Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example
Between 10% and 20% of the population experience personality disorders. They are difficult to treat as individuals with personality disorders are less likely to seek help than individuals with other mental health disorders. Treatment can be challenging as they do not see their symptoms as painful to themselves or others.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Paraphilic disorders are far more common in men than in women, and generally quite chronic, lasting at least two years. Treatment of these disorders usually involves both psychotherapeutic and pharmacologic treatments.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
In this Assignment, you will explore personality and paraphilic disorders in greater detail. You will research potentially controversial elements of the diagnosis and/or treatment and explain ethical and legal considerations when working with these disorders.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)

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Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Buchanan, N. T. (2020, April 13). Lecture 14 part 3: Paraphilic disordersLinks to an external site. [Video]. YouTube.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIn 2–3 pages, address the following: • Explain the controversy that surrounds your selected personality or paraphilic disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain your professional beliefs about your selected disorder, supporting your rationale with at least three scholarly references from the literature.
25 to >22.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes a thorough and well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale demonstrates critical thinking and is strongly supported with three scholarly references.
22 to >19.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes a well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is clear and appropriately supported with three scholarly references.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
19 to >17.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is somewhat unclear and references either provide weak support for the rationale or are not scholarly/current.
17 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is unclear and references are inappropriate. Or the response is missing.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 to >26.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
26 to >23.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
23 to >20.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
20 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Finally, explain ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that you need to bring to your practice and why they are important.
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague and inaccurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important. Or, response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – Paragraph Development and Organization: Paragraphs make clear points that support well-developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully focused—neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement and introduction are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity…. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement, introduction, and conclusion are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 80% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are stated, yet they are brief and not descriptive.
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 60%–79% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are vague or off topic.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity < 60% of the time…. No purpose statement, introduction, or conclusion were provided.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – English writing standards: Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list.
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct APA format with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 APA format errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 APA format errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more APA format errors
5 pts
Total Points: 100
Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example
Personality and paraphilic disorders are distinct categories of mental health disorders. Personality disorders refer to unique personality traits, behavioral and emotional patterns, and thought processes that define an individual’s character and interactions with people and the world (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2019). On the other hand, paraphilic disorders refer to mental conditions marked by intense and persistent sexual urges, fantasies, or behaviors toward children aged 13 and below (APA, 2019). This assignment discusses the controversies associated with paraphilic disorders, particularly paedophilic disorders.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies Associated with Pedophilic Disorder
The controversy surrounding paedophilic disorder is due to the paraphilia involved. As such, some functions opine the condition should be criminalized if they do not act on the attraction to the minors, while others believe that affected individuals are not in their normal sense and should be treated as any other normal disorder (Tenbergen et al., 2015). Contrarily, others argue that the disorder is inherently harmful and that individuals with the disorders should be held accountable for their thoughts and urges. The two forms of thought patterns are contradictory. In many countries, sexually abusing minors or possessing child pornography, regardless of whether the offender has been diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder. Some argue that this criminalization is justified due to the harm caused to children. As a result, individuals should be criminalized and face the law whether they act on their urges or not. On the other hand, others argue that punishing individuals who have not acted on their attraction to minors and who may be seeking help to manage their thoughts and urges is unfair.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
The other controversy surrounds the persistent stigmatization of the disorder in the community. Stigmatization of people with pedophilic interests in the community is a concern owing to the need to solve emotional well-being and engage affected individuals in the prevention intervention (Harper et al., 2021). A significant amount of stigma and social condemnation is attached to the paedophilic disorder, making it difficult for individuals with the disorder to seek help or treatment. The term itself is considered stigmatizing and pathologizing and reinforces harmful stereotypes about individuals with the disorder. Some argue that this stigma is unfair and detrimental, as it can prevent individuals from getting the support they need to manage their attraction and avoid harming children. Contrarily, others argue that people with pedophilia should not be stigmatized, and improving individual attitudes towards them is critical in managing the outcomes of the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Professional Beliefs on Pedophilic Disorder
My professional belief is that pedophilia is a mental condition and affected individuals are not in an acceptable mood and behaviors willingly. This is despite the harm that it causes victims. In the current DSM-5 criteria, the pedophilic disorder is de-pathologized and differentiated from normal sexual urges toward prepubescent children and other factors (APA, 2019). In this regard, pedophilic conditions as a preference for sex should to excluded from other sexual offenses against children. When such delineation is not made, pedophiles would be viewed as offenders and typical offenders as pedophiles.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
It is imperative to understand that there is a neurobiological basis for pedophilia that encourage sexual behavior notwithstanding sexual preferences. Studies have shown similar mechanisms that modulate offensive behavior in non-pedophilic men (Tenbergen et al., 2015). These include rape driven by a sexual preference for older women. However, there is a need for research to unravel further the underlying neurological basis of sexual preferences and its impact on behavior.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Individuals diagnosed with pedophilia may benefit from treatment interventions and develop coping strategies toward sexual urges. Seto (2018) argues for the need to understand the underlying factors that lead to pedophilia and establish practical solutions to prevent such actions and consequent harm. Cant et al. (2022) propose approaches to preventing sexual abuse among children by targeting individuals at risk of abusing children. These studies suggest that pedophilia differs from other sexual offenses and can be mitigated by understanding victims’ and perpetrators’ risk and predisposing factors. It is also prudent to note that preventing pedophilia requires close interactions with perpetrators to determine the nature of their sexual preferences and behaviors (Stinson & Becker, 2016). Such interactions are only possible when pedophilia is destigmatized and decriminalized in society. This will allow individuals with sexual urges who have not acted on them to come out and seek treatment to prevent potential occurrences. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Therapeutic Relationships
Maintaining therapeutic relationships with individuals diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder can be challenging, considering the societal stigma. Harper et al. (2021) argue that humanizing pedophilia is critical in maintaining potential outcomes and societal victims. Therefore, practitioners should maintain a non-judgemental atmosphere and empathetic stance, and confidentiality when dealing with individuals diagnosed with pedophilic disorder. This is because social stigma significantly determines help-seeking behaviors among individuals with sexual urges for children. Maintaining a non-judgemental atmosphere and maintaining confidentiality are crucial in facilitating help-seeking behavior and consequent management of the disorder. Maintaining confidentiality helps build trust.
Ethical and Legal Considerations
Besides building trust, maintaining confidentiality adheres to the ethical and legal guidelines around disclosure of patient information and reporting victims of child abuse. Moreover, being non-judgemental would emphasize the client’s worth and dignity. Dignity is a fundamental aspect of mental healthcare that every practitioner should uphold to allow clients to achieve better health outcomes. Moreover, the practitioners have a legal and ethical duty to report suspected cases of child sexual abuse even when disclosed by clients seeking treatment (Mathew, 2019). Moreover, practitioners should obtain informed consent from clients and explain the risks and benefits of treatment(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies surrounding pedophilic disorders are multifarious and intricate. As such, it is difficult to solve the challenges surrounding the disorder. Therefore, there is a need for further research to delineate the features and neurological basis of the disorder. Besides, there is a need for health promotion and public awareness drive to destigmatize and decriminalize pedophilia.
American Psychiatric Association (APA). (2019). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5®). American Psychiatric Publishing
Cant, R. L., Harries, M., & Chamarette, C. (2022). Using a Public Health Approach to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse by Targeting Those at Risk of Harming Children. International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice, 1-20.
Harper, C. A., Lievesley, R., Blagden, N. J., & Hocken, K. (2021). Humanizing pedophilia as stigma reduction: A large-scale intervention study. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1-16.
Mathews, B. (2019). A taxonomy of duties to report child sexual abuse: Legal developments offer new ways to facilitate disclosure. Child Abuse & Neglect, 88, 337-347.
Seto, M. C. (2018). Different approaches to studying pedophilia. In M. C Seto, Pedophilia and sexual offending against children: Theory, assessment, and intervention (pp. 57–83). American Psychological Association.
Stinson, J. D., & Becker, J. V. (2016). Pedophilic disorder. Sexual offending: Predisposing antecedents, assessments, and management, 15-27.
Tenbergen, G., Wittfoth, M., Frieling, H., Ponseti, J., Walter, M., Walter, H., … & Kruger, T. H. (2015). The neurobiology and psychology of pedophilia: recent advances and challenges. Frontiers In Human Neuroscience, 9, 344.
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Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Buchanan, N. T. (2020, April 13). Lecture 14 part 3: Paraphilic disordersLinks to an external site. [Video]. YouTube.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIn 2–3 pages, address the following: • Explain the controversy that surrounds your selected personality or paraphilic disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain your professional beliefs about your selected disorder, supporting your rationale with at least three scholarly references from the literature.
25 to >22.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes a thorough and well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale demonstrates critical thinking and is strongly supported with three scholarly references.
22 to >19.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes a well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is clear and appropriately supported with three scholarly references.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
19 to >17.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is somewhat unclear and references either provide weak support for the rationale or are not scholarly/current.
17 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is unclear and references are inappropriate. Or the response is missing.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 to >26.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
26 to >23.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
23 to >20.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
20 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Finally, explain ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that you need to bring to your practice and why they are important.
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague and inaccurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important. Or, response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – Paragraph Development and Organization: Paragraphs make clear points that support well-developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully focused—neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement and introduction are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity…. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement, introduction, and conclusion are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 80% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are stated, yet they are brief and not descriptive.
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 60%–79% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are vague or off topic.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity < 60% of the time…. No purpose statement, introduction, or conclusion were provided.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – English writing standards: Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list.
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct APA format with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 APA format errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 APA format errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more APA format errors
5 pts
Total Points: 100
Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example
Personality and paraphilic disorders are distinct categories of mental health disorders. Personality disorders refer to unique personality traits, behavioral and emotional patterns, and thought processes that define an individual’s character and interactions with people and the world (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2019). On the other hand, paraphilic disorders refer to mental conditions marked by intense and persistent sexual urges, fantasies, or behaviors toward children aged 13 and below (APA, 2019). This assignment discusses the controversies associated with paraphilic disorders, particularly paedophilic disorders.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies Associated with Pedophilic Disorder
The controversy surrounding paedophilic disorder is due to the paraphilia involved. As such, some functions opine the condition should be criminalized if they do not act on the attraction to the minors, while others believe that affected individuals are not in their normal sense and should be treated as any other normal disorder (Tenbergen et al., 2015). Contrarily, others argue that the disorder is inherently harmful and that individuals with the disorders should be held accountable for their thoughts and urges. The two forms of thought patterns are contradictory. In many countries, sexually abusing minors or possessing child pornography, regardless of whether the offender has been diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder. Some argue that this criminalization is justified due to the harm caused to children. As a result, individuals should be criminalized and face the law whether they act on their urges or not. On the other hand, others argue that punishing individuals who have not acted on their attraction to minors and who may be seeking help to manage their thoughts and urges is unfair.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
The other controversy surrounds the persistent stigmatization of the disorder in the community. Stigmatization of people with pedophilic interests in the community is a concern owing to the need to solve emotional well-being and engage affected individuals in the prevention intervention (Harper et al., 2021). A significant amount of stigma and social condemnation is attached to the paedophilic disorder, making it difficult for individuals with the disorder to seek help or treatment. The term itself is considered stigmatizing and pathologizing and reinforces harmful stereotypes about individuals with the disorder. Some argue that this stigma is unfair and detrimental, as it can prevent individuals from getting the support they need to manage their attraction and avoid harming children. Contrarily, others argue that people with pedophilia should not be stigmatized, and improving individual attitudes towards them is critical in managing the outcomes of the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Professional Beliefs on Pedophilic Disorder
My professional belief is that pedophilia is a mental condition and affected individuals are not in an acceptable mood and behaviors willingly. This is despite the harm that it causes victims. In the current DSM-5 criteria, the pedophilic disorder is de-pathologized and differentiated from normal sexual urges toward prepubescent children and other factors (APA, 2019). In this regard, pedophilic conditions as a preference for sex should to excluded from other sexual offenses against children. When such delineation is not made, pedophiles would be viewed as offenders and typical offenders as pedophiles.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
It is imperative to understand that there is a neurobiological basis for pedophilia that encourage sexual behavior notwithstanding sexual preferences. Studies have shown similar mechanisms that modulate offensive behavior in non-pedophilic men (Tenbergen et al., 2015). These include rape driven by a sexual preference for older women. However, there is a need for research to unravel further the underlying neurological basis of sexual preferences and its impact on behavior.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Individuals diagnosed with pedophilia may benefit from treatment interventions and develop coping strategies toward sexual urges. Seto (2018) argues for the need to understand the underlying factors that lead to pedophilia and establish practical solutions to prevent such actions and consequent harm. Cant et al. (2022) propose approaches to preventing sexual abuse among children by targeting individuals at risk of abusing children. These studies suggest that pedophilia differs from other sexual offenses and can be mitigated by understanding victims’ and perpetrators’ risk and predisposing factors. It is also prudent to note that preventing pedophilia requires close interactions with perpetrators to determine the nature of their sexual preferences and behaviors (Stinson & Becker, 2016). Such interactions are only possible when pedophilia is destigmatized and decriminalized in society. This will allow individuals with sexual urges who have not acted on them to come out and seek treatment to prevent potential occurrences. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Therapeutic Relationships
Maintaining therapeutic relationships with individuals diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder can be challenging, considering the societal stigma. Harper et al. (2021) argue that humanizing pedophilia is critical in maintaining potential outcomes and societal victims. Therefore, practitioners should maintain a non-judgemental atmosphere and empathetic stance, and confidentiality when dealing with individuals diagnosed with pedophilic disorder. This is because social stigma significantly determines help-seeking behaviors among individuals with sexual urges for children. Maintaining a non-judgemental atmosphere and maintaining confidentiality are crucial in facilitating help-seeking behavior and consequent management of the disorder. Maintaining confidentiality helps build trust.
Ethical and Legal Considerations
Besides building trust, maintaining confidentiality adheres to the ethical and legal guidelines around disclosure of patient information and reporting victims of child abuse. Moreover, being non-judgemental would emphasize the client’s worth and dignity. Dignity is a fundamental aspect of mental healthcare that every practitioner should uphold to allow clients to achieve better health outcomes. Moreover, the practitioners have a legal and ethical duty to report suspected cases of child sexual abuse even when disclosed by clients seeking treatment (Mathew, 2019). Moreover, practitioners should obtain informed consent from clients and explain the risks and benefits of treatment(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies surrounding pedophilic disorders are multifarious and intricate. As such, it is difficult to solve the challenges surrounding the disorder. Therefore, there is a need for further research to delineate the features and neurological basis of the disorder. Besides, there is a need for health promotion and public awareness drive to destigmatize and decriminalize pedophilia.
American Psychiatric Association (APA). (2019). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5®). American Psychiatric Publishing
Cant, R. L., Harries, M., & Chamarette, C. (2022). Using a Public Health Approach to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse by Targeting Those at Risk of Harming Children. International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice, 1-20.
Harper, C. A., Lievesley, R., Blagden, N. J., & Hocken, K. (2021). Humanizing pedophilia as stigma reduction: A large-scale intervention study. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1-16.
Mathews, B. (2019). A taxonomy of duties to report child sexual abuse: Legal developments offer new ways to facilitate disclosure. Child Abuse & Neglect, 88, 337-347.
Seto, M. C. (2018). Different approaches to studying pedophilia. In M. C Seto, Pedophilia and sexual offending against children: Theory, assessment, and intervention (pp. 57–83). American Psychological Association.
Stinson, J. D., & Becker, J. V. (2016). Pedophilic disorder. Sexual offending: Predisposing antecedents, assessments, and management, 15-27.
Tenbergen, G., Wittfoth, M., Frieling, H., Ponseti, J., Walter, M., Walter, H., … & Kruger, T. H. (2015). The neurobiology and psychology of pedophilia: recent advances and challenges. Frontiers In Human Neuroscience, 9, 344.
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Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Buchanan, N. T. (2020, April 13). Lecture 14 part 3: Paraphilic disordersLinks to an external site. [Video]. YouTube.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIn 2–3 pages, address the following: • Explain the controversy that surrounds your selected personality or paraphilic disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain your professional beliefs about your selected disorder, supporting your rationale with at least three scholarly references from the literature.
25 to >22.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes a thorough and well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale demonstrates critical thinking and is strongly supported with three scholarly references.
22 to >19.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes a well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is clear and appropriately supported with three scholarly references.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
19 to >17.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is somewhat unclear and references either provide weak support for the rationale or are not scholarly/current.
17 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is unclear and references are inappropriate. Or the response is missing.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 to >26.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
26 to >23.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
23 to >20.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
20 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Finally, explain ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that you need to bring to your practice and why they are important.
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague and inaccurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important. Or, response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – Paragraph Development and Organization: Paragraphs make clear points that support well-developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully focused—neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement and introduction are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity…. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement, introduction, and conclusion are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 80% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are stated, yet they are brief and not descriptive.
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 60%–79% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are vague or off topic.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity < 60% of the time…. No purpose statement, introduction, or conclusion were provided.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – English writing standards: Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list.
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct APA format with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 APA format errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 APA format errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more APA format errors
5 pts
Total Points: 100
Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example
Personality and paraphilic disorders are distinct categories of mental health disorders. Personality disorders refer to unique personality traits, behavioral and emotional patterns, and thought processes that define an individual’s character and interactions with people and the world (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2019). On the other hand, paraphilic disorders refer to mental conditions marked by intense and persistent sexual urges, fantasies, or behaviors toward children aged 13 and below (APA, 2019). This assignment discusses the controversies associated with paraphilic disorders, particularly paedophilic disorders.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies Associated with Pedophilic Disorder
The controversy surrounding paedophilic disorder is due to the paraphilia involved. As such, some functions opine the condition should be criminalized if they do not act on the attraction to the minors, while others believe that affected individuals are not in their normal sense and should be treated as any other normal disorder (Tenbergen et al., 2015). Contrarily, others argue that the disorder is inherently harmful and that individuals with the disorders should be held accountable for their thoughts and urges. The two forms of thought patterns are contradictory. In many countries, sexually abusing minors or possessing child pornography, regardless of whether the offender has been diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder. Some argue that this criminalization is justified due to the harm caused to children. As a result, individuals should be criminalized and face the law whether they act on their urges or not. On the other hand, others argue that punishing individuals who have not acted on their attraction to minors and who may be seeking help to manage their thoughts and urges is unfair.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
The other controversy surrounds the persistent stigmatization of the disorder in the community. Stigmatization of people with pedophilic interests in the community is a concern owing to the need to solve emotional well-being and engage affected individuals in the prevention intervention (Harper et al., 2021). A significant amount of stigma and social condemnation is attached to the paedophilic disorder, making it difficult for individuals with the disorder to seek help or treatment. The term itself is considered stigmatizing and pathologizing and reinforces harmful stereotypes about individuals with the disorder. Some argue that this stigma is unfair and detrimental, as it can prevent individuals from getting the support they need to manage their attraction and avoid harming children. Contrarily, others argue that people with pedophilia should not be stigmatized, and improving individual attitudes towards them is critical in managing the outcomes of the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Professional Beliefs on Pedophilic Disorder
My professional belief is that pedophilia is a mental condition and affected individuals are not in an acceptable mood and behaviors willingly. This is despite the harm that it causes victims. In the current DSM-5 criteria, the pedophilic disorder is de-pathologized and differentiated from normal sexual urges toward prepubescent children and other factors (APA, 2019). In this regard, pedophilic conditions as a preference for sex should to excluded from other sexual offenses against children. When such delineation is not made, pedophiles would be viewed as offenders and typical offenders as pedophiles.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
It is imperative to understand that there is a neurobiological basis for pedophilia that encourage sexual behavior notwithstanding sexual preferences. Studies have shown similar mechanisms that modulate offensive behavior in non-pedophilic men (Tenbergen et al., 2015). These include rape driven by a sexual preference for older women. However, there is a need for research to unravel further the underlying neurological basis of sexual preferences and its impact on behavior.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Individuals diagnosed with pedophilia may benefit from treatment interventions and develop coping strategies toward sexual urges. Seto (2018) argues for the need to understand the underlying factors that lead to pedophilia and establish practical solutions to prevent such actions and consequent harm. Cant et al. (2022) propose approaches to preventing sexual abuse among children by targeting individuals at risk of abusing children. These studies suggest that pedophilia differs from other sexual offenses and can be mitigated by understanding victims’ and perpetrators’ risk and predisposing factors. It is also prudent to note that preventing pedophilia requires close interactions with perpetrators to determine the nature of their sexual preferences and behaviors (Stinson & Becker, 2016). Such interactions are only possible when pedophilia is destigmatized and decriminalized in society. This will allow individuals with sexual urges who have not acted on them to come out and seek treatment to prevent potential occurrences. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Therapeutic Relationships
Maintaining therapeutic relationships with individuals diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder can be challenging, considering the societal stigma. Harper et al. (2021) argue that humanizing pedophilia is critical in maintaining potential outcomes and societal victims. Therefore, practitioners should maintain a non-judgemental atmosphere and empathetic stance, and confidentiality when dealing with individuals diagnosed with pedophilic disorder. This is because social stigma significantly determines help-seeking behaviors among individuals with sexual urges for children. Maintaining a non-judgemental atmosphere and maintaining confidentiality are crucial in facilitating help-seeking behavior and consequent management of the disorder. Maintaining confidentiality helps build trust.
Ethical and Legal Considerations
Besides building trust, maintaining confidentiality adheres to the ethical and legal guidelines around disclosure of patient information and reporting victims of child abuse. Moreover, being non-judgemental would emphasize the client’s worth and dignity. Dignity is a fundamental aspect of mental healthcare that every practitioner should uphold to allow clients to achieve better health outcomes. Moreover, the practitioners have a legal and ethical duty to report suspected cases of child sexual abuse even when disclosed by clients seeking treatment (Mathew, 2019). Moreover, practitioners should obtain informed consent from clients and explain the risks and benefits of treatment(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies surrounding pedophilic disorders are multifarious and intricate. As such, it is difficult to solve the challenges surrounding the disorder. Therefore, there is a need for further research to delineate the features and neurological basis of the disorder. Besides, there is a need for health promotion and public awareness drive to destigmatize and decriminalize pedophilia.
American Psychiatric Association (APA). (2019). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5®). American Psychiatric Publishing
Cant, R. L., Harries, M., & Chamarette, C. (2022). Using a Public Health Approach to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse by Targeting Those at Risk of Harming Children. International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice, 1-20.
Harper, C. A., Lievesley, R., Blagden, N. J., & Hocken, K. (2021). Humanizing pedophilia as stigma reduction: A large-scale intervention study. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1-16.
Mathews, B. (2019). A taxonomy of duties to report child sexual abuse: Legal developments offer new ways to facilitate disclosure. Child Abuse & Neglect, 88, 337-347.
Seto, M. C. (2018). Different approaches to studying pedophilia. In M. C Seto, Pedophilia and sexual offending against children: Theory, assessment, and intervention (pp. 57–83). American Psychological Association.
Stinson, J. D., & Becker, J. V. (2016). Pedophilic disorder. Sexual offending: Predisposing antecedents, assessments, and management, 15-27.
Tenbergen, G., Wittfoth, M., Frieling, H., Ponseti, J., Walter, M., Walter, H., … & Kruger, T. H. (2015). The neurobiology and psychology of pedophilia: recent advances and challenges. Frontiers In Human Neuroscience, 9, 344.
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Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Buchanan, N. T. (2020, April 13). Lecture 14 part 3: Paraphilic disordersLinks to an external site. [Video]. YouTube.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIn 2–3 pages, address the following: • Explain the controversy that surrounds your selected personality or paraphilic disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain your professional beliefs about your selected disorder, supporting your rationale with at least three scholarly references from the literature.
25 to >22.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes a thorough and well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale demonstrates critical thinking and is strongly supported with three scholarly references.
22 to >19.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes a well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is clear and appropriately supported with three scholarly references.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
19 to >17.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is somewhat unclear and references either provide weak support for the rationale or are not scholarly/current.
17 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is unclear and references are inappropriate. Or the response is missing.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 to >26.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
26 to >23.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
23 to >20.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
20 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Finally, explain ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that you need to bring to your practice and why they are important.
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague and inaccurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important. Or, response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – Paragraph Development and Organization: Paragraphs make clear points that support well-developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully focused—neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement and introduction are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity…. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement, introduction, and conclusion are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 80% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are stated, yet they are brief and not descriptive.
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 60%–79% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are vague or off topic.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity < 60% of the time…. No purpose statement, introduction, or conclusion were provided.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – English writing standards: Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list.
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct APA format with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 APA format errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 APA format errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more APA format errors
5 pts
Total Points: 100
Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example
Personality and paraphilic disorders are distinct categories of mental health disorders. Personality disorders refer to unique personality traits, behavioral and emotional patterns, and thought processes that define an individual’s character and interactions with people and the world (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2019). On the other hand, paraphilic disorders refer to mental conditions marked by intense and persistent sexual urges, fantasies, or behaviors toward children aged 13 and below (APA, 2019). This assignment discusses the controversies associated with paraphilic disorders, particularly paedophilic disorders.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies Associated with Pedophilic Disorder
The controversy surrounding paedophilic disorder is due to the paraphilia involved. As such, some functions opine the condition should be criminalized if they do not act on the attraction to the minors, while others believe that affected individuals are not in their normal sense and should be treated as any other normal disorder (Tenbergen et al., 2015). Contrarily, others argue that the disorder is inherently harmful and that individuals with the disorders should be held accountable for their thoughts and urges. The two forms of thought patterns are contradictory. In many countries, sexually abusing minors or possessing child pornography, regardless of whether the offender has been diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder. Some argue that this criminalization is justified due to the harm caused to children. As a result, individuals should be criminalized and face the law whether they act on their urges or not. On the other hand, others argue that punishing individuals who have not acted on their attraction to minors and who may be seeking help to manage their thoughts and urges is unfair.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
The other controversy surrounds the persistent stigmatization of the disorder in the community. Stigmatization of people with pedophilic interests in the community is a concern owing to the need to solve emotional well-being and engage affected individuals in the prevention intervention (Harper et al., 2021). A significant amount of stigma and social condemnation is attached to the paedophilic disorder, making it difficult for individuals with the disorder to seek help or treatment. The term itself is considered stigmatizing and pathologizing and reinforces harmful stereotypes about individuals with the disorder. Some argue that this stigma is unfair and detrimental, as it can prevent individuals from getting the support they need to manage their attraction and avoid harming children. Contrarily, others argue that people with pedophilia should not be stigmatized, and improving individual attitudes towards them is critical in managing the outcomes of the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Professional Beliefs on Pedophilic Disorder
My professional belief is that pedophilia is a mental condition and affected individuals are not in an acceptable mood and behaviors willingly. This is despite the harm that it causes victims. In the current DSM-5 criteria, the pedophilic disorder is de-pathologized and differentiated from normal sexual urges toward prepubescent children and other factors (APA, 2019). In this regard, pedophilic conditions as a preference for sex should to excluded from other sexual offenses against children. When such delineation is not made, pedophiles would be viewed as offenders and typical offenders as pedophiles.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
It is imperative to understand that there is a neurobiological basis for pedophilia that encourage sexual behavior notwithstanding sexual preferences. Studies have shown similar mechanisms that modulate offensive behavior in non-pedophilic men (Tenbergen et al., 2015). These include rape driven by a sexual preference for older women. However, there is a need for research to unravel further the underlying neurological basis of sexual preferences and its impact on behavior.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Individuals diagnosed with pedophilia may benefit from treatment interventions and develop coping strategies toward sexual urges. Seto (2018) argues for the need to understand the underlying factors that lead to pedophilia and establish practical solutions to prevent such actions and consequent harm. Cant et al. (2022) propose approaches to preventing sexual abuse among children by targeting individuals at risk of abusing children. These studies suggest that pedophilia differs from other sexual offenses and can be mitigated by understanding victims’ and perpetrators’ risk and predisposing factors. It is also prudent to note that preventing pedophilia requires close interactions with perpetrators to determine the nature of their sexual preferences and behaviors (Stinson & Becker, 2016). Such interactions are only possible when pedophilia is destigmatized and decriminalized in society. This will allow individuals with sexual urges who have not acted on them to come out and seek treatment to prevent potential occurrences. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Therapeutic Relationships
Maintaining therapeutic relationships with individuals diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder can be challenging, considering the societal stigma. Harper et al. (2021) argue that humanizing pedophilia is critical in maintaining potential outcomes and societal victims. Therefore, practitioners should maintain a non-judgemental atmosphere and empathetic stance, and confidentiality when dealing with individuals diagnosed with pedophilic disorder. This is because social stigma significantly determines help-seeking behaviors among individuals with sexual urges for children. Maintaining a non-judgemental atmosphere and maintaining confidentiality are crucial in facilitating help-seeking behavior and consequent management of the disorder. Maintaining confidentiality helps build trust.
Ethical and Legal Considerations
Besides building trust, maintaining confidentiality adheres to the ethical and legal guidelines around disclosure of patient information and reporting victims of child abuse. Moreover, being non-judgemental would emphasize the client’s worth and dignity. Dignity is a fundamental aspect of mental healthcare that every practitioner should uphold to allow clients to achieve better health outcomes. Moreover, the practitioners have a legal and ethical duty to report suspected cases of child sexual abuse even when disclosed by clients seeking treatment (Mathew, 2019). Moreover, practitioners should obtain informed consent from clients and explain the risks and benefits of treatment(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies surrounding pedophilic disorders are multifarious and intricate. As such, it is difficult to solve the challenges surrounding the disorder. Therefore, there is a need for further research to delineate the features and neurological basis of the disorder. Besides, there is a need for health promotion and public awareness drive to destigmatize and decriminalize pedophilia.
American Psychiatric Association (APA). (2019). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5®). American Psychiatric Publishing
Cant, R. L., Harries, M., & Chamarette, C. (2022). Using a Public Health Approach to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse by Targeting Those at Risk of Harming Children. International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice, 1-20.
Harper, C. A., Lievesley, R., Blagden, N. J., & Hocken, K. (2021). Humanizing pedophilia as stigma reduction: A large-scale intervention study. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1-16.
Mathews, B. (2019). A taxonomy of duties to report child sexual abuse: Legal developments offer new ways to facilitate disclosure. Child Abuse & Neglect, 88, 337-347.
Seto, M. C. (2018). Different approaches to studying pedophilia. In M. C Seto, Pedophilia and sexual offending against children: Theory, assessment, and intervention (pp. 57–83). American Psychological Association.
Stinson, J. D., & Becker, J. V. (2016). Pedophilic disorder. Sexual offending: Predisposing antecedents, assessments, and management, 15-27.
Tenbergen, G., Wittfoth, M., Frieling, H., Ponseti, J., Walter, M., Walter, H., … & Kruger, T. H. (2015). The neurobiology and psychology of pedophilia: recent advances and challenges. Frontiers In Human Neuroscience, 9, 344.
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· Use Library to investigate your chosen disorder further, including controversial aspects of the disorder, maintaining the therapeutic relationship, and ethical and legal considerations. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
In 2–3 pages:
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Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Buchanan, N. T. (2020, April 13). Lecture 14 part 3: Paraphilic disordersLinks to an external site. [Video]. YouTube.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIn 2–3 pages, address the following: • Explain the controversy that surrounds your selected personality or paraphilic disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain your professional beliefs about your selected disorder, supporting your rationale with at least three scholarly references from the literature.
25 to >22.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes a thorough and well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale demonstrates critical thinking and is strongly supported with three scholarly references.
22 to >19.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes a well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is clear and appropriately supported with three scholarly references.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
19 to >17.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is somewhat unclear and references either provide weak support for the rationale or are not scholarly/current.
17 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is unclear and references are inappropriate. Or the response is missing.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 to >26.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
26 to >23.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
23 to >20.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
20 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Finally, explain ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that you need to bring to your practice and why they are important.
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague and inaccurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important. Or, response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – Paragraph Development and Organization: Paragraphs make clear points that support well-developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully focused—neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement and introduction are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity…. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement, introduction, and conclusion are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 80% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are stated, yet they are brief and not descriptive.
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 60%–79% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are vague or off topic.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity < 60% of the time…. No purpose statement, introduction, or conclusion were provided.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – English writing standards: Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list.
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct APA format with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 APA format errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 APA format errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more APA format errors
5 pts
Total Points: 100
Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example
Personality and paraphilic disorders are distinct categories of mental health disorders. Personality disorders refer to unique personality traits, behavioral and emotional patterns, and thought processes that define an individual’s character and interactions with people and the world (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2019). On the other hand, paraphilic disorders refer to mental conditions marked by intense and persistent sexual urges, fantasies, or behaviors toward children aged 13 and below (APA, 2019). This assignment discusses the controversies associated with paraphilic disorders, particularly paedophilic disorders.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies Associated with Pedophilic Disorder
The controversy surrounding paedophilic disorder is due to the paraphilia involved. As such, some functions opine the condition should be criminalized if they do not act on the attraction to the minors, while others believe that affected individuals are not in their normal sense and should be treated as any other normal disorder (Tenbergen et al., 2015). Contrarily, others argue that the disorder is inherently harmful and that individuals with the disorders should be held accountable for their thoughts and urges. The two forms of thought patterns are contradictory. In many countries, sexually abusing minors or possessing child pornography, regardless of whether the offender has been diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder. Some argue that this criminalization is justified due to the harm caused to children. As a result, individuals should be criminalized and face the law whether they act on their urges or not. On the other hand, others argue that punishing individuals who have not acted on their attraction to minors and who may be seeking help to manage their thoughts and urges is unfair.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
The other controversy surrounds the persistent stigmatization of the disorder in the community. Stigmatization of people with pedophilic interests in the community is a concern owing to the need to solve emotional well-being and engage affected individuals in the prevention intervention (Harper et al., 2021). A significant amount of stigma and social condemnation is attached to the paedophilic disorder, making it difficult for individuals with the disorder to seek help or treatment. The term itself is considered stigmatizing and pathologizing and reinforces harmful stereotypes about individuals with the disorder. Some argue that this stigma is unfair and detrimental, as it can prevent individuals from getting the support they need to manage their attraction and avoid harming children. Contrarily, others argue that people with pedophilia should not be stigmatized, and improving individual attitudes towards them is critical in managing the outcomes of the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Professional Beliefs on Pedophilic Disorder
My professional belief is that pedophilia is a mental condition and affected individuals are not in an acceptable mood and behaviors willingly. This is despite the harm that it causes victims. In the current DSM-5 criteria, the pedophilic disorder is de-pathologized and differentiated from normal sexual urges toward prepubescent children and other factors (APA, 2019). In this regard, pedophilic conditions as a preference for sex should to excluded from other sexual offenses against children. When such delineation is not made, pedophiles would be viewed as offenders and typical offenders as pedophiles.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
It is imperative to understand that there is a neurobiological basis for pedophilia that encourage sexual behavior notwithstanding sexual preferences. Studies have shown similar mechanisms that modulate offensive behavior in non-pedophilic men (Tenbergen et al., 2015). These include rape driven by a sexual preference for older women. However, there is a need for research to unravel further the underlying neurological basis of sexual preferences and its impact on behavior.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Individuals diagnosed with pedophilia may benefit from treatment interventions and develop coping strategies toward sexual urges. Seto (2018) argues for the need to understand the underlying factors that lead to pedophilia and establish practical solutions to prevent such actions and consequent harm. Cant et al. (2022) propose approaches to preventing sexual abuse among children by targeting individuals at risk of abusing children. These studies suggest that pedophilia differs from other sexual offenses and can be mitigated by understanding victims’ and perpetrators’ risk and predisposing factors. It is also prudent to note that preventing pedophilia requires close interactions with perpetrators to determine the nature of their sexual preferences and behaviors (Stinson & Becker, 2016). Such interactions are only possible when pedophilia is destigmatized and decriminalized in society. This will allow individuals with sexual urges who have not acted on them to come out and seek treatment to prevent potential occurrences. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Therapeutic Relationships
Maintaining therapeutic relationships with individuals diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder can be challenging, considering the societal stigma. Harper et al. (2021) argue that humanizing pedophilia is critical in maintaining potential outcomes and societal victims. Therefore, practitioners should maintain a non-judgemental atmosphere and empathetic stance, and confidentiality when dealing with individuals diagnosed with pedophilic disorder. This is because social stigma significantly determines help-seeking behaviors among individuals with sexual urges for children. Maintaining a non-judgemental atmosphere and maintaining confidentiality are crucial in facilitating help-seeking behavior and consequent management of the disorder. Maintaining confidentiality helps build trust.
