Therapy Modality Focus Points : Narrative Therapy

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(Therapy Modality Focus Points-Sample Narrative Therapy)

Therapy Modality Focus Points-Sample Narrative Therapy

Therapy Modality:  Narrative Therapy

Creator: Michael White and David Epston

Therapy used for what DSM5 Diagnoses: Narrative therapy is used to treat anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), generalized anxiety disorder, and depression (Jalali et al., 2019; Lely et al., 2019).(Therapy Modality Focus Points-Sample Narrative Therapy)

Emphasis of Therapy Modality: Narrative therapy emphasizes the use of people’s stories to help them discover their life purpose.(Therapy Modality Focus Points-Sample Narrative Therapy)

Goals of Therapy Modality: Narrative therapy aims to transform the effects of an individual’s problem by creating a pace between a person and their problem to establish the positive sides of the problem rather than the harm it causes.(Therapy Modality Focus Points-Sample Narrative Therapy) has the top and most qualified writers to help with any of your assignments. All you need to do is place an order with us.Therapy Modality Focus Points : Narrative Therapy


  • Narrative therapy is used for individuals, couples, and families.
  • Narrative therapy changes the perceptions of communication and stories, i.e., from negative to more meaningful and accepting.(Therapy Modality Focus Points-Sample Narrative Therapy)
  • Narrative therapists use the following process:
  • Assisting individuals in objectifying their difficulties
  • Placing problems in a wider sociocultural perspective
  • Teaching people how to make space for other narratives

Therapy Modality:  Feminist Therapy

Creator: Ellyn Kaschak, American clinical psychologist (Pitts & Kawahara, 2017).

Therapy used for what DSM5 Diagnoses: Feminist theory is employed to manage post-traumatic disorders resulting from gender biases and gender dysphoria (Carr et al., 2015; Brooker & Loshak, 2020).(Therapy Modality Focus Points-Sample Narrative Therapy)

Emphasis of Therapy Modality: Feminist therapy stresses gender issues and sexism, particularly on the challenges and issues affecting women stemming from societal stereotypes, biases, discrimination, and other related mental health stressors (Brown, 2018).

Goals of Therapy Modality: The goals of feminist therapy are to patient’s/affected, nurture themselves, and establish a solid self-perception. These goals enable individuals to establish and enhance self-belief in their identity.(Therapy Modality Focus Points-Sample Narrative Therapy)


  • Feminist therapy is common among the LGBT communities, women’s health clinics, and among people with special needs such as:
  • Violated women
  • Refugees
  • Immigrants
  • Feminist therapy empowers the oppressed in society by voicing their grievances.
(Therapy Modality Focus Points-Sample Narrative Therapy)


Brooker, A. S., & Loshak, H. (2020). Gender Affirming Therapy for Gender Dysphoria: A Rapid Qualitative Review.

Brown, L. S. (2018). Feminist therapy. American Psychological Association.

Carr, E. R., Green, B., & Ponce, A. N. (2015). Women and the experience of serious mental illness and sexual objectification: Multicultural feminist theoretical frameworks and therapy recommendations. Women & Therapy38(1-2), 53-76. Modality Focus Points-Sample Narrative Therapy)

Hashemi, S. F., & Hasani, A. (2019). Narrative therapy for depression and anxiety among children with imprisoned parents: A randomized pilot efficacy trial. Journal of Child & Adolescent Mental Health31(3), 189-200.

Lely, J. C., Smid, G. E., Jongedijk, R. A., W. Knipscheer, J., & Kleber, R. J. (2019). The effectiveness of narrative exposure therapy: A review, meta-analysis and meta-regression analysis. European Journal of Psychotraumatology10(1), 1550344. 10.1080/20008198.2018.1550344(Therapy Modality Focus Points-Sample Narrative Therapy)

Pitts, C., & Kawahara, D. M. (2017). Radical visionaries–feminist psychotherapists: 1970–1975. Modality Focus Points-Sample Narrative Therapy)

(Therapy Modality Focus Points-Sample Narrative Therapy)

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