of a Care Plan for a patient:(Substance Use Presentation Essay Example for Nursing Students)
- Pharmacological tx
- Non-pharmacological tx
- Patient Education
- Referral
- Follow-up
- Conclusion
You will then record a voice-over of the presentation, upload the recorded presentation to youtube so you receive a simple link to share with your peers. NU673-Unit 10 Assignment – Substance Use Presentation(Substance Use Presentation Essay Example for Nursing Students)
Post your link to this week’s DB posting area as well so peers can view it. No replies to others’ presentations are required but you are encouraged to view others’ presentations and comment.(Substance Use Presentation Essay Example for Nursing Students)
Estimated time to complete:
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NU673 Unit 10 Assignment – Substance Use Presentation Rubric
NU673 Unit 10 Assignment – Substance Use Presentation Rubric
CriteriaRatingsPts(Substance Use Presentation Essay Example for Nursing Students)
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent
20 pts
All parts of the assignment are included and addressed, displaying thorough understanding and connection to the topic through supported opinions and ideas NU673-Unit 10 Assignment – Substance Use Presentation(Substance Use Presentation Essay Example for Nursing Students)
15 pts
All parts of the assignment are included and addressed, displaying comprehensive understanding and connection to the topic through supported opinions and ideas.
10 pts
Components of the assignment are missing or uses clear and accurate expression but lacks connection to the topic. The assignment components need more substantive content. NU673-Unit 10 Assignment – Substance Use Presentation(Substance Use Presentation Essay Example for Nursing Students)
5 pts
Components of the assignment display unclear connection to the topic and/or offers minimal expression of ideas and opinions.(Substance Use Presentation Essay Example for Nursing Students)
0 pts
Level 0
Does not meet this section
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis
10 pts
Assignment displays analysis that is thorough and aligns to the topic. Required elements show evidence of knowledge and understanding with breadth and depth supported by several examples.
8 pts
Assignment displays analysis that is justified and aligns to the topic. Required elements show evidence of comprehensive knowledge and understanding supported by few examples.
5 pts
Assignment displays analysis that is basic without depth or breadth. Required elements show evidence of basic knowledge and understanding supported by limited examples.
2 pts
Assignment displays minimal analysis of the topic and/or is not supported by resources and/or examples.
0 pts
Level 0
Does not meet this section NU673-Unit 10 Assignment – Substance Use Presentation
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization
10 pts
The organization is logical, with clear identification of each required element. The assignment design/layout is purposeful with exemplary transitions between elements.
8 pts
The organization is logical with identification of each required element present. The assignment’s design/layout offers transitions between elements.
5 pts
The organization is disjointed. The assignment’s design/layout does not offer clear or appropriate transitions between elements and/or elements may be missing.
2 pts
The organization affects the audience’s ability to view the elements or elements are missing that affect the overall purpose of the assignment.
0 pts
Level 0
Does not meet this section
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeResources
10 pts
Uses five or greater resources that extend learning, are relevant (within the last five years), and relate to the topic.
8 pts
Uses three to four resources that are relevant (within the last five years) and comprehensive to support the ideas and opinions submitted.
5 pts
Uses one to two resources that are relevant (within the last five years) and comprehensive to support the ideas and opinions submitted.
2 pts
Uses resources that are not relevant (within the last five years) or not related to the topic.
0 pts
Level 0
Does not meet this section
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA
10 pts
All sources are properly formatted following APA guidelines for in-text citations, references, headers, and title and reference pages.
8 pts
Attempted in-text citations, references, headers, and title and reference page following APA formatting with 1-2 errors.
5 pts
Attempted in-text citations, references, headers, and title and reference page following APA formatting with 3-5 errors.
2 pts
In-text citations and/or references are missing or there are greater than 5 errors in APA formatting.
0 pts
Level 0
Does not meet this section
10 pts
Total Points: 60