Ethical and Legal Considerations
Besides building trust, maintaining confidentiality adheres to the ethical and legal guidelines around disclosure of patient information and reporting victims of child abuse. Moreover, being non-judgemental would emphasize the client’s worth and dignity. Dignity is a fundamental aspect of mental healthcare that every practitioner should uphold to allow clients to achieve better health outcomes. Moreover, the practitioners have a legal and ethical duty to report suspected cases of child sexual abuse even when disclosed by clients seeking treatment (Mathew, 2019). Moreover, practitioners should obtain informed consent from clients and explain the risks and benefits of treatment(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies surrounding pedophilic disorders are multifarious and intricate. As such, it is difficult to solve the challenges surrounding the disorder. Therefore, there is a need for further research to delineate the features and neurological basis of the disorder. Besides, there is a need for health promotion and public awareness drive to destigmatize and decriminalize pedophilia.
American Psychiatric Association (APA). (2019). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5®). American Psychiatric Publishing
Cant, R. L., Harries, M., & Chamarette, C. (2022). Using a Public Health Approach to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse by Targeting Those at Risk of Harming Children. International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice, 1-20.
Harper, C. A., Lievesley, R., Blagden, N. J., & Hocken, K. (2021). Humanizing pedophilia as stigma reduction: A large-scale intervention study. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1-16.
Mathews, B. (2019). A taxonomy of duties to report child sexual abuse: Legal developments offer new ways to facilitate disclosure. Child Abuse & Neglect, 88, 337-347.
Seto, M. C. (2018). Different approaches to studying pedophilia. In M. C Seto, Pedophilia and sexual offending against children: Theory, assessment, and intervention (pp. 57–83). American Psychological Association.
Stinson, J. D., & Becker, J. V. (2016). Pedophilic disorder. Sexual offending: Predisposing antecedents, assessments, and management, 15-27.
Tenbergen, G., Wittfoth, M., Frieling, H., Ponseti, J., Walter, M., Walter, H., … & Kruger, T. H. (2015). The neurobiology and psychology of pedophilia: recent advances and challenges. Frontiers In Human Neuroscience, 9, 344.
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· Use Library to investigate your chosen disorder further, including controversial aspects of the disorder, maintaining the therapeutic relationship, and ethical and legal considerations. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
In 2–3 pages:
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Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Buchanan, N. T. (2020, April 13). Lecture 14 part 3: Paraphilic disordersLinks to an external site. [Video]. YouTube.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIn 2–3 pages, address the following: • Explain the controversy that surrounds your selected personality or paraphilic disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain your professional beliefs about your selected disorder, supporting your rationale with at least three scholarly references from the literature.
25 to >22.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes a thorough and well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale demonstrates critical thinking and is strongly supported with three scholarly references.
22 to >19.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes a well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is clear and appropriately supported with three scholarly references.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
19 to >17.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is somewhat unclear and references either provide weak support for the rationale or are not scholarly/current.
17 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is unclear and references are inappropriate. Or the response is missing.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 to >26.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
26 to >23.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
23 to >20.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
20 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Finally, explain ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that you need to bring to your practice and why they are important.
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague and inaccurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important. Or, response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – Paragraph Development and Organization: Paragraphs make clear points that support well-developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully focused—neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement and introduction are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity…. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement, introduction, and conclusion are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 80% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are stated, yet they are brief and not descriptive.
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 60%–79% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are vague or off topic.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity < 60% of the time…. No purpose statement, introduction, or conclusion were provided.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – English writing standards: Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list.
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct APA format with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 APA format errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 APA format errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more APA format errors
5 pts
Total Points: 100
Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example
Personality and paraphilic disorders are distinct categories of mental health disorders. Personality disorders refer to unique personality traits, behavioral and emotional patterns, and thought processes that define an individual’s character and interactions with people and the world (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2019). On the other hand, paraphilic disorders refer to mental conditions marked by intense and persistent sexual urges, fantasies, or behaviors toward children aged 13 and below (APA, 2019). This assignment discusses the controversies associated with paraphilic disorders, particularly paedophilic disorders.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies Associated with Pedophilic Disorder
The controversy surrounding paedophilic disorder is due to the paraphilia involved. As such, some functions opine the condition should be criminalized if they do not act on the attraction to the minors, while others believe that affected individuals are not in their normal sense and should be treated as any other normal disorder (Tenbergen et al., 2015). Contrarily, others argue that the disorder is inherently harmful and that individuals with the disorders should be held accountable for their thoughts and urges. The two forms of thought patterns are contradictory. In many countries, sexually abusing minors or possessing child pornography, regardless of whether the offender has been diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder. Some argue that this criminalization is justified due to the harm caused to children. As a result, individuals should be criminalized and face the law whether they act on their urges or not. On the other hand, others argue that punishing individuals who have not acted on their attraction to minors and who may be seeking help to manage their thoughts and urges is unfair.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
The other controversy surrounds the persistent stigmatization of the disorder in the community. Stigmatization of people with pedophilic interests in the community is a concern owing to the need to solve emotional well-being and engage affected individuals in the prevention intervention (Harper et al., 2021). A significant amount of stigma and social condemnation is attached to the paedophilic disorder, making it difficult for individuals with the disorder to seek help or treatment. The term itself is considered stigmatizing and pathologizing and reinforces harmful stereotypes about individuals with the disorder. Some argue that this stigma is unfair and detrimental, as it can prevent individuals from getting the support they need to manage their attraction and avoid harming children. Contrarily, others argue that people with pedophilia should not be stigmatized, and improving individual attitudes towards them is critical in managing the outcomes of the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Professional Beliefs on Pedophilic Disorder
My professional belief is that pedophilia is a mental condition and affected individuals are not in an acceptable mood and behaviors willingly. This is despite the harm that it causes victims. In the current DSM-5 criteria, the pedophilic disorder is de-pathologized and differentiated from normal sexual urges toward prepubescent children and other factors (APA, 2019). In this regard, pedophilic conditions as a preference for sex should to excluded from other sexual offenses against children. When such delineation is not made, pedophiles would be viewed as offenders and typical offenders as pedophiles.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
It is imperative to understand that there is a neurobiological basis for pedophilia that encourage sexual behavior notwithstanding sexual preferences. Studies have shown similar mechanisms that modulate offensive behavior in non-pedophilic men (Tenbergen et al., 2015). These include rape driven by a sexual preference for older women. However, there is a need for research to unravel further the underlying neurological basis of sexual preferences and its impact on behavior.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Individuals diagnosed with pedophilia may benefit from treatment interventions and develop coping strategies toward sexual urges. Seto (2018) argues for the need to understand the underlying factors that lead to pedophilia and establish practical solutions to prevent such actions and consequent harm. Cant et al. (2022) propose approaches to preventing sexual abuse among children by targeting individuals at risk of abusing children. These studies suggest that pedophilia differs from other sexual offenses and can be mitigated by understanding victims’ and perpetrators’ risk and predisposing factors. It is also prudent to note that preventing pedophilia requires close interactions with perpetrators to determine the nature of their sexual preferences and behaviors (Stinson & Becker, 2016). Such interactions are only possible when pedophilia is destigmatized and decriminalized in society. This will allow individuals with sexual urges who have not acted on them to come out and seek treatment to prevent potential occurrences. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Therapeutic Relationships
Maintaining therapeutic relationships with individuals diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder can be challenging, considering the societal stigma. Harper et al. (2021) argue that humanizing pedophilia is critical in maintaining potential outcomes and societal victims. Therefore, practitioners should maintain a non-judgemental atmosphere and empathetic stance, and confidentiality when dealing with individuals diagnosed with pedophilic disorder. This is because social stigma significantly determines help-seeking behaviors among individuals with sexual urges for children. Maintaining a non-judgemental atmosphere and maintaining confidentiality are crucial in facilitating help-seeking behavior and consequent management of the disorder. Maintaining confidentiality helps build trust.
Ethical and Legal Considerations
Besides building trust, maintaining confidentiality adheres to the ethical and legal guidelines around disclosure of patient information and reporting victims of child abuse. Moreover, being non-judgemental would emphasize the client’s worth and dignity. Dignity is a fundamental aspect of mental healthcare that every practitioner should uphold to allow clients to achieve better health outcomes. Moreover, the practitioners have a legal and ethical duty to report suspected cases of child sexual abuse even when disclosed by clients seeking treatment (Mathew, 2019). Moreover, practitioners should obtain informed consent from clients and explain the risks and benefits of treatment(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies surrounding pedophilic disorders are multifarious and intricate. As such, it is difficult to solve the challenges surrounding the disorder. Therefore, there is a need for further research to delineate the features and neurological basis of the disorder. Besides, there is a need for health promotion and public awareness drive to destigmatize and decriminalize pedophilia.
American Psychiatric Association (APA). (2019). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5®). American Psychiatric Publishing
Cant, R. L., Harries, M., & Chamarette, C. (2022). Using a Public Health Approach to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse by Targeting Those at Risk of Harming Children. International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice, 1-20.
Harper, C. A., Lievesley, R., Blagden, N. J., & Hocken, K. (2021). Humanizing pedophilia as stigma reduction: A large-scale intervention study. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1-16.
Mathews, B. (2019). A taxonomy of duties to report child sexual abuse: Legal developments offer new ways to facilitate disclosure. Child Abuse & Neglect, 88, 337-347.
Seto, M. C. (2018). Different approaches to studying pedophilia. In M. C Seto, Pedophilia and sexual offending against children: Theory, assessment, and intervention (pp. 57–83). American Psychological Association.
Stinson, J. D., & Becker, J. V. (2016). Pedophilic disorder. Sexual offending: Predisposing antecedents, assessments, and management, 15-27.
Tenbergen, G., Wittfoth, M., Frieling, H., Ponseti, J., Walter, M., Walter, H., … & Kruger, T. H. (2015). The neurobiology and psychology of pedophilia: recent advances and challenges. Frontiers In Human Neuroscience, 9, 344.
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Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Buchanan, N. T. (2020, April 13). Lecture 14 part 3: Paraphilic disordersLinks to an external site. [Video]. YouTube.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIn 2–3 pages, address the following: • Explain the controversy that surrounds your selected personality or paraphilic disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain your professional beliefs about your selected disorder, supporting your rationale with at least three scholarly references from the literature.
25 to >22.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes a thorough and well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale demonstrates critical thinking and is strongly supported with three scholarly references.
22 to >19.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes a well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is clear and appropriately supported with three scholarly references.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
19 to >17.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is somewhat unclear and references either provide weak support for the rationale or are not scholarly/current.
17 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is unclear and references are inappropriate. Or the response is missing.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 to >26.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
26 to >23.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
23 to >20.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
20 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Finally, explain ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that you need to bring to your practice and why they are important.
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague and inaccurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important. Or, response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – Paragraph Development and Organization: Paragraphs make clear points that support well-developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully focused—neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement and introduction are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity…. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement, introduction, and conclusion are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 80% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are stated, yet they are brief and not descriptive.
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 60%–79% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are vague or off topic.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity < 60% of the time…. No purpose statement, introduction, or conclusion were provided.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – English writing standards: Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list.
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct APA format with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 APA format errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 APA format errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more APA format errors
5 pts
Total Points: 100
Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example
Personality and paraphilic disorders are distinct categories of mental health disorders. Personality disorders refer to unique personality traits, behavioral and emotional patterns, and thought processes that define an individual’s character and interactions with people and the world (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2019). On the other hand, paraphilic disorders refer to mental conditions marked by intense and persistent sexual urges, fantasies, or behaviors toward children aged 13 and below (APA, 2019). This assignment discusses the controversies associated with paraphilic disorders, particularly paedophilic disorders.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies Associated with Pedophilic Disorder
The controversy surrounding paedophilic disorder is due to the paraphilia involved. As such, some functions opine the condition should be criminalized if they do not act on the attraction to the minors, while others believe that affected individuals are not in their normal sense and should be treated as any other normal disorder (Tenbergen et al., 2015). Contrarily, others argue that the disorder is inherently harmful and that individuals with the disorders should be held accountable for their thoughts and urges. The two forms of thought patterns are contradictory. In many countries, sexually abusing minors or possessing child pornography, regardless of whether the offender has been diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder. Some argue that this criminalization is justified due to the harm caused to children. As a result, individuals should be criminalized and face the law whether they act on their urges or not. On the other hand, others argue that punishing individuals who have not acted on their attraction to minors and who may be seeking help to manage their thoughts and urges is unfair.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
The other controversy surrounds the persistent stigmatization of the disorder in the community. Stigmatization of people with pedophilic interests in the community is a concern owing to the need to solve emotional well-being and engage affected individuals in the prevention intervention (Harper et al., 2021). A significant amount of stigma and social condemnation is attached to the paedophilic disorder, making it difficult for individuals with the disorder to seek help or treatment. The term itself is considered stigmatizing and pathologizing and reinforces harmful stereotypes about individuals with the disorder. Some argue that this stigma is unfair and detrimental, as it can prevent individuals from getting the support they need to manage their attraction and avoid harming children. Contrarily, others argue that people with pedophilia should not be stigmatized, and improving individual attitudes towards them is critical in managing the outcomes of the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Professional Beliefs on Pedophilic Disorder
My professional belief is that pedophilia is a mental condition and affected individuals are not in an acceptable mood and behaviors willingly. This is despite the harm that it causes victims. In the current DSM-5 criteria, the pedophilic disorder is de-pathologized and differentiated from normal sexual urges toward prepubescent children and other factors (APA, 2019). In this regard, pedophilic conditions as a preference for sex should to excluded from other sexual offenses against children. When such delineation is not made, pedophiles would be viewed as offenders and typical offenders as pedophiles.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
It is imperative to understand that there is a neurobiological basis for pedophilia that encourage sexual behavior notwithstanding sexual preferences. Studies have shown similar mechanisms that modulate offensive behavior in non-pedophilic men (Tenbergen et al., 2015). These include rape driven by a sexual preference for older women. However, there is a need for research to unravel further the underlying neurological basis of sexual preferences and its impact on behavior.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Individuals diagnosed with pedophilia may benefit from treatment interventions and develop coping strategies toward sexual urges. Seto (2018) argues for the need to understand the underlying factors that lead to pedophilia and establish practical solutions to prevent such actions and consequent harm. Cant et al. (2022) propose approaches to preventing sexual abuse among children by targeting individuals at risk of abusing children. These studies suggest that pedophilia differs from other sexual offenses and can be mitigated by understanding victims’ and perpetrators’ risk and predisposing factors. It is also prudent to note that preventing pedophilia requires close interactions with perpetrators to determine the nature of their sexual preferences and behaviors (Stinson & Becker, 2016). Such interactions are only possible when pedophilia is destigmatized and decriminalized in society. This will allow individuals with sexual urges who have not acted on them to come out and seek treatment to prevent potential occurrences. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Therapeutic Relationships
Maintaining therapeutic relationships with individuals diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder can be challenging, considering the societal stigma. Harper et al. (2021) argue that humanizing pedophilia is critical in maintaining potential outcomes and societal victims. Therefore, practitioners should maintain a non-judgemental atmosphere and empathetic stance, and confidentiality when dealing with individuals diagnosed with pedophilic disorder. This is because social stigma significantly determines help-seeking behaviors among individuals with sexual urges for children. Maintaining a non-judgemental atmosphere and maintaining confidentiality are crucial in facilitating help-seeking behavior and consequent management of the disorder. Maintaining confidentiality helps build trust.
Ethical and Legal Considerations
Besides building trust, maintaining confidentiality adheres to the ethical and legal guidelines around disclosure of patient information and reporting victims of child abuse. Moreover, being non-judgemental would emphasize the client’s worth and dignity. Dignity is a fundamental aspect of mental healthcare that every practitioner should uphold to allow clients to achieve better health outcomes. Moreover, the practitioners have a legal and ethical duty to report suspected cases of child sexual abuse even when disclosed by clients seeking treatment (Mathew, 2019). Moreover, practitioners should obtain informed consent from clients and explain the risks and benefits of treatment(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies surrounding pedophilic disorders are multifarious and intricate. As such, it is difficult to solve the challenges surrounding the disorder. Therefore, there is a need for further research to delineate the features and neurological basis of the disorder. Besides, there is a need for health promotion and public awareness drive to destigmatize and decriminalize pedophilia.
American Psychiatric Association (APA). (2019). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5®). American Psychiatric Publishing
Cant, R. L., Harries, M., & Chamarette, C. (2022). Using a Public Health Approach to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse by Targeting Those at Risk of Harming Children. International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice, 1-20.
Harper, C. A., Lievesley, R., Blagden, N. J., & Hocken, K. (2021). Humanizing pedophilia as stigma reduction: A large-scale intervention study. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1-16.
Mathews, B. (2019). A taxonomy of duties to report child sexual abuse: Legal developments offer new ways to facilitate disclosure. Child Abuse & Neglect, 88, 337-347.
Seto, M. C. (2018). Different approaches to studying pedophilia. In M. C Seto, Pedophilia and sexual offending against children: Theory, assessment, and intervention (pp. 57–83). American Psychological Association.
Stinson, J. D., & Becker, J. V. (2016). Pedophilic disorder. Sexual offending: Predisposing antecedents, assessments, and management, 15-27.
Tenbergen, G., Wittfoth, M., Frieling, H., Ponseti, J., Walter, M., Walter, H., … & Kruger, T. H. (2015). The neurobiology and psychology of pedophilia: recent advances and challenges. Frontiers In Human Neuroscience, 9, 344.
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· Use Library to investigate your chosen disorder further, including controversial aspects of the disorder, maintaining the therapeutic relationship, and ethical and legal considerations. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
In 2–3 pages:
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Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Buchanan, N. T. (2020, April 13). Lecture 14 part 3: Paraphilic disordersLinks to an external site. [Video]. YouTube.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIn 2–3 pages, address the following: • Explain the controversy that surrounds your selected personality or paraphilic disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain your professional beliefs about your selected disorder, supporting your rationale with at least three scholarly references from the literature.
25 to >22.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes a thorough and well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale demonstrates critical thinking and is strongly supported with three scholarly references.
22 to >19.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes a well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is clear and appropriately supported with three scholarly references.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
19 to >17.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is somewhat unclear and references either provide weak support for the rationale or are not scholarly/current.
17 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is unclear and references are inappropriate. Or the response is missing.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 to >26.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
26 to >23.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
23 to >20.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
20 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Finally, explain ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that you need to bring to your practice and why they are important.
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague and inaccurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important. Or, response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – Paragraph Development and Organization: Paragraphs make clear points that support well-developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully focused—neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement and introduction are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity…. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement, introduction, and conclusion are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 80% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are stated, yet they are brief and not descriptive.
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 60%–79% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are vague or off topic.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity < 60% of the time…. No purpose statement, introduction, or conclusion were provided.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – English writing standards: Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list.
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct APA format with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 APA format errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 APA format errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more APA format errors
5 pts
Total Points: 100
Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example
Personality and paraphilic disorders are distinct categories of mental health disorders. Personality disorders refer to unique personality traits, behavioral and emotional patterns, and thought processes that define an individual’s character and interactions with people and the world (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2019). On the other hand, paraphilic disorders refer to mental conditions marked by intense and persistent sexual urges, fantasies, or behaviors toward children aged 13 and below (APA, 2019). This assignment discusses the controversies associated with paraphilic disorders, particularly paedophilic disorders.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies Associated with Pedophilic Disorder
The controversy surrounding paedophilic disorder is due to the paraphilia involved. As such, some functions opine the condition should be criminalized if they do not act on the attraction to the minors, while others believe that affected individuals are not in their normal sense and should be treated as any other normal disorder (Tenbergen et al., 2015). Contrarily, others argue that the disorder is inherently harmful and that individuals with the disorders should be held accountable for their thoughts and urges. The two forms of thought patterns are contradictory. In many countries, sexually abusing minors or possessing child pornography, regardless of whether the offender has been diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder. Some argue that this criminalization is justified due to the harm caused to children. As a result, individuals should be criminalized and face the law whether they act on their urges or not. On the other hand, others argue that punishing individuals who have not acted on their attraction to minors and who may be seeking help to manage their thoughts and urges is unfair.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
The other controversy surrounds the persistent stigmatization of the disorder in the community. Stigmatization of people with pedophilic interests in the community is a concern owing to the need to solve emotional well-being and engage affected individuals in the prevention intervention (Harper et al., 2021). A significant amount of stigma and social condemnation is attached to the paedophilic disorder, making it difficult for individuals with the disorder to seek help or treatment. The term itself is considered stigmatizing and pathologizing and reinforces harmful stereotypes about individuals with the disorder. Some argue that this stigma is unfair and detrimental, as it can prevent individuals from getting the support they need to manage their attraction and avoid harming children. Contrarily, others argue that people with pedophilia should not be stigmatized, and improving individual attitudes towards them is critical in managing the outcomes of the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Professional Beliefs on Pedophilic Disorder
My professional belief is that pedophilia is a mental condition and affected individuals are not in an acceptable mood and behaviors willingly. This is despite the harm that it causes victims. In the current DSM-5 criteria, the pedophilic disorder is de-pathologized and differentiated from normal sexual urges toward prepubescent children and other factors (APA, 2019). In this regard, pedophilic conditions as a preference for sex should to excluded from other sexual offenses against children. When such delineation is not made, pedophiles would be viewed as offenders and typical offenders as pedophiles.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
It is imperative to understand that there is a neurobiological basis for pedophilia that encourage sexual behavior notwithstanding sexual preferences. Studies have shown similar mechanisms that modulate offensive behavior in non-pedophilic men (Tenbergen et al., 2015). These include rape driven by a sexual preference for older women. However, there is a need for research to unravel further the underlying neurological basis of sexual preferences and its impact on behavior.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Individuals diagnosed with pedophilia may benefit from treatment interventions and develop coping strategies toward sexual urges. Seto (2018) argues for the need to understand the underlying factors that lead to pedophilia and establish practical solutions to prevent such actions and consequent harm. Cant et al. (2022) propose approaches to preventing sexual abuse among children by targeting individuals at risk of abusing children. These studies suggest that pedophilia differs from other sexual offenses and can be mitigated by understanding victims’ and perpetrators’ risk and predisposing factors. It is also prudent to note that preventing pedophilia requires close interactions with perpetrators to determine the nature of their sexual preferences and behaviors (Stinson & Becker, 2016). Such interactions are only possible when pedophilia is destigmatized and decriminalized in society. This will allow individuals with sexual urges who have not acted on them to come out and seek treatment to prevent potential occurrences. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Therapeutic Relationships
Maintaining therapeutic relationships with individuals diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder can be challenging, considering the societal stigma. Harper et al. (2021) argue that humanizing pedophilia is critical in maintaining potential outcomes and societal victims. Therefore, practitioners should maintain a non-judgemental atmosphere and empathetic stance, and confidentiality when dealing with individuals diagnosed with pedophilic disorder. This is because social stigma significantly determines help-seeking behaviors among individuals with sexual urges for children. Maintaining a non-judgemental atmosphere and maintaining confidentiality are crucial in facilitating help-seeking behavior and consequent management of the disorder. Maintaining confidentiality helps build trust.
Ethical and Legal Considerations
Besides building trust, maintaining confidentiality adheres to the ethical and legal guidelines around disclosure of patient information and reporting victims of child abuse. Moreover, being non-judgemental would emphasize the client’s worth and dignity. Dignity is a fundamental aspect of mental healthcare that every practitioner should uphold to allow clients to achieve better health outcomes. Moreover, the practitioners have a legal and ethical duty to report suspected cases of child sexual abuse even when disclosed by clients seeking treatment (Mathew, 2019). Moreover, practitioners should obtain informed consent from clients and explain the risks and benefits of treatment(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies surrounding pedophilic disorders are multifarious and intricate. As such, it is difficult to solve the challenges surrounding the disorder. Therefore, there is a need for further research to delineate the features and neurological basis of the disorder. Besides, there is a need for health promotion and public awareness drive to destigmatize and decriminalize pedophilia.
American Psychiatric Association (APA). (2019). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5®). American Psychiatric Publishing
Cant, R. L., Harries, M., & Chamarette, C. (2022). Using a Public Health Approach to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse by Targeting Those at Risk of Harming Children. International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice, 1-20.
Harper, C. A., Lievesley, R., Blagden, N. J., & Hocken, K. (2021). Humanizing pedophilia as stigma reduction: A large-scale intervention study. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1-16.
Mathews, B. (2019). A taxonomy of duties to report child sexual abuse: Legal developments offer new ways to facilitate disclosure. Child Abuse & Neglect, 88, 337-347.
Seto, M. C. (2018). Different approaches to studying pedophilia. In M. C Seto, Pedophilia and sexual offending against children: Theory, assessment, and intervention (pp. 57–83). American Psychological Association.
Stinson, J. D., & Becker, J. V. (2016). Pedophilic disorder. Sexual offending: Predisposing antecedents, assessments, and management, 15-27.
Tenbergen, G., Wittfoth, M., Frieling, H., Ponseti, J., Walter, M., Walter, H., … & Kruger, T. H. (2015). The neurobiology and psychology of pedophilia: recent advances and challenges. Frontiers In Human Neuroscience, 9, 344.
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Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Buchanan, N. T. (2020, April 13). Lecture 14 part 3: Paraphilic disordersLinks to an external site. [Video]. YouTube.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIn 2–3 pages, address the following: • Explain the controversy that surrounds your selected personality or paraphilic disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain your professional beliefs about your selected disorder, supporting your rationale with at least three scholarly references from the literature.
25 to >22.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes a thorough and well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale demonstrates critical thinking and is strongly supported with three scholarly references.
22 to >19.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes a well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is clear and appropriately supported with three scholarly references.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
19 to >17.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is somewhat unclear and references either provide weak support for the rationale or are not scholarly/current.
17 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is unclear and references are inappropriate. Or the response is missing.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 to >26.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
26 to >23.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
23 to >20.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
20 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Finally, explain ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that you need to bring to your practice and why they are important.
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague and inaccurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important. Or, response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – Paragraph Development and Organization: Paragraphs make clear points that support well-developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully focused—neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement and introduction are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity…. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement, introduction, and conclusion are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 80% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are stated, yet they are brief and not descriptive.
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 60%–79% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are vague or off topic.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity < 60% of the time…. No purpose statement, introduction, or conclusion were provided.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – English writing standards: Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list.
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct APA format with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 APA format errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 APA format errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more APA format errors
5 pts
Total Points: 100
Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example
Personality and paraphilic disorders are distinct categories of mental health disorders. Personality disorders refer to unique personality traits, behavioral and emotional patterns, and thought processes that define an individual’s character and interactions with people and the world (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2019). On the other hand, paraphilic disorders refer to mental conditions marked by intense and persistent sexual urges, fantasies, or behaviors toward children aged 13 and below (APA, 2019). This assignment discusses the controversies associated with paraphilic disorders, particularly paedophilic disorders.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies Associated with Pedophilic Disorder
The controversy surrounding paedophilic disorder is due to the paraphilia involved. As such, some functions opine the condition should be criminalized if they do not act on the attraction to the minors, while others believe that affected individuals are not in their normal sense and should be treated as any other normal disorder (Tenbergen et al., 2015). Contrarily, others argue that the disorder is inherently harmful and that individuals with the disorders should be held accountable for their thoughts and urges. The two forms of thought patterns are contradictory. In many countries, sexually abusing minors or possessing child pornography, regardless of whether the offender has been diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder. Some argue that this criminalization is justified due to the harm caused to children. As a result, individuals should be criminalized and face the law whether they act on their urges or not. On the other hand, others argue that punishing individuals who have not acted on their attraction to minors and who may be seeking help to manage their thoughts and urges is unfair.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
The other controversy surrounds the persistent stigmatization of the disorder in the community. Stigmatization of people with pedophilic interests in the community is a concern owing to the need to solve emotional well-being and engage affected individuals in the prevention intervention (Harper et al., 2021). A significant amount of stigma and social condemnation is attached to the paedophilic disorder, making it difficult for individuals with the disorder to seek help or treatment. The term itself is considered stigmatizing and pathologizing and reinforces harmful stereotypes about individuals with the disorder. Some argue that this stigma is unfair and detrimental, as it can prevent individuals from getting the support they need to manage their attraction and avoid harming children. Contrarily, others argue that people with pedophilia should not be stigmatized, and improving individual attitudes towards them is critical in managing the outcomes of the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Professional Beliefs on Pedophilic Disorder
My professional belief is that pedophilia is a mental condition and affected individuals are not in an acceptable mood and behaviors willingly. This is despite the harm that it causes victims. In the current DSM-5 criteria, the pedophilic disorder is de-pathologized and differentiated from normal sexual urges toward prepubescent children and other factors (APA, 2019). In this regard, pedophilic conditions as a preference for sex should to excluded from other sexual offenses against children. When such delineation is not made, pedophiles would be viewed as offenders and typical offenders as pedophiles.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
It is imperative to understand that there is a neurobiological basis for pedophilia that encourage sexual behavior notwithstanding sexual preferences. Studies have shown similar mechanisms that modulate offensive behavior in non-pedophilic men (Tenbergen et al., 2015). These include rape driven by a sexual preference for older women. However, there is a need for research to unravel further the underlying neurological basis of sexual preferences and its impact on behavior.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Individuals diagnosed with pedophilia may benefit from treatment interventions and develop coping strategies toward sexual urges. Seto (2018) argues for the need to understand the underlying factors that lead to pedophilia and establish practical solutions to prevent such actions and consequent harm. Cant et al. (2022) propose approaches to preventing sexual abuse among children by targeting individuals at risk of abusing children. These studies suggest that pedophilia differs from other sexual offenses and can be mitigated by understanding victims’ and perpetrators’ risk and predisposing factors. It is also prudent to note that preventing pedophilia requires close interactions with perpetrators to determine the nature of their sexual preferences and behaviors (Stinson & Becker, 2016). Such interactions are only possible when pedophilia is destigmatized and decriminalized in society. This will allow individuals with sexual urges who have not acted on them to come out and seek treatment to prevent potential occurrences. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Therapeutic Relationships
Maintaining therapeutic relationships with individuals diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder can be challenging, considering the societal stigma. Harper et al. (2021) argue that humanizing pedophilia is critical in maintaining potential outcomes and societal victims. Therefore, practitioners should maintain a non-judgemental atmosphere and empathetic stance, and confidentiality when dealing with individuals diagnosed with pedophilic disorder. This is because social stigma significantly determines help-seeking behaviors among individuals with sexual urges for children. Maintaining a non-judgemental atmosphere and maintaining confidentiality are crucial in facilitating help-seeking behavior and consequent management of the disorder. Maintaining confidentiality helps build trust.
Ethical and Legal Considerations
Besides building trust, maintaining confidentiality adheres to the ethical and legal guidelines around disclosure of patient information and reporting victims of child abuse. Moreover, being non-judgemental would emphasize the client’s worth and dignity. Dignity is a fundamental aspect of mental healthcare that every practitioner should uphold to allow clients to achieve better health outcomes. Moreover, the practitioners have a legal and ethical duty to report suspected cases of child sexual abuse even when disclosed by clients seeking treatment (Mathew, 2019). Moreover, practitioners should obtain informed consent from clients and explain the risks and benefits of treatment(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies surrounding pedophilic disorders are multifarious and intricate. As such, it is difficult to solve the challenges surrounding the disorder. Therefore, there is a need for further research to delineate the features and neurological basis of the disorder. Besides, there is a need for health promotion and public awareness drive to destigmatize and decriminalize pedophilia.
American Psychiatric Association (APA). (2019). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5®). American Psychiatric Publishing
Cant, R. L., Harries, M., & Chamarette, C. (2022). Using a Public Health Approach to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse by Targeting Those at Risk of Harming Children. International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice, 1-20.
Harper, C. A., Lievesley, R., Blagden, N. J., & Hocken, K. (2021). Humanizing pedophilia as stigma reduction: A large-scale intervention study. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1-16.
Mathews, B. (2019). A taxonomy of duties to report child sexual abuse: Legal developments offer new ways to facilitate disclosure. Child Abuse & Neglect, 88, 337-347.
Seto, M. C. (2018). Different approaches to studying pedophilia. In M. C Seto, Pedophilia and sexual offending against children: Theory, assessment, and intervention (pp. 57–83). American Psychological Association.
Stinson, J. D., & Becker, J. V. (2016). Pedophilic disorder. Sexual offending: Predisposing antecedents, assessments, and management, 15-27.
Tenbergen, G., Wittfoth, M., Frieling, H., Ponseti, J., Walter, M., Walter, H., … & Kruger, T. H. (2015). The neurobiology and psychology of pedophilia: recent advances and challenges. Frontiers In Human Neuroscience, 9, 344.
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· Use Library to investigate your chosen disorder further, including controversial aspects of the disorder, maintaining the therapeutic relationship, and ethical and legal considerations. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
In 2–3 pages:
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Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Buchanan, N. T. (2020, April 13). Lecture 14 part 3: Paraphilic disordersLinks to an external site. [Video]. YouTube.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIn 2–3 pages, address the following: • Explain the controversy that surrounds your selected personality or paraphilic disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain your professional beliefs about your selected disorder, supporting your rationale with at least three scholarly references from the literature.
25 to >22.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes a thorough and well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale demonstrates critical thinking and is strongly supported with three scholarly references.
22 to >19.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes a well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is clear and appropriately supported with three scholarly references.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
19 to >17.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is somewhat unclear and references either provide weak support for the rationale or are not scholarly/current.
17 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is unclear and references are inappropriate. Or the response is missing.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 to >26.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
26 to >23.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
23 to >20.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
20 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Finally, explain ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that you need to bring to your practice and why they are important.
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague and inaccurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important. Or, response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – Paragraph Development and Organization: Paragraphs make clear points that support well-developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully focused—neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement and introduction are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity…. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement, introduction, and conclusion are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 80% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are stated, yet they are brief and not descriptive.
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 60%–79% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are vague or off topic.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity < 60% of the time…. No purpose statement, introduction, or conclusion were provided.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – English writing standards: Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list.
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct APA format with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 APA format errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 APA format errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more APA format errors
5 pts
Total Points: 100
Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example
Personality and paraphilic disorders are distinct categories of mental health disorders. Personality disorders refer to unique personality traits, behavioral and emotional patterns, and thought processes that define an individual’s character and interactions with people and the world (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2019). On the other hand, paraphilic disorders refer to mental conditions marked by intense and persistent sexual urges, fantasies, or behaviors toward children aged 13 and below (APA, 2019). This assignment discusses the controversies associated with paraphilic disorders, particularly paedophilic disorders.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies Associated with Pedophilic Disorder
The controversy surrounding paedophilic disorder is due to the paraphilia involved. As such, some functions opine the condition should be criminalized if they do not act on the attraction to the minors, while others believe that affected individuals are not in their normal sense and should be treated as any other normal disorder (Tenbergen et al., 2015). Contrarily, others argue that the disorder is inherently harmful and that individuals with the disorders should be held accountable for their thoughts and urges. The two forms of thought patterns are contradictory. In many countries, sexually abusing minors or possessing child pornography, regardless of whether the offender has been diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder. Some argue that this criminalization is justified due to the harm caused to children. As a result, individuals should be criminalized and face the law whether they act on their urges or not. On the other hand, others argue that punishing individuals who have not acted on their attraction to minors and who may be seeking help to manage their thoughts and urges is unfair.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
The other controversy surrounds the persistent stigmatization of the disorder in the community. Stigmatization of people with pedophilic interests in the community is a concern owing to the need to solve emotional well-being and engage affected individuals in the prevention intervention (Harper et al., 2021). A significant amount of stigma and social condemnation is attached to the paedophilic disorder, making it difficult for individuals with the disorder to seek help or treatment. The term itself is considered stigmatizing and pathologizing and reinforces harmful stereotypes about individuals with the disorder. Some argue that this stigma is unfair and detrimental, as it can prevent individuals from getting the support they need to manage their attraction and avoid harming children. Contrarily, others argue that people with pedophilia should not be stigmatized, and improving individual attitudes towards them is critical in managing the outcomes of the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Professional Beliefs on Pedophilic Disorder
My professional belief is that pedophilia is a mental condition and affected individuals are not in an acceptable mood and behaviors willingly. This is despite the harm that it causes victims. In the current DSM-5 criteria, the pedophilic disorder is de-pathologized and differentiated from normal sexual urges toward prepubescent children and other factors (APA, 2019). In this regard, pedophilic conditions as a preference for sex should to excluded from other sexual offenses against children. When such delineation is not made, pedophiles would be viewed as offenders and typical offenders as pedophiles.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
It is imperative to understand that there is a neurobiological basis for pedophilia that encourage sexual behavior notwithstanding sexual preferences. Studies have shown similar mechanisms that modulate offensive behavior in non-pedophilic men (Tenbergen et al., 2015). These include rape driven by a sexual preference for older women. However, there is a need for research to unravel further the underlying neurological basis of sexual preferences and its impact on behavior.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Individuals diagnosed with pedophilia may benefit from treatment interventions and develop coping strategies toward sexual urges. Seto (2018) argues for the need to understand the underlying factors that lead to pedophilia and establish practical solutions to prevent such actions and consequent harm. Cant et al. (2022) propose approaches to preventing sexual abuse among children by targeting individuals at risk of abusing children. These studies suggest that pedophilia differs from other sexual offenses and can be mitigated by understanding victims’ and perpetrators’ risk and predisposing factors. It is also prudent to note that preventing pedophilia requires close interactions with perpetrators to determine the nature of their sexual preferences and behaviors (Stinson & Becker, 2016). Such interactions are only possible when pedophilia is destigmatized and decriminalized in society. This will allow individuals with sexual urges who have not acted on them to come out and seek treatment to prevent potential occurrences. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Therapeutic Relationships
Maintaining therapeutic relationships with individuals diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder can be challenging, considering the societal stigma. Harper et al. (2021) argue that humanizing pedophilia is critical in maintaining potential outcomes and societal victims. Therefore, practitioners should maintain a non-judgemental atmosphere and empathetic stance, and confidentiality when dealing with individuals diagnosed with pedophilic disorder. This is because social stigma significantly determines help-seeking behaviors among individuals with sexual urges for children. Maintaining a non-judgemental atmosphere and maintaining confidentiality are crucial in facilitating help-seeking behavior and consequent management of the disorder. Maintaining confidentiality helps build trust.
Ethical and Legal Considerations
Besides building trust, maintaining confidentiality adheres to the ethical and legal guidelines around disclosure of patient information and reporting victims of child abuse. Moreover, being non-judgemental would emphasize the client’s worth and dignity. Dignity is a fundamental aspect of mental healthcare that every practitioner should uphold to allow clients to achieve better health outcomes. Moreover, the practitioners have a legal and ethical duty to report suspected cases of child sexual abuse even when disclosed by clients seeking treatment (Mathew, 2019). Moreover, practitioners should obtain informed consent from clients and explain the risks and benefits of treatment(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies surrounding pedophilic disorders are multifarious and intricate. As such, it is difficult to solve the challenges surrounding the disorder. Therefore, there is a need for further research to delineate the features and neurological basis of the disorder. Besides, there is a need for health promotion and public awareness drive to destigmatize and decriminalize pedophilia.
American Psychiatric Association (APA). (2019). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5®). American Psychiatric Publishing
Cant, R. L., Harries, M., & Chamarette, C. (2022). Using a Public Health Approach to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse by Targeting Those at Risk of Harming Children. International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice, 1-20.
Harper, C. A., Lievesley, R., Blagden, N. J., & Hocken, K. (2021). Humanizing pedophilia as stigma reduction: A large-scale intervention study. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1-16.
Mathews, B. (2019). A taxonomy of duties to report child sexual abuse: Legal developments offer new ways to facilitate disclosure. Child Abuse & Neglect, 88, 337-347.
Seto, M. C. (2018). Different approaches to studying pedophilia. In M. C Seto, Pedophilia and sexual offending against children: Theory, assessment, and intervention (pp. 57–83). American Psychological Association.
Stinson, J. D., & Becker, J. V. (2016). Pedophilic disorder. Sexual offending: Predisposing antecedents, assessments, and management, 15-27.
Tenbergen, G., Wittfoth, M., Frieling, H., Ponseti, J., Walter, M., Walter, H., … & Kruger, T. H. (2015). The neurobiology and psychology of pedophilia: recent advances and challenges. Frontiers In Human Neuroscience, 9, 344.
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Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Buchanan, N. T. (2020, April 13). Lecture 14 part 3: Paraphilic disordersLinks to an external site. [Video]. YouTube.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIn 2–3 pages, address the following: • Explain the controversy that surrounds your selected personality or paraphilic disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain your professional beliefs about your selected disorder, supporting your rationale with at least three scholarly references from the literature.
25 to >22.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes a thorough and well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale demonstrates critical thinking and is strongly supported with three scholarly references.
22 to >19.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes a well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is clear and appropriately supported with three scholarly references.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
19 to >17.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is somewhat unclear and references either provide weak support for the rationale or are not scholarly/current.
17 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is unclear and references are inappropriate. Or the response is missing.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 to >26.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
26 to >23.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
23 to >20.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
20 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Finally, explain ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that you need to bring to your practice and why they are important.
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague and inaccurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important. Or, response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – Paragraph Development and Organization: Paragraphs make clear points that support well-developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully focused—neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement and introduction are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity…. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement, introduction, and conclusion are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 80% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are stated, yet they are brief and not descriptive.
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 60%–79% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are vague or off topic.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity < 60% of the time…. No purpose statement, introduction, or conclusion were provided.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – English writing standards: Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list.
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct APA format with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 APA format errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 APA format errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more APA format errors
5 pts
Total Points: 100
Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example
Personality and paraphilic disorders are distinct categories of mental health disorders. Personality disorders refer to unique personality traits, behavioral and emotional patterns, and thought processes that define an individual’s character and interactions with people and the world (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2019). On the other hand, paraphilic disorders refer to mental conditions marked by intense and persistent sexual urges, fantasies, or behaviors toward children aged 13 and below (APA, 2019). This assignment discusses the controversies associated with paraphilic disorders, particularly paedophilic disorders.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies Associated with Pedophilic Disorder
The controversy surrounding paedophilic disorder is due to the paraphilia involved. As such, some functions opine the condition should be criminalized if they do not act on the attraction to the minors, while others believe that affected individuals are not in their normal sense and should be treated as any other normal disorder (Tenbergen et al., 2015). Contrarily, others argue that the disorder is inherently harmful and that individuals with the disorders should be held accountable for their thoughts and urges. The two forms of thought patterns are contradictory. In many countries, sexually abusing minors or possessing child pornography, regardless of whether the offender has been diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder. Some argue that this criminalization is justified due to the harm caused to children. As a result, individuals should be criminalized and face the law whether they act on their urges or not. On the other hand, others argue that punishing individuals who have not acted on their attraction to minors and who may be seeking help to manage their thoughts and urges is unfair.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
The other controversy surrounds the persistent stigmatization of the disorder in the community. Stigmatization of people with pedophilic interests in the community is a concern owing to the need to solve emotional well-being and engage affected individuals in the prevention intervention (Harper et al., 2021). A significant amount of stigma and social condemnation is attached to the paedophilic disorder, making it difficult for individuals with the disorder to seek help or treatment. The term itself is considered stigmatizing and pathologizing and reinforces harmful stereotypes about individuals with the disorder. Some argue that this stigma is unfair and detrimental, as it can prevent individuals from getting the support they need to manage their attraction and avoid harming children. Contrarily, others argue that people with pedophilia should not be stigmatized, and improving individual attitudes towards them is critical in managing the outcomes of the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Professional Beliefs on Pedophilic Disorder
My professional belief is that pedophilia is a mental condition and affected individuals are not in an acceptable mood and behaviors willingly. This is despite the harm that it causes victims. In the current DSM-5 criteria, the pedophilic disorder is de-pathologized and differentiated from normal sexual urges toward prepubescent children and other factors (APA, 2019). In this regard, pedophilic conditions as a preference for sex should to excluded from other sexual offenses against children. When such delineation is not made, pedophiles would be viewed as offenders and typical offenders as pedophiles.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
It is imperative to understand that there is a neurobiological basis for pedophilia that encourage sexual behavior notwithstanding sexual preferences. Studies have shown similar mechanisms that modulate offensive behavior in non-pedophilic men (Tenbergen et al., 2015). These include rape driven by a sexual preference for older women. However, there is a need for research to unravel further the underlying neurological basis of sexual preferences and its impact on behavior.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Individuals diagnosed with pedophilia may benefit from treatment interventions and develop coping strategies toward sexual urges. Seto (2018) argues for the need to understand the underlying factors that lead to pedophilia and establish practical solutions to prevent such actions and consequent harm. Cant et al. (2022) propose approaches to preventing sexual abuse among children by targeting individuals at risk of abusing children. These studies suggest that pedophilia differs from other sexual offenses and can be mitigated by understanding victims’ and perpetrators’ risk and predisposing factors. It is also prudent to note that preventing pedophilia requires close interactions with perpetrators to determine the nature of their sexual preferences and behaviors (Stinson & Becker, 2016). Such interactions are only possible when pedophilia is destigmatized and decriminalized in society. This will allow individuals with sexual urges who have not acted on them to come out and seek treatment to prevent potential occurrences. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Therapeutic Relationships
Maintaining therapeutic relationships with individuals diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder can be challenging, considering the societal stigma. Harper et al. (2021) argue that humanizing pedophilia is critical in maintaining potential outcomes and societal victims. Therefore, practitioners should maintain a non-judgemental atmosphere and empathetic stance, and confidentiality when dealing with individuals diagnosed with pedophilic disorder. This is because social stigma significantly determines help-seeking behaviors among individuals with sexual urges for children. Maintaining a non-judgemental atmosphere and maintaining confidentiality are crucial in facilitating help-seeking behavior and consequent management of the disorder. Maintaining confidentiality helps build trust.
Ethical and Legal Considerations
Besides building trust, maintaining confidentiality adheres to the ethical and legal guidelines around disclosure of patient information and reporting victims of child abuse. Moreover, being non-judgemental would emphasize the client’s worth and dignity. Dignity is a fundamental aspect of mental healthcare that every practitioner should uphold to allow clients to achieve better health outcomes. Moreover, the practitioners have a legal and ethical duty to report suspected cases of child sexual abuse even when disclosed by clients seeking treatment (Mathew, 2019). Moreover, practitioners should obtain informed consent from clients and explain the risks and benefits of treatment(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies surrounding pedophilic disorders are multifarious and intricate. As such, it is difficult to solve the challenges surrounding the disorder. Therefore, there is a need for further research to delineate the features and neurological basis of the disorder. Besides, there is a need for health promotion and public awareness drive to destigmatize and decriminalize pedophilia.
American Psychiatric Association (APA). (2019). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5®). American Psychiatric Publishing
Cant, R. L., Harries, M., & Chamarette, C. (2022). Using a Public Health Approach to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse by Targeting Those at Risk of Harming Children. International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice, 1-20.
Harper, C. A., Lievesley, R., Blagden, N. J., & Hocken, K. (2021). Humanizing pedophilia as stigma reduction: A large-scale intervention study. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1-16.
Mathews, B. (2019). A taxonomy of duties to report child sexual abuse: Legal developments offer new ways to facilitate disclosure. Child Abuse & Neglect, 88, 337-347.
Seto, M. C. (2018). Different approaches to studying pedophilia. In M. C Seto, Pedophilia and sexual offending against children: Theory, assessment, and intervention (pp. 57–83). American Psychological Association.
Stinson, J. D., & Becker, J. V. (2016). Pedophilic disorder. Sexual offending: Predisposing antecedents, assessments, and management, 15-27.
Tenbergen, G., Wittfoth, M., Frieling, H., Ponseti, J., Walter, M., Walter, H., … & Kruger, T. H. (2015). The neurobiology and psychology of pedophilia: recent advances and challenges. Frontiers In Human Neuroscience, 9, 344.
·!– /wp:paragraph –>
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· Use Library to investigate your chosen disorder further, including controversial aspects of the disorder, maintaining the therapeutic relationship, and ethical and legal considerations. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
In 2–3 pages:
·!– /wp:paragraph –>
·!– /wp:paragraph –>
·!– /wp:paragraph –>
·!– /wp:paragraph –>
Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Buchanan, N. T. (2020, April 13). Lecture 14 part 3: Paraphilic disordersLinks to an external site. [Video]. YouTube.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIn 2–3 pages, address the following: • Explain the controversy that surrounds your selected personality or paraphilic disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain your professional beliefs about your selected disorder, supporting your rationale with at least three scholarly references from the literature.
25 to >22.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes a thorough and well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale demonstrates critical thinking and is strongly supported with three scholarly references.
22 to >19.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes a well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is clear and appropriately supported with three scholarly references.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
19 to >17.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is somewhat unclear and references either provide weak support for the rationale or are not scholarly/current.
17 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is unclear and references are inappropriate. Or the response is missing.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 to >26.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
26 to >23.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
23 to >20.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
20 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Finally, explain ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that you need to bring to your practice and why they are important.
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague and inaccurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important. Or, response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – Paragraph Development and Organization: Paragraphs make clear points that support well-developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully focused—neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement and introduction are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity…. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement, introduction, and conclusion are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 80% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are stated, yet they are brief and not descriptive.
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 60%–79% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are vague or off topic.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity < 60% of the time…. No purpose statement, introduction, or conclusion were provided.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – English writing standards: Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list.
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct APA format with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 APA format errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 APA format errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more APA format errors
5 pts
Total Points: 100
Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example
Personality and paraphilic disorders are distinct categories of mental health disorders. Personality disorders refer to unique personality traits, behavioral and emotional patterns, and thought processes that define an individual’s character and interactions with people and the world (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2019). On the other hand, paraphilic disorders refer to mental conditions marked by intense and persistent sexual urges, fantasies, or behaviors toward children aged 13 and below (APA, 2019). This assignment discusses the controversies associated with paraphilic disorders, particularly paedophilic disorders.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies Associated with Pedophilic Disorder
The controversy surrounding paedophilic disorder is due to the paraphilia involved. As such, some functions opine the condition should be criminalized if they do not act on the attraction to the minors, while others believe that affected individuals are not in their normal sense and should be treated as any other normal disorder (Tenbergen et al., 2015). Contrarily, others argue that the disorder is inherently harmful and that individuals with the disorders should be held accountable for their thoughts and urges. The two forms of thought patterns are contradictory. In many countries, sexually abusing minors or possessing child pornography, regardless of whether the offender has been diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder. Some argue that this criminalization is justified due to the harm caused to children. As a result, individuals should be criminalized and face the law whether they act on their urges or not. On the other hand, others argue that punishing individuals who have not acted on their attraction to minors and who may be seeking help to manage their thoughts and urges is unfair.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
The other controversy surrounds the persistent stigmatization of the disorder in the community. Stigmatization of people with pedophilic interests in the community is a concern owing to the need to solve emotional well-being and engage affected individuals in the prevention intervention (Harper et al., 2021). A significant amount of stigma and social condemnation is attached to the paedophilic disorder, making it difficult for individuals with the disorder to seek help or treatment. The term itself is considered stigmatizing and pathologizing and reinforces harmful stereotypes about individuals with the disorder. Some argue that this stigma is unfair and detrimental, as it can prevent individuals from getting the support they need to manage their attraction and avoid harming children. Contrarily, others argue that people with pedophilia should not be stigmatized, and improving individual attitudes towards them is critical in managing the outcomes of the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Professional Beliefs on Pedophilic Disorder
My professional belief is that pedophilia is a mental condition and affected individuals are not in an acceptable mood and behaviors willingly. This is despite the harm that it causes victims. In the current DSM-5 criteria, the pedophilic disorder is de-pathologized and differentiated from normal sexual urges toward prepubescent children and other factors (APA, 2019). In this regard, pedophilic conditions as a preference for sex should to excluded from other sexual offenses against children. When such delineation is not made, pedophiles would be viewed as offenders and typical offenders as pedophiles.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
It is imperative to understand that there is a neurobiological basis for pedophilia that encourage sexual behavior notwithstanding sexual preferences. Studies have shown similar mechanisms that modulate offensive behavior in non-pedophilic men (Tenbergen et al., 2015). These include rape driven by a sexual preference for older women. However, there is a need for research to unravel further the underlying neurological basis of sexual preferences and its impact on behavior.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Individuals diagnosed with pedophilia may benefit from treatment interventions and develop coping strategies toward sexual urges. Seto (2018) argues for the need to understand the underlying factors that lead to pedophilia and establish practical solutions to prevent such actions and consequent harm. Cant et al. (2022) propose approaches to preventing sexual abuse among children by targeting individuals at risk of abusing children. These studies suggest that pedophilia differs from other sexual offenses and can be mitigated by understanding victims’ and perpetrators’ risk and predisposing factors. It is also prudent to note that preventing pedophilia requires close interactions with perpetrators to determine the nature of their sexual preferences and behaviors (Stinson & Becker, 2016). Such interactions are only possible when pedophilia is destigmatized and decriminalized in society. This will allow individuals with sexual urges who have not acted on them to come out and seek treatment to prevent potential occurrences. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Therapeutic Relationships
Maintaining therapeutic relationships with individuals diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder can be challenging, considering the societal stigma. Harper et al. (2021) argue that humanizing pedophilia is critical in maintaining potential outcomes and societal victims. Therefore, practitioners should maintain a non-judgemental atmosphere and empathetic stance, and confidentiality when dealing with individuals diagnosed with pedophilic disorder. This is because social stigma significantly determines help-seeking behaviors among individuals with sexual urges for children. Maintaining a non-judgemental atmosphere and maintaining confidentiality are crucial in facilitating help-seeking behavior and consequent management of the disorder. Maintaining confidentiality helps build trust.
Ethical and Legal Considerations
Besides building trust, maintaining confidentiality adheres to the ethical and legal guidelines around disclosure of patient information and reporting victims of child abuse. Moreover, being non-judgemental would emphasize the client’s worth and dignity. Dignity is a fundamental aspect of mental healthcare that every practitioner should uphold to allow clients to achieve better health outcomes. Moreover, the practitioners have a legal and ethical duty to report suspected cases of child sexual abuse even when disclosed by clients seeking treatment (Mathew, 2019). Moreover, practitioners should obtain informed consent from clients and explain the risks and benefits of treatment(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies surrounding pedophilic disorders are multifarious and intricate. As such, it is difficult to solve the challenges surrounding the disorder. Therefore, there is a need for further research to delineate the features and neurological basis of the disorder. Besides, there is a need for health promotion and public awareness drive to destigmatize and decriminalize pedophilia.
American Psychiatric Association (APA). (2019). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5®). American Psychiatric Publishing
Cant, R. L., Harries, M., & Chamarette, C. (2022). Using a Public Health Approach to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse by Targeting Those at Risk of Harming Children. International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice, 1-20.
Harper, C. A., Lievesley, R., Blagden, N. J., & Hocken, K. (2021). Humanizing pedophilia as stigma reduction: A large-scale intervention study. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1-16.
Mathews, B. (2019). A taxonomy of duties to report child sexual abuse: Legal developments offer new ways to facilitate disclosure. Child Abuse & Neglect, 88, 337-347.
Seto, M. C. (2018). Different approaches to studying pedophilia. In M. C Seto, Pedophilia and sexual offending against children: Theory, assessment, and intervention (pp. 57–83). American Psychological Association.
Stinson, J. D., & Becker, J. V. (2016). Pedophilic disorder. Sexual offending: Predisposing antecedents, assessments, and management, 15-27.
Tenbergen, G., Wittfoth, M., Frieling, H., Ponseti, J., Walter, M., Walter, H., … & Kruger, T. H. (2015). The neurobiology and psychology of pedophilia: recent advances and challenges. Frontiers In Human Neuroscience, 9, 344.
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· Use Library to investigate your chosen disorder further, including controversial aspects of the disorder, maintaining the therapeutic relationship, and ethical and legal considerations. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
In 2–3 pages:
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Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Buchanan, N. T. (2020, April 13). Lecture 14 part 3: Paraphilic disordersLinks to an external site. [Video]. YouTube.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIn 2–3 pages, address the following: • Explain the controversy that surrounds your selected personality or paraphilic disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain your professional beliefs about your selected disorder, supporting your rationale with at least three scholarly references from the literature.
25 to >22.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes a thorough and well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale demonstrates critical thinking and is strongly supported with three scholarly references.
22 to >19.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes a well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is clear and appropriately supported with three scholarly references.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
19 to >17.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is somewhat unclear and references either provide weak support for the rationale or are not scholarly/current.
17 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is unclear and references are inappropriate. Or the response is missing.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 to >26.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
26 to >23.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
23 to >20.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
20 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Finally, explain ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that you need to bring to your practice and why they are important.
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague and inaccurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important. Or, response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – Paragraph Development and Organization: Paragraphs make clear points that support well-developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully focused—neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement and introduction are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity…. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement, introduction, and conclusion are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 80% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are stated, yet they are brief and not descriptive.
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 60%–79% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are vague or off topic.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity < 60% of the time…. No purpose statement, introduction, or conclusion were provided.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – English writing standards: Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list.
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct APA format with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 APA format errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 APA format errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more APA format errors
5 pts
Total Points: 100
Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example
Personality and paraphilic disorders are distinct categories of mental health disorders. Personality disorders refer to unique personality traits, behavioral and emotional patterns, and thought processes that define an individual’s character and interactions with people and the world (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2019). On the other hand, paraphilic disorders refer to mental conditions marked by intense and persistent sexual urges, fantasies, or behaviors toward children aged 13 and below (APA, 2019). This assignment discusses the controversies associated with paraphilic disorders, particularly paedophilic disorders.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies Associated with Pedophilic Disorder
The controversy surrounding paedophilic disorder is due to the paraphilia involved. As such, some functions opine the condition should be criminalized if they do not act on the attraction to the minors, while others believe that affected individuals are not in their normal sense and should be treated as any other normal disorder (Tenbergen et al., 2015). Contrarily, others argue that the disorder is inherently harmful and that individuals with the disorders should be held accountable for their thoughts and urges. The two forms of thought patterns are contradictory. In many countries, sexually abusing minors or possessing child pornography, regardless of whether the offender has been diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder. Some argue that this criminalization is justified due to the harm caused to children. As a result, individuals should be criminalized and face the law whether they act on their urges or not. On the other hand, others argue that punishing individuals who have not acted on their attraction to minors and who may be seeking help to manage their thoughts and urges is unfair.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
The other controversy surrounds the persistent stigmatization of the disorder in the community. Stigmatization of people with pedophilic interests in the community is a concern owing to the need to solve emotional well-being and engage affected individuals in the prevention intervention (Harper et al., 2021). A significant amount of stigma and social condemnation is attached to the paedophilic disorder, making it difficult for individuals with the disorder to seek help or treatment. The term itself is considered stigmatizing and pathologizing and reinforces harmful stereotypes about individuals with the disorder. Some argue that this stigma is unfair and detrimental, as it can prevent individuals from getting the support they need to manage their attraction and avoid harming children. Contrarily, others argue that people with pedophilia should not be stigmatized, and improving individual attitudes towards them is critical in managing the outcomes of the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Professional Beliefs on Pedophilic Disorder
My professional belief is that pedophilia is a mental condition and affected individuals are not in an acceptable mood and behaviors willingly. This is despite the harm that it causes victims. In the current DSM-5 criteria, the pedophilic disorder is de-pathologized and differentiated from normal sexual urges toward prepubescent children and other factors (APA, 2019). In this regard, pedophilic conditions as a preference for sex should to excluded from other sexual offenses against children. When such delineation is not made, pedophiles would be viewed as offenders and typical offenders as pedophiles.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
It is imperative to understand that there is a neurobiological basis for pedophilia that encourage sexual behavior notwithstanding sexual preferences. Studies have shown similar mechanisms that modulate offensive behavior in non-pedophilic men (Tenbergen et al., 2015). These include rape driven by a sexual preference for older women. However, there is a need for research to unravel further the underlying neurological basis of sexual preferences and its impact on behavior.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Individuals diagnosed with pedophilia may benefit from treatment interventions and develop coping strategies toward sexual urges. Seto (2018) argues for the need to understand the underlying factors that lead to pedophilia and establish practical solutions to prevent such actions and consequent harm. Cant et al. (2022) propose approaches to preventing sexual abuse among children by targeting individuals at risk of abusing children. These studies suggest that pedophilia differs from other sexual offenses and can be mitigated by understanding victims’ and perpetrators’ risk and predisposing factors. It is also prudent to note that preventing pedophilia requires close interactions with perpetrators to determine the nature of their sexual preferences and behaviors (Stinson & Becker, 2016). Such interactions are only possible when pedophilia is destigmatized and decriminalized in society. This will allow individuals with sexual urges who have not acted on them to come out and seek treatment to prevent potential occurrences. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Therapeutic Relationships
Maintaining therapeutic relationships with individuals diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder can be challenging, considering the societal stigma. Harper et al. (2021) argue that humanizing pedophilia is critical in maintaining potential outcomes and societal victims. Therefore, practitioners should maintain a non-judgemental atmosphere and empathetic stance, and confidentiality when dealing with individuals diagnosed with pedophilic disorder. This is because social stigma significantly determines help-seeking behaviors among individuals with sexual urges for children. Maintaining a non-judgemental atmosphere and maintaining confidentiality are crucial in facilitating help-seeking behavior and consequent management of the disorder. Maintaining confidentiality helps build trust.
Ethical and Legal Considerations
Besides building trust, maintaining confidentiality adheres to the ethical and legal guidelines around disclosure of patient information and reporting victims of child abuse. Moreover, being non-judgemental would emphasize the client’s worth and dignity. Dignity is a fundamental aspect of mental healthcare that every practitioner should uphold to allow clients to achieve better health outcomes. Moreover, the practitioners have a legal and ethical duty to report suspected cases of child sexual abuse even when disclosed by clients seeking treatment (Mathew, 2019). Moreover, practitioners should obtain informed consent from clients and explain the risks and benefits of treatment(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies surrounding pedophilic disorders are multifarious and intricate. As such, it is difficult to solve the challenges surrounding the disorder. Therefore, there is a need for further research to delineate the features and neurological basis of the disorder. Besides, there is a need for health promotion and public awareness drive to destigmatize and decriminalize pedophilia.
American Psychiatric Association (APA). (2019). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5®). American Psychiatric Publishing
Cant, R. L., Harries, M., & Chamarette, C. (2022). Using a Public Health Approach to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse by Targeting Those at Risk of Harming Children. International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice, 1-20.
Harper, C. A., Lievesley, R., Blagden, N. J., & Hocken, K. (2021). Humanizing pedophilia as stigma reduction: A large-scale intervention study. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1-16.
Mathews, B. (2019). A taxonomy of duties to report child sexual abuse: Legal developments offer new ways to facilitate disclosure. Child Abuse & Neglect, 88, 337-347.
Seto, M. C. (2018). Different approaches to studying pedophilia. In M. C Seto, Pedophilia and sexual offending against children: Theory, assessment, and intervention (pp. 57–83). American Psychological Association.
Stinson, J. D., & Becker, J. V. (2016). Pedophilic disorder. Sexual offending: Predisposing antecedents, assessments, and management, 15-27.
Tenbergen, G., Wittfoth, M., Frieling, H., Ponseti, J., Walter, M., Walter, H., … & Kruger, T. H. (2015). The neurobiology and psychology of pedophilia: recent advances and challenges. Frontiers In Human Neuroscience, 9, 344.
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· Use Library to investigate your chosen disorder further, including controversial aspects of the disorder, maintaining the therapeutic relationship, and ethical and legal considerations. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
In 2–3 pages:
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Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Buchanan, N. T. (2020, April 13). Lecture 14 part 3: Paraphilic disordersLinks to an external site. [Video]. YouTube.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIn 2–3 pages, address the following: • Explain the controversy that surrounds your selected personality or paraphilic disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain your professional beliefs about your selected disorder, supporting your rationale with at least three scholarly references from the literature.
25 to >22.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes a thorough and well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale demonstrates critical thinking and is strongly supported with three scholarly references.
22 to >19.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes a well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is clear and appropriately supported with three scholarly references.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
19 to >17.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is somewhat unclear and references either provide weak support for the rationale or are not scholarly/current.
17 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is unclear and references are inappropriate. Or the response is missing.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 to >26.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
26 to >23.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
23 to >20.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
20 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Finally, explain ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that you need to bring to your practice and why they are important.
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague and inaccurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important. Or, response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – Paragraph Development and Organization: Paragraphs make clear points that support well-developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully focused—neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement and introduction are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity…. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement, introduction, and conclusion are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 80% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are stated, yet they are brief and not descriptive.
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 60%–79% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are vague or off topic.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity < 60% of the time…. No purpose statement, introduction, or conclusion were provided.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – English writing standards: Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list.
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct APA format with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 APA format errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 APA format errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more APA format errors
5 pts
Total Points: 100
Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example
Personality and paraphilic disorders are distinct categories of mental health disorders. Personality disorders refer to unique personality traits, behavioral and emotional patterns, and thought processes that define an individual’s character and interactions with people and the world (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2019). On the other hand, paraphilic disorders refer to mental conditions marked by intense and persistent sexual urges, fantasies, or behaviors toward children aged 13 and below (APA, 2019). This assignment discusses the controversies associated with paraphilic disorders, particularly paedophilic disorders.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies Associated with Pedophilic Disorder
The controversy surrounding paedophilic disorder is due to the paraphilia involved. As such, some functions opine the condition should be criminalized if they do not act on the attraction to the minors, while others believe that affected individuals are not in their normal sense and should be treated as any other normal disorder (Tenbergen et al., 2015). Contrarily, others argue that the disorder is inherently harmful and that individuals with the disorders should be held accountable for their thoughts and urges. The two forms of thought patterns are contradictory. In many countries, sexually abusing minors or possessing child pornography, regardless of whether the offender has been diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder. Some argue that this criminalization is justified due to the harm caused to children. As a result, individuals should be criminalized and face the law whether they act on their urges or not. On the other hand, others argue that punishing individuals who have not acted on their attraction to minors and who may be seeking help to manage their thoughts and urges is unfair.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
The other controversy surrounds the persistent stigmatization of the disorder in the community. Stigmatization of people with pedophilic interests in the community is a concern owing to the need to solve emotional well-being and engage affected individuals in the prevention intervention (Harper et al., 2021). A significant amount of stigma and social condemnation is attached to the paedophilic disorder, making it difficult for individuals with the disorder to seek help or treatment. The term itself is considered stigmatizing and pathologizing and reinforces harmful stereotypes about individuals with the disorder. Some argue that this stigma is unfair and detrimental, as it can prevent individuals from getting the support they need to manage their attraction and avoid harming children. Contrarily, others argue that people with pedophilia should not be stigmatized, and improving individual attitudes towards them is critical in managing the outcomes of the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Professional Beliefs on Pedophilic Disorder
My professional belief is that pedophilia is a mental condition and affected individuals are not in an acceptable mood and behaviors willingly. This is despite the harm that it causes victims. In the current DSM-5 criteria, the pedophilic disorder is de-pathologized and differentiated from normal sexual urges toward prepubescent children and other factors (APA, 2019). In this regard, pedophilic conditions as a preference for sex should to excluded from other sexual offenses against children. When such delineation is not made, pedophiles would be viewed as offenders and typical offenders as pedophiles.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
It is imperative to understand that there is a neurobiological basis for pedophilia that encourage sexual behavior notwithstanding sexual preferences. Studies have shown similar mechanisms that modulate offensive behavior in non-pedophilic men (Tenbergen et al., 2015). These include rape driven by a sexual preference for older women. However, there is a need for research to unravel further the underlying neurological basis of sexual preferences and its impact on behavior.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Individuals diagnosed with pedophilia may benefit from treatment interventions and develop coping strategies toward sexual urges. Seto (2018) argues for the need to understand the underlying factors that lead to pedophilia and establish practical solutions to prevent such actions and consequent harm. Cant et al. (2022) propose approaches to preventing sexual abuse among children by targeting individuals at risk of abusing children. These studies suggest that pedophilia differs from other sexual offenses and can be mitigated by understanding victims’ and perpetrators’ risk and predisposing factors. It is also prudent to note that preventing pedophilia requires close interactions with perpetrators to determine the nature of their sexual preferences and behaviors (Stinson & Becker, 2016). Such interactions are only possible when pedophilia is destigmatized and decriminalized in society. This will allow individuals with sexual urges who have not acted on them to come out and seek treatment to prevent potential occurrences. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Therapeutic Relationships
Maintaining therapeutic relationships with individuals diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder can be challenging, considering the societal stigma. Harper et al. (2021) argue that humanizing pedophilia is critical in maintaining potential outcomes and societal victims. Therefore, practitioners should maintain a non-judgemental atmosphere and empathetic stance, and confidentiality when dealing with individuals diagnosed with pedophilic disorder. This is because social stigma significantly determines help-seeking behaviors among individuals with sexual urges for children. Maintaining a non-judgemental atmosphere and maintaining confidentiality are crucial in facilitating help-seeking behavior and consequent management of the disorder. Maintaining confidentiality helps build trust.
Ethical and Legal Considerations
Besides building trust, maintaining confidentiality adheres to the ethical and legal guidelines around disclosure of patient information and reporting victims of child abuse. Moreover, being non-judgemental would emphasize the client’s worth and dignity. Dignity is a fundamental aspect of mental healthcare that every practitioner should uphold to allow clients to achieve better health outcomes. Moreover, the practitioners have a legal and ethical duty to report suspected cases of child sexual abuse even when disclosed by clients seeking treatment (Mathew, 2019). Moreover, practitioners should obtain informed consent from clients and explain the risks and benefits of treatment(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies surrounding pedophilic disorders are multifarious and intricate. As such, it is difficult to solve the challenges surrounding the disorder. Therefore, there is a need for further research to delineate the features and neurological basis of the disorder. Besides, there is a need for health promotion and public awareness drive to destigmatize and decriminalize pedophilia.
American Psychiatric Association (APA). (2019). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5®). American Psychiatric Publishing
Cant, R. L., Harries, M., & Chamarette, C. (2022). Using a Public Health Approach to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse by Targeting Those at Risk of Harming Children. International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice, 1-20.
Harper, C. A., Lievesley, R., Blagden, N. J., & Hocken, K. (2021). Humanizing pedophilia as stigma reduction: A large-scale intervention study. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1-16.
Mathews, B. (2019). A taxonomy of duties to report child sexual abuse: Legal developments offer new ways to facilitate disclosure. Child Abuse & Neglect, 88, 337-347.
Seto, M. C. (2018). Different approaches to studying pedophilia. In M. C Seto, Pedophilia and sexual offending against children: Theory, assessment, and intervention (pp. 57–83). American Psychological Association.
Stinson, J. D., & Becker, J. V. (2016). Pedophilic disorder. Sexual offending: Predisposing antecedents, assessments, and management, 15-27.
Tenbergen, G., Wittfoth, M., Frieling, H., Ponseti, J., Walter, M., Walter, H., … & Kruger, T. H. (2015). The neurobiology and psychology of pedophilia: recent advances and challenges. Frontiers In Human Neuroscience, 9, 344.
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Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Buchanan, N. T. (2020, April 13). Lecture 14 part 3: Paraphilic disordersLinks to an external site. [Video]. YouTube.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIn 2–3 pages, address the following: • Explain the controversy that surrounds your selected personality or paraphilic disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain your professional beliefs about your selected disorder, supporting your rationale with at least three scholarly references from the literature.
25 to >22.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes a thorough and well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale demonstrates critical thinking and is strongly supported with three scholarly references.
22 to >19.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes a well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is clear and appropriately supported with three scholarly references.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
19 to >17.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is somewhat unclear and references either provide weak support for the rationale or are not scholarly/current.
17 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is unclear and references are inappropriate. Or the response is missing.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 to >26.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
26 to >23.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
23 to >20.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
20 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Finally, explain ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that you need to bring to your practice and why they are important.
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague and inaccurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important. Or, response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – Paragraph Development and Organization: Paragraphs make clear points that support well-developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully focused—neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement and introduction are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity…. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement, introduction, and conclusion are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 80% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are stated, yet they are brief and not descriptive.
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 60%–79% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are vague or off topic.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity < 60% of the time…. No purpose statement, introduction, or conclusion were provided.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – English writing standards: Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list.
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct APA format with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 APA format errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 APA format errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more APA format errors
5 pts
Total Points: 100
Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example
Personality and paraphilic disorders are distinct categories of mental health disorders. Personality disorders refer to unique personality traits, behavioral and emotional patterns, and thought processes that define an individual’s character and interactions with people and the world (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2019). On the other hand, paraphilic disorders refer to mental conditions marked by intense and persistent sexual urges, fantasies, or behaviors toward children aged 13 and below (APA, 2019). This assignment discusses the controversies associated with paraphilic disorders, particularly paedophilic disorders.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies Associated with Pedophilic Disorder
The controversy surrounding paedophilic disorder is due to the paraphilia involved. As such, some functions opine the condition should be criminalized if they do not act on the attraction to the minors, while others believe that affected individuals are not in their normal sense and should be treated as any other normal disorder (Tenbergen et al., 2015). Contrarily, others argue that the disorder is inherently harmful and that individuals with the disorders should be held accountable for their thoughts and urges. The two forms of thought patterns are contradictory. In many countries, sexually abusing minors or possessing child pornography, regardless of whether the offender has been diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder. Some argue that this criminalization is justified due to the harm caused to children. As a result, individuals should be criminalized and face the law whether they act on their urges or not. On the other hand, others argue that punishing individuals who have not acted on their attraction to minors and who may be seeking help to manage their thoughts and urges is unfair.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
The other controversy surrounds the persistent stigmatization of the disorder in the community. Stigmatization of people with pedophilic interests in the community is a concern owing to the need to solve emotional well-being and engage affected individuals in the prevention intervention (Harper et al., 2021). A significant amount of stigma and social condemnation is attached to the paedophilic disorder, making it difficult for individuals with the disorder to seek help or treatment. The term itself is considered stigmatizing and pathologizing and reinforces harmful stereotypes about individuals with the disorder. Some argue that this stigma is unfair and detrimental, as it can prevent individuals from getting the support they need to manage their attraction and avoid harming children. Contrarily, others argue that people with pedophilia should not be stigmatized, and improving individual attitudes towards them is critical in managing the outcomes of the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Professional Beliefs on Pedophilic Disorder
My professional belief is that pedophilia is a mental condition and affected individuals are not in an acceptable mood and behaviors willingly. This is despite the harm that it causes victims. In the current DSM-5 criteria, the pedophilic disorder is de-pathologized and differentiated from normal sexual urges toward prepubescent children and other factors (APA, 2019). In this regard, pedophilic conditions as a preference for sex should to excluded from other sexual offenses against children. When such delineation is not made, pedophiles would be viewed as offenders and typical offenders as pedophiles.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
It is imperative to understand that there is a neurobiological basis for pedophilia that encourage sexual behavior notwithstanding sexual preferences. Studies have shown similar mechanisms that modulate offensive behavior in non-pedophilic men (Tenbergen et al., 2015). These include rape driven by a sexual preference for older women. However, there is a need for research to unravel further the underlying neurological basis of sexual preferences and its impact on behavior.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Individuals diagnosed with pedophilia may benefit from treatment interventions and develop coping strategies toward sexual urges. Seto (2018) argues for the need to understand the underlying factors that lead to pedophilia and establish practical solutions to prevent such actions and consequent harm. Cant et al. (2022) propose approaches to preventing sexual abuse among children by targeting individuals at risk of abusing children. These studies suggest that pedophilia differs from other sexual offenses and can be mitigated by understanding victims’ and perpetrators’ risk and predisposing factors. It is also prudent to note that preventing pedophilia requires close interactions with perpetrators to determine the nature of their sexual preferences and behaviors (Stinson & Becker, 2016). Such interactions are only possible when pedophilia is destigmatized and decriminalized in society. This will allow individuals with sexual urges who have not acted on them to come out and seek treatment to prevent potential occurrences. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Therapeutic Relationships
Maintaining therapeutic relationships with individuals diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder can be challenging, considering the societal stigma. Harper et al. (2021) argue that humanizing pedophilia is critical in maintaining potential outcomes and societal victims. Therefore, practitioners should maintain a non-judgemental atmosphere and empathetic stance, and confidentiality when dealing with individuals diagnosed with pedophilic disorder. This is because social stigma significantly determines help-seeking behaviors among individuals with sexual urges for children. Maintaining a non-judgemental atmosphere and maintaining confidentiality are crucial in facilitating help-seeking behavior and consequent management of the disorder. Maintaining confidentiality helps build trust.
Ethical and Legal Considerations
Besides building trust, maintaining confidentiality adheres to the ethical and legal guidelines around disclosure of patient information and reporting victims of child abuse. Moreover, being non-judgemental would emphasize the client’s worth and dignity. Dignity is a fundamental aspect of mental healthcare that every practitioner should uphold to allow clients to achieve better health outcomes. Moreover, the practitioners have a legal and ethical duty to report suspected cases of child sexual abuse even when disclosed by clients seeking treatment (Mathew, 2019). Moreover, practitioners should obtain informed consent from clients and explain the risks and benefits of treatment(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies surrounding pedophilic disorders are multifarious and intricate. As such, it is difficult to solve the challenges surrounding the disorder. Therefore, there is a need for further research to delineate the features and neurological basis of the disorder. Besides, there is a need for health promotion and public awareness drive to destigmatize and decriminalize pedophilia.
American Psychiatric Association (APA). (2019). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5®). American Psychiatric Publishing
Cant, R. L., Harries, M., & Chamarette, C. (2022). Using a Public Health Approach to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse by Targeting Those at Risk of Harming Children. International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice, 1-20.
Harper, C. A., Lievesley, R., Blagden, N. J., & Hocken, K. (2021). Humanizing pedophilia as stigma reduction: A large-scale intervention study. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1-16.
Mathews, B. (2019). A taxonomy of duties to report child sexual abuse: Legal developments offer new ways to facilitate disclosure. Child Abuse & Neglect, 88, 337-347.
Seto, M. C. (2018). Different approaches to studying pedophilia. In M. C Seto, Pedophilia and sexual offending against children: Theory, assessment, and intervention (pp. 57–83). American Psychological Association.
Stinson, J. D., & Becker, J. V. (2016). Pedophilic disorder. Sexual offending: Predisposing antecedents, assessments, and management, 15-27.
Tenbergen, G., Wittfoth, M., Frieling, H., Ponseti, J., Walter, M., Walter, H., … & Kruger, T. H. (2015). The neurobiology and psychology of pedophilia: recent advances and challenges. Frontiers In Human Neuroscience, 9, 344.
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· Use Library to investigate your chosen disorder further, including controversial aspects of the disorder, maintaining the therapeutic relationship, and ethical and legal considerations. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
In 2–3 pages:
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Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Buchanan, N. T. (2020, April 13). Lecture 14 part 3: Paraphilic disordersLinks to an external site. [Video]. YouTube.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIn 2–3 pages, address the following: • Explain the controversy that surrounds your selected personality or paraphilic disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain your professional beliefs about your selected disorder, supporting your rationale with at least three scholarly references from the literature.
25 to >22.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes a thorough and well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale demonstrates critical thinking and is strongly supported with three scholarly references.
22 to >19.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes a well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is clear and appropriately supported with three scholarly references.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
19 to >17.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is somewhat unclear and references either provide weak support for the rationale or are not scholarly/current.
17 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is unclear and references are inappropriate. Or the response is missing.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 to >26.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
26 to >23.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
23 to >20.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
20 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Finally, explain ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that you need to bring to your practice and why they are important.
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague and inaccurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important. Or, response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – Paragraph Development and Organization: Paragraphs make clear points that support well-developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully focused—neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement and introduction are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity…. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement, introduction, and conclusion are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 80% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are stated, yet they are brief and not descriptive.
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 60%–79% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are vague or off topic.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity < 60% of the time…. No purpose statement, introduction, or conclusion were provided.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – English writing standards: Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list.
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct APA format with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 APA format errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 APA format errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more APA format errors
5 pts
Total Points: 100
Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example
Personality and paraphilic disorders are distinct categories of mental health disorders. Personality disorders refer to unique personality traits, behavioral and emotional patterns, and thought processes that define an individual’s character and interactions with people and the world (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2019). On the other hand, paraphilic disorders refer to mental conditions marked by intense and persistent sexual urges, fantasies, or behaviors toward children aged 13 and below (APA, 2019). This assignment discusses the controversies associated with paraphilic disorders, particularly paedophilic disorders.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies Associated with Pedophilic Disorder
The controversy surrounding paedophilic disorder is due to the paraphilia involved. As such, some functions opine the condition should be criminalized if they do not act on the attraction to the minors, while others believe that affected individuals are not in their normal sense and should be treated as any other normal disorder (Tenbergen et al., 2015). Contrarily, others argue that the disorder is inherently harmful and that individuals with the disorders should be held accountable for their thoughts and urges. The two forms of thought patterns are contradictory. In many countries, sexually abusing minors or possessing child pornography, regardless of whether the offender has been diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder. Some argue that this criminalization is justified due to the harm caused to children. As a result, individuals should be criminalized and face the law whether they act on their urges or not. On the other hand, others argue that punishing individuals who have not acted on their attraction to minors and who may be seeking help to manage their thoughts and urges is unfair.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
The other controversy surrounds the persistent stigmatization of the disorder in the community. Stigmatization of people with pedophilic interests in the community is a concern owing to the need to solve emotional well-being and engage affected individuals in the prevention intervention (Harper et al., 2021). A significant amount of stigma and social condemnation is attached to the paedophilic disorder, making it difficult for individuals with the disorder to seek help or treatment. The term itself is considered stigmatizing and pathologizing and reinforces harmful stereotypes about individuals with the disorder. Some argue that this stigma is unfair and detrimental, as it can prevent individuals from getting the support they need to manage their attraction and avoid harming children. Contrarily, others argue that people with pedophilia should not be stigmatized, and improving individual attitudes towards them is critical in managing the outcomes of the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Professional Beliefs on Pedophilic Disorder
My professional belief is that pedophilia is a mental condition and affected individuals are not in an acceptable mood and behaviors willingly. This is despite the harm that it causes victims. In the current DSM-5 criteria, the pedophilic disorder is de-pathologized and differentiated from normal sexual urges toward prepubescent children and other factors (APA, 2019). In this regard, pedophilic conditions as a preference for sex should to excluded from other sexual offenses against children. When such delineation is not made, pedophiles would be viewed as offenders and typical offenders as pedophiles.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
It is imperative to understand that there is a neurobiological basis for pedophilia that encourage sexual behavior notwithstanding sexual preferences. Studies have shown similar mechanisms that modulate offensive behavior in non-pedophilic men (Tenbergen et al., 2015). These include rape driven by a sexual preference for older women. However, there is a need for research to unravel further the underlying neurological basis of sexual preferences and its impact on behavior.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Individuals diagnosed with pedophilia may benefit from treatment interventions and develop coping strategies toward sexual urges. Seto (2018) argues for the need to understand the underlying factors that lead to pedophilia and establish practical solutions to prevent such actions and consequent harm. Cant et al. (2022) propose approaches to preventing sexual abuse among children by targeting individuals at risk of abusing children. These studies suggest that pedophilia differs from other sexual offenses and can be mitigated by understanding victims’ and perpetrators’ risk and predisposing factors. It is also prudent to note that preventing pedophilia requires close interactions with perpetrators to determine the nature of their sexual preferences and behaviors (Stinson & Becker, 2016). Such interactions are only possible when pedophilia is destigmatized and decriminalized in society. This will allow individuals with sexual urges who have not acted on them to come out and seek treatment to prevent potential occurrences. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Therapeutic Relationships
Maintaining therapeutic relationships with individuals diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder can be challenging, considering the societal stigma. Harper et al. (2021) argue that humanizing pedophilia is critical in maintaining potential outcomes and societal victims. Therefore, practitioners should maintain a non-judgemental atmosphere and empathetic stance, and confidentiality when dealing with individuals diagnosed with pedophilic disorder. This is because social stigma significantly determines help-seeking behaviors among individuals with sexual urges for children. Maintaining a non-judgemental atmosphere and maintaining confidentiality are crucial in facilitating help-seeking behavior and consequent management of the disorder. Maintaining confidentiality helps build trust.
Ethical and Legal Considerations
Besides building trust, maintaining confidentiality adheres to the ethical and legal guidelines around disclosure of patient information and reporting victims of child abuse. Moreover, being non-judgemental would emphasize the client’s worth and dignity. Dignity is a fundamental aspect of mental healthcare that every practitioner should uphold to allow clients to achieve better health outcomes. Moreover, the practitioners have a legal and ethical duty to report suspected cases of child sexual abuse even when disclosed by clients seeking treatment (Mathew, 2019). Moreover, practitioners should obtain informed consent from clients and explain the risks and benefits of treatment(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies surrounding pedophilic disorders are multifarious and intricate. As such, it is difficult to solve the challenges surrounding the disorder. Therefore, there is a need for further research to delineate the features and neurological basis of the disorder. Besides, there is a need for health promotion and public awareness drive to destigmatize and decriminalize pedophilia.
American Psychiatric Association (APA). (2019). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5®). American Psychiatric Publishing
Cant, R. L., Harries, M., & Chamarette, C. (2022). Using a Public Health Approach to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse by Targeting Those at Risk of Harming Children. International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice, 1-20.
Harper, C. A., Lievesley, R., Blagden, N. J., & Hocken, K. (2021). Humanizing pedophilia as stigma reduction: A large-scale intervention study. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1-16.
Mathews, B. (2019). A taxonomy of duties to report child sexual abuse: Legal developments offer new ways to facilitate disclosure. Child Abuse & Neglect, 88, 337-347.
Seto, M. C. (2018). Different approaches to studying pedophilia. In M. C Seto, Pedophilia and sexual offending against children: Theory, assessment, and intervention (pp. 57–83). American Psychological Association.
Stinson, J. D., & Becker, J. V. (2016). Pedophilic disorder. Sexual offending: Predisposing antecedents, assessments, and management, 15-27.
Tenbergen, G., Wittfoth, M., Frieling, H., Ponseti, J., Walter, M., Walter, H., … & Kruger, T. H. (2015). The neurobiology and psychology of pedophilia: recent advances and challenges. Frontiers In Human Neuroscience, 9, 344.
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· Use Library to investigate your chosen disorder further, including controversial aspects of the disorder, maintaining the therapeutic relationship, and ethical and legal considerations. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
In 2–3 pages:
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Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Buchanan, N. T. (2020, April 13). Lecture 14 part 3: Paraphilic disordersLinks to an external site. [Video]. YouTube.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIn 2–3 pages, address the following: • Explain the controversy that surrounds your selected personality or paraphilic disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain your professional beliefs about your selected disorder, supporting your rationale with at least three scholarly references from the literature.
25 to >22.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes a thorough and well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale demonstrates critical thinking and is strongly supported with three scholarly references.
22 to >19.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes a well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is clear and appropriately supported with three scholarly references.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
19 to >17.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is somewhat unclear and references either provide weak support for the rationale or are not scholarly/current.
17 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is unclear and references are inappropriate. Or the response is missing.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 to >26.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
26 to >23.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
23 to >20.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
20 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Finally, explain ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that you need to bring to your practice and why they are important.
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague and inaccurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important. Or, response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – Paragraph Development and Organization: Paragraphs make clear points that support well-developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully focused—neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement and introduction are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity…. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement, introduction, and conclusion are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 80% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are stated, yet they are brief and not descriptive.
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 60%–79% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are vague or off topic.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity < 60% of the time…. No purpose statement, introduction, or conclusion were provided.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – English writing standards: Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list.
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct APA format with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 APA format errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 APA format errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more APA format errors
5 pts
Total Points: 100
Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example
Personality and paraphilic disorders are distinct categories of mental health disorders. Personality disorders refer to unique personality traits, behavioral and emotional patterns, and thought processes that define an individual’s character and interactions with people and the world (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2019). On the other hand, paraphilic disorders refer to mental conditions marked by intense and persistent sexual urges, fantasies, or behaviors toward children aged 13 and below (APA, 2019). This assignment discusses the controversies associated with paraphilic disorders, particularly paedophilic disorders.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies Associated with Pedophilic Disorder
The controversy surrounding paedophilic disorder is due to the paraphilia involved. As such, some functions opine the condition should be criminalized if they do not act on the attraction to the minors, while others believe that affected individuals are not in their normal sense and should be treated as any other normal disorder (Tenbergen et al., 2015). Contrarily, others argue that the disorder is inherently harmful and that individuals with the disorders should be held accountable for their thoughts and urges. The two forms of thought patterns are contradictory. In many countries, sexually abusing minors or possessing child pornography, regardless of whether the offender has been diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder. Some argue that this criminalization is justified due to the harm caused to children. As a result, individuals should be criminalized and face the law whether they act on their urges or not. On the other hand, others argue that punishing individuals who have not acted on their attraction to minors and who may be seeking help to manage their thoughts and urges is unfair.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
The other controversy surrounds the persistent stigmatization of the disorder in the community. Stigmatization of people with pedophilic interests in the community is a concern owing to the need to solve emotional well-being and engage affected individuals in the prevention intervention (Harper et al., 2021). A significant amount of stigma and social condemnation is attached to the paedophilic disorder, making it difficult for individuals with the disorder to seek help or treatment. The term itself is considered stigmatizing and pathologizing and reinforces harmful stereotypes about individuals with the disorder. Some argue that this stigma is unfair and detrimental, as it can prevent individuals from getting the support they need to manage their attraction and avoid harming children. Contrarily, others argue that people with pedophilia should not be stigmatized, and improving individual attitudes towards them is critical in managing the outcomes of the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Professional Beliefs on Pedophilic Disorder
My professional belief is that pedophilia is a mental condition and affected individuals are not in an acceptable mood and behaviors willingly. This is despite the harm that it causes victims. In the current DSM-5 criteria, the pedophilic disorder is de-pathologized and differentiated from normal sexual urges toward prepubescent children and other factors (APA, 2019). In this regard, pedophilic conditions as a preference for sex should to excluded from other sexual offenses against children. When such delineation is not made, pedophiles would be viewed as offenders and typical offenders as pedophiles.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
It is imperative to understand that there is a neurobiological basis for pedophilia that encourage sexual behavior notwithstanding sexual preferences. Studies have shown similar mechanisms that modulate offensive behavior in non-pedophilic men (Tenbergen et al., 2015). These include rape driven by a sexual preference for older women. However, there is a need for research to unravel further the underlying neurological basis of sexual preferences and its impact on behavior.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Individuals diagnosed with pedophilia may benefit from treatment interventions and develop coping strategies toward sexual urges. Seto (2018) argues for the need to understand the underlying factors that lead to pedophilia and establish practical solutions to prevent such actions and consequent harm. Cant et al. (2022) propose approaches to preventing sexual abuse among children by targeting individuals at risk of abusing children. These studies suggest that pedophilia differs from other sexual offenses and can be mitigated by understanding victims’ and perpetrators’ risk and predisposing factors. It is also prudent to note that preventing pedophilia requires close interactions with perpetrators to determine the nature of their sexual preferences and behaviors (Stinson & Becker, 2016). Such interactions are only possible when pedophilia is destigmatized and decriminalized in society. This will allow individuals with sexual urges who have not acted on them to come out and seek treatment to prevent potential occurrences. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Therapeutic Relationships
Maintaining therapeutic relationships with individuals diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder can be challenging, considering the societal stigma. Harper et al. (2021) argue that humanizing pedophilia is critical in maintaining potential outcomes and societal victims. Therefore, practitioners should maintain a non-judgemental atmosphere and empathetic stance, and confidentiality when dealing with individuals diagnosed with pedophilic disorder. This is because social stigma significantly determines help-seeking behaviors among individuals with sexual urges for children. Maintaining a non-judgemental atmosphere and maintaining confidentiality are crucial in facilitating help-seeking behavior and consequent management of the disorder. Maintaining confidentiality helps build trust.
Ethical and Legal Considerations
Besides building trust, maintaining confidentiality adheres to the ethical and legal guidelines around disclosure of patient information and reporting victims of child abuse. Moreover, being non-judgemental would emphasize the client’s worth and dignity. Dignity is a fundamental aspect of mental healthcare that every practitioner should uphold to allow clients to achieve better health outcomes. Moreover, the practitioners have a legal and ethical duty to report suspected cases of child sexual abuse even when disclosed by clients seeking treatment (Mathew, 2019). Moreover, practitioners should obtain informed consent from clients and explain the risks and benefits of treatment(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies surrounding pedophilic disorders are multifarious and intricate. As such, it is difficult to solve the challenges surrounding the disorder. Therefore, there is a need for further research to delineate the features and neurological basis of the disorder. Besides, there is a need for health promotion and public awareness drive to destigmatize and decriminalize pedophilia.
American Psychiatric Association (APA). (2019). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5®). American Psychiatric Publishing
Cant, R. L., Harries, M., & Chamarette, C. (2022). Using a Public Health Approach to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse by Targeting Those at Risk of Harming Children. International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice, 1-20.
Harper, C. A., Lievesley, R., Blagden, N. J., & Hocken, K. (2021). Humanizing pedophilia as stigma reduction: A large-scale intervention study. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1-16.
Mathews, B. (2019). A taxonomy of duties to report child sexual abuse: Legal developments offer new ways to facilitate disclosure. Child Abuse & Neglect, 88, 337-347.
Seto, M. C. (2018). Different approaches to studying pedophilia. In M. C Seto, Pedophilia and sexual offending against children: Theory, assessment, and intervention (pp. 57–83). American Psychological Association.
Stinson, J. D., & Becker, J. V. (2016). Pedophilic disorder. Sexual offending: Predisposing antecedents, assessments, and management, 15-27.
Tenbergen, G., Wittfoth, M., Frieling, H., Ponseti, J., Walter, M., Walter, H., … & Kruger, T. H. (2015). The neurobiology and psychology of pedophilia: recent advances and challenges. Frontiers In Human Neuroscience, 9, 344.
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Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Buchanan, N. T. (2020, April 13). Lecture 14 part 3: Paraphilic disordersLinks to an external site. [Video]. YouTube.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIn 2–3 pages, address the following: • Explain the controversy that surrounds your selected personality or paraphilic disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain your professional beliefs about your selected disorder, supporting your rationale with at least three scholarly references from the literature.
25 to >22.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes a thorough and well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale demonstrates critical thinking and is strongly supported with three scholarly references.
22 to >19.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes a well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is clear and appropriately supported with three scholarly references.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
19 to >17.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is somewhat unclear and references either provide weak support for the rationale or are not scholarly/current.
17 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is unclear and references are inappropriate. Or the response is missing.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 to >26.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
26 to >23.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
23 to >20.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
20 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Finally, explain ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that you need to bring to your practice and why they are important.
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague and inaccurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important. Or, response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – Paragraph Development and Organization: Paragraphs make clear points that support well-developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully focused—neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement and introduction are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity…. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement, introduction, and conclusion are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 80% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are stated, yet they are brief and not descriptive.
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 60%–79% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are vague or off topic.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity < 60% of the time…. No purpose statement, introduction, or conclusion were provided.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – English writing standards: Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list.
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct APA format with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 APA format errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 APA format errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more APA format errors
5 pts
Total Points: 100
Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example
Personality and paraphilic disorders are distinct categories of mental health disorders. Personality disorders refer to unique personality traits, behavioral and emotional patterns, and thought processes that define an individual’s character and interactions with people and the world (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2019). On the other hand, paraphilic disorders refer to mental conditions marked by intense and persistent sexual urges, fantasies, or behaviors toward children aged 13 and below (APA, 2019). This assignment discusses the controversies associated with paraphilic disorders, particularly paedophilic disorders.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies Associated with Pedophilic Disorder
The controversy surrounding paedophilic disorder is due to the paraphilia involved. As such, some functions opine the condition should be criminalized if they do not act on the attraction to the minors, while others believe that affected individuals are not in their normal sense and should be treated as any other normal disorder (Tenbergen et al., 2015). Contrarily, others argue that the disorder is inherently harmful and that individuals with the disorders should be held accountable for their thoughts and urges. The two forms of thought patterns are contradictory. In many countries, sexually abusing minors or possessing child pornography, regardless of whether the offender has been diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder. Some argue that this criminalization is justified due to the harm caused to children. As a result, individuals should be criminalized and face the law whether they act on their urges or not. On the other hand, others argue that punishing individuals who have not acted on their attraction to minors and who may be seeking help to manage their thoughts and urges is unfair.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
The other controversy surrounds the persistent stigmatization of the disorder in the community. Stigmatization of people with pedophilic interests in the community is a concern owing to the need to solve emotional well-being and engage affected individuals in the prevention intervention (Harper et al., 2021). A significant amount of stigma and social condemnation is attached to the paedophilic disorder, making it difficult for individuals with the disorder to seek help or treatment. The term itself is considered stigmatizing and pathologizing and reinforces harmful stereotypes about individuals with the disorder. Some argue that this stigma is unfair and detrimental, as it can prevent individuals from getting the support they need to manage their attraction and avoid harming children. Contrarily, others argue that people with pedophilia should not be stigmatized, and improving individual attitudes towards them is critical in managing the outcomes of the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Professional Beliefs on Pedophilic Disorder
My professional belief is that pedophilia is a mental condition and affected individuals are not in an acceptable mood and behaviors willingly. This is despite the harm that it causes victims. In the current DSM-5 criteria, the pedophilic disorder is de-pathologized and differentiated from normal sexual urges toward prepubescent children and other factors (APA, 2019). In this regard, pedophilic conditions as a preference for sex should to excluded from other sexual offenses against children. When such delineation is not made, pedophiles would be viewed as offenders and typical offenders as pedophiles.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
It is imperative to understand that there is a neurobiological basis for pedophilia that encourage sexual behavior notwithstanding sexual preferences. Studies have shown similar mechanisms that modulate offensive behavior in non-pedophilic men (Tenbergen et al., 2015). These include rape driven by a sexual preference for older women. However, there is a need for research to unravel further the underlying neurological basis of sexual preferences and its impact on behavior.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Individuals diagnosed with pedophilia may benefit from treatment interventions and develop coping strategies toward sexual urges. Seto (2018) argues for the need to understand the underlying factors that lead to pedophilia and establish practical solutions to prevent such actions and consequent harm. Cant et al. (2022) propose approaches to preventing sexual abuse among children by targeting individuals at risk of abusing children. These studies suggest that pedophilia differs from other sexual offenses and can be mitigated by understanding victims’ and perpetrators’ risk and predisposing factors. It is also prudent to note that preventing pedophilia requires close interactions with perpetrators to determine the nature of their sexual preferences and behaviors (Stinson & Becker, 2016). Such interactions are only possible when pedophilia is destigmatized and decriminalized in society. This will allow individuals with sexual urges who have not acted on them to come out and seek treatment to prevent potential occurrences. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Therapeutic Relationships
Maintaining therapeutic relationships with individuals diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder can be challenging, considering the societal stigma. Harper et al. (2021) argue that humanizing pedophilia is critical in maintaining potential outcomes and societal victims. Therefore, practitioners should maintain a non-judgemental atmosphere and empathetic stance, and confidentiality when dealing with individuals diagnosed with pedophilic disorder. This is because social stigma significantly determines help-seeking behaviors among individuals with sexual urges for children. Maintaining a non-judgemental atmosphere and maintaining confidentiality are crucial in facilitating help-seeking behavior and consequent management of the disorder. Maintaining confidentiality helps build trust.
Ethical and Legal Considerations
Besides building trust, maintaining confidentiality adheres to the ethical and legal guidelines around disclosure of patient information and reporting victims of child abuse. Moreover, being non-judgemental would emphasize the client’s worth and dignity. Dignity is a fundamental aspect of mental healthcare that every practitioner should uphold to allow clients to achieve better health outcomes. Moreover, the practitioners have a legal and ethical duty to report suspected cases of child sexual abuse even when disclosed by clients seeking treatment (Mathew, 2019). Moreover, practitioners should obtain informed consent from clients and explain the risks and benefits of treatment(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies surrounding pedophilic disorders are multifarious and intricate. As such, it is difficult to solve the challenges surrounding the disorder. Therefore, there is a need for further research to delineate the features and neurological basis of the disorder. Besides, there is a need for health promotion and public awareness drive to destigmatize and decriminalize pedophilia.
American Psychiatric Association (APA). (2019). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5®). American Psychiatric Publishing
Cant, R. L., Harries, M., & Chamarette, C. (2022). Using a Public Health Approach to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse by Targeting Those at Risk of Harming Children. International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice, 1-20.
Harper, C. A., Lievesley, R., Blagden, N. J., & Hocken, K. (2021). Humanizing pedophilia as stigma reduction: A large-scale intervention study. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1-16.
Mathews, B. (2019). A taxonomy of duties to report child sexual abuse: Legal developments offer new ways to facilitate disclosure. Child Abuse & Neglect, 88, 337-347.
Seto, M. C. (2018). Different approaches to studying pedophilia. In M. C Seto, Pedophilia and sexual offending against children: Theory, assessment, and intervention (pp. 57–83). American Psychological Association.
Stinson, J. D., & Becker, J. V. (2016). Pedophilic disorder. Sexual offending: Predisposing antecedents, assessments, and management, 15-27.
Tenbergen, G., Wittfoth, M., Frieling, H., Ponseti, J., Walter, M., Walter, H., … & Kruger, T. H. (2015). The neurobiology and psychology of pedophilia: recent advances and challenges. Frontiers In Human Neuroscience, 9, 344.
·!– /wp:paragraph –>
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· Use Library to investigate your chosen disorder further, including controversial aspects of the disorder, maintaining the therapeutic relationship, and ethical and legal considerations. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
In 2–3 pages:
·!– /wp:paragraph –>
·!– /wp:paragraph –>
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·!– /wp:paragraph –>
Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Buchanan, N. T. (2020, April 13). Lecture 14 part 3: Paraphilic disordersLinks to an external site. [Video]. YouTube.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIn 2–3 pages, address the following: • Explain the controversy that surrounds your selected personality or paraphilic disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain your professional beliefs about your selected disorder, supporting your rationale with at least three scholarly references from the literature.
25 to >22.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes a thorough and well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale demonstrates critical thinking and is strongly supported with three scholarly references.
22 to >19.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes a well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is clear and appropriately supported with three scholarly references.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
19 to >17.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is somewhat unclear and references either provide weak support for the rationale or are not scholarly/current.
17 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is unclear and references are inappropriate. Or the response is missing.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 to >26.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
26 to >23.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
23 to >20.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
20 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Finally, explain ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that you need to bring to your practice and why they are important.
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague and inaccurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important. Or, response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – Paragraph Development and Organization: Paragraphs make clear points that support well-developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully focused—neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement and introduction are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity…. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement, introduction, and conclusion are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 80% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are stated, yet they are brief and not descriptive.
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 60%–79% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are vague or off topic.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity < 60% of the time…. No purpose statement, introduction, or conclusion were provided.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – English writing standards: Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list.
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct APA format with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 APA format errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 APA format errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more APA format errors
5 pts
Total Points: 100
Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example
Personality and paraphilic disorders are distinct categories of mental health disorders. Personality disorders refer to unique personality traits, behavioral and emotional patterns, and thought processes that define an individual’s character and interactions with people and the world (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2019). On the other hand, paraphilic disorders refer to mental conditions marked by intense and persistent sexual urges, fantasies, or behaviors toward children aged 13 and below (APA, 2019). This assignment discusses the controversies associated with paraphilic disorders, particularly paedophilic disorders.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies Associated with Pedophilic Disorder
The controversy surrounding paedophilic disorder is due to the paraphilia involved. As such, some functions opine the condition should be criminalized if they do not act on the attraction to the minors, while others believe that affected individuals are not in their normal sense and should be treated as any other normal disorder (Tenbergen et al., 2015). Contrarily, others argue that the disorder is inherently harmful and that individuals with the disorders should be held accountable for their thoughts and urges. The two forms of thought patterns are contradictory. In many countries, sexually abusing minors or possessing child pornography, regardless of whether the offender has been diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder. Some argue that this criminalization is justified due to the harm caused to children. As a result, individuals should be criminalized and face the law whether they act on their urges or not. On the other hand, others argue that punishing individuals who have not acted on their attraction to minors and who may be seeking help to manage their thoughts and urges is unfair.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
The other controversy surrounds the persistent stigmatization of the disorder in the community. Stigmatization of people with pedophilic interests in the community is a concern owing to the need to solve emotional well-being and engage affected individuals in the prevention intervention (Harper et al., 2021). A significant amount of stigma and social condemnation is attached to the paedophilic disorder, making it difficult for individuals with the disorder to seek help or treatment. The term itself is considered stigmatizing and pathologizing and reinforces harmful stereotypes about individuals with the disorder. Some argue that this stigma is unfair and detrimental, as it can prevent individuals from getting the support they need to manage their attraction and avoid harming children. Contrarily, others argue that people with pedophilia should not be stigmatized, and improving individual attitudes towards them is critical in managing the outcomes of the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Professional Beliefs on Pedophilic Disorder
My professional belief is that pedophilia is a mental condition and affected individuals are not in an acceptable mood and behaviors willingly. This is despite the harm that it causes victims. In the current DSM-5 criteria, the pedophilic disorder is de-pathologized and differentiated from normal sexual urges toward prepubescent children and other factors (APA, 2019). In this regard, pedophilic conditions as a preference for sex should to excluded from other sexual offenses against children. When such delineation is not made, pedophiles would be viewed as offenders and typical offenders as pedophiles.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
It is imperative to understand that there is a neurobiological basis for pedophilia that encourage sexual behavior notwithstanding sexual preferences. Studies have shown similar mechanisms that modulate offensive behavior in non-pedophilic men (Tenbergen et al., 2015). These include rape driven by a sexual preference for older women. However, there is a need for research to unravel further the underlying neurological basis of sexual preferences and its impact on behavior.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Individuals diagnosed with pedophilia may benefit from treatment interventions and develop coping strategies toward sexual urges. Seto (2018) argues for the need to understand the underlying factors that lead to pedophilia and establish practical solutions to prevent such actions and consequent harm. Cant et al. (2022) propose approaches to preventing sexual abuse among children by targeting individuals at risk of abusing children. These studies suggest that pedophilia differs from other sexual offenses and can be mitigated by understanding victims’ and perpetrators’ risk and predisposing factors. It is also prudent to note that preventing pedophilia requires close interactions with perpetrators to determine the nature of their sexual preferences and behaviors (Stinson & Becker, 2016). Such interactions are only possible when pedophilia is destigmatized and decriminalized in society. This will allow individuals with sexual urges who have not acted on them to come out and seek treatment to prevent potential occurrences. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Therapeutic Relationships
Maintaining therapeutic relationships with individuals diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder can be challenging, considering the societal stigma. Harper et al. (2021) argue that humanizing pedophilia is critical in maintaining potential outcomes and societal victims. Therefore, practitioners should maintain a non-judgemental atmosphere and empathetic stance, and confidentiality when dealing with individuals diagnosed with pedophilic disorder. This is because social stigma significantly determines help-seeking behaviors among individuals with sexual urges for children. Maintaining a non-judgemental atmosphere and maintaining confidentiality are crucial in facilitating help-seeking behavior and consequent management of the disorder. Maintaining confidentiality helps build trust.
Ethical and Legal Considerations
Besides building trust, maintaining confidentiality adheres to the ethical and legal guidelines around disclosure of patient information and reporting victims of child abuse. Moreover, being non-judgemental would emphasize the client’s worth and dignity. Dignity is a fundamental aspect of mental healthcare that every practitioner should uphold to allow clients to achieve better health outcomes. Moreover, the practitioners have a legal and ethical duty to report suspected cases of child sexual abuse even when disclosed by clients seeking treatment (Mathew, 2019). Moreover, practitioners should obtain informed consent from clients and explain the risks and benefits of treatment(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies surrounding pedophilic disorders are multifarious and intricate. As such, it is difficult to solve the challenges surrounding the disorder. Therefore, there is a need for further research to delineate the features and neurological basis of the disorder. Besides, there is a need for health promotion and public awareness drive to destigmatize and decriminalize pedophilia.
American Psychiatric Association (APA). (2019). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5®). American Psychiatric Publishing
Cant, R. L., Harries, M., & Chamarette, C. (2022). Using a Public Health Approach to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse by Targeting Those at Risk of Harming Children. International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice, 1-20.
Harper, C. A., Lievesley, R., Blagden, N. J., & Hocken, K. (2021). Humanizing pedophilia as stigma reduction: A large-scale intervention study. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1-16.
Mathews, B. (2019). A taxonomy of duties to report child sexual abuse: Legal developments offer new ways to facilitate disclosure. Child Abuse & Neglect, 88, 337-347.
Seto, M. C. (2018). Different approaches to studying pedophilia. In M. C Seto, Pedophilia and sexual offending against children: Theory, assessment, and intervention (pp. 57–83). American Psychological Association.
Stinson, J. D., & Becker, J. V. (2016). Pedophilic disorder. Sexual offending: Predisposing antecedents, assessments, and management, 15-27.
Tenbergen, G., Wittfoth, M., Frieling, H., Ponseti, J., Walter, M., Walter, H., … & Kruger, T. H. (2015). The neurobiology and psychology of pedophilia: recent advances and challenges. Frontiers In Human Neuroscience, 9, 344.
·!– /wp:paragraph –>
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· Use Library to investigate your chosen disorder further, including controversial aspects of the disorder, maintaining the therapeutic relationship, and ethical and legal considerations. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
In 2–3 pages:
·!– /wp:paragraph –>
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·!– /wp:paragraph –>
Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Buchanan, N. T. (2020, April 13). Lecture 14 part 3: Paraphilic disordersLinks to an external site. [Video]. YouTube.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIn 2–3 pages, address the following: • Explain the controversy that surrounds your selected personality or paraphilic disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain your professional beliefs about your selected disorder, supporting your rationale with at least three scholarly references from the literature.
25 to >22.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes a thorough and well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale demonstrates critical thinking and is strongly supported with three scholarly references.
22 to >19.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes a well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is clear and appropriately supported with three scholarly references.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
19 to >17.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is somewhat unclear and references either provide weak support for the rationale or are not scholarly/current.
17 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is unclear and references are inappropriate. Or the response is missing.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 to >26.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
26 to >23.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
23 to >20.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
20 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Finally, explain ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that you need to bring to your practice and why they are important.
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague and inaccurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important. Or, response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – Paragraph Development and Organization: Paragraphs make clear points that support well-developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully focused—neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement and introduction are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity…. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement, introduction, and conclusion are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 80% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are stated, yet they are brief and not descriptive.
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 60%–79% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are vague or off topic.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity < 60% of the time…. No purpose statement, introduction, or conclusion were provided.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – English writing standards: Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list.
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct APA format with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 APA format errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 APA format errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more APA format errors
5 pts
Total Points: 100
Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example
Personality and paraphilic disorders are distinct categories of mental health disorders. Personality disorders refer to unique personality traits, behavioral and emotional patterns, and thought processes that define an individual’s character and interactions with people and the world (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2019). On the other hand, paraphilic disorders refer to mental conditions marked by intense and persistent sexual urges, fantasies, or behaviors toward children aged 13 and below (APA, 2019). This assignment discusses the controversies associated with paraphilic disorders, particularly paedophilic disorders.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies Associated with Pedophilic Disorder
The controversy surrounding paedophilic disorder is due to the paraphilia involved. As such, some functions opine the condition should be criminalized if they do not act on the attraction to the minors, while others believe that affected individuals are not in their normal sense and should be treated as any other normal disorder (Tenbergen et al., 2015). Contrarily, others argue that the disorder is inherently harmful and that individuals with the disorders should be held accountable for their thoughts and urges. The two forms of thought patterns are contradictory. In many countries, sexually abusing minors or possessing child pornography, regardless of whether the offender has been diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder. Some argue that this criminalization is justified due to the harm caused to children. As a result, individuals should be criminalized and face the law whether they act on their urges or not. On the other hand, others argue that punishing individuals who have not acted on their attraction to minors and who may be seeking help to manage their thoughts and urges is unfair.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
The other controversy surrounds the persistent stigmatization of the disorder in the community. Stigmatization of people with pedophilic interests in the community is a concern owing to the need to solve emotional well-being and engage affected individuals in the prevention intervention (Harper et al., 2021). A significant amount of stigma and social condemnation is attached to the paedophilic disorder, making it difficult for individuals with the disorder to seek help or treatment. The term itself is considered stigmatizing and pathologizing and reinforces harmful stereotypes about individuals with the disorder. Some argue that this stigma is unfair and detrimental, as it can prevent individuals from getting the support they need to manage their attraction and avoid harming children. Contrarily, others argue that people with pedophilia should not be stigmatized, and improving individual attitudes towards them is critical in managing the outcomes of the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Professional Beliefs on Pedophilic Disorder
My professional belief is that pedophilia is a mental condition and affected individuals are not in an acceptable mood and behaviors willingly. This is despite the harm that it causes victims. In the current DSM-5 criteria, the pedophilic disorder is de-pathologized and differentiated from normal sexual urges toward prepubescent children and other factors (APA, 2019). In this regard, pedophilic conditions as a preference for sex should to excluded from other sexual offenses against children. When such delineation is not made, pedophiles would be viewed as offenders and typical offenders as pedophiles.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
It is imperative to understand that there is a neurobiological basis for pedophilia that encourage sexual behavior notwithstanding sexual preferences. Studies have shown similar mechanisms that modulate offensive behavior in non-pedophilic men (Tenbergen et al., 2015). These include rape driven by a sexual preference for older women. However, there is a need for research to unravel further the underlying neurological basis of sexual preferences and its impact on behavior.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Individuals diagnosed with pedophilia may benefit from treatment interventions and develop coping strategies toward sexual urges. Seto (2018) argues for the need to understand the underlying factors that lead to pedophilia and establish practical solutions to prevent such actions and consequent harm. Cant et al. (2022) propose approaches to preventing sexual abuse among children by targeting individuals at risk of abusing children. These studies suggest that pedophilia differs from other sexual offenses and can be mitigated by understanding victims’ and perpetrators’ risk and predisposing factors. It is also prudent to note that preventing pedophilia requires close interactions with perpetrators to determine the nature of their sexual preferences and behaviors (Stinson & Becker, 2016). Such interactions are only possible when pedophilia is destigmatized and decriminalized in society. This will allow individuals with sexual urges who have not acted on them to come out and seek treatment to prevent potential occurrences. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Therapeutic Relationships
Maintaining therapeutic relationships with individuals diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder can be challenging, considering the societal stigma. Harper et al. (2021) argue that humanizing pedophilia is critical in maintaining potential outcomes and societal victims. Therefore, practitioners should maintain a non-judgemental atmosphere and empathetic stance, and confidentiality when dealing with individuals diagnosed with pedophilic disorder. This is because social stigma significantly determines help-seeking behaviors among individuals with sexual urges for children. Maintaining a non-judgemental atmosphere and maintaining confidentiality are crucial in facilitating help-seeking behavior and consequent management of the disorder. Maintaining confidentiality helps build trust.
Ethical and Legal Considerations
Besides building trust, maintaining confidentiality adheres to the ethical and legal guidelines around disclosure of patient information and reporting victims of child abuse. Moreover, being non-judgemental would emphasize the client’s worth and dignity. Dignity is a fundamental aspect of mental healthcare that every practitioner should uphold to allow clients to achieve better health outcomes. Moreover, the practitioners have a legal and ethical duty to report suspected cases of child sexual abuse even when disclosed by clients seeking treatment (Mathew, 2019). Moreover, practitioners should obtain informed consent from clients and explain the risks and benefits of treatment(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies surrounding pedophilic disorders are multifarious and intricate. As such, it is difficult to solve the challenges surrounding the disorder. Therefore, there is a need for further research to delineate the features and neurological basis of the disorder. Besides, there is a need for health promotion and public awareness drive to destigmatize and decriminalize pedophilia.
American Psychiatric Association (APA). (2019). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5®). American Psychiatric Publishing
Cant, R. L., Harries, M., & Chamarette, C. (2022). Using a Public Health Approach to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse by Targeting Those at Risk of Harming Children. International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice, 1-20.
Harper, C. A., Lievesley, R., Blagden, N. J., & Hocken, K. (2021). Humanizing pedophilia as stigma reduction: A large-scale intervention study. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1-16.
Mathews, B. (2019). A taxonomy of duties to report child sexual abuse: Legal developments offer new ways to facilitate disclosure. Child Abuse & Neglect, 88, 337-347.
Seto, M. C. (2018). Different approaches to studying pedophilia. In M. C Seto, Pedophilia and sexual offending against children: Theory, assessment, and intervention (pp. 57–83). American Psychological Association.
Stinson, J. D., & Becker, J. V. (2016). Pedophilic disorder. Sexual offending: Predisposing antecedents, assessments, and management, 15-27.
Tenbergen, G., Wittfoth, M., Frieling, H., Ponseti, J., Walter, M., Walter, H., … & Kruger, T. H. (2015). The neurobiology and psychology of pedophilia: recent advances and challenges. Frontiers In Human Neuroscience, 9, 344.
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Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Buchanan, N. T. (2020, April 13). Lecture 14 part 3: Paraphilic disordersLinks to an external site. [Video]. YouTube.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIn 2–3 pages, address the following: • Explain the controversy that surrounds your selected personality or paraphilic disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain your professional beliefs about your selected disorder, supporting your rationale with at least three scholarly references from the literature.
25 to >22.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes a thorough and well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale demonstrates critical thinking and is strongly supported with three scholarly references.
22 to >19.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes a well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is clear and appropriately supported with three scholarly references.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
19 to >17.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is somewhat unclear and references either provide weak support for the rationale or are not scholarly/current.
17 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is unclear and references are inappropriate. Or the response is missing.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 to >26.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
26 to >23.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
23 to >20.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
20 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Finally, explain ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that you need to bring to your practice and why they are important.
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague and inaccurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important. Or, response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – Paragraph Development and Organization: Paragraphs make clear points that support well-developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully focused—neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement and introduction are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity…. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement, introduction, and conclusion are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 80% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are stated, yet they are brief and not descriptive.
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 60%–79% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are vague or off topic.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity < 60% of the time…. No purpose statement, introduction, or conclusion were provided.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – English writing standards: Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list.
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct APA format with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 APA format errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 APA format errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more APA format errors
5 pts
Total Points: 100
Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example
Personality and paraphilic disorders are distinct categories of mental health disorders. Personality disorders refer to unique personality traits, behavioral and emotional patterns, and thought processes that define an individual’s character and interactions with people and the world (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2019). On the other hand, paraphilic disorders refer to mental conditions marked by intense and persistent sexual urges, fantasies, or behaviors toward children aged 13 and below (APA, 2019). This assignment discusses the controversies associated with paraphilic disorders, particularly paedophilic disorders.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies Associated with Pedophilic Disorder
The controversy surrounding paedophilic disorder is due to the paraphilia involved. As such, some functions opine the condition should be criminalized if they do not act on the attraction to the minors, while others believe that affected individuals are not in their normal sense and should be treated as any other normal disorder (Tenbergen et al., 2015). Contrarily, others argue that the disorder is inherently harmful and that individuals with the disorders should be held accountable for their thoughts and urges. The two forms of thought patterns are contradictory. In many countries, sexually abusing minors or possessing child pornography, regardless of whether the offender has been diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder. Some argue that this criminalization is justified due to the harm caused to children. As a result, individuals should be criminalized and face the law whether they act on their urges or not. On the other hand, others argue that punishing individuals who have not acted on their attraction to minors and who may be seeking help to manage their thoughts and urges is unfair.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
The other controversy surrounds the persistent stigmatization of the disorder in the community. Stigmatization of people with pedophilic interests in the community is a concern owing to the need to solve emotional well-being and engage affected individuals in the prevention intervention (Harper et al., 2021). A significant amount of stigma and social condemnation is attached to the paedophilic disorder, making it difficult for individuals with the disorder to seek help or treatment. The term itself is considered stigmatizing and pathologizing and reinforces harmful stereotypes about individuals with the disorder. Some argue that this stigma is unfair and detrimental, as it can prevent individuals from getting the support they need to manage their attraction and avoid harming children. Contrarily, others argue that people with pedophilia should not be stigmatized, and improving individual attitudes towards them is critical in managing the outcomes of the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Professional Beliefs on Pedophilic Disorder
My professional belief is that pedophilia is a mental condition and affected individuals are not in an acceptable mood and behaviors willingly. This is despite the harm that it causes victims. In the current DSM-5 criteria, the pedophilic disorder is de-pathologized and differentiated from normal sexual urges toward prepubescent children and other factors (APA, 2019). In this regard, pedophilic conditions as a preference for sex should to excluded from other sexual offenses against children. When such delineation is not made, pedophiles would be viewed as offenders and typical offenders as pedophiles.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
It is imperative to understand that there is a neurobiological basis for pedophilia that encourage sexual behavior notwithstanding sexual preferences. Studies have shown similar mechanisms that modulate offensive behavior in non-pedophilic men (Tenbergen et al., 2015). These include rape driven by a sexual preference for older women. However, there is a need for research to unravel further the underlying neurological basis of sexual preferences and its impact on behavior.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Individuals diagnosed with pedophilia may benefit from treatment interventions and develop coping strategies toward sexual urges. Seto (2018) argues for the need to understand the underlying factors that lead to pedophilia and establish practical solutions to prevent such actions and consequent harm. Cant et al. (2022) propose approaches to preventing sexual abuse among children by targeting individuals at risk of abusing children. These studies suggest that pedophilia differs from other sexual offenses and can be mitigated by understanding victims’ and perpetrators’ risk and predisposing factors. It is also prudent to note that preventing pedophilia requires close interactions with perpetrators to determine the nature of their sexual preferences and behaviors (Stinson & Becker, 2016). Such interactions are only possible when pedophilia is destigmatized and decriminalized in society. This will allow individuals with sexual urges who have not acted on them to come out and seek treatment to prevent potential occurrences. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Therapeutic Relationships
Maintaining therapeutic relationships with individuals diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder can be challenging, considering the societal stigma. Harper et al. (2021) argue that humanizing pedophilia is critical in maintaining potential outcomes and societal victims. Therefore, practitioners should maintain a non-judgemental atmosphere and empathetic stance, and confidentiality when dealing with individuals diagnosed with pedophilic disorder. This is because social stigma significantly determines help-seeking behaviors among individuals with sexual urges for children. Maintaining a non-judgemental atmosphere and maintaining confidentiality are crucial in facilitating help-seeking behavior and consequent management of the disorder. Maintaining confidentiality helps build trust.
Ethical and Legal Considerations
Besides building trust, maintaining confidentiality adheres to the ethical and legal guidelines around disclosure of patient information and reporting victims of child abuse. Moreover, being non-judgemental would emphasize the client’s worth and dignity. Dignity is a fundamental aspect of mental healthcare that every practitioner should uphold to allow clients to achieve better health outcomes. Moreover, the practitioners have a legal and ethical duty to report suspected cases of child sexual abuse even when disclosed by clients seeking treatment (Mathew, 2019). Moreover, practitioners should obtain informed consent from clients and explain the risks and benefits of treatment(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies surrounding pedophilic disorders are multifarious and intricate. As such, it is difficult to solve the challenges surrounding the disorder. Therefore, there is a need for further research to delineate the features and neurological basis of the disorder. Besides, there is a need for health promotion and public awareness drive to destigmatize and decriminalize pedophilia.
American Psychiatric Association (APA). (2019). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5®). American Psychiatric Publishing
Cant, R. L., Harries, M., & Chamarette, C. (2022). Using a Public Health Approach to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse by Targeting Those at Risk of Harming Children. International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice, 1-20.
Harper, C. A., Lievesley, R., Blagden, N. J., & Hocken, K. (2021). Humanizing pedophilia as stigma reduction: A large-scale intervention study. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1-16.
Mathews, B. (2019). A taxonomy of duties to report child sexual abuse: Legal developments offer new ways to facilitate disclosure. Child Abuse & Neglect, 88, 337-347.
Seto, M. C. (2018). Different approaches to studying pedophilia. In M. C Seto, Pedophilia and sexual offending against children: Theory, assessment, and intervention (pp. 57–83). American Psychological Association.
Stinson, J. D., & Becker, J. V. (2016). Pedophilic disorder. Sexual offending: Predisposing antecedents, assessments, and management, 15-27.
Tenbergen, G., Wittfoth, M., Frieling, H., Ponseti, J., Walter, M., Walter, H., … & Kruger, T. H. (2015). The neurobiology and psychology of pedophilia: recent advances and challenges. Frontiers In Human Neuroscience, 9, 344.
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· Use Library to investigate your chosen disorder further, including controversial aspects of the disorder, maintaining the therapeutic relationship, and ethical and legal considerations. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
In 2–3 pages:
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Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Buchanan, N. T. (2020, April 13). Lecture 14 part 3: Paraphilic disordersLinks to an external site. [Video]. YouTube.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIn 2–3 pages, address the following: • Explain the controversy that surrounds your selected personality or paraphilic disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain your professional beliefs about your selected disorder, supporting your rationale with at least three scholarly references from the literature.
25 to >22.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes a thorough and well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale demonstrates critical thinking and is strongly supported with three scholarly references.
22 to >19.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes a well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is clear and appropriately supported with three scholarly references.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
19 to >17.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is somewhat unclear and references either provide weak support for the rationale or are not scholarly/current.
17 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is unclear and references are inappropriate. Or the response is missing.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 to >26.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
26 to >23.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
23 to >20.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
20 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Finally, explain ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that you need to bring to your practice and why they are important.
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague and inaccurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important. Or, response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – Paragraph Development and Organization: Paragraphs make clear points that support well-developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully focused—neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement and introduction are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity…. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement, introduction, and conclusion are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 80% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are stated, yet they are brief and not descriptive.
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 60%–79% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are vague or off topic.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity < 60% of the time…. No purpose statement, introduction, or conclusion were provided.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – English writing standards: Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list.
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct APA format with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 APA format errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 APA format errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more APA format errors
5 pts
Total Points: 100
Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example
Personality and paraphilic disorders are distinct categories of mental health disorders. Personality disorders refer to unique personality traits, behavioral and emotional patterns, and thought processes that define an individual’s character and interactions with people and the world (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2019). On the other hand, paraphilic disorders refer to mental conditions marked by intense and persistent sexual urges, fantasies, or behaviors toward children aged 13 and below (APA, 2019). This assignment discusses the controversies associated with paraphilic disorders, particularly paedophilic disorders.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies Associated with Pedophilic Disorder
The controversy surrounding paedophilic disorder is due to the paraphilia involved. As such, some functions opine the condition should be criminalized if they do not act on the attraction to the minors, while others believe that affected individuals are not in their normal sense and should be treated as any other normal disorder (Tenbergen et al., 2015). Contrarily, others argue that the disorder is inherently harmful and that individuals with the disorders should be held accountable for their thoughts and urges. The two forms of thought patterns are contradictory. In many countries, sexually abusing minors or possessing child pornography, regardless of whether the offender has been diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder. Some argue that this criminalization is justified due to the harm caused to children. As a result, individuals should be criminalized and face the law whether they act on their urges or not. On the other hand, others argue that punishing individuals who have not acted on their attraction to minors and who may be seeking help to manage their thoughts and urges is unfair.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
The other controversy surrounds the persistent stigmatization of the disorder in the community. Stigmatization of people with pedophilic interests in the community is a concern owing to the need to solve emotional well-being and engage affected individuals in the prevention intervention (Harper et al., 2021). A significant amount of stigma and social condemnation is attached to the paedophilic disorder, making it difficult for individuals with the disorder to seek help or treatment. The term itself is considered stigmatizing and pathologizing and reinforces harmful stereotypes about individuals with the disorder. Some argue that this stigma is unfair and detrimental, as it can prevent individuals from getting the support they need to manage their attraction and avoid harming children. Contrarily, others argue that people with pedophilia should not be stigmatized, and improving individual attitudes towards them is critical in managing the outcomes of the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Professional Beliefs on Pedophilic Disorder
My professional belief is that pedophilia is a mental condition and affected individuals are not in an acceptable mood and behaviors willingly. This is despite the harm that it causes victims. In the current DSM-5 criteria, the pedophilic disorder is de-pathologized and differentiated from normal sexual urges toward prepubescent children and other factors (APA, 2019). In this regard, pedophilic conditions as a preference for sex should to excluded from other sexual offenses against children. When such delineation is not made, pedophiles would be viewed as offenders and typical offenders as pedophiles.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
It is imperative to understand that there is a neurobiological basis for pedophilia that encourage sexual behavior notwithstanding sexual preferences. Studies have shown similar mechanisms that modulate offensive behavior in non-pedophilic men (Tenbergen et al., 2015). These include rape driven by a sexual preference for older women. However, there is a need for research to unravel further the underlying neurological basis of sexual preferences and its impact on behavior.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Individuals diagnosed with pedophilia may benefit from treatment interventions and develop coping strategies toward sexual urges. Seto (2018) argues for the need to understand the underlying factors that lead to pedophilia and establish practical solutions to prevent such actions and consequent harm. Cant et al. (2022) propose approaches to preventing sexual abuse among children by targeting individuals at risk of abusing children. These studies suggest that pedophilia differs from other sexual offenses and can be mitigated by understanding victims’ and perpetrators’ risk and predisposing factors. It is also prudent to note that preventing pedophilia requires close interactions with perpetrators to determine the nature of their sexual preferences and behaviors (Stinson & Becker, 2016). Such interactions are only possible when pedophilia is destigmatized and decriminalized in society. This will allow individuals with sexual urges who have not acted on them to come out and seek treatment to prevent potential occurrences. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Therapeutic Relationships
Maintaining therapeutic relationships with individuals diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder can be challenging, considering the societal stigma. Harper et al. (2021) argue that humanizing pedophilia is critical in maintaining potential outcomes and societal victims. Therefore, practitioners should maintain a non-judgemental atmosphere and empathetic stance, and confidentiality when dealing with individuals diagnosed with pedophilic disorder. This is because social stigma significantly determines help-seeking behaviors among individuals with sexual urges for children. Maintaining a non-judgemental atmosphere and maintaining confidentiality are crucial in facilitating help-seeking behavior and consequent management of the disorder. Maintaining confidentiality helps build trust.
Ethical and Legal Considerations
Besides building trust, maintaining confidentiality adheres to the ethical and legal guidelines around disclosure of patient information and reporting victims of child abuse. Moreover, being non-judgemental would emphasize the client’s worth and dignity. Dignity is a fundamental aspect of mental healthcare that every practitioner should uphold to allow clients to achieve better health outcomes. Moreover, the practitioners have a legal and ethical duty to report suspected cases of child sexual abuse even when disclosed by clients seeking treatment (Mathew, 2019). Moreover, practitioners should obtain informed consent from clients and explain the risks and benefits of treatment(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies surrounding pedophilic disorders are multifarious and intricate. As such, it is difficult to solve the challenges surrounding the disorder. Therefore, there is a need for further research to delineate the features and neurological basis of the disorder. Besides, there is a need for health promotion and public awareness drive to destigmatize and decriminalize pedophilia.
American Psychiatric Association (APA). (2019). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5®). American Psychiatric Publishing
Cant, R. L., Harries, M., & Chamarette, C. (2022). Using a Public Health Approach to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse by Targeting Those at Risk of Harming Children. International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice, 1-20.
Harper, C. A., Lievesley, R., Blagden, N. J., & Hocken, K. (2021). Humanizing pedophilia as stigma reduction: A large-scale intervention study. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1-16.
Mathews, B. (2019). A taxonomy of duties to report child sexual abuse: Legal developments offer new ways to facilitate disclosure. Child Abuse & Neglect, 88, 337-347.
Seto, M. C. (2018). Different approaches to studying pedophilia. In M. C Seto, Pedophilia and sexual offending against children: Theory, assessment, and intervention (pp. 57–83). American Psychological Association.
Stinson, J. D., & Becker, J. V. (2016). Pedophilic disorder. Sexual offending: Predisposing antecedents, assessments, and management, 15-27.
Tenbergen, G., Wittfoth, M., Frieling, H., Ponseti, J., Walter, M., Walter, H., … & Kruger, T. H. (2015). The neurobiology and psychology of pedophilia: recent advances and challenges. Frontiers In Human Neuroscience, 9, 344.
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· Use Library to investigate your chosen disorder further, including controversial aspects of the disorder, maintaining the therapeutic relationship, and ethical and legal considerations. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
In 2–3 pages:
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Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Buchanan, N. T. (2020, April 13). Lecture 14 part 3: Paraphilic disordersLinks to an external site. [Video]. YouTube.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIn 2–3 pages, address the following: • Explain the controversy that surrounds your selected personality or paraphilic disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain your professional beliefs about your selected disorder, supporting your rationale with at least three scholarly references from the literature.
25 to >22.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes a thorough and well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale demonstrates critical thinking and is strongly supported with three scholarly references.
22 to >19.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes a well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is clear and appropriately supported with three scholarly references.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
19 to >17.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is somewhat unclear and references either provide weak support for the rationale or are not scholarly/current.
17 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is unclear and references are inappropriate. Or the response is missing.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 to >26.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
26 to >23.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
23 to >20.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
20 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Finally, explain ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that you need to bring to your practice and why they are important.
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague and inaccurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important. Or, response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – Paragraph Development and Organization: Paragraphs make clear points that support well-developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully focused—neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement and introduction are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity…. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement, introduction, and conclusion are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 80% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are stated, yet they are brief and not descriptive.
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 60%–79% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are vague or off topic.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity < 60% of the time…. No purpose statement, introduction, or conclusion were provided.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – English writing standards: Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list.
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct APA format with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 APA format errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 APA format errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more APA format errors
5 pts
Total Points: 100
Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example
Personality and paraphilic disorders are distinct categories of mental health disorders. Personality disorders refer to unique personality traits, behavioral and emotional patterns, and thought processes that define an individual’s character and interactions with people and the world (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2019). On the other hand, paraphilic disorders refer to mental conditions marked by intense and persistent sexual urges, fantasies, or behaviors toward children aged 13 and below (APA, 2019). This assignment discusses the controversies associated with paraphilic disorders, particularly paedophilic disorders.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies Associated with Pedophilic Disorder
The controversy surrounding paedophilic disorder is due to the paraphilia involved. As such, some functions opine the condition should be criminalized if they do not act on the attraction to the minors, while others believe that affected individuals are not in their normal sense and should be treated as any other normal disorder (Tenbergen et al., 2015). Contrarily, others argue that the disorder is inherently harmful and that individuals with the disorders should be held accountable for their thoughts and urges. The two forms of thought patterns are contradictory. In many countries, sexually abusing minors or possessing child pornography, regardless of whether the offender has been diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder. Some argue that this criminalization is justified due to the harm caused to children. As a result, individuals should be criminalized and face the law whether they act on their urges or not. On the other hand, others argue that punishing individuals who have not acted on their attraction to minors and who may be seeking help to manage their thoughts and urges is unfair.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
The other controversy surrounds the persistent stigmatization of the disorder in the community. Stigmatization of people with pedophilic interests in the community is a concern owing to the need to solve emotional well-being and engage affected individuals in the prevention intervention (Harper et al., 2021). A significant amount of stigma and social condemnation is attached to the paedophilic disorder, making it difficult for individuals with the disorder to seek help or treatment. The term itself is considered stigmatizing and pathologizing and reinforces harmful stereotypes about individuals with the disorder. Some argue that this stigma is unfair and detrimental, as it can prevent individuals from getting the support they need to manage their attraction and avoid harming children. Contrarily, others argue that people with pedophilia should not be stigmatized, and improving individual attitudes towards them is critical in managing the outcomes of the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Professional Beliefs on Pedophilic Disorder
My professional belief is that pedophilia is a mental condition and affected individuals are not in an acceptable mood and behaviors willingly. This is despite the harm that it causes victims. In the current DSM-5 criteria, the pedophilic disorder is de-pathologized and differentiated from normal sexual urges toward prepubescent children and other factors (APA, 2019). In this regard, pedophilic conditions as a preference for sex should to excluded from other sexual offenses against children. When such delineation is not made, pedophiles would be viewed as offenders and typical offenders as pedophiles.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
It is imperative to understand that there is a neurobiological basis for pedophilia that encourage sexual behavior notwithstanding sexual preferences. Studies have shown similar mechanisms that modulate offensive behavior in non-pedophilic men (Tenbergen et al., 2015). These include rape driven by a sexual preference for older women. However, there is a need for research to unravel further the underlying neurological basis of sexual preferences and its impact on behavior.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Individuals diagnosed with pedophilia may benefit from treatment interventions and develop coping strategies toward sexual urges. Seto (2018) argues for the need to understand the underlying factors that lead to pedophilia and establish practical solutions to prevent such actions and consequent harm. Cant et al. (2022) propose approaches to preventing sexual abuse among children by targeting individuals at risk of abusing children. These studies suggest that pedophilia differs from other sexual offenses and can be mitigated by understanding victims’ and perpetrators’ risk and predisposing factors. It is also prudent to note that preventing pedophilia requires close interactions with perpetrators to determine the nature of their sexual preferences and behaviors (Stinson & Becker, 2016). Such interactions are only possible when pedophilia is destigmatized and decriminalized in society. This will allow individuals with sexual urges who have not acted on them to come out and seek treatment to prevent potential occurrences. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Therapeutic Relationships
Maintaining therapeutic relationships with individuals diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder can be challenging, considering the societal stigma. Harper et al. (2021) argue that humanizing pedophilia is critical in maintaining potential outcomes and societal victims. Therefore, practitioners should maintain a non-judgemental atmosphere and empathetic stance, and confidentiality when dealing with individuals diagnosed with pedophilic disorder. This is because social stigma significantly determines help-seeking behaviors among individuals with sexual urges for children. Maintaining a non-judgemental atmosphere and maintaining confidentiality are crucial in facilitating help-seeking behavior and consequent management of the disorder. Maintaining confidentiality helps build trust.
Ethical and Legal Considerations
Besides building trust, maintaining confidentiality adheres to the ethical and legal guidelines around disclosure of patient information and reporting victims of child abuse. Moreover, being non-judgemental would emphasize the client’s worth and dignity. Dignity is a fundamental aspect of mental healthcare that every practitioner should uphold to allow clients to achieve better health outcomes. Moreover, the practitioners have a legal and ethical duty to report suspected cases of child sexual abuse even when disclosed by clients seeking treatment (Mathew, 2019). Moreover, practitioners should obtain informed consent from clients and explain the risks and benefits of treatment(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies surrounding pedophilic disorders are multifarious and intricate. As such, it is difficult to solve the challenges surrounding the disorder. Therefore, there is a need for further research to delineate the features and neurological basis of the disorder. Besides, there is a need for health promotion and public awareness drive to destigmatize and decriminalize pedophilia.
American Psychiatric Association (APA). (2019). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5®). American Psychiatric Publishing
Cant, R. L., Harries, M., & Chamarette, C. (2022). Using a Public Health Approach to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse by Targeting Those at Risk of Harming Children. International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice, 1-20.
Harper, C. A., Lievesley, R., Blagden, N. J., & Hocken, K. (2021). Humanizing pedophilia as stigma reduction: A large-scale intervention study. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1-16.
Mathews, B. (2019). A taxonomy of duties to report child sexual abuse: Legal developments offer new ways to facilitate disclosure. Child Abuse & Neglect, 88, 337-347.
Seto, M. C. (2018). Different approaches to studying pedophilia. In M. C Seto, Pedophilia and sexual offending against children: Theory, assessment, and intervention (pp. 57–83). American Psychological Association.
Stinson, J. D., & Becker, J. V. (2016). Pedophilic disorder. Sexual offending: Predisposing antecedents, assessments, and management, 15-27.
Tenbergen, G., Wittfoth, M., Frieling, H., Ponseti, J., Walter, M., Walter, H., … & Kruger, T. H. (2015). The neurobiology and psychology of pedophilia: recent advances and challenges. Frontiers In Human Neuroscience, 9, 344.
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Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Buchanan, N. T. (2020, April 13). Lecture 14 part 3: Paraphilic disordersLinks to an external site. [Video]. YouTube.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIn 2–3 pages, address the following: • Explain the controversy that surrounds your selected personality or paraphilic disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain your professional beliefs about your selected disorder, supporting your rationale with at least three scholarly references from the literature.
25 to >22.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes a thorough and well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale demonstrates critical thinking and is strongly supported with three scholarly references.
22 to >19.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes a well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is clear and appropriately supported with three scholarly references.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
19 to >17.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is somewhat unclear and references either provide weak support for the rationale or are not scholarly/current.
17 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is unclear and references are inappropriate. Or the response is missing.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 to >26.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
26 to >23.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
23 to >20.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
20 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Finally, explain ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that you need to bring to your practice and why they are important.
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague and inaccurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important. Or, response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – Paragraph Development and Organization: Paragraphs make clear points that support well-developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully focused—neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement and introduction are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity…. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement, introduction, and conclusion are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 80% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are stated, yet they are brief and not descriptive.
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 60%–79% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are vague or off topic.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity < 60% of the time…. No purpose statement, introduction, or conclusion were provided.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – English writing standards: Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list.
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct APA format with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 APA format errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 APA format errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more APA format errors
5 pts
Total Points: 100
Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example
Personality and paraphilic disorders are distinct categories of mental health disorders. Personality disorders refer to unique personality traits, behavioral and emotional patterns, and thought processes that define an individual’s character and interactions with people and the world (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2019). On the other hand, paraphilic disorders refer to mental conditions marked by intense and persistent sexual urges, fantasies, or behaviors toward children aged 13 and below (APA, 2019). This assignment discusses the controversies associated with paraphilic disorders, particularly paedophilic disorders.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies Associated with Pedophilic Disorder
The controversy surrounding paedophilic disorder is due to the paraphilia involved. As such, some functions opine the condition should be criminalized if they do not act on the attraction to the minors, while others believe that affected individuals are not in their normal sense and should be treated as any other normal disorder (Tenbergen et al., 2015). Contrarily, others argue that the disorder is inherently harmful and that individuals with the disorders should be held accountable for their thoughts and urges. The two forms of thought patterns are contradictory. In many countries, sexually abusing minors or possessing child pornography, regardless of whether the offender has been diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder. Some argue that this criminalization is justified due to the harm caused to children. As a result, individuals should be criminalized and face the law whether they act on their urges or not. On the other hand, others argue that punishing individuals who have not acted on their attraction to minors and who may be seeking help to manage their thoughts and urges is unfair.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
The other controversy surrounds the persistent stigmatization of the disorder in the community. Stigmatization of people with pedophilic interests in the community is a concern owing to the need to solve emotional well-being and engage affected individuals in the prevention intervention (Harper et al., 2021). A significant amount of stigma and social condemnation is attached to the paedophilic disorder, making it difficult for individuals with the disorder to seek help or treatment. The term itself is considered stigmatizing and pathologizing and reinforces harmful stereotypes about individuals with the disorder. Some argue that this stigma is unfair and detrimental, as it can prevent individuals from getting the support they need to manage their attraction and avoid harming children. Contrarily, others argue that people with pedophilia should not be stigmatized, and improving individual attitudes towards them is critical in managing the outcomes of the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Professional Beliefs on Pedophilic Disorder
My professional belief is that pedophilia is a mental condition and affected individuals are not in an acceptable mood and behaviors willingly. This is despite the harm that it causes victims. In the current DSM-5 criteria, the pedophilic disorder is de-pathologized and differentiated from normal sexual urges toward prepubescent children and other factors (APA, 2019). In this regard, pedophilic conditions as a preference for sex should to excluded from other sexual offenses against children. When such delineation is not made, pedophiles would be viewed as offenders and typical offenders as pedophiles.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
It is imperative to understand that there is a neurobiological basis for pedophilia that encourage sexual behavior notwithstanding sexual preferences. Studies have shown similar mechanisms that modulate offensive behavior in non-pedophilic men (Tenbergen et al., 2015). These include rape driven by a sexual preference for older women. However, there is a need for research to unravel further the underlying neurological basis of sexual preferences and its impact on behavior.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Individuals diagnosed with pedophilia may benefit from treatment interventions and develop coping strategies toward sexual urges. Seto (2018) argues for the need to understand the underlying factors that lead to pedophilia and establish practical solutions to prevent such actions and consequent harm. Cant et al. (2022) propose approaches to preventing sexual abuse among children by targeting individuals at risk of abusing children. These studies suggest that pedophilia differs from other sexual offenses and can be mitigated by understanding victims’ and perpetrators’ risk and predisposing factors. It is also prudent to note that preventing pedophilia requires close interactions with perpetrators to determine the nature of their sexual preferences and behaviors (Stinson & Becker, 2016). Such interactions are only possible when pedophilia is destigmatized and decriminalized in society. This will allow individuals with sexual urges who have not acted on them to come out and seek treatment to prevent potential occurrences. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Therapeutic Relationships
Maintaining therapeutic relationships with individuals diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder can be challenging, considering the societal stigma. Harper et al. (2021) argue that humanizing pedophilia is critical in maintaining potential outcomes and societal victims. Therefore, practitioners should maintain a non-judgemental atmosphere and empathetic stance, and confidentiality when dealing with individuals diagnosed with pedophilic disorder. This is because social stigma significantly determines help-seeking behaviors among individuals with sexual urges for children. Maintaining a non-judgemental atmosphere and maintaining confidentiality are crucial in facilitating help-seeking behavior and consequent management of the disorder. Maintaining confidentiality helps build trust.
Ethical and Legal Considerations
Besides building trust, maintaining confidentiality adheres to the ethical and legal guidelines around disclosure of patient information and reporting victims of child abuse. Moreover, being non-judgemental would emphasize the client’s worth and dignity. Dignity is a fundamental aspect of mental healthcare that every practitioner should uphold to allow clients to achieve better health outcomes. Moreover, the practitioners have a legal and ethical duty to report suspected cases of child sexual abuse even when disclosed by clients seeking treatment (Mathew, 2019). Moreover, practitioners should obtain informed consent from clients and explain the risks and benefits of treatment(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies surrounding pedophilic disorders are multifarious and intricate. As such, it is difficult to solve the challenges surrounding the disorder. Therefore, there is a need for further research to delineate the features and neurological basis of the disorder. Besides, there is a need for health promotion and public awareness drive to destigmatize and decriminalize pedophilia.
American Psychiatric Association (APA). (2019). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5®). American Psychiatric Publishing
Cant, R. L., Harries, M., & Chamarette, C. (2022). Using a Public Health Approach to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse by Targeting Those at Risk of Harming Children. International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice, 1-20.
Harper, C. A., Lievesley, R., Blagden, N. J., & Hocken, K. (2021). Humanizing pedophilia as stigma reduction: A large-scale intervention study. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1-16.
Mathews, B. (2019). A taxonomy of duties to report child sexual abuse: Legal developments offer new ways to facilitate disclosure. Child Abuse & Neglect, 88, 337-347.
Seto, M. C. (2018). Different approaches to studying pedophilia. In M. C Seto, Pedophilia and sexual offending against children: Theory, assessment, and intervention (pp. 57–83). American Psychological Association.
Stinson, J. D., & Becker, J. V. (2016). Pedophilic disorder. Sexual offending: Predisposing antecedents, assessments, and management, 15-27.
Tenbergen, G., Wittfoth, M., Frieling, H., Ponseti, J., Walter, M., Walter, H., … & Kruger, T. H. (2015). The neurobiology and psychology of pedophilia: recent advances and challenges. Frontiers In Human Neuroscience, 9, 344.
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Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Buchanan, N. T. (2020, April 13). Lecture 14 part 3: Paraphilic disordersLinks to an external site. [Video]. YouTube.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIn 2–3 pages, address the following: • Explain the controversy that surrounds your selected personality or paraphilic disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain your professional beliefs about your selected disorder, supporting your rationale with at least three scholarly references from the literature.
25 to >22.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes a thorough and well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale demonstrates critical thinking and is strongly supported with three scholarly references.
22 to >19.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes a well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is clear and appropriately supported with three scholarly references.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
19 to >17.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is somewhat unclear and references either provide weak support for the rationale or are not scholarly/current.
17 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is unclear and references are inappropriate. Or the response is missing.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 to >26.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
26 to >23.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
23 to >20.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
20 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Finally, explain ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that you need to bring to your practice and why they are important.
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague and inaccurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important. Or, response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – Paragraph Development and Organization: Paragraphs make clear points that support well-developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully focused—neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement and introduction are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity…. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement, introduction, and conclusion are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 80% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are stated, yet they are brief and not descriptive.
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 60%–79% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are vague or off topic.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity < 60% of the time…. No purpose statement, introduction, or conclusion were provided.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – English writing standards: Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list.
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct APA format with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 APA format errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 APA format errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more APA format errors
5 pts
Total Points: 100
Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example
Personality and paraphilic disorders are distinct categories of mental health disorders. Personality disorders refer to unique personality traits, behavioral and emotional patterns, and thought processes that define an individual’s character and interactions with people and the world (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2019). On the other hand, paraphilic disorders refer to mental conditions marked by intense and persistent sexual urges, fantasies, or behaviors toward children aged 13 and below (APA, 2019). This assignment discusses the controversies associated with paraphilic disorders, particularly paedophilic disorders.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies Associated with Pedophilic Disorder
The controversy surrounding paedophilic disorder is due to the paraphilia involved. As such, some functions opine the condition should be criminalized if they do not act on the attraction to the minors, while others believe that affected individuals are not in their normal sense and should be treated as any other normal disorder (Tenbergen et al., 2015). Contrarily, others argue that the disorder is inherently harmful and that individuals with the disorders should be held accountable for their thoughts and urges. The two forms of thought patterns are contradictory. In many countries, sexually abusing minors or possessing child pornography, regardless of whether the offender has been diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder. Some argue that this criminalization is justified due to the harm caused to children. As a result, individuals should be criminalized and face the law whether they act on their urges or not. On the other hand, others argue that punishing individuals who have not acted on their attraction to minors and who may be seeking help to manage their thoughts and urges is unfair.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
The other controversy surrounds the persistent stigmatization of the disorder in the community. Stigmatization of people with pedophilic interests in the community is a concern owing to the need to solve emotional well-being and engage affected individuals in the prevention intervention (Harper et al., 2021). A significant amount of stigma and social condemnation is attached to the paedophilic disorder, making it difficult for individuals with the disorder to seek help or treatment. The term itself is considered stigmatizing and pathologizing and reinforces harmful stereotypes about individuals with the disorder. Some argue that this stigma is unfair and detrimental, as it can prevent individuals from getting the support they need to manage their attraction and avoid harming children. Contrarily, others argue that people with pedophilia should not be stigmatized, and improving individual attitudes towards them is critical in managing the outcomes of the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Professional Beliefs on Pedophilic Disorder
My professional belief is that pedophilia is a mental condition and affected individuals are not in an acceptable mood and behaviors willingly. This is despite the harm that it causes victims. In the current DSM-5 criteria, the pedophilic disorder is de-pathologized and differentiated from normal sexual urges toward prepubescent children and other factors (APA, 2019). In this regard, pedophilic conditions as a preference for sex should to excluded from other sexual offenses against children. When such delineation is not made, pedophiles would be viewed as offenders and typical offenders as pedophiles.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
It is imperative to understand that there is a neurobiological basis for pedophilia that encourage sexual behavior notwithstanding sexual preferences. Studies have shown similar mechanisms that modulate offensive behavior in non-pedophilic men (Tenbergen et al., 2015). These include rape driven by a sexual preference for older women. However, there is a need for research to unravel further the underlying neurological basis of sexual preferences and its impact on behavior.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Individuals diagnosed with pedophilia may benefit from treatment interventions and develop coping strategies toward sexual urges. Seto (2018) argues for the need to understand the underlying factors that lead to pedophilia and establish practical solutions to prevent such actions and consequent harm. Cant et al. (2022) propose approaches to preventing sexual abuse among children by targeting individuals at risk of abusing children. These studies suggest that pedophilia differs from other sexual offenses and can be mitigated by understanding victims’ and perpetrators’ risk and predisposing factors. It is also prudent to note that preventing pedophilia requires close interactions with perpetrators to determine the nature of their sexual preferences and behaviors (Stinson & Becker, 2016). Such interactions are only possible when pedophilia is destigmatized and decriminalized in society. This will allow individuals with sexual urges who have not acted on them to come out and seek treatment to prevent potential occurrences. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Therapeutic Relationships
Maintaining therapeutic relationships with individuals diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder can be challenging, considering the societal stigma. Harper et al. (2021) argue that humanizing pedophilia is critical in maintaining potential outcomes and societal victims. Therefore, practitioners should maintain a non-judgemental atmosphere and empathetic stance, and confidentiality when dealing with individuals diagnosed with pedophilic disorder. This is because social stigma significantly determines help-seeking behaviors among individuals with sexual urges for children. Maintaining a non-judgemental atmosphere and maintaining confidentiality are crucial in facilitating help-seeking behavior and consequent management of the disorder. Maintaining confidentiality helps build trust.
Ethical and Legal Considerations
Besides building trust, maintaining confidentiality adheres to the ethical and legal guidelines around disclosure of patient information and reporting victims of child abuse. Moreover, being non-judgemental would emphasize the client’s worth and dignity. Dignity is a fundamental aspect of mental healthcare that every practitioner should uphold to allow clients to achieve better health outcomes. Moreover, the practitioners have a legal and ethical duty to report suspected cases of child sexual abuse even when disclosed by clients seeking treatment (Mathew, 2019). Moreover, practitioners should obtain informed consent from clients and explain the risks and benefits of treatment(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies surrounding pedophilic disorders are multifarious and intricate. As such, it is difficult to solve the challenges surrounding the disorder. Therefore, there is a need for further research to delineate the features and neurological basis of the disorder. Besides, there is a need for health promotion and public awareness drive to destigmatize and decriminalize pedophilia.
American Psychiatric Association (APA). (2019). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5®). American Psychiatric Publishing
Cant, R. L., Harries, M., & Chamarette, C. (2022). Using a Public Health Approach to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse by Targeting Those at Risk of Harming Children. International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice, 1-20.
Harper, C. A., Lievesley, R., Blagden, N. J., & Hocken, K. (2021). Humanizing pedophilia as stigma reduction: A large-scale intervention study. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1-16.
Mathews, B. (2019). A taxonomy of duties to report child sexual abuse: Legal developments offer new ways to facilitate disclosure. Child Abuse & Neglect, 88, 337-347.
Seto, M. C. (2018). Different approaches to studying pedophilia. In M. C Seto, Pedophilia and sexual offending against children: Theory, assessment, and intervention (pp. 57–83). American Psychological Association.
Stinson, J. D., & Becker, J. V. (2016). Pedophilic disorder. Sexual offending: Predisposing antecedents, assessments, and management, 15-27.
Tenbergen, G., Wittfoth, M., Frieling, H., Ponseti, J., Walter, M., Walter, H., … & Kruger, T. H. (2015). The neurobiology and psychology of pedophilia: recent advances and challenges. Frontiers In Human Neuroscience, 9, 344.
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· Use Library to investigate your chosen disorder further, including controversial aspects of the disorder, maintaining the therapeutic relationship, and ethical and legal considerations. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
In 2–3 pages:
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Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Buchanan, N. T. (2020, April 13). Lecture 14 part 3: Paraphilic disordersLinks to an external site. [Video]. YouTube.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIn 2–3 pages, address the following: • Explain the controversy that surrounds your selected personality or paraphilic disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain your professional beliefs about your selected disorder, supporting your rationale with at least three scholarly references from the literature.
25 to >22.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes a thorough and well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale demonstrates critical thinking and is strongly supported with three scholarly references.
22 to >19.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes a well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is clear and appropriately supported with three scholarly references.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
19 to >17.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is somewhat unclear and references either provide weak support for the rationale or are not scholarly/current.
17 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is unclear and references are inappropriate. Or the response is missing.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 to >26.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
26 to >23.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
23 to >20.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
20 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Finally, explain ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that you need to bring to your practice and why they are important.
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague and inaccurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important. Or, response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – Paragraph Development and Organization: Paragraphs make clear points that support well-developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully focused—neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement and introduction are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity…. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement, introduction, and conclusion are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 80% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are stated, yet they are brief and not descriptive.
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 60%–79% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are vague or off topic.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity < 60% of the time…. No purpose statement, introduction, or conclusion were provided.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – English writing standards: Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list.
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct APA format with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 APA format errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 APA format errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more APA format errors
5 pts
Total Points: 100
Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example
Personality and paraphilic disorders are distinct categories of mental health disorders. Personality disorders refer to unique personality traits, behavioral and emotional patterns, and thought processes that define an individual’s character and interactions with people and the world (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2019). On the other hand, paraphilic disorders refer to mental conditions marked by intense and persistent sexual urges, fantasies, or behaviors toward children aged 13 and below (APA, 2019). This assignment discusses the controversies associated with paraphilic disorders, particularly paedophilic disorders.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies Associated with Pedophilic Disorder
The controversy surrounding paedophilic disorder is due to the paraphilia involved. As such, some functions opine the condition should be criminalized if they do not act on the attraction to the minors, while others believe that affected individuals are not in their normal sense and should be treated as any other normal disorder (Tenbergen et al., 2015). Contrarily, others argue that the disorder is inherently harmful and that individuals with the disorders should be held accountable for their thoughts and urges. The two forms of thought patterns are contradictory. In many countries, sexually abusing minors or possessing child pornography, regardless of whether the offender has been diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder. Some argue that this criminalization is justified due to the harm caused to children. As a result, individuals should be criminalized and face the law whether they act on their urges or not. On the other hand, others argue that punishing individuals who have not acted on their attraction to minors and who may be seeking help to manage their thoughts and urges is unfair.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
The other controversy surrounds the persistent stigmatization of the disorder in the community. Stigmatization of people with pedophilic interests in the community is a concern owing to the need to solve emotional well-being and engage affected individuals in the prevention intervention (Harper et al., 2021). A significant amount of stigma and social condemnation is attached to the paedophilic disorder, making it difficult for individuals with the disorder to seek help or treatment. The term itself is considered stigmatizing and pathologizing and reinforces harmful stereotypes about individuals with the disorder. Some argue that this stigma is unfair and detrimental, as it can prevent individuals from getting the support they need to manage their attraction and avoid harming children. Contrarily, others argue that people with pedophilia should not be stigmatized, and improving individual attitudes towards them is critical in managing the outcomes of the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Professional Beliefs on Pedophilic Disorder
My professional belief is that pedophilia is a mental condition and affected individuals are not in an acceptable mood and behaviors willingly. This is despite the harm that it causes victims. In the current DSM-5 criteria, the pedophilic disorder is de-pathologized and differentiated from normal sexual urges toward prepubescent children and other factors (APA, 2019). In this regard, pedophilic conditions as a preference for sex should to excluded from other sexual offenses against children. When such delineation is not made, pedophiles would be viewed as offenders and typical offenders as pedophiles.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
It is imperative to understand that there is a neurobiological basis for pedophilia that encourage sexual behavior notwithstanding sexual preferences. Studies have shown similar mechanisms that modulate offensive behavior in non-pedophilic men (Tenbergen et al., 2015). These include rape driven by a sexual preference for older women. However, there is a need for research to unravel further the underlying neurological basis of sexual preferences and its impact on behavior.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Individuals diagnosed with pedophilia may benefit from treatment interventions and develop coping strategies toward sexual urges. Seto (2018) argues for the need to understand the underlying factors that lead to pedophilia and establish practical solutions to prevent such actions and consequent harm. Cant et al. (2022) propose approaches to preventing sexual abuse among children by targeting individuals at risk of abusing children. These studies suggest that pedophilia differs from other sexual offenses and can be mitigated by understanding victims’ and perpetrators’ risk and predisposing factors. It is also prudent to note that preventing pedophilia requires close interactions with perpetrators to determine the nature of their sexual preferences and behaviors (Stinson & Becker, 2016). Such interactions are only possible when pedophilia is destigmatized and decriminalized in society. This will allow individuals with sexual urges who have not acted on them to come out and seek treatment to prevent potential occurrences. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Therapeutic Relationships
Maintaining therapeutic relationships with individuals diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder can be challenging, considering the societal stigma. Harper et al. (2021) argue that humanizing pedophilia is critical in maintaining potential outcomes and societal victims. Therefore, practitioners should maintain a non-judgemental atmosphere and empathetic stance, and confidentiality when dealing with individuals diagnosed with pedophilic disorder. This is because social stigma significantly determines help-seeking behaviors among individuals with sexual urges for children. Maintaining a non-judgemental atmosphere and maintaining confidentiality are crucial in facilitating help-seeking behavior and consequent management of the disorder. Maintaining confidentiality helps build trust.
Ethical and Legal Considerations
Besides building trust, maintaining confidentiality adheres to the ethical and legal guidelines around disclosure of patient information and reporting victims of child abuse. Moreover, being non-judgemental would emphasize the client’s worth and dignity. Dignity is a fundamental aspect of mental healthcare that every practitioner should uphold to allow clients to achieve better health outcomes. Moreover, the practitioners have a legal and ethical duty to report suspected cases of child sexual abuse even when disclosed by clients seeking treatment (Mathew, 2019). Moreover, practitioners should obtain informed consent from clients and explain the risks and benefits of treatment(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies surrounding pedophilic disorders are multifarious and intricate. As such, it is difficult to solve the challenges surrounding the disorder. Therefore, there is a need for further research to delineate the features and neurological basis of the disorder. Besides, there is a need for health promotion and public awareness drive to destigmatize and decriminalize pedophilia.
American Psychiatric Association (APA). (2019). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5®). American Psychiatric Publishing
Cant, R. L., Harries, M., & Chamarette, C. (2022). Using a Public Health Approach to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse by Targeting Those at Risk of Harming Children. International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice, 1-20.
Harper, C. A., Lievesley, R., Blagden, N. J., & Hocken, K. (2021). Humanizing pedophilia as stigma reduction: A large-scale intervention study. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1-16.
Mathews, B. (2019). A taxonomy of duties to report child sexual abuse: Legal developments offer new ways to facilitate disclosure. Child Abuse & Neglect, 88, 337-347.
Seto, M. C. (2018). Different approaches to studying pedophilia. In M. C Seto, Pedophilia and sexual offending against children: Theory, assessment, and intervention (pp. 57–83). American Psychological Association.
Stinson, J. D., & Becker, J. V. (2016). Pedophilic disorder. Sexual offending: Predisposing antecedents, assessments, and management, 15-27.
Tenbergen, G., Wittfoth, M., Frieling, H., Ponseti, J., Walter, M., Walter, H., … & Kruger, T. H. (2015). The neurobiology and psychology of pedophilia: recent advances and challenges. Frontiers In Human Neuroscience, 9, 344.
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· Use Library to investigate your chosen disorder further, including controversial aspects of the disorder, maintaining the therapeutic relationship, and ethical and legal considerations. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
In 2–3 pages:
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Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Buchanan, N. T. (2020, April 13). Lecture 14 part 3: Paraphilic disordersLinks to an external site. [Video]. YouTube.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIn 2–3 pages, address the following: • Explain the controversy that surrounds your selected personality or paraphilic disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain your professional beliefs about your selected disorder, supporting your rationale with at least three scholarly references from the literature.
25 to >22.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes a thorough and well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale demonstrates critical thinking and is strongly supported with three scholarly references.
22 to >19.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes a well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is clear and appropriately supported with three scholarly references.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
19 to >17.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is somewhat unclear and references either provide weak support for the rationale or are not scholarly/current.
17 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is unclear and references are inappropriate. Or the response is missing.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 to >26.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
26 to >23.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
23 to >20.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
20 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Finally, explain ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that you need to bring to your practice and why they are important.
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague and inaccurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important. Or, response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – Paragraph Development and Organization: Paragraphs make clear points that support well-developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully focused—neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement and introduction are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity…. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement, introduction, and conclusion are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 80% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are stated, yet they are brief and not descriptive.
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 60%–79% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are vague or off topic.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity < 60% of the time…. No purpose statement, introduction, or conclusion were provided.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – English writing standards: Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list.
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct APA format with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 APA format errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 APA format errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more APA format errors
5 pts
Total Points: 100
Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example
Personality and paraphilic disorders are distinct categories of mental health disorders. Personality disorders refer to unique personality traits, behavioral and emotional patterns, and thought processes that define an individual’s character and interactions with people and the world (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2019). On the other hand, paraphilic disorders refer to mental conditions marked by intense and persistent sexual urges, fantasies, or behaviors toward children aged 13 and below (APA, 2019). This assignment discusses the controversies associated with paraphilic disorders, particularly paedophilic disorders.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies Associated with Pedophilic Disorder
The controversy surrounding paedophilic disorder is due to the paraphilia involved. As such, some functions opine the condition should be criminalized if they do not act on the attraction to the minors, while others believe that affected individuals are not in their normal sense and should be treated as any other normal disorder (Tenbergen et al., 2015). Contrarily, others argue that the disorder is inherently harmful and that individuals with the disorders should be held accountable for their thoughts and urges. The two forms of thought patterns are contradictory. In many countries, sexually abusing minors or possessing child pornography, regardless of whether the offender has been diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder. Some argue that this criminalization is justified due to the harm caused to children. As a result, individuals should be criminalized and face the law whether they act on their urges or not. On the other hand, others argue that punishing individuals who have not acted on their attraction to minors and who may be seeking help to manage their thoughts and urges is unfair.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
The other controversy surrounds the persistent stigmatization of the disorder in the community. Stigmatization of people with pedophilic interests in the community is a concern owing to the need to solve emotional well-being and engage affected individuals in the prevention intervention (Harper et al., 2021). A significant amount of stigma and social condemnation is attached to the paedophilic disorder, making it difficult for individuals with the disorder to seek help or treatment. The term itself is considered stigmatizing and pathologizing and reinforces harmful stereotypes about individuals with the disorder. Some argue that this stigma is unfair and detrimental, as it can prevent individuals from getting the support they need to manage their attraction and avoid harming children. Contrarily, others argue that people with pedophilia should not be stigmatized, and improving individual attitudes towards them is critical in managing the outcomes of the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Professional Beliefs on Pedophilic Disorder
My professional belief is that pedophilia is a mental condition and affected individuals are not in an acceptable mood and behaviors willingly. This is despite the harm that it causes victims. In the current DSM-5 criteria, the pedophilic disorder is de-pathologized and differentiated from normal sexual urges toward prepubescent children and other factors (APA, 2019). In this regard, pedophilic conditions as a preference for sex should to excluded from other sexual offenses against children. When such delineation is not made, pedophiles would be viewed as offenders and typical offenders as pedophiles.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
It is imperative to understand that there is a neurobiological basis for pedophilia that encourage sexual behavior notwithstanding sexual preferences. Studies have shown similar mechanisms that modulate offensive behavior in non-pedophilic men (Tenbergen et al., 2015). These include rape driven by a sexual preference for older women. However, there is a need for research to unravel further the underlying neurological basis of sexual preferences and its impact on behavior.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Individuals diagnosed with pedophilia may benefit from treatment interventions and develop coping strategies toward sexual urges. Seto (2018) argues for the need to understand the underlying factors that lead to pedophilia and establish practical solutions to prevent such actions and consequent harm. Cant et al. (2022) propose approaches to preventing sexual abuse among children by targeting individuals at risk of abusing children. These studies suggest that pedophilia differs from other sexual offenses and can be mitigated by understanding victims’ and perpetrators’ risk and predisposing factors. It is also prudent to note that preventing pedophilia requires close interactions with perpetrators to determine the nature of their sexual preferences and behaviors (Stinson & Becker, 2016). Such interactions are only possible when pedophilia is destigmatized and decriminalized in society. This will allow individuals with sexual urges who have not acted on them to come out and seek treatment to prevent potential occurrences. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Therapeutic Relationships
Maintaining therapeutic relationships with individuals diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder can be challenging, considering the societal stigma. Harper et al. (2021) argue that humanizing pedophilia is critical in maintaining potential outcomes and societal victims. Therefore, practitioners should maintain a non-judgemental atmosphere and empathetic stance, and confidentiality when dealing with individuals diagnosed with pedophilic disorder. This is because social stigma significantly determines help-seeking behaviors among individuals with sexual urges for children. Maintaining a non-judgemental atmosphere and maintaining confidentiality are crucial in facilitating help-seeking behavior and consequent management of the disorder. Maintaining confidentiality helps build trust.
Ethical and Legal Considerations
Besides building trust, maintaining confidentiality adheres to the ethical and legal guidelines around disclosure of patient information and reporting victims of child abuse. Moreover, being non-judgemental would emphasize the client’s worth and dignity. Dignity is a fundamental aspect of mental healthcare that every practitioner should uphold to allow clients to achieve better health outcomes. Moreover, the practitioners have a legal and ethical duty to report suspected cases of child sexual abuse even when disclosed by clients seeking treatment (Mathew, 2019). Moreover, practitioners should obtain informed consent from clients and explain the risks and benefits of treatment(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies surrounding pedophilic disorders are multifarious and intricate. As such, it is difficult to solve the challenges surrounding the disorder. Therefore, there is a need for further research to delineate the features and neurological basis of the disorder. Besides, there is a need for health promotion and public awareness drive to destigmatize and decriminalize pedophilia.
American Psychiatric Association (APA). (2019). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5®). American Psychiatric Publishing
Cant, R. L., Harries, M., & Chamarette, C. (2022). Using a Public Health Approach to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse by Targeting Those at Risk of Harming Children. International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice, 1-20.
Harper, C. A., Lievesley, R., Blagden, N. J., & Hocken, K. (2021). Humanizing pedophilia as stigma reduction: A large-scale intervention study. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1-16.
Mathews, B. (2019). A taxonomy of duties to report child sexual abuse: Legal developments offer new ways to facilitate disclosure. Child Abuse & Neglect, 88, 337-347.
Seto, M. C. (2018). Different approaches to studying pedophilia. In M. C Seto, Pedophilia and sexual offending against children: Theory, assessment, and intervention (pp. 57–83). American Psychological Association.
Stinson, J. D., & Becker, J. V. (2016). Pedophilic disorder. Sexual offending: Predisposing antecedents, assessments, and management, 15-27.
Tenbergen, G., Wittfoth, M., Frieling, H., Ponseti, J., Walter, M., Walter, H., … & Kruger, T. H. (2015). The neurobiology and psychology of pedophilia: recent advances and challenges. Frontiers In Human Neuroscience, 9, 344.
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Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Buchanan, N. T. (2020, April 13). Lecture 14 part 3: Paraphilic disordersLinks to an external site. [Video]. YouTube.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIn 2–3 pages, address the following: • Explain the controversy that surrounds your selected personality or paraphilic disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain your professional beliefs about your selected disorder, supporting your rationale with at least three scholarly references from the literature.
25 to >22.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes a thorough and well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale demonstrates critical thinking and is strongly supported with three scholarly references.
22 to >19.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes a well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is clear and appropriately supported with three scholarly references.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
19 to >17.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is somewhat unclear and references either provide weak support for the rationale or are not scholarly/current.
17 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is unclear and references are inappropriate. Or the response is missing.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 to >26.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
26 to >23.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
23 to >20.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
20 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Finally, explain ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that you need to bring to your practice and why they are important.
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague and inaccurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important. Or, response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – Paragraph Development and Organization: Paragraphs make clear points that support well-developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully focused—neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement and introduction are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity…. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement, introduction, and conclusion are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 80% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are stated, yet they are brief and not descriptive.
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 60%–79% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are vague or off topic.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity < 60% of the time…. No purpose statement, introduction, or conclusion were provided.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – English writing standards: Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list.
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct APA format with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 APA format errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 APA format errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more APA format errors
5 pts
Total Points: 100
Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example
Personality and paraphilic disorders are distinct categories of mental health disorders. Personality disorders refer to unique personality traits, behavioral and emotional patterns, and thought processes that define an individual’s character and interactions with people and the world (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2019). On the other hand, paraphilic disorders refer to mental conditions marked by intense and persistent sexual urges, fantasies, or behaviors toward children aged 13 and below (APA, 2019). This assignment discusses the controversies associated with paraphilic disorders, particularly paedophilic disorders.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies Associated with Pedophilic Disorder
The controversy surrounding paedophilic disorder is due to the paraphilia involved. As such, some functions opine the condition should be criminalized if they do not act on the attraction to the minors, while others believe that affected individuals are not in their normal sense and should be treated as any other normal disorder (Tenbergen et al., 2015). Contrarily, others argue that the disorder is inherently harmful and that individuals with the disorders should be held accountable for their thoughts and urges. The two forms of thought patterns are contradictory. In many countries, sexually abusing minors or possessing child pornography, regardless of whether the offender has been diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder. Some argue that this criminalization is justified due to the harm caused to children. As a result, individuals should be criminalized and face the law whether they act on their urges or not. On the other hand, others argue that punishing individuals who have not acted on their attraction to minors and who may be seeking help to manage their thoughts and urges is unfair.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
The other controversy surrounds the persistent stigmatization of the disorder in the community. Stigmatization of people with pedophilic interests in the community is a concern owing to the need to solve emotional well-being and engage affected individuals in the prevention intervention (Harper et al., 2021). A significant amount of stigma and social condemnation is attached to the paedophilic disorder, making it difficult for individuals with the disorder to seek help or treatment. The term itself is considered stigmatizing and pathologizing and reinforces harmful stereotypes about individuals with the disorder. Some argue that this stigma is unfair and detrimental, as it can prevent individuals from getting the support they need to manage their attraction and avoid harming children. Contrarily, others argue that people with pedophilia should not be stigmatized, and improving individual attitudes towards them is critical in managing the outcomes of the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Professional Beliefs on Pedophilic Disorder
My professional belief is that pedophilia is a mental condition and affected individuals are not in an acceptable mood and behaviors willingly. This is despite the harm that it causes victims. In the current DSM-5 criteria, the pedophilic disorder is de-pathologized and differentiated from normal sexual urges toward prepubescent children and other factors (APA, 2019). In this regard, pedophilic conditions as a preference for sex should to excluded from other sexual offenses against children. When such delineation is not made, pedophiles would be viewed as offenders and typical offenders as pedophiles.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
It is imperative to understand that there is a neurobiological basis for pedophilia that encourage sexual behavior notwithstanding sexual preferences. Studies have shown similar mechanisms that modulate offensive behavior in non-pedophilic men (Tenbergen et al., 2015). These include rape driven by a sexual preference for older women. However, there is a need for research to unravel further the underlying neurological basis of sexual preferences and its impact on behavior.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Individuals diagnosed with pedophilia may benefit from treatment interventions and develop coping strategies toward sexual urges. Seto (2018) argues for the need to understand the underlying factors that lead to pedophilia and establish practical solutions to prevent such actions and consequent harm. Cant et al. (2022) propose approaches to preventing sexual abuse among children by targeting individuals at risk of abusing children. These studies suggest that pedophilia differs from other sexual offenses and can be mitigated by understanding victims’ and perpetrators’ risk and predisposing factors. It is also prudent to note that preventing pedophilia requires close interactions with perpetrators to determine the nature of their sexual preferences and behaviors (Stinson & Becker, 2016). Such interactions are only possible when pedophilia is destigmatized and decriminalized in society. This will allow individuals with sexual urges who have not acted on them to come out and seek treatment to prevent potential occurrences. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Therapeutic Relationships
Maintaining therapeutic relationships with individuals diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder can be challenging, considering the societal stigma. Harper et al. (2021) argue that humanizing pedophilia is critical in maintaining potential outcomes and societal victims. Therefore, practitioners should maintain a non-judgemental atmosphere and empathetic stance, and confidentiality when dealing with individuals diagnosed with pedophilic disorder. This is because social stigma significantly determines help-seeking behaviors among individuals with sexual urges for children. Maintaining a non-judgemental atmosphere and maintaining confidentiality are crucial in facilitating help-seeking behavior and consequent management of the disorder. Maintaining confidentiality helps build trust.
Ethical and Legal Considerations
Besides building trust, maintaining confidentiality adheres to the ethical and legal guidelines around disclosure of patient information and reporting victims of child abuse. Moreover, being non-judgemental would emphasize the client’s worth and dignity. Dignity is a fundamental aspect of mental healthcare that every practitioner should uphold to allow clients to achieve better health outcomes. Moreover, the practitioners have a legal and ethical duty to report suspected cases of child sexual abuse even when disclosed by clients seeking treatment (Mathew, 2019). Moreover, practitioners should obtain informed consent from clients and explain the risks and benefits of treatment(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies surrounding pedophilic disorders are multifarious and intricate. As such, it is difficult to solve the challenges surrounding the disorder. Therefore, there is a need for further research to delineate the features and neurological basis of the disorder. Besides, there is a need for health promotion and public awareness drive to destigmatize and decriminalize pedophilia.
American Psychiatric Association (APA). (2019). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5®). American Psychiatric Publishing
Cant, R. L., Harries, M., & Chamarette, C. (2022). Using a Public Health Approach to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse by Targeting Those at Risk of Harming Children. International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice, 1-20.
Harper, C. A., Lievesley, R., Blagden, N. J., & Hocken, K. (2021). Humanizing pedophilia as stigma reduction: A large-scale intervention study. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1-16.
Mathews, B. (2019). A taxonomy of duties to report child sexual abuse: Legal developments offer new ways to facilitate disclosure. Child Abuse & Neglect, 88, 337-347.
Seto, M. C. (2018). Different approaches to studying pedophilia. In M. C Seto, Pedophilia and sexual offending against children: Theory, assessment, and intervention (pp. 57–83). American Psychological Association.
Stinson, J. D., & Becker, J. V. (2016). Pedophilic disorder. Sexual offending: Predisposing antecedents, assessments, and management, 15-27.
Tenbergen, G., Wittfoth, M., Frieling, H., Ponseti, J., Walter, M., Walter, H., … & Kruger, T. H. (2015). The neurobiology and psychology of pedophilia: recent advances and challenges. Frontiers In Human Neuroscience, 9, 344.
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Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Buchanan, N. T. (2020, April 13). Lecture 14 part 3: Paraphilic disordersLinks to an external site. [Video]. YouTube.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIn 2–3 pages, address the following: • Explain the controversy that surrounds your selected personality or paraphilic disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain your professional beliefs about your selected disorder, supporting your rationale with at least three scholarly references from the literature.
25 to >22.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes a thorough and well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale demonstrates critical thinking and is strongly supported with three scholarly references.
22 to >19.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes a well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is clear and appropriately supported with three scholarly references.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
19 to >17.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is somewhat unclear and references either provide weak support for the rationale or are not scholarly/current.
17 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is unclear and references are inappropriate. Or the response is missing.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 to >26.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
26 to >23.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
23 to >20.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
20 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Finally, explain ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that you need to bring to your practice and why they are important.
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague and inaccurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important. Or, response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – Paragraph Development and Organization: Paragraphs make clear points that support well-developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully focused—neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement and introduction are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity…. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement, introduction, and conclusion are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 80% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are stated, yet they are brief and not descriptive.
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 60%–79% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are vague or off topic.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity < 60% of the time…. No purpose statement, introduction, or conclusion were provided.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – English writing standards: Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list.
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct APA format with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 APA format errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 APA format errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more APA format errors
5 pts
Total Points: 100
Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example
Personality and paraphilic disorders are distinct categories of mental health disorders. Personality disorders refer to unique personality traits, behavioral and emotional patterns, and thought processes that define an individual’s character and interactions with people and the world (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2019). On the other hand, paraphilic disorders refer to mental conditions marked by intense and persistent sexual urges, fantasies, or behaviors toward children aged 13 and below (APA, 2019). This assignment discusses the controversies associated with paraphilic disorders, particularly paedophilic disorders.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies Associated with Pedophilic Disorder
The controversy surrounding paedophilic disorder is due to the paraphilia involved. As such, some functions opine the condition should be criminalized if they do not act on the attraction to the minors, while others believe that affected individuals are not in their normal sense and should be treated as any other normal disorder (Tenbergen et al., 2015). Contrarily, others argue that the disorder is inherently harmful and that individuals with the disorders should be held accountable for their thoughts and urges. The two forms of thought patterns are contradictory. In many countries, sexually abusing minors or possessing child pornography, regardless of whether the offender has been diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder. Some argue that this criminalization is justified due to the harm caused to children. As a result, individuals should be criminalized and face the law whether they act on their urges or not. On the other hand, others argue that punishing individuals who have not acted on their attraction to minors and who may be seeking help to manage their thoughts and urges is unfair.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
The other controversy surrounds the persistent stigmatization of the disorder in the community. Stigmatization of people with pedophilic interests in the community is a concern owing to the need to solve emotional well-being and engage affected individuals in the prevention intervention (Harper et al., 2021). A significant amount of stigma and social condemnation is attached to the paedophilic disorder, making it difficult for individuals with the disorder to seek help or treatment. The term itself is considered stigmatizing and pathologizing and reinforces harmful stereotypes about individuals with the disorder. Some argue that this stigma is unfair and detrimental, as it can prevent individuals from getting the support they need to manage their attraction and avoid harming children. Contrarily, others argue that people with pedophilia should not be stigmatized, and improving individual attitudes towards them is critical in managing the outcomes of the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Professional Beliefs on Pedophilic Disorder
My professional belief is that pedophilia is a mental condition and affected individuals are not in an acceptable mood and behaviors willingly. This is despite the harm that it causes victims. In the current DSM-5 criteria, the pedophilic disorder is de-pathologized and differentiated from normal sexual urges toward prepubescent children and other factors (APA, 2019). In this regard, pedophilic conditions as a preference for sex should to excluded from other sexual offenses against children. When such delineation is not made, pedophiles would be viewed as offenders and typical offenders as pedophiles.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
It is imperative to understand that there is a neurobiological basis for pedophilia that encourage sexual behavior notwithstanding sexual preferences. Studies have shown similar mechanisms that modulate offensive behavior in non-pedophilic men (Tenbergen et al., 2015). These include rape driven by a sexual preference for older women. However, there is a need for research to unravel further the underlying neurological basis of sexual preferences and its impact on behavior.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Individuals diagnosed with pedophilia may benefit from treatment interventions and develop coping strategies toward sexual urges. Seto (2018) argues for the need to understand the underlying factors that lead to pedophilia and establish practical solutions to prevent such actions and consequent harm. Cant et al. (2022) propose approaches to preventing sexual abuse among children by targeting individuals at risk of abusing children. These studies suggest that pedophilia differs from other sexual offenses and can be mitigated by understanding victims’ and perpetrators’ risk and predisposing factors. It is also prudent to note that preventing pedophilia requires close interactions with perpetrators to determine the nature of their sexual preferences and behaviors (Stinson & Becker, 2016). Such interactions are only possible when pedophilia is destigmatized and decriminalized in society. This will allow individuals with sexual urges who have not acted on them to come out and seek treatment to prevent potential occurrences. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Therapeutic Relationships
Maintaining therapeutic relationships with individuals diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder can be challenging, considering the societal stigma. Harper et al. (2021) argue that humanizing pedophilia is critical in maintaining potential outcomes and societal victims. Therefore, practitioners should maintain a non-judgemental atmosphere and empathetic stance, and confidentiality when dealing with individuals diagnosed with pedophilic disorder. This is because social stigma significantly determines help-seeking behaviors among individuals with sexual urges for children. Maintaining a non-judgemental atmosphere and maintaining confidentiality are crucial in facilitating help-seeking behavior and consequent management of the disorder. Maintaining confidentiality helps build trust.
Ethical and Legal Considerations
Besides building trust, maintaining confidentiality adheres to the ethical and legal guidelines around disclosure of patient information and reporting victims of child abuse. Moreover, being non-judgemental would emphasize the client’s worth and dignity. Dignity is a fundamental aspect of mental healthcare that every practitioner should uphold to allow clients to achieve better health outcomes. Moreover, the practitioners have a legal and ethical duty to report suspected cases of child sexual abuse even when disclosed by clients seeking treatment (Mathew, 2019). Moreover, practitioners should obtain informed consent from clients and explain the risks and benefits of treatment(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies surrounding pedophilic disorders are multifarious and intricate. As such, it is difficult to solve the challenges surrounding the disorder. Therefore, there is a need for further research to delineate the features and neurological basis of the disorder. Besides, there is a need for health promotion and public awareness drive to destigmatize and decriminalize pedophilia.
American Psychiatric Association (APA). (2019). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5®). American Psychiatric Publishing
Cant, R. L., Harries, M., & Chamarette, C. (2022). Using a Public Health Approach to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse by Targeting Those at Risk of Harming Children. International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice, 1-20.
Harper, C. A., Lievesley, R., Blagden, N. J., & Hocken, K. (2021). Humanizing pedophilia as stigma reduction: A large-scale intervention study. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1-16.
Mathews, B. (2019). A taxonomy of duties to report child sexual abuse: Legal developments offer new ways to facilitate disclosure. Child Abuse & Neglect, 88, 337-347.
Seto, M. C. (2018). Different approaches to studying pedophilia. In M. C Seto, Pedophilia and sexual offending against children: Theory, assessment, and intervention (pp. 57–83). American Psychological Association.
Stinson, J. D., & Becker, J. V. (2016). Pedophilic disorder. Sexual offending: Predisposing antecedents, assessments, and management, 15-27.
Tenbergen, G., Wittfoth, M., Frieling, H., Ponseti, J., Walter, M., Walter, H., … & Kruger, T. H. (2015). The neurobiology and psychology of pedophilia: recent advances and challenges. Frontiers In Human Neuroscience, 9, 344.
·!– /wp:paragraph –>
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· Use Library to investigate your chosen disorder further, including controversial aspects of the disorder, maintaining the therapeutic relationship, and ethical and legal considerations. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
In 2–3 pages:
·!– /wp:paragraph –>
·!– /wp:paragraph –>
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·!– /wp:paragraph –>
Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Buchanan, N. T. (2020, April 13). Lecture 14 part 3: Paraphilic disordersLinks to an external site. [Video]. YouTube.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIn 2–3 pages, address the following: • Explain the controversy that surrounds your selected personality or paraphilic disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain your professional beliefs about your selected disorder, supporting your rationale with at least three scholarly references from the literature.
25 to >22.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes a thorough and well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale demonstrates critical thinking and is strongly supported with three scholarly references.
22 to >19.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes a well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is clear and appropriately supported with three scholarly references.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
19 to >17.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is somewhat unclear and references either provide weak support for the rationale or are not scholarly/current.
17 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is unclear and references are inappropriate. Or the response is missing.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 to >26.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
26 to >23.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
23 to >20.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
20 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Finally, explain ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that you need to bring to your practice and why they are important.
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague and inaccurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important. Or, response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – Paragraph Development and Organization: Paragraphs make clear points that support well-developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully focused—neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement and introduction are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity…. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement, introduction, and conclusion are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 80% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are stated, yet they are brief and not descriptive.
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 60%–79% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are vague or off topic.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity < 60% of the time…. No purpose statement, introduction, or conclusion were provided.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – English writing standards: Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list.
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct APA format with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 APA format errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 APA format errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more APA format errors
5 pts
Total Points: 100
Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example
Personality and paraphilic disorders are distinct categories of mental health disorders. Personality disorders refer to unique personality traits, behavioral and emotional patterns, and thought processes that define an individual’s character and interactions with people and the world (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2019). On the other hand, paraphilic disorders refer to mental conditions marked by intense and persistent sexual urges, fantasies, or behaviors toward children aged 13 and below (APA, 2019). This assignment discusses the controversies associated with paraphilic disorders, particularly paedophilic disorders.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies Associated with Pedophilic Disorder
The controversy surrounding paedophilic disorder is due to the paraphilia involved. As such, some functions opine the condition should be criminalized if they do not act on the attraction to the minors, while others believe that affected individuals are not in their normal sense and should be treated as any other normal disorder (Tenbergen et al., 2015). Contrarily, others argue that the disorder is inherently harmful and that individuals with the disorders should be held accountable for their thoughts and urges. The two forms of thought patterns are contradictory. In many countries, sexually abusing minors or possessing child pornography, regardless of whether the offender has been diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder. Some argue that this criminalization is justified due to the harm caused to children. As a result, individuals should be criminalized and face the law whether they act on their urges or not. On the other hand, others argue that punishing individuals who have not acted on their attraction to minors and who may be seeking help to manage their thoughts and urges is unfair.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
The other controversy surrounds the persistent stigmatization of the disorder in the community. Stigmatization of people with pedophilic interests in the community is a concern owing to the need to solve emotional well-being and engage affected individuals in the prevention intervention (Harper et al., 2021). A significant amount of stigma and social condemnation is attached to the paedophilic disorder, making it difficult for individuals with the disorder to seek help or treatment. The term itself is considered stigmatizing and pathologizing and reinforces harmful stereotypes about individuals with the disorder. Some argue that this stigma is unfair and detrimental, as it can prevent individuals from getting the support they need to manage their attraction and avoid harming children. Contrarily, others argue that people with pedophilia should not be stigmatized, and improving individual attitudes towards them is critical in managing the outcomes of the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Professional Beliefs on Pedophilic Disorder
My professional belief is that pedophilia is a mental condition and affected individuals are not in an acceptable mood and behaviors willingly. This is despite the harm that it causes victims. In the current DSM-5 criteria, the pedophilic disorder is de-pathologized and differentiated from normal sexual urges toward prepubescent children and other factors (APA, 2019). In this regard, pedophilic conditions as a preference for sex should to excluded from other sexual offenses against children. When such delineation is not made, pedophiles would be viewed as offenders and typical offenders as pedophiles.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
It is imperative to understand that there is a neurobiological basis for pedophilia that encourage sexual behavior notwithstanding sexual preferences. Studies have shown similar mechanisms that modulate offensive behavior in non-pedophilic men (Tenbergen et al., 2015). These include rape driven by a sexual preference for older women. However, there is a need for research to unravel further the underlying neurological basis of sexual preferences and its impact on behavior.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Individuals diagnosed with pedophilia may benefit from treatment interventions and develop coping strategies toward sexual urges. Seto (2018) argues for the need to understand the underlying factors that lead to pedophilia and establish practical solutions to prevent such actions and consequent harm. Cant et al. (2022) propose approaches to preventing sexual abuse among children by targeting individuals at risk of abusing children. These studies suggest that pedophilia differs from other sexual offenses and can be mitigated by understanding victims’ and perpetrators’ risk and predisposing factors. It is also prudent to note that preventing pedophilia requires close interactions with perpetrators to determine the nature of their sexual preferences and behaviors (Stinson & Becker, 2016). Such interactions are only possible when pedophilia is destigmatized and decriminalized in society. This will allow individuals with sexual urges who have not acted on them to come out and seek treatment to prevent potential occurrences. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Therapeutic Relationships
Maintaining therapeutic relationships with individuals diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder can be challenging, considering the societal stigma. Harper et al. (2021) argue that humanizing pedophilia is critical in maintaining potential outcomes and societal victims. Therefore, practitioners should maintain a non-judgemental atmosphere and empathetic stance, and confidentiality when dealing with individuals diagnosed with pedophilic disorder. This is because social stigma significantly determines help-seeking behaviors among individuals with sexual urges for children. Maintaining a non-judgemental atmosphere and maintaining confidentiality are crucial in facilitating help-seeking behavior and consequent management of the disorder. Maintaining confidentiality helps build trust.
Ethical and Legal Considerations
Besides building trust, maintaining confidentiality adheres to the ethical and legal guidelines around disclosure of patient information and reporting victims of child abuse. Moreover, being non-judgemental would emphasize the client’s worth and dignity. Dignity is a fundamental aspect of mental healthcare that every practitioner should uphold to allow clients to achieve better health outcomes. Moreover, the practitioners have a legal and ethical duty to report suspected cases of child sexual abuse even when disclosed by clients seeking treatment (Mathew, 2019). Moreover, practitioners should obtain informed consent from clients and explain the risks and benefits of treatment(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies surrounding pedophilic disorders are multifarious and intricate. As such, it is difficult to solve the challenges surrounding the disorder. Therefore, there is a need for further research to delineate the features and neurological basis of the disorder. Besides, there is a need for health promotion and public awareness drive to destigmatize and decriminalize pedophilia.
American Psychiatric Association (APA). (2019). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5®). American Psychiatric Publishing
Cant, R. L., Harries, M., & Chamarette, C. (2022). Using a Public Health Approach to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse by Targeting Those at Risk of Harming Children. International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice, 1-20.
Harper, C. A., Lievesley, R., Blagden, N. J., & Hocken, K. (2021). Humanizing pedophilia as stigma reduction: A large-scale intervention study. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1-16.
Mathews, B. (2019). A taxonomy of duties to report child sexual abuse: Legal developments offer new ways to facilitate disclosure. Child Abuse & Neglect, 88, 337-347.
Seto, M. C. (2018). Different approaches to studying pedophilia. In M. C Seto, Pedophilia and sexual offending against children: Theory, assessment, and intervention (pp. 57–83). American Psychological Association.
Stinson, J. D., & Becker, J. V. (2016). Pedophilic disorder. Sexual offending: Predisposing antecedents, assessments, and management, 15-27.
Tenbergen, G., Wittfoth, M., Frieling, H., Ponseti, J., Walter, M., Walter, H., … & Kruger, T. H. (2015). The neurobiology and psychology of pedophilia: recent advances and challenges. Frontiers In Human Neuroscience, 9, 344.
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· Use Library to investigate your chosen disorder further, including controversial aspects of the disorder, maintaining the therapeutic relationship, and ethical and legal considerations. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
In 2–3 pages:
·!– /wp:paragraph –>
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·!– /wp:paragraph –>
Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Buchanan, N. T. (2020, April 13). Lecture 14 part 3: Paraphilic disordersLinks to an external site. [Video]. YouTube.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIn 2–3 pages, address the following: • Explain the controversy that surrounds your selected personality or paraphilic disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain your professional beliefs about your selected disorder, supporting your rationale with at least three scholarly references from the literature.
25 to >22.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes a thorough and well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale demonstrates critical thinking and is strongly supported with three scholarly references.
22 to >19.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes a well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is clear and appropriately supported with three scholarly references.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
19 to >17.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is somewhat unclear and references either provide weak support for the rationale or are not scholarly/current.
17 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is unclear and references are inappropriate. Or the response is missing.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 to >26.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
26 to >23.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
23 to >20.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
20 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Finally, explain ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that you need to bring to your practice and why they are important.
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague and inaccurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important. Or, response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – Paragraph Development and Organization: Paragraphs make clear points that support well-developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully focused—neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement and introduction are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity…. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement, introduction, and conclusion are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 80% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are stated, yet they are brief and not descriptive.
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 60%–79% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are vague or off topic.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity < 60% of the time…. No purpose statement, introduction, or conclusion were provided.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – English writing standards: Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list.
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct APA format with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 APA format errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 APA format errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more APA format errors
5 pts
Total Points: 100
Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example
Personality and paraphilic disorders are distinct categories of mental health disorders. Personality disorders refer to unique personality traits, behavioral and emotional patterns, and thought processes that define an individual’s character and interactions with people and the world (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2019). On the other hand, paraphilic disorders refer to mental conditions marked by intense and persistent sexual urges, fantasies, or behaviors toward children aged 13 and below (APA, 2019). This assignment discusses the controversies associated with paraphilic disorders, particularly paedophilic disorders.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies Associated with Pedophilic Disorder
The controversy surrounding paedophilic disorder is due to the paraphilia involved. As such, some functions opine the condition should be criminalized if they do not act on the attraction to the minors, while others believe that affected individuals are not in their normal sense and should be treated as any other normal disorder (Tenbergen et al., 2015). Contrarily, others argue that the disorder is inherently harmful and that individuals with the disorders should be held accountable for their thoughts and urges. The two forms of thought patterns are contradictory. In many countries, sexually abusing minors or possessing child pornography, regardless of whether the offender has been diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder. Some argue that this criminalization is justified due to the harm caused to children. As a result, individuals should be criminalized and face the law whether they act on their urges or not. On the other hand, others argue that punishing individuals who have not acted on their attraction to minors and who may be seeking help to manage their thoughts and urges is unfair.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
The other controversy surrounds the persistent stigmatization of the disorder in the community. Stigmatization of people with pedophilic interests in the community is a concern owing to the need to solve emotional well-being and engage affected individuals in the prevention intervention (Harper et al., 2021). A significant amount of stigma and social condemnation is attached to the paedophilic disorder, making it difficult for individuals with the disorder to seek help or treatment. The term itself is considered stigmatizing and pathologizing and reinforces harmful stereotypes about individuals with the disorder. Some argue that this stigma is unfair and detrimental, as it can prevent individuals from getting the support they need to manage their attraction and avoid harming children. Contrarily, others argue that people with pedophilia should not be stigmatized, and improving individual attitudes towards them is critical in managing the outcomes of the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Professional Beliefs on Pedophilic Disorder
My professional belief is that pedophilia is a mental condition and affected individuals are not in an acceptable mood and behaviors willingly. This is despite the harm that it causes victims. In the current DSM-5 criteria, the pedophilic disorder is de-pathologized and differentiated from normal sexual urges toward prepubescent children and other factors (APA, 2019). In this regard, pedophilic conditions as a preference for sex should to excluded from other sexual offenses against children. When such delineation is not made, pedophiles would be viewed as offenders and typical offenders as pedophiles.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
It is imperative to understand that there is a neurobiological basis for pedophilia that encourage sexual behavior notwithstanding sexual preferences. Studies have shown similar mechanisms that modulate offensive behavior in non-pedophilic men (Tenbergen et al., 2015). These include rape driven by a sexual preference for older women. However, there is a need for research to unravel further the underlying neurological basis of sexual preferences and its impact on behavior.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Individuals diagnosed with pedophilia may benefit from treatment interventions and develop coping strategies toward sexual urges. Seto (2018) argues for the need to understand the underlying factors that lead to pedophilia and establish practical solutions to prevent such actions and consequent harm. Cant et al. (2022) propose approaches to preventing sexual abuse among children by targeting individuals at risk of abusing children. These studies suggest that pedophilia differs from other sexual offenses and can be mitigated by understanding victims’ and perpetrators’ risk and predisposing factors. It is also prudent to note that preventing pedophilia requires close interactions with perpetrators to determine the nature of their sexual preferences and behaviors (Stinson & Becker, 2016). Such interactions are only possible when pedophilia is destigmatized and decriminalized in society. This will allow individuals with sexual urges who have not acted on them to come out and seek treatment to prevent potential occurrences. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Therapeutic Relationships
Maintaining therapeutic relationships with individuals diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder can be challenging, considering the societal stigma. Harper et al. (2021) argue that humanizing pedophilia is critical in maintaining potential outcomes and societal victims. Therefore, practitioners should maintain a non-judgemental atmosphere and empathetic stance, and confidentiality when dealing with individuals diagnosed with pedophilic disorder. This is because social stigma significantly determines help-seeking behaviors among individuals with sexual urges for children. Maintaining a non-judgemental atmosphere and maintaining confidentiality are crucial in facilitating help-seeking behavior and consequent management of the disorder. Maintaining confidentiality helps build trust.
Ethical and Legal Considerations
Besides building trust, maintaining confidentiality adheres to the ethical and legal guidelines around disclosure of patient information and reporting victims of child abuse. Moreover, being non-judgemental would emphasize the client’s worth and dignity. Dignity is a fundamental aspect of mental healthcare that every practitioner should uphold to allow clients to achieve better health outcomes. Moreover, the practitioners have a legal and ethical duty to report suspected cases of child sexual abuse even when disclosed by clients seeking treatment (Mathew, 2019). Moreover, practitioners should obtain informed consent from clients and explain the risks and benefits of treatment(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies surrounding pedophilic disorders are multifarious and intricate. As such, it is difficult to solve the challenges surrounding the disorder. Therefore, there is a need for further research to delineate the features and neurological basis of the disorder. Besides, there is a need for health promotion and public awareness drive to destigmatize and decriminalize pedophilia.
American Psychiatric Association (APA). (2019). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5®). American Psychiatric Publishing
Cant, R. L., Harries, M., & Chamarette, C. (2022). Using a Public Health Approach to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse by Targeting Those at Risk of Harming Children. International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice, 1-20.
Harper, C. A., Lievesley, R., Blagden, N. J., & Hocken, K. (2021). Humanizing pedophilia as stigma reduction: A large-scale intervention study. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1-16.
Mathews, B. (2019). A taxonomy of duties to report child sexual abuse: Legal developments offer new ways to facilitate disclosure. Child Abuse & Neglect, 88, 337-347.
Seto, M. C. (2018). Different approaches to studying pedophilia. In M. C Seto, Pedophilia and sexual offending against children: Theory, assessment, and intervention (pp. 57–83). American Psychological Association.
Stinson, J. D., & Becker, J. V. (2016). Pedophilic disorder. Sexual offending: Predisposing antecedents, assessments, and management, 15-27.
Tenbergen, G., Wittfoth, M., Frieling, H., Ponseti, J., Walter, M., Walter, H., … & Kruger, T. H. (2015). The neurobiology and psychology of pedophilia: recent advances and challenges. Frontiers In Human Neuroscience, 9, 344.
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Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Buchanan, N. T. (2020, April 13). Lecture 14 part 3: Paraphilic disordersLinks to an external site. [Video]. YouTube.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIn 2–3 pages, address the following: • Explain the controversy that surrounds your selected personality or paraphilic disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain your professional beliefs about your selected disorder, supporting your rationale with at least three scholarly references from the literature.
25 to >22.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes a thorough and well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale demonstrates critical thinking and is strongly supported with three scholarly references.
22 to >19.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes a well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is clear and appropriately supported with three scholarly references.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
19 to >17.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is somewhat unclear and references either provide weak support for the rationale or are not scholarly/current.
17 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is unclear and references are inappropriate. Or the response is missing.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 to >26.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
26 to >23.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
23 to >20.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
20 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Finally, explain ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that you need to bring to your practice and why they are important.
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague and inaccurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important. Or, response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – Paragraph Development and Organization: Paragraphs make clear points that support well-developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully focused—neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement and introduction are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity…. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement, introduction, and conclusion are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 80% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are stated, yet they are brief and not descriptive.
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 60%–79% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are vague or off topic.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity < 60% of the time…. No purpose statement, introduction, or conclusion were provided.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – English writing standards: Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list.
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct APA format with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 APA format errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 APA format errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more APA format errors
5 pts
Total Points: 100
Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example
Personality and paraphilic disorders are distinct categories of mental health disorders. Personality disorders refer to unique personality traits, behavioral and emotional patterns, and thought processes that define an individual’s character and interactions with people and the world (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2019). On the other hand, paraphilic disorders refer to mental conditions marked by intense and persistent sexual urges, fantasies, or behaviors toward children aged 13 and below (APA, 2019). This assignment discusses the controversies associated with paraphilic disorders, particularly paedophilic disorders.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies Associated with Pedophilic Disorder
The controversy surrounding paedophilic disorder is due to the paraphilia involved. As such, some functions opine the condition should be criminalized if they do not act on the attraction to the minors, while others believe that affected individuals are not in their normal sense and should be treated as any other normal disorder (Tenbergen et al., 2015). Contrarily, others argue that the disorder is inherently harmful and that individuals with the disorders should be held accountable for their thoughts and urges. The two forms of thought patterns are contradictory. In many countries, sexually abusing minors or possessing child pornography, regardless of whether the offender has been diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder. Some argue that this criminalization is justified due to the harm caused to children. As a result, individuals should be criminalized and face the law whether they act on their urges or not. On the other hand, others argue that punishing individuals who have not acted on their attraction to minors and who may be seeking help to manage their thoughts and urges is unfair.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
The other controversy surrounds the persistent stigmatization of the disorder in the community. Stigmatization of people with pedophilic interests in the community is a concern owing to the need to solve emotional well-being and engage affected individuals in the prevention intervention (Harper et al., 2021). A significant amount of stigma and social condemnation is attached to the paedophilic disorder, making it difficult for individuals with the disorder to seek help or treatment. The term itself is considered stigmatizing and pathologizing and reinforces harmful stereotypes about individuals with the disorder. Some argue that this stigma is unfair and detrimental, as it can prevent individuals from getting the support they need to manage their attraction and avoid harming children. Contrarily, others argue that people with pedophilia should not be stigmatized, and improving individual attitudes towards them is critical in managing the outcomes of the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Professional Beliefs on Pedophilic Disorder
My professional belief is that pedophilia is a mental condition and affected individuals are not in an acceptable mood and behaviors willingly. This is despite the harm that it causes victims. In the current DSM-5 criteria, the pedophilic disorder is de-pathologized and differentiated from normal sexual urges toward prepubescent children and other factors (APA, 2019). In this regard, pedophilic conditions as a preference for sex should to excluded from other sexual offenses against children. When such delineation is not made, pedophiles would be viewed as offenders and typical offenders as pedophiles.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
It is imperative to understand that there is a neurobiological basis for pedophilia that encourage sexual behavior notwithstanding sexual preferences. Studies have shown similar mechanisms that modulate offensive behavior in non-pedophilic men (Tenbergen et al., 2015). These include rape driven by a sexual preference for older women. However, there is a need for research to unravel further the underlying neurological basis of sexual preferences and its impact on behavior.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Individuals diagnosed with pedophilia may benefit from treatment interventions and develop coping strategies toward sexual urges. Seto (2018) argues for the need to understand the underlying factors that lead to pedophilia and establish practical solutions to prevent such actions and consequent harm. Cant et al. (2022) propose approaches to preventing sexual abuse among children by targeting individuals at risk of abusing children. These studies suggest that pedophilia differs from other sexual offenses and can be mitigated by understanding victims’ and perpetrators’ risk and predisposing factors. It is also prudent to note that preventing pedophilia requires close interactions with perpetrators to determine the nature of their sexual preferences and behaviors (Stinson & Becker, 2016). Such interactions are only possible when pedophilia is destigmatized and decriminalized in society. This will allow individuals with sexual urges who have not acted on them to come out and seek treatment to prevent potential occurrences. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Therapeutic Relationships
Maintaining therapeutic relationships with individuals diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder can be challenging, considering the societal stigma. Harper et al. (2021) argue that humanizing pedophilia is critical in maintaining potential outcomes and societal victims. Therefore, practitioners should maintain a non-judgemental atmosphere and empathetic stance, and confidentiality when dealing with individuals diagnosed with pedophilic disorder. This is because social stigma significantly determines help-seeking behaviors among individuals with sexual urges for children. Maintaining a non-judgemental atmosphere and maintaining confidentiality are crucial in facilitating help-seeking behavior and consequent management of the disorder. Maintaining confidentiality helps build trust.
Ethical and Legal Considerations
Besides building trust, maintaining confidentiality adheres to the ethical and legal guidelines around disclosure of patient information and reporting victims of child abuse. Moreover, being non-judgemental would emphasize the client’s worth and dignity. Dignity is a fundamental aspect of mental healthcare that every practitioner should uphold to allow clients to achieve better health outcomes. Moreover, the practitioners have a legal and ethical duty to report suspected cases of child sexual abuse even when disclosed by clients seeking treatment (Mathew, 2019). Moreover, practitioners should obtain informed consent from clients and explain the risks and benefits of treatment(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies surrounding pedophilic disorders are multifarious and intricate. As such, it is difficult to solve the challenges surrounding the disorder. Therefore, there is a need for further research to delineate the features and neurological basis of the disorder. Besides, there is a need for health promotion and public awareness drive to destigmatize and decriminalize pedophilia.
American Psychiatric Association (APA). (2019). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5®). American Psychiatric Publishing
Cant, R. L., Harries, M., & Chamarette, C. (2022). Using a Public Health Approach to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse by Targeting Those at Risk of Harming Children. International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice, 1-20.
Harper, C. A., Lievesley, R., Blagden, N. J., & Hocken, K. (2021). Humanizing pedophilia as stigma reduction: A large-scale intervention study. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1-16.
Mathews, B. (2019). A taxonomy of duties to report child sexual abuse: Legal developments offer new ways to facilitate disclosure. Child Abuse & Neglect, 88, 337-347.
Seto, M. C. (2018). Different approaches to studying pedophilia. In M. C Seto, Pedophilia and sexual offending against children: Theory, assessment, and intervention (pp. 57–83). American Psychological Association.
Stinson, J. D., & Becker, J. V. (2016). Pedophilic disorder. Sexual offending: Predisposing antecedents, assessments, and management, 15-27.
Tenbergen, G., Wittfoth, M., Frieling, H., Ponseti, J., Walter, M., Walter, H., … & Kruger, T. H. (2015). The neurobiology and psychology of pedophilia: recent advances and challenges. Frontiers In Human Neuroscience, 9, 344.
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Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Buchanan, N. T. (2020, April 13). Lecture 14 part 3: Paraphilic disordersLinks to an external site. [Video]. YouTube.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIn 2–3 pages, address the following: • Explain the controversy that surrounds your selected personality or paraphilic disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain your professional beliefs about your selected disorder, supporting your rationale with at least three scholarly references from the literature.
25 to >22.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes a thorough and well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale demonstrates critical thinking and is strongly supported with three scholarly references.
22 to >19.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes a well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is clear and appropriately supported with three scholarly references.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
19 to >17.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is somewhat unclear and references either provide weak support for the rationale or are not scholarly/current.
17 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is unclear and references are inappropriate. Or the response is missing.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 to >26.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
26 to >23.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
23 to >20.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
20 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Finally, explain ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that you need to bring to your practice and why they are important.
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague and inaccurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important. Or, response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – Paragraph Development and Organization: Paragraphs make clear points that support well-developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully focused—neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement and introduction are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity…. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement, introduction, and conclusion are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 80% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are stated, yet they are brief and not descriptive.
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 60%–79% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are vague or off topic.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity < 60% of the time…. No purpose statement, introduction, or conclusion were provided.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – English writing standards: Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list.
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct APA format with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 APA format errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 APA format errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more APA format errors
5 pts
Total Points: 100
Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example
Personality and paraphilic disorders are distinct categories of mental health disorders. Personality disorders refer to unique personality traits, behavioral and emotional patterns, and thought processes that define an individual’s character and interactions with people and the world (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2019). On the other hand, paraphilic disorders refer to mental conditions marked by intense and persistent sexual urges, fantasies, or behaviors toward children aged 13 and below (APA, 2019). This assignment discusses the controversies associated with paraphilic disorders, particularly paedophilic disorders.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies Associated with Pedophilic Disorder
The controversy surrounding paedophilic disorder is due to the paraphilia involved. As such, some functions opine the condition should be criminalized if they do not act on the attraction to the minors, while others believe that affected individuals are not in their normal sense and should be treated as any other normal disorder (Tenbergen et al., 2015). Contrarily, others argue that the disorder is inherently harmful and that individuals with the disorders should be held accountable for their thoughts and urges. The two forms of thought patterns are contradictory. In many countries, sexually abusing minors or possessing child pornography, regardless of whether the offender has been diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder. Some argue that this criminalization is justified due to the harm caused to children. As a result, individuals should be criminalized and face the law whether they act on their urges or not. On the other hand, others argue that punishing individuals who have not acted on their attraction to minors and who may be seeking help to manage their thoughts and urges is unfair.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
The other controversy surrounds the persistent stigmatization of the disorder in the community. Stigmatization of people with pedophilic interests in the community is a concern owing to the need to solve emotional well-being and engage affected individuals in the prevention intervention (Harper et al., 2021). A significant amount of stigma and social condemnation is attached to the paedophilic disorder, making it difficult for individuals with the disorder to seek help or treatment. The term itself is considered stigmatizing and pathologizing and reinforces harmful stereotypes about individuals with the disorder. Some argue that this stigma is unfair and detrimental, as it can prevent individuals from getting the support they need to manage their attraction and avoid harming children. Contrarily, others argue that people with pedophilia should not be stigmatized, and improving individual attitudes towards them is critical in managing the outcomes of the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Professional Beliefs on Pedophilic Disorder
My professional belief is that pedophilia is a mental condition and affected individuals are not in an acceptable mood and behaviors willingly. This is despite the harm that it causes victims. In the current DSM-5 criteria, the pedophilic disorder is de-pathologized and differentiated from normal sexual urges toward prepubescent children and other factors (APA, 2019). In this regard, pedophilic conditions as a preference for sex should to excluded from other sexual offenses against children. When such delineation is not made, pedophiles would be viewed as offenders and typical offenders as pedophiles.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
It is imperative to understand that there is a neurobiological basis for pedophilia that encourage sexual behavior notwithstanding sexual preferences. Studies have shown similar mechanisms that modulate offensive behavior in non-pedophilic men (Tenbergen et al., 2015). These include rape driven by a sexual preference for older women. However, there is a need for research to unravel further the underlying neurological basis of sexual preferences and its impact on behavior.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Individuals diagnosed with pedophilia may benefit from treatment interventions and develop coping strategies toward sexual urges. Seto (2018) argues for the need to understand the underlying factors that lead to pedophilia and establish practical solutions to prevent such actions and consequent harm. Cant et al. (2022) propose approaches to preventing sexual abuse among children by targeting individuals at risk of abusing children. These studies suggest that pedophilia differs from other sexual offenses and can be mitigated by understanding victims’ and perpetrators’ risk and predisposing factors. It is also prudent to note that preventing pedophilia requires close interactions with perpetrators to determine the nature of their sexual preferences and behaviors (Stinson & Becker, 2016). Such interactions are only possible when pedophilia is destigmatized and decriminalized in society. This will allow individuals with sexual urges who have not acted on them to come out and seek treatment to prevent potential occurrences. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Therapeutic Relationships
Maintaining therapeutic relationships with individuals diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder can be challenging, considering the societal stigma. Harper et al. (2021) argue that humanizing pedophilia is critical in maintaining potential outcomes and societal victims. Therefore, practitioners should maintain a non-judgemental atmosphere and empathetic stance, and confidentiality when dealing with individuals diagnosed with pedophilic disorder. This is because social stigma significantly determines help-seeking behaviors among individuals with sexual urges for children. Maintaining a non-judgemental atmosphere and maintaining confidentiality are crucial in facilitating help-seeking behavior and consequent management of the disorder. Maintaining confidentiality helps build trust.
Ethical and Legal Considerations
Besides building trust, maintaining confidentiality adheres to the ethical and legal guidelines around disclosure of patient information and reporting victims of child abuse. Moreover, being non-judgemental would emphasize the client’s worth and dignity. Dignity is a fundamental aspect of mental healthcare that every practitioner should uphold to allow clients to achieve better health outcomes. Moreover, the practitioners have a legal and ethical duty to report suspected cases of child sexual abuse even when disclosed by clients seeking treatment (Mathew, 2019). Moreover, practitioners should obtain informed consent from clients and explain the risks and benefits of treatment(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies surrounding pedophilic disorders are multifarious and intricate. As such, it is difficult to solve the challenges surrounding the disorder. Therefore, there is a need for further research to delineate the features and neurological basis of the disorder. Besides, there is a need for health promotion and public awareness drive to destigmatize and decriminalize pedophilia.
American Psychiatric Association (APA). (2019). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5®). American Psychiatric Publishing
Cant, R. L., Harries, M., & Chamarette, C. (2022). Using a Public Health Approach to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse by Targeting Those at Risk of Harming Children. International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice, 1-20.
Harper, C. A., Lievesley, R., Blagden, N. J., & Hocken, K. (2021). Humanizing pedophilia as stigma reduction: A large-scale intervention study. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1-16.
Mathews, B. (2019). A taxonomy of duties to report child sexual abuse: Legal developments offer new ways to facilitate disclosure. Child Abuse & Neglect, 88, 337-347.
Seto, M. C. (2018). Different approaches to studying pedophilia. In M. C Seto, Pedophilia and sexual offending against children: Theory, assessment, and intervention (pp. 57–83). American Psychological Association.
Stinson, J. D., & Becker, J. V. (2016). Pedophilic disorder. Sexual offending: Predisposing antecedents, assessments, and management, 15-27.
Tenbergen, G., Wittfoth, M., Frieling, H., Ponseti, J., Walter, M., Walter, H., … & Kruger, T. H. (2015). The neurobiology and psychology of pedophilia: recent advances and challenges. Frontiers In Human Neuroscience, 9, 344.
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Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Buchanan, N. T. (2020, April 13). Lecture 14 part 3: Paraphilic disordersLinks to an external site. [Video]. YouTube.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIn 2–3 pages, address the following: • Explain the controversy that surrounds your selected personality or paraphilic disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain your professional beliefs about your selected disorder, supporting your rationale with at least three scholarly references from the literature.
25 to >22.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes a thorough and well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale demonstrates critical thinking and is strongly supported with three scholarly references.
22 to >19.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes a well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is clear and appropriately supported with three scholarly references.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
19 to >17.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is somewhat unclear and references either provide weak support for the rationale or are not scholarly/current.
17 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is unclear and references are inappropriate. Or the response is missing.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 to >26.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
26 to >23.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
23 to >20.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
20 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Finally, explain ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that you need to bring to your practice and why they are important.
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague and inaccurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important. Or, response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – Paragraph Development and Organization: Paragraphs make clear points that support well-developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully focused—neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement and introduction are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity…. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement, introduction, and conclusion are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 80% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are stated, yet they are brief and not descriptive.
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 60%–79% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are vague or off topic.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity < 60% of the time…. No purpose statement, introduction, or conclusion were provided.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – English writing standards: Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list.
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct APA format with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 APA format errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 APA format errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more APA format errors
5 pts
Total Points: 100
Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example
Personality and paraphilic disorders are distinct categories of mental health disorders. Personality disorders refer to unique personality traits, behavioral and emotional patterns, and thought processes that define an individual’s character and interactions with people and the world (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2019). On the other hand, paraphilic disorders refer to mental conditions marked by intense and persistent sexual urges, fantasies, or behaviors toward children aged 13 and below (APA, 2019). This assignment discusses the controversies associated with paraphilic disorders, particularly paedophilic disorders.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies Associated with Pedophilic Disorder
The controversy surrounding paedophilic disorder is due to the paraphilia involved. As such, some functions opine the condition should be criminalized if they do not act on the attraction to the minors, while others believe that affected individuals are not in their normal sense and should be treated as any other normal disorder (Tenbergen et al., 2015). Contrarily, others argue that the disorder is inherently harmful and that individuals with the disorders should be held accountable for their thoughts and urges. The two forms of thought patterns are contradictory. In many countries, sexually abusing minors or possessing child pornography, regardless of whether the offender has been diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder. Some argue that this criminalization is justified due to the harm caused to children. As a result, individuals should be criminalized and face the law whether they act on their urges or not. On the other hand, others argue that punishing individuals who have not acted on their attraction to minors and who may be seeking help to manage their thoughts and urges is unfair.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
The other controversy surrounds the persistent stigmatization of the disorder in the community. Stigmatization of people with pedophilic interests in the community is a concern owing to the need to solve emotional well-being and engage affected individuals in the prevention intervention (Harper et al., 2021). A significant amount of stigma and social condemnation is attached to the paedophilic disorder, making it difficult for individuals with the disorder to seek help or treatment. The term itself is considered stigmatizing and pathologizing and reinforces harmful stereotypes about individuals with the disorder. Some argue that this stigma is unfair and detrimental, as it can prevent individuals from getting the support they need to manage their attraction and avoid harming children. Contrarily, others argue that people with pedophilia should not be stigmatized, and improving individual attitudes towards them is critical in managing the outcomes of the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Professional Beliefs on Pedophilic Disorder
My professional belief is that pedophilia is a mental condition and affected individuals are not in an acceptable mood and behaviors willingly. This is despite the harm that it causes victims. In the current DSM-5 criteria, the pedophilic disorder is de-pathologized and differentiated from normal sexual urges toward prepubescent children and other factors (APA, 2019). In this regard, pedophilic conditions as a preference for sex should to excluded from other sexual offenses against children. When such delineation is not made, pedophiles would be viewed as offenders and typical offenders as pedophiles.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
It is imperative to understand that there is a neurobiological basis for pedophilia that encourage sexual behavior notwithstanding sexual preferences. Studies have shown similar mechanisms that modulate offensive behavior in non-pedophilic men (Tenbergen et al., 2015). These include rape driven by a sexual preference for older women. However, there is a need for research to unravel further the underlying neurological basis of sexual preferences and its impact on behavior.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Individuals diagnosed with pedophilia may benefit from treatment interventions and develop coping strategies toward sexual urges. Seto (2018) argues for the need to understand the underlying factors that lead to pedophilia and establish practical solutions to prevent such actions and consequent harm. Cant et al. (2022) propose approaches to preventing sexual abuse among children by targeting individuals at risk of abusing children. These studies suggest that pedophilia differs from other sexual offenses and can be mitigated by understanding victims’ and perpetrators’ risk and predisposing factors. It is also prudent to note that preventing pedophilia requires close interactions with perpetrators to determine the nature of their sexual preferences and behaviors (Stinson & Becker, 2016). Such interactions are only possible when pedophilia is destigmatized and decriminalized in society. This will allow individuals with sexual urges who have not acted on them to come out and seek treatment to prevent potential occurrences. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Therapeutic Relationships
Maintaining therapeutic relationships with individuals diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder can be challenging, considering the societal stigma. Harper et al. (2021) argue that humanizing pedophilia is critical in maintaining potential outcomes and societal victims. Therefore, practitioners should maintain a non-judgemental atmosphere and empathetic stance, and confidentiality when dealing with individuals diagnosed with pedophilic disorder. This is because social stigma significantly determines help-seeking behaviors among individuals with sexual urges for children. Maintaining a non-judgemental atmosphere and maintaining confidentiality are crucial in facilitating help-seeking behavior and consequent management of the disorder. Maintaining confidentiality helps build trust.
Ethical and Legal Considerations
Besides building trust, maintaining confidentiality adheres to the ethical and legal guidelines around disclosure of patient information and reporting victims of child abuse. Moreover, being non-judgemental would emphasize the client’s worth and dignity. Dignity is a fundamental aspect of mental healthcare that every practitioner should uphold to allow clients to achieve better health outcomes. Moreover, the practitioners have a legal and ethical duty to report suspected cases of child sexual abuse even when disclosed by clients seeking treatment (Mathew, 2019). Moreover, practitioners should obtain informed consent from clients and explain the risks and benefits of treatment(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies surrounding pedophilic disorders are multifarious and intricate. As such, it is difficult to solve the challenges surrounding the disorder. Therefore, there is a need for further research to delineate the features and neurological basis of the disorder. Besides, there is a need for health promotion and public awareness drive to destigmatize and decriminalize pedophilia.
American Psychiatric Association (APA). (2019). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5®). American Psychiatric Publishing
Cant, R. L., Harries, M., & Chamarette, C. (2022). Using a Public Health Approach to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse by Targeting Those at Risk of Harming Children. International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice, 1-20.
Harper, C. A., Lievesley, R., Blagden, N. J., & Hocken, K. (2021). Humanizing pedophilia as stigma reduction: A large-scale intervention study. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1-16.
Mathews, B. (2019). A taxonomy of duties to report child sexual abuse: Legal developments offer new ways to facilitate disclosure. Child Abuse & Neglect, 88, 337-347.
Seto, M. C. (2018). Different approaches to studying pedophilia. In M. C Seto, Pedophilia and sexual offending against children: Theory, assessment, and intervention (pp. 57–83). American Psychological Association.
Stinson, J. D., & Becker, J. V. (2016). Pedophilic disorder. Sexual offending: Predisposing antecedents, assessments, and management, 15-27.
Tenbergen, G., Wittfoth, M., Frieling, H., Ponseti, J., Walter, M., Walter, H., … & Kruger, T. H. (2015). The neurobiology and psychology of pedophilia: recent advances and challenges. Frontiers In Human Neuroscience, 9, 344.
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· Use Library to investigate your chosen disorder further, including controversial aspects of the disorder, maintaining the therapeutic relationship, and ethical and legal considerations. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
In 2–3 pages:
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Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Buchanan, N. T. (2020, April 13). Lecture 14 part 3: Paraphilic disordersLinks to an external site. [Video]. YouTube.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIn 2–3 pages, address the following: • Explain the controversy that surrounds your selected personality or paraphilic disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain your professional beliefs about your selected disorder, supporting your rationale with at least three scholarly references from the literature.
25 to >22.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes a thorough and well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale demonstrates critical thinking and is strongly supported with three scholarly references.
22 to >19.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes a well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is clear and appropriately supported with three scholarly references.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
19 to >17.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is somewhat unclear and references either provide weak support for the rationale or are not scholarly/current.
17 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is unclear and references are inappropriate. Or the response is missing.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 to >26.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
26 to >23.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
23 to >20.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
20 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Finally, explain ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that you need to bring to your practice and why they are important.
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague and inaccurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important. Or, response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – Paragraph Development and Organization: Paragraphs make clear points that support well-developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully focused—neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement and introduction are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity…. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement, introduction, and conclusion are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 80% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are stated, yet they are brief and not descriptive.
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 60%–79% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are vague or off topic.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity < 60% of the time…. No purpose statement, introduction, or conclusion were provided.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – English writing standards: Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list.
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct APA format with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 APA format errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 APA format errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more APA format errors
5 pts
Total Points: 100
Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example
Personality and paraphilic disorders are distinct categories of mental health disorders. Personality disorders refer to unique personality traits, behavioral and emotional patterns, and thought processes that define an individual’s character and interactions with people and the world (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2019). On the other hand, paraphilic disorders refer to mental conditions marked by intense and persistent sexual urges, fantasies, or behaviors toward children aged 13 and below (APA, 2019). This assignment discusses the controversies associated with paraphilic disorders, particularly paedophilic disorders.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies Associated with Pedophilic Disorder
The controversy surrounding paedophilic disorder is due to the paraphilia involved. As such, some functions opine the condition should be criminalized if they do not act on the attraction to the minors, while others believe that affected individuals are not in their normal sense and should be treated as any other normal disorder (Tenbergen et al., 2015). Contrarily, others argue that the disorder is inherently harmful and that individuals with the disorders should be held accountable for their thoughts and urges. The two forms of thought patterns are contradictory. In many countries, sexually abusing minors or possessing child pornography, regardless of whether the offender has been diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder. Some argue that this criminalization is justified due to the harm caused to children. As a result, individuals should be criminalized and face the law whether they act on their urges or not. On the other hand, others argue that punishing individuals who have not acted on their attraction to minors and who may be seeking help to manage their thoughts and urges is unfair.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
The other controversy surrounds the persistent stigmatization of the disorder in the community. Stigmatization of people with pedophilic interests in the community is a concern owing to the need to solve emotional well-being and engage affected individuals in the prevention intervention (Harper et al., 2021). A significant amount of stigma and social condemnation is attached to the paedophilic disorder, making it difficult for individuals with the disorder to seek help or treatment. The term itself is considered stigmatizing and pathologizing and reinforces harmful stereotypes about individuals with the disorder. Some argue that this stigma is unfair and detrimental, as it can prevent individuals from getting the support they need to manage their attraction and avoid harming children. Contrarily, others argue that people with pedophilia should not be stigmatized, and improving individual attitudes towards them is critical in managing the outcomes of the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Professional Beliefs on Pedophilic Disorder
My professional belief is that pedophilia is a mental condition and affected individuals are not in an acceptable mood and behaviors willingly. This is despite the harm that it causes victims. In the current DSM-5 criteria, the pedophilic disorder is de-pathologized and differentiated from normal sexual urges toward prepubescent children and other factors (APA, 2019). In this regard, pedophilic conditions as a preference for sex should to excluded from other sexual offenses against children. When such delineation is not made, pedophiles would be viewed as offenders and typical offenders as pedophiles.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
It is imperative to understand that there is a neurobiological basis for pedophilia that encourage sexual behavior notwithstanding sexual preferences. Studies have shown similar mechanisms that modulate offensive behavior in non-pedophilic men (Tenbergen et al., 2015). These include rape driven by a sexual preference for older women. However, there is a need for research to unravel further the underlying neurological basis of sexual preferences and its impact on behavior.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Individuals diagnosed with pedophilia may benefit from treatment interventions and develop coping strategies toward sexual urges. Seto (2018) argues for the need to understand the underlying factors that lead to pedophilia and establish practical solutions to prevent such actions and consequent harm. Cant et al. (2022) propose approaches to preventing sexual abuse among children by targeting individuals at risk of abusing children. These studies suggest that pedophilia differs from other sexual offenses and can be mitigated by understanding victims’ and perpetrators’ risk and predisposing factors. It is also prudent to note that preventing pedophilia requires close interactions with perpetrators to determine the nature of their sexual preferences and behaviors (Stinson & Becker, 2016). Such interactions are only possible when pedophilia is destigmatized and decriminalized in society. This will allow individuals with sexual urges who have not acted on them to come out and seek treatment to prevent potential occurrences. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Therapeutic Relationships
Maintaining therapeutic relationships with individuals diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder can be challenging, considering the societal stigma. Harper et al. (2021) argue that humanizing pedophilia is critical in maintaining potential outcomes and societal victims. Therefore, practitioners should maintain a non-judgemental atmosphere and empathetic stance, and confidentiality when dealing with individuals diagnosed with pedophilic disorder. This is because social stigma significantly determines help-seeking behaviors among individuals with sexual urges for children. Maintaining a non-judgemental atmosphere and maintaining confidentiality are crucial in facilitating help-seeking behavior and consequent management of the disorder. Maintaining confidentiality helps build trust.
Ethical and Legal Considerations
Besides building trust, maintaining confidentiality adheres to the ethical and legal guidelines around disclosure of patient information and reporting victims of child abuse. Moreover, being non-judgemental would emphasize the client’s worth and dignity. Dignity is a fundamental aspect of mental healthcare that every practitioner should uphold to allow clients to achieve better health outcomes. Moreover, the practitioners have a legal and ethical duty to report suspected cases of child sexual abuse even when disclosed by clients seeking treatment (Mathew, 2019). Moreover, practitioners should obtain informed consent from clients and explain the risks and benefits of treatment(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies surrounding pedophilic disorders are multifarious and intricate. As such, it is difficult to solve the challenges surrounding the disorder. Therefore, there is a need for further research to delineate the features and neurological basis of the disorder. Besides, there is a need for health promotion and public awareness drive to destigmatize and decriminalize pedophilia.
American Psychiatric Association (APA). (2019). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5®). American Psychiatric Publishing
Cant, R. L., Harries, M., & Chamarette, C. (2022). Using a Public Health Approach to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse by Targeting Those at Risk of Harming Children. International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice, 1-20.
Harper, C. A., Lievesley, R., Blagden, N. J., & Hocken, K. (2021). Humanizing pedophilia as stigma reduction: A large-scale intervention study. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1-16.
Mathews, B. (2019). A taxonomy of duties to report child sexual abuse: Legal developments offer new ways to facilitate disclosure. Child Abuse & Neglect, 88, 337-347.
Seto, M. C. (2018). Different approaches to studying pedophilia. In M. C Seto, Pedophilia and sexual offending against children: Theory, assessment, and intervention (pp. 57–83). American Psychological Association.
Stinson, J. D., & Becker, J. V. (2016). Pedophilic disorder. Sexual offending: Predisposing antecedents, assessments, and management, 15-27.
Tenbergen, G., Wittfoth, M., Frieling, H., Ponseti, J., Walter, M., Walter, H., … & Kruger, T. H. (2015). The neurobiology and psychology of pedophilia: recent advances and challenges. Frontiers In Human Neuroscience, 9, 344.
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· Use Library to investigate your chosen disorder further, including controversial aspects of the disorder, maintaining the therapeutic relationship, and ethical and legal considerations. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
In 2–3 pages:
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Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Buchanan, N. T. (2020, April 13). Lecture 14 part 3: Paraphilic disordersLinks to an external site. [Video]. YouTube.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIn 2–3 pages, address the following: • Explain the controversy that surrounds your selected personality or paraphilic disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder.
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of the controversy within the field related to the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain your professional beliefs about your selected disorder, supporting your rationale with at least three scholarly references from the literature.
25 to >22.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes a thorough and well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale demonstrates critical thinking and is strongly supported with three scholarly references.
22 to >19.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes a well-organized explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is clear and appropriately supported with three scholarly references.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
19 to >17.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is somewhat unclear and references either provide weak support for the rationale or are not scholarly/current.
17 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague explanation of the student’s professional beliefs about the disorder. Rationale is unclear and references are inappropriate. Or the response is missing.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Explain strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 to >26.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
26 to >23.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.
23 to >20.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
20 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with the disorder. Or the response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome• Finally, explain ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that you need to bring to your practice and why they are important.
15 to >13.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
The response includes an accurate and concise explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
13 to >11.0 pts
Good 80%–89%
The response includes an accurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.
11 to >10.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
The response includes a somewhat vague or incomplete explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
10 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
The response includes a vague and inaccurate explanation of ethical and legal considerations related to the disorder that are important to clinical practice and why they are important. Or, response is missing.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – Paragraph Development and Organization: Paragraphs make clear points that support well-developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully focused—neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement and introduction are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity…. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement, introduction, and conclusion are provided that delineate all required criteria.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 80% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are stated, yet they are brief and not descriptive.
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 60%–79% of the time…. Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are vague or off topic.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity < 60% of the time…. No purpose statement, introduction, or conclusion were provided.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – English writing standards: Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting – The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list.
5 to >4.0 pts
Excellent 90%–100%
Uses correct APA format with no errors
4 to >3.5 pts
Good 80%–89%
Contains 1-2 APA format errors
3.5 to >3.0 pts
Fair 70%–79%
Contains 3-4 APA format errors
3 to >0 pts
Poor 0%–69%
Contains five or more APA format errors
5 pts
Total Points: 100
Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example
Personality and paraphilic disorders are distinct categories of mental health disorders. Personality disorders refer to unique personality traits, behavioral and emotional patterns, and thought processes that define an individual’s character and interactions with people and the world (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2019). On the other hand, paraphilic disorders refer to mental conditions marked by intense and persistent sexual urges, fantasies, or behaviors toward children aged 13 and below (APA, 2019). This assignment discusses the controversies associated with paraphilic disorders, particularly paedophilic disorders.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies Associated with Pedophilic Disorder
The controversy surrounding paedophilic disorder is due to the paraphilia involved. As such, some functions opine the condition should be criminalized if they do not act on the attraction to the minors, while others believe that affected individuals are not in their normal sense and should be treated as any other normal disorder (Tenbergen et al., 2015). Contrarily, others argue that the disorder is inherently harmful and that individuals with the disorders should be held accountable for their thoughts and urges. The two forms of thought patterns are contradictory. In many countries, sexually abusing minors or possessing child pornography, regardless of whether the offender has been diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder. Some argue that this criminalization is justified due to the harm caused to children. As a result, individuals should be criminalized and face the law whether they act on their urges or not. On the other hand, others argue that punishing individuals who have not acted on their attraction to minors and who may be seeking help to manage their thoughts and urges is unfair.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
The other controversy surrounds the persistent stigmatization of the disorder in the community. Stigmatization of people with pedophilic interests in the community is a concern owing to the need to solve emotional well-being and engage affected individuals in the prevention intervention (Harper et al., 2021). A significant amount of stigma and social condemnation is attached to the paedophilic disorder, making it difficult for individuals with the disorder to seek help or treatment. The term itself is considered stigmatizing and pathologizing and reinforces harmful stereotypes about individuals with the disorder. Some argue that this stigma is unfair and detrimental, as it can prevent individuals from getting the support they need to manage their attraction and avoid harming children. Contrarily, others argue that people with pedophilia should not be stigmatized, and improving individual attitudes towards them is critical in managing the outcomes of the disorder.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Professional Beliefs on Pedophilic Disorder
My professional belief is that pedophilia is a mental condition and affected individuals are not in an acceptable mood and behaviors willingly. This is despite the harm that it causes victims. In the current DSM-5 criteria, the pedophilic disorder is de-pathologized and differentiated from normal sexual urges toward prepubescent children and other factors (APA, 2019). In this regard, pedophilic conditions as a preference for sex should to excluded from other sexual offenses against children. When such delineation is not made, pedophiles would be viewed as offenders and typical offenders as pedophiles.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
It is imperative to understand that there is a neurobiological basis for pedophilia that encourage sexual behavior notwithstanding sexual preferences. Studies have shown similar mechanisms that modulate offensive behavior in non-pedophilic men (Tenbergen et al., 2015). These include rape driven by a sexual preference for older women. However, there is a need for research to unravel further the underlying neurological basis of sexual preferences and its impact on behavior.(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Individuals diagnosed with pedophilia may benefit from treatment interventions and develop coping strategies toward sexual urges. Seto (2018) argues for the need to understand the underlying factors that lead to pedophilia and establish practical solutions to prevent such actions and consequent harm. Cant et al. (2022) propose approaches to preventing sexual abuse among children by targeting individuals at risk of abusing children. These studies suggest that pedophilia differs from other sexual offenses and can be mitigated by understanding victims’ and perpetrators’ risk and predisposing factors. It is also prudent to note that preventing pedophilia requires close interactions with perpetrators to determine the nature of their sexual preferences and behaviors (Stinson & Becker, 2016). Such interactions are only possible when pedophilia is destigmatized and decriminalized in society. This will allow individuals with sexual urges who have not acted on them to come out and seek treatment to prevent potential occurrences. (Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Therapeutic Relationships
Maintaining therapeutic relationships with individuals diagnosed with the pedophilic disorder can be challenging, considering the societal stigma. Harper et al. (2021) argue that humanizing pedophilia is critical in maintaining potential outcomes and societal victims. Therefore, practitioners should maintain a non-judgemental atmosphere and empathetic stance, and confidentiality when dealing with individuals diagnosed with pedophilic disorder. This is because social stigma significantly determines help-seeking behaviors among individuals with sexual urges for children. Maintaining a non-judgemental atmosphere and maintaining confidentiality are crucial in facilitating help-seeking behavior and consequent management of the disorder. Maintaining confidentiality helps build trust.
Ethical and Legal Considerations
Besides building trust, maintaining confidentiality adheres to the ethical and legal guidelines around disclosure of patient information and reporting victims of child abuse. Moreover, being non-judgemental would emphasize the client’s worth and dignity. Dignity is a fundamental aspect of mental healthcare that every practitioner should uphold to allow clients to achieve better health outcomes. Moreover, the practitioners have a legal and ethical duty to report suspected cases of child sexual abuse even when disclosed by clients seeking treatment (Mathew, 2019). Moreover, practitioners should obtain informed consent from clients and explain the risks and benefits of treatment(Controversy Associated With Personality and Paraphilic Disorders Essay Example)
Controversies surrounding pedophilic disorders are multifarious and intricate. As such, it is difficult to solve the challenges surrounding the disorder. Therefore, there is a need for further research to delineate the features and neurological basis of the disorder. Besides, there is a need for health promotion and public awareness drive to destigmatize and decriminalize pedophilia.
American Psychiatric Association (APA). (2019). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5®). American Psychiatric Publishing
Cant, R. L., Harries, M., & Chamarette, C. (2022). Using a Public Health Approach to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse by Targeting Those at Risk of Harming Children. International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice, 1-20.
Harper, C. A., Lievesley, R., Blagden, N. J., & Hocken, K. (2021). Humanizing pedophilia as stigma reduction: A large-scale intervention study. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1-16.
Mathews, B. (2019). A taxonomy of duties to report child sexual abuse: Legal developments offer new ways to facilitate disclosure. Child Abuse & Neglect, 88, 337-347.
Seto, M. C. (2018). Different approaches to studying pedophilia. In M. C Seto, Pedophilia and sexual offending against children: Theory, assessment, and intervention (pp. 57–83). American Psychological Association.
Stinson, J. D., & Becker, J. V. (2016). Pedophilic disorder. Sexual offending: Predisposing antecedents, assessments, and management, 15-27.
Tenbergen, G., Wittfoth, M., Frieling, H., Ponseti, J., Walter, M., Walter, H., … & Kruger, T. H. (2015). The neurobiology and psychology of pedophilia: recent advances and challenges. Frontiers In Human Neuroscience, 9, 344